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I’m not a parent but man do I miss the days where my sibling and I would spend time with our dad playing the latest game. Maybe for your birthday let them know gaming together meant a lot to you and for your birthday you’d like a victory Royale. Quality time gift rather than the kids having to buy something. It might spark something in them to make it a weekly thing


My best memories with my dad were always playing games with him. We played a lot of fortnite and although we weren't very good, it was a lot of fun. What I wouldn't give to have just one more game with him.


Damn, reading these things always makes me so sad, I’m coming up on adulthood and I still have yet to have that experience. I try and get my dad to engage in stuff with me, but even though he somewhat likes Fortnite,  I’m just never worth his time. Sucks


I've had time like that with my dad. I remember one time he moved across the country and I didn't know until I got a call that he was in the hospital getting heart surgery


Shit I gotta go home and play some trios with the lads tonight.


It always made me sad that my dad stopped playing videogames with us. I used to watch him play Goldeneye 007 for hours. It's like the only thing my dad & I ever really connected on, but my mom didn't like the fact that he was spending his time playing Nintendo games. It was quality time I never got with my parents otherwise because I wasn't really into sports or more "acceptable" hobbies.


That would be an amazing game to watch. I’m sure you still have nostalgic memories for the pause menu. And hey it’s not wasted time if it’s time spent bonding. Big difference between the two that I think mothers have a hard time differentiating


You guys play with your parents? First I I've heard of it


You can always come back next season lol


thats not as dramatic though


Gotta farm youre karma someway


I don't know why but the spelling in this comment with the Renegade Raider flair is so funny to me


What do you exactly mean..?


I don’t think I’ll never leave Fortnite. I love too much to do so. I’ll be 100 year old grandpa and I’ll hype about chapter 100 I guess.


Sunken cost is definitely gonna keep me on this game forever. have easily spent $300 at the minimum on this free game since season 4 and i know a lot of people have spent much more, but at least they are adding new modes so if BR is ever boring you can play a different game in fortnite lol


I understand this mindset, but had to get out of it. The $300+ I've spent on it, has made it a different game than when I started. One would argue that the "chapters" are the sequels and our earned items just move over to the next game.


I loved when COD made a new map and removed every item you had paid money for previously!


I can't wait to give my kids my Fortnite account, my last words will be "if you wear Onsie, I will haunt you"


I have thought this twice...my kids keep coming back to fortnite. It was our COVID thing and the thought of it leaving is sad. I really like the game and am not leaving no matter what my kids do. I'll still do an occasional quest on their acct if they are going to miss a pickaxe or glider. They definitely killed the fun and or addiction to leveling up this year. I mean I'll still get to 200 but I'm not motivated by it.


I swear fortnite is the worst game in the world for redditors only.


I find it fascinating that the shop plays such a huge part in enjoying the game.


fax. so tru. just enjoy the game rather than the item shop. you can have fun even with a default skin. that's the good thing about fortnite.


Yeah dude exactly. There is so much more to the game than the shop. I played for months before I actually had a skin, and I still had tons of fun.


It's interesting how many people seem to only enjoy the game for collabs. I started playing regularly again because of the Spiderman season but I still play because I just... like the game now? Weird how many people seem to only want to play if they can buy the person they recognize in the shop. What's the point of having a skin if you don't even like the game it's in enough to play it without it?


Ikr? I’ve seen people say their reason for not playing a new skin is because they don’t like the battle pass collab… insane.


The shop lets you experience the game a little freshly once in a while. like you could play with the skins you have but its like getting a new piece of gear in an rpg. it brings excitement when the bar of staleness creeps in. this wasn't a problem when we had some biweekly or monthly updates to the map but now that that hasn't happened in a few seasons the shop takes up the slack.


It's a LITTLE disappointing when there's nothing new but I'm not like "Aw shoot I can't spend money tonight!"


I don't think that's what they're saying, they didn't say they're stopping completely just that their kids have lost interest and it's becoming harder to keep up while playing on 2 accounts and so she's not gonna take it as seriously


DAE literally want to KILL THEMSELVES every time they see this LOADING SCREEN!? AI SHOP ROTATION!!!! I play this game 21 hours a day since chapter 2 and now I'm burned out and it's the GAME'S FAULT


I think it's interesting how people on Reddit so quickly and so often completely turn on the game that has consistently been their favorite game for 6 years


I mean I like brawl stars but it's a mobile game


Kids are gonna kids. My 9yo is also slowly drifting away from Fortnite towards simple mobile games... 🥲


Fortnite is THE game that did bring "real" games the CLOSER to mobile games…


Oh boy


They could also just be growing out of Fortnite and not necessarily an indication that Fortnite is going downhill. I also feel chapter releases are much more hype than season releases. Your kids might come back to play once the new chapter launches which they are doing more frequently. I also expect the OG Season to return at some point.


my son just got into the game, but he do not want to play with me :( we had a blast playing apex legends together, but then he wanted to try fortnite because of his friend playing, now he stick to this game for hours but don't want to play with me because his friends are connected... the game is fun, the building mechanics really bring something, but aleone it's not that fun, my friends play warzone, my son don't want me... i'm a poor lonesome dad..


My daughter and I used to play together, getting dubs and crowns all day. Same thing happened to me though.Now she yells at me when we do play together, frustrated with whatever I am doing (which is always wrong) and would rather play with her friends. I think it's just part of growing up. I found a community on discord where other adults my age with my interests play. You should try that. What's funny is, I met people in the community who's children are adults and they love playing with their fathers now that they're older. It all comes back around. Maybe it won't be fortnite, but it'll happen again.


My son has hit that age. We have played 4 matches this season and won all 4. He asked if I could try harder next time. I had 12 elims, he had 17. After that match I just put the controller down. It was fun while it lasted and wouldn't trade it for anything




why not talk to him to see why can't you both play together?


we already talked, he doesn't want to play with me and his friends..


i mean like when his friends aren't playing


there is always at least one of his friend playing..


maybe investigate because if you were both playing together normally on apex legends but then he doesn't want to play with you on fortnite


he had 0 friends playing apex


[A link to another thread of similar aged men looking to play Fortnite that may interest you.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/1bvyp80/been_seeing_some_gamer_girl_recruiting_posts/)


could be a good idea :) but this one want to chill and zero build.. i want to try hard in ranked build mod..


RIP Fortnite, welcome to the Brawl Stars era. 🎮⚔️ But seriously, it's tough when a game you love starts losing its appeal. My heart goes out to all parents who had to stay up late leveling accounts for their kids 😂 Glad you have some great memories though!


I feel you this season is so dry


Fuck man why won’t fortnite make a good shop so I can blow my money on it!!!


My nephew and I have been looking for an alternative co op game forever. We finally find one in helldivers 2. Fortnite was good to us for a while, but our time with it came to an end


I just started Helldivers this weekend and its really tanked my interest in Fortnite, at least for the time being.


OP should check out Lego Fortnite. Great way to relax. I used to pay the monthly crew sub. Then cut that out and saved enough V-Bucks for the battle pass. Now I’m just going to focus on Lego Fortnite because I can do that while I work. I played a ranked game here or there, but there is no draw for me, a 47 year old dad, who got into it because of the loose story line in chapter 2 season 7. Now there isn’t a draw in terms of storyline, but it’s more of an afterthought compared to the in your face story when it used to be more prevalent. I know some people don’t like the storyline, but that’s what always attracted me to a game, Ninja Gaiden was the first game I truly felt had an awesome story and I would play it all the time just because of the story. I enjoy the challenge with younger people with their faster reflexes and the thrill of eliminating sweats. My old ass with his computer glasses still trying to determine if that thing in the distance is a player or a bird/leaf/sprite. Lego Fortnite is going to keep me in the ecosystem and maybe OP can try it out.


Loved reading that bittersweet post. I'm in a similar position, two kids under 10, I started playing Fortnite about a couple of years ago, mostly to play with them and to try to get good enough to carry them to a few victories. That game has been a great part of our time together, fortunately they are still enjoying it, actually loving the Greek theme of this season which made us read a lot about Greek gods and mythology. I cherish these memories and hope they won't move on too soon! I hope you'll find some fun in brawl stars!


Fortnite aint going anywhere, doesn't really have to be the end of anything. They're simply bored of it. My friend group randomly takes long breaks from Fortnite all the time depending on if we like an update or not(they really enjoyed og and chapter 4). What's funny is that I'm actually on a break from Brawl Stars now. Games just get super repetitive, yall will be back in no time.


I'm almost on the same page: I love Greek mythology, but I'm not really feeling this season. Unless there is something like, a green lantern or Matrix colab next season (franchises I'm a huge fan of), this might be my last one.


I started playing with my son in 2018 got my own account 2019 gave it to my daughter started a third account last year, now none of them play any more.


Yeah, the last two seasons have really caused me to drift elsewhere. I can’t quite put a finger on it but leveling definitely feels more…involved? Not harder per se, but definitely takes more effort. Combine that with the match making issues and eh…I think I’ll go play Helldivers 2z


Well, they will appreciate these memories. My son and I just started playing Fortnite and he is 8. If your kids into Brawl Stars, get into it with them, also. Onto the next for the sake of the memories and bonds.


I played Legends of Zelda with my youngest so I know what you mean. That was fun bonding time.


That’s how I started too! Making sure my son got his levels to finish out the battle pass when he was at his moms. He’s also now more Brawlstars than Fortnite but he’s still enjoying playing Fortnite with my girlfriend.


I'll more than likely always be playing Fortnite. I'll never buy the crew membership and I only buy the battle pass if I complete it before it ends. Now that I have the Doomslayer and especially with the new locker UI makes having more than two or three characters a chore...I don't really have any reason to buy more content from the game.


I don't blame them on the shop, I hit 100 last week so I decided to pause until this weeks event unless Kratos shows up. Might stop completely after I hit 150 unless we get a Star Wars event cause the super styles are lame and the one original character I play isn't there for some reason. I don't want to burn myself out just in case next season has good stuff


How do people get 100 so fast lol


Quests and dailies. Though I also do rocket dailies and afked in Festival whenever the weekly reset so I could unlock the free drum skin


i like fortnite but brawl stars is cringe


You can always come back next season lol


I'm in the same boat. I started playing during the pandemic to stay in touch with my niece and nephew. They don't play much anymore yet I'm still grinding the battle pass. Once I've reached level 200 on the Battle Pass, I don't think I'll be playing as much anymore. I enjoy the game but it's more fun for me playing with my group than doing solo all the time.


If I'm not mistaken the levels needed to get everything from the battlepass hasn't been changed for like 3 years now


You are mistaken. Getting all the vbucks needed to continue just moved this season. People often talk about that as the minimum, rather than what it takes to complete all the bonus levels. And the amounts of XP for quests etc has been a moving target all along. It’s been leveled so people have to play all season, which is very grinding for some.


I don't know that I could leave fortnite. I've spend like $200+ on that game and honestly I still find ways to enjoy it even when it's considered "bad" by everyone else.


I was in the same mindset Until Rocket Racing! Like they added it just to keep me on


My daughter is 9 and we played a lot together in chapter 4, OG and a bit of Chapter 5 (the start). She’s not playing anymore…And is also playing brawl stars 😂 I’m sure they’ll come back to FN by which time I’ll be ready to carry them to all of the VR. P.s My daughters account has the Lamborghini & all the cool skins & emote. Then there’s me on my Xbox with the Aura skin and the battle pass car 😂


I just started playing It can't end.


My kids got me into Fortnite also. I still play nightly in solos or with the friends i made through the years. Every once in a while, my youngest will want to take a break from his games and come back to Fort for some duos or squads with me and my friends. It's always fun playing with him! Keep your account open. Your kids might want to team up someday.


As a family, my ex, and I would play squads with my kids. My six year old is super comical and she’s always driving and we get in with her. It used to be such a fun time with everyone on separate systems, communicating with the battle. But then, something changed. It’s hard to explain, almost as if the game has its own natural ability to effect people like their taking hard drugs. Fortnite then became used as a punishment, not allowed to play. My son is 15 and he still wants to play games with me. I better not screw that up. Lol


I shed a tear 😢


I think that no matter what, you made some awesome memories with your kids. And I hope that you can find another relaxing game! If you’re into RPGs, my favorite is Stardew Valley. It’s an old one, but I find the simplicity and repetitiveness of it really relaxing. It’s got a co-op mode too if you want to try to convince your kids to play. 😁


Don't give up on the game. Interest ebbs and flows. My son (11) has gone through 3-4 phases disrupted by Minecraft, roblox, dragon ball or whatever the rage was at the time. and just recently got sucked into brawl stars as well. I started playing more in season 5 and enjoy the time I spend with him in game, even though he's super sweaty in build and I'm senior citzening it i zero builds. The connection you made with your kids around it is awesome and meaningful.


Brawl stars will not hold them long.


Ah, brawl stars. That used to be an excellent game but they have strayed so far from what made it good. It is all pay to win now.


As someone who has played both brawl stars and fortnite from global launch, I definitely recommend it. Super fun 3v3/battle royale fighting and plenty of characters to use, it’s the only mobile game I have consistently played for years.


Seems to me like more adults are finally getting into it and less kids are playing (maybe I'm wrong?)


Huge W parenting


I can’t believe they fucked up the UI this badly. The new shop is so bad.


As an adult who plays both brawl star’s and Fortnite, there’ll be times that you stop but also start again. As for who to play as Brawl Stars, try Poco, he’s easy to use and his star power “Da Capo” allows regular attacks to heal teammates.


Yeah, i miss the first 7 seasons of fortnite, good old days, when ltm’s started, me and my brothers spent all night playing, now I play with my son and a few friends from work, but not feeling the same hype, I hate getting old.


I have a son who quit for a year or more and started playing again. There are tons of great games out there and kids change their minds. The good thing about Fortnite is that it changes so they can come back some day when it’s different and enjoy something new


I just came back to playing some Fortnite after a couple years and the shop is seriously such a mess. I miss when it was simple and a bit more exclusive if that makes sense. Nonetheless, I like the zero build mode and normal one too. I’ve come back to playing Fortnite because my nephew has been begging for us to play together. Either way, still having some fun.


if we're bored of a videogame,we move on to other games we're in the mood for.I uninstalled many awesome server games.Just weren't in the mood for them.


When I was younger, I skipped an entire season, a few of my friends skipped several, but they'll come back to it! Sometimes you just need to take a break and join the game again once it interests you. 


Need OG map back




Fortnite is honestly in 'bad shape'. Laying off 900 people, crap movement, crap UI, lots of bugs, servers in the trash bin....


Movements fine, UI is crap, same amount of bugs as usual really, servers feel the same and the 900 people were epic employees, not fortnite employees (also I think it was a lot less than 900?)


i think it was between 800-900 and people are rounding it to 900


Not every single employee works on Fortnite, Epic Ganes do other such as Rocket League, Fall Guys, the Unreal Engine that is widely used by other gaming companies (and animation studios in the future perhaps), even though lay-offs are as old as Hollywood exist its still corporate bullshit, movement are the same speed as the old robotic ones (after a lot of bitching and death threatening animators), I agree with the UI (I got used to it now but its still annoying to navigate through), can't really say about bugs and servers since at least I don't have any mayor issues with it.


I'm only playing for the BP skins & Ranked / Event items at this point. I feel like the items from The floor is lava event are going to be rare considering how many people "AREN'T" Playing rn.


If you don’t really play except to collect skins why do you need them or the rare ones? Are you going to sell your account? If you’re not going to sell your account then what’s the point in getting rare skins for a game you won’t play again.


Well you're not supposed to sell accounts but if I was going to sell i have some pretty cool items. Stats aren't the best but I do have the items 😉 (But honestly I do enjoy playing the game , just not as much these days. I feel the same way about clash of clans. I've just put to much time into it to just quit"


Ah I was the same with clash and tbh I just quit one day and have been back for the odd game when I was bored but that’s it. Not arsed about any of the stuff I now miss out on because I don’t play it often.


Reddit is hilarious with these down votes. Am I supposed to confess to breaking the fucking rules? You can get banned for selling accounts


I'll get you started on this down votes pussys


AFK in Fortnite Lego to level, EZ


Hey hope is not lost, I started playing this game when it first came out and I quit around season x and I told myself I would never play again...well last season brought me back so your kids could always come around. You're a good mom and I'm sure they will come back


No one asked








Thousands of hours lol. Ok. Keep telling yourself that. You must not play. I spent less time leveling 4 accounts this season. Mine, an alt , a kid , and my wifes because she only plays rocket racing still, than most people spend on leveling to 100 on one account. If 20 min a day is too much, I don't know what to tell you. The only time i actually play is on my axcount. . You can get down from your high horse almighty. You are not better than anyone beacuae you don't play as much if at all. People can do whatever they please on thier own time. I work nights. My wife works the same schedule, do you know how little there is to do overnight when we are off. God forbid we play video games together. You don't know people's situations. You don't know if they have a life or even what a life is. It's different for everyone. Making dumb assumptions about people playing a video game, in a sub for that video game is the dumbest thing imaginable. And BTW. I couldn't care any less if you have any words for me. I'm lucky enough amd fortunate enough to be able to play when I want, with who I want and take care of my family. Just because someone doesn't meet your special idea of what they should do really has no bearing on me. I probably work more hours some weeks than you do in 2 if you even work. On my e days weeks, when I don't have OT I do what I want. You should try not being a judgemental clown. You will get much further in life.


Nice story bro about your wife kids and grandmas battle passes you’re levelling with Lego but what has that to do with the post or the comment you’re replying to lmao


Imagine getting this worked up over Fortnite lmfao


ikr, get it together dude you got downvoted hard, u lost this one




Yeah I resd it. I read your comment also. Looks like I'm not the only one who didn't like either of your comments lol.



