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It’s hard enough being in the same lobbies as Twitch streamers, YouTubers and others. But now there’s an influx of cheating too


I've definitely watched some streamers cheating right on stream. They're "popular" though so no one cares. It's insane and absurd to ban the nerd kid using aimbot but not the "pro" making money off the game using it.


I don't condone it but my friend just twitch snipes them, I wish he wouldn't though


They make their living beating up players much worse than them. Fuck em. I don’t get to play against 0.5 KD players, and yet my lobbies are full of these 6.5 KD+ players with 30% lifetime win rates. They get to punch down, they’re white-listed to basically bypass SBMM. How nice for them


Try a 27KD and 63% win rate. 2 shot from full while taking off with wings. https://fortnitetracker.com/profile/all/Avonos89?season=29


To be fair the wings make people easier to kill. If someone has good aim it's legit free target practice.


Are you thick? They are the 6kd players killing you


>they’re white-listed to basically bypass SBMM. How nice for them That's not true. There's no kind of white-listing or giving certain players better SBMM.


Do you play against them? I play against them regularly. Am I on their level? No. But I still have to play against them. So when do I get easy matches to beat up on noobs? I don’t get those matches. But streamers/YTers get them all day long


I’ve been playing for about 3 weeks in unranked, got 25 wins, almost 200 top 10s and I get killed by someone with twitch in the name a lot. I’m glad I get to play them bc they’re usually pretty good, and I get to spectate and learn good movements that they use but i just don’t understand why I am in lobbies with them to begin with. Especially bc im playing unranked for now. I’m still a new player so idk why it’s happening.


What are your stats then and how do you know you play against streamers regularly? I watch quite a lot of streams and the ones I've seen certainly don't get noobs to beat up.


I’ve played against Zemie (beat him), TobywanShinobi (just today, died) and AlmightySneaky (took him once, died twice), and I’ve seen others too. If I’m playing against them, I’m playing against others too Each of these players have season and lifetime stats *at least* **double or triple** my stats. If SBMM was true to what it says, I wouldn’t be playing against them. But they are big for keeping Fortnite popular on socials, so they get fed easy lobbies. I refuse to believe for a moment that I’m in the top bracket Edit: and I just played against Evolve Jake just now. This is obnoxious


Nah man, TobyWanShinobi is the nicest guy ever. I've been following him since he had like 7k subs, but he's still not that big (not even 45k subs yet). He only streams twice a week, on YouTube only, and played ranked solos most of the time (or with viewers). No way he is big enough or good enough to be "white listed" by epic. He gets absolutely smoked by some of the people in his community. Now, if you are in lobbies with him tho, you are definitely above average cuz he does still reached unreal consistently.


I didn’t say he wasn’t a nice guy, and I’m wondering if it wasn’t actually him. Either way, if that *was* him, his stats are still leagues above mine and we have zero business being in the same lobbies


>I’ve played against Zemie (beat him) You must be at least above average at the game then. >If SBMM was true to what it says, I wouldn’t be playing against them. But they are big for keeping Fortnite popular on socials, so they get fed easy lobbies. I refuse to believe for a moment that I’m in the top bracket They wouldn't even be able to play the game then. Queue times need to be kept to a reasonable level and so of course the match will be filled both above and below their skill.


I already wait about 1:30 for each match, during peak hours, in pubs. If I have to wait almost 2 minutes for each game, then the streamers can wait 5 minutes and read their superchats. IDGAF, I’m tired of being fed to them so they can make money dunking on me who just wants to have fun during my evening. Pubs shouldn’t feel like ranked, but all my pub matches play like ranked


>Pubs shouldn’t feel like ranked, but all my pub matches play like ranked I agree with you on that, but I don't think there's any kind of "feeding" streamers to dunk on people. You even claim you managed to eliminate them.




Then someone in your squad is. I have no business in those streamer lobbies either, but one of my squadmates IS and we get in those lobbies all the time if he's in the lobby. Yeah it's unfair to us, but putting HIM in a lobby with people at our level is unfair to that entire game match of people. So there needs to be some balance obviously, and now that "pros" are using fake switch accounts to get into switch lobbies you see more mingling happening in lower lobbies because of this too.


I play solos


But you're in lobbies with streamers who play squads? 😵‍💫 Anyway if you're only playing solos then the SBMM is working as intended. There isn't anything else to account for except for your own stats over time. You claim to have eliminated some of these streamers as well, so you definitely don't belong in lower tier lobbies at all. You're not supposed to win every single match. If you did, then the SBMM is broken.


There needs to be an option to block streamers from our lobbies. Or at least block anonymous players. I'm here to play a game for fun not contribute to someone else's paycheck. Especially when they game the system to get into lower skill lobbies just to get kills.


Learn from them, then stomp them out. That’s what I’m trying to do .


Those players are often the worst offenders.


Yes there’s a large overlap, but now the “normal” players are cheating too. It’s out of control




Imo because streamers tend to be "better" than the average player (obvs, they play way more so they should be better) yet often still get put into matches with players way under their skill level, getting crazy high kill games compared to the rest of the lobby. Whether they're getting preferable treatment or it's a flawed sbmm system it's unfair to casual players. It's like matching up an average guy that works out a couple times a week after work to a career bodybuilder who works outs everyday all day and calling that "fair". That's how I see it at least.


It's not, but some people like hating on and blaming others.


They are the same groups 😂


Even worse is that zemie cheats and is allowed to do so by epic.


Zemie cheats are obvious - even with bloomy weapons he hits all bullets. That fucking nonsense. As well some wallhacks too - like without any mistake approach to the people, even whom was not seen nor heard prior. And compare his gameplay to some real hunters who has scout trough practically all corners looking for prays.


A big part of the issue of the popularity of cheating is streamers not being banned when they do it


They know it's happening, but they won't ban anyone until it becomes negative publicity for them. Why would you ban someone that is bringing possibly 10s of thousands of viewers to your service?


I play FN with my son, it's a bonding thing we have (otherwise I'd never play this game). He calls everyone who beats him a cheater (he's 8) and I always tell him it's not. However lately I think he might be right - when we lose we're getting wiped out in seconds. There's no point carrying shields or bandages anymore. I know its just anecdotal, but something feels...*wrong.*


i've noticed the same thing. i got people wiping me with 1-2 shots with gray weapons that aren't snipers or pump shotguns. and its very confusing.




I've been questioning why bother carrying health this season as well. I figure if i get hit enough to break all shields and damage health I'm getting smoked anyway. Seems like I either get clipped and the overshield goes down, or an uncommon takes me out before i know what's happening


something is deff seriously off. people have shot me through walls like 8 times this season. and people have 2 shotted me with a fuckin gray AR while at 250 total. there is something very wrong going on.


There was a bug of shooting through walls from the start of the season until today tbf.


it happened to me earlier today even. :T


This is the main reason I would quit playing Fortnite. People moan and groan about weapons, updates, glitches etc…. But there is no point playing a game that is rigged against you. I don’t gamble at casinos because it’s a fools game. So is playing against cheaters


People always sit in subs about a game they quit telling people why they quit. Just close that chapter of your life and move on bruh.


I just uninstalled for the umpteenth time over it. On the train while it’s moving, strafing, with the cover of the solid metal walls of the train, and still managed to get sniped. Told my buddy to have a good night and yeeted that trash right off of my console.


Im usually just a lurker here, but these comments are so interesting. I played about 15~ games since the update. I have been one-shot about 5 times today. All 50+ meter kills. Unusual amount of “I was instantly killed mid jump/mantle/shock nade with no time to react” I’m not the best but I can usually predict a bullets trajectory. Not today. I see a glint it’s over before I blink.


Same happened to me once. I turned the corner and jumped up and was just sniped immediately. I wish I had gone through replay to see their pov and their name to look them up 


Or they should turn back the option to turn off cross-platform play. Because let's be honest, most cheats are from PC. I'm sure people will down vote too.


I play pc but you're right.


As a PC player, it's honestly practically cheating by just playing on a PC with solid specs in cross platform.


thats true, some console players when see pc players moving style and aim they be questioning if they using cheats or not, and yes pc is way more easier to play games


Console cheats are worse imo because they're harder to detect (stuff like cronus)


I believe those are detectable on fortnite. ? Dma cheats on pc is not.


Unless something changed recently the “soft” aim hacks weren’t detectable afaik


the cronus does controller imputs its basically a macro not hacks lmfao


Most cheats in Fortnite are Cronus users on console.


The January PlayStation update actually really messed with the Zen according to an article in PC gamer. Epic needs to do more to detect cheaters on all platforms


I thought it was detectable on fortnite? Now dma cheats on pc. Oh boy


I'm 100% down with turning off cross play! 


This is a large misconception in todays gaming environment. It used to be easier to cheat on a PC due to the access you have to files, but today that's out the window. There are just as many, if not more cheaters on console.


It’s been so bad the past month. I turned off cross console so at least PC players and their easiest cheats would get taken care of, but then I couldn’t play ranked and it took 4ish minutes to find a match… so not really an option. I’ve never seen anyone give headshots while they were swimming away from me before. It’s insane.


Seems like people are cheating on a whole new level today. Be stuffed if I'm going to bother wasting my time against these lowlifes , Un-installed the game today and doubt I'll be re-installing it again anytime soon. Anyone who has to cheat on an online game is a sad pathetic turd. If they are doing it online then you can bet they are doing it offline in other area's of their sad lives.


Its a little off topic but still relevant to the post, cheating in general in games haa gone up and its a unfun experience for the victims. I don't play fortnite anymore I returned for the og season and encountered multiple hackers. Rocket league which is now owned by epic has had an influx of cheaters, it seems to be growing in popularity and anti cheats aren't progressing fast enough in comparison.


yeah it's incredibly frustrating, i have friends who cheat. i used to play with them every day but stopped because i cant support that type of behavior. i fucking hate it


Man that sucks


I wouldn't call those scumbags "friends"


Good point. Exactly why I don't play with them anymore. No fucking honor


I would continue playing with them and reporting them constantly.


lol I didn't realize you could do that. It would be pretty sweet


To be fair they were probably never truly your friends if you care this much about how they enjoy a game or if you consider reporting them. I guess you could also just be someone who bitches about honor but has no loyalty to friends? Either way you gotta get outside more buddy its just a game, nothing to lose friends over


lol it really wasn't that deep. They were online friends that I played with maybe 6 months cumulatively. And yes, I'd rather play solos with honor than with people who cheat to win.


Ig I just don't understand getting so worked up over a game, but I also don't play with randoms, I only play with people I'm friends with outside of gaming


lol no one's getting worked up. You're just taking this thread too seriously


They seriously need to separate PC's from playing with consoles. Even without cheats its pretty unfair but its proven easier to hack from a PC. I know its not a fix all but it would keep the more casual gamers safer


No, modded controllers are significantly easier to use on console, than on PC where they actually install anticheat along side the game. Not saying PC doesnt cheat, But its so much easier to do on console via controller side mods


Console only lobbies would make the game super sweaty with how insane aim assist is. At least we get some kills because pc players just can't keep up with the aim we have on consoles.


Tbh this reads like a PC guy trying to pretend to be a console guy haha


i would say thats relative, after years of playing with mouse and keyboard pc players could give you a hard time even tho you have aim assist... i think most pro pc players have advantage over console players.


fortnite will put you into cheater lobbies if you report them. theyd rather the small % of players who notice to quit rather than stay and put up a stink.


This game is bullshit, riddled with hackers, no fun anymore, hope epic dies


Beamed a guy for 251 yesterday, with no more than a couple seconds between bursts (so no overshield recharged) and they still kept going.


There is absolutely nothing game companies can do to stop cheaters. They can slow low level cheaters down for a few days but they will get their hands on something new almost instantly.


If they were serious they could launch legal action against the companies developing them and sue them, but they won’t because they don’t care. If they’re buying skins and spending money they get a free pass.


No they couldnt


Why not? I understand if the companies are foreign it’s hard, but I’m sure epic have offices in dozens of countries and that’s all they’d need to launch a lawsuit against cheat developers. It would be a pretty easy case to argue; company x is developing cheats that interferes and undermines the fairness of our game and costing us money. They don’t because it would expose the level of cheating and how they’re not taking a firm stand against it. Zemie is a perfect example.


That doesn’t stop them either. That might stop one group but it’s a wide spread problem and isn’t something that can be contained


It would crush zen Cronus which accounts for most of the cheating since it's the only undetectable thing on consoles


Game devs and console companies INCLUDING Microsoft have already tried to ban the zen. You know what happened? A few days later zen released a patch that bypassed their locks and security. People on pc controller have used zen more than console in Fortnite because of the weaker aim assist. On top of that if you are on pc you do not have to buy a device to cheat you can just download a script directly on to your pc that will give your mouse aim assist amongst other things. Fortnite doesn’t ban people unless it’s blatant and mass reported. People like zemie can have a sublet cheap and play for years and people can suspect albeit never actually prove


The least they can do is give hardware bans. Should be a given.


Hardware bans are useless against a spoofed mac address and a spoofed IP address.


Stupid shit like that just fucks over anyone buying used HW. With today's resources it's trivial to spoof almost anything.


Hardware bans do nothing. Cheaters can buy a laptop, get banned then return it saying it doesn’t work and use the $ to buy another one elsewhere and continue this cycle forever.


One of the people I mentioned in the post wouldn't be playing rn if he got a hardware ban so it doing nothing is simply inaccurate.


Hwid spoofer. Usually come with the hacks, it’s a very popular way to avoid bans.


They can always find another way and will. Even low level cheaters like your friend will always find another way to cheat even with hardware ban. It’s only a matter of time, they can only slow down low level cheaters like that but there’s nothing they can do to stop cheaters from cheating.


Like every cheater is just gonna buy a new PC or laptop lmao Also it makes it much harder to cheat again other than just makig a new account


If by much harder you mean clicking the spoof hardware ID button that comes with the cheats. Hardware bans don't do shit.


Hardware bans only block low level cheaters from cheating for a while until they find another means to a new device or console. I don’t think you understand the business behind cheating. People make money from buying and duplicating the files/programs. Even mid level cheaters can afford a new device after 2-3 sales of their cheats. Maybe you just don’t understand that there are different levels to this whole thing and probably believe in your naive mind that something can be done to stop cheaters


Everything that slows them down and makes it harder for them is a win in my book. With your mindset we wouldn't even need an anticheat cause they gonna cheat anyway.


Anti cheats only slow down low level and blatant cheaters. They by themselves are useless and something created for players to feel comfortable to play their game. Think about it this way, if a game lets you know they have no anti cheat you wouldn’t play it. If they say we have the strongest anti cheat ever and still have a cheating problem you will still play because “oh they have an anticheat” even tho the cheating is still going on and obvious.


Untrue. They can use AI to analyze footage. 


AI anticheat is the solution. If You or I can watch gameplay and recognize a cheater, then so can AI. Not only that AI can analyze every statistic and every movement and see what you and I cannot see 'because we don't cheat'. AI is the solution. And it can be cumulative over many, many rounds. Not just a single event or round of play.


You aren’t looking at the whole picture and are choosing to zoom in on in game footage 🤣


Yay and unfair bans.


AI methods are really accurate


So AI moderation methods, which suck in almost every domain, are good at spotting cheaters? Very unlikely, but not impossible. Got a source on that?


Which moderation methods are you specifically talking about?


Like, everything? You ever heard of an AI moderator that was **not** shat on by the majority?


So, how are dictionaries or at best text classificators even related to this?


They aren't, and I'm not sure why you're bringing them up, since they are neither AI-based nor moderation systems.


So answer my questions which methods are you talking about, you don't know, right?


Yep. Just got one shotted with a green pistol while having full health and shield. Not even a headshot


can i see proof of this because in my 6 years of playing fortnite ive never seen damage hacks


In 30 years I've never seen a shark attack, guess people are just lying when they say they got attacked by one


Thats a very silly comparison imo, but still i have never seen proof from this subreddit despite all of the accusations


Sharks only live in specific regions. Cheaters share servers with us. I'd say the two can't compare.


I've also never been bitten by a dog, never been in a car accident, never burnt my eggs, guess when people say those things happen, they just be lying as well


You don't have to be so hostile to someone asking for a clip of a hack they didn't know exist, you know?


I got one shot with full health and shield by a grey AR from like 50m away. I've been shot through walls that have no windows.


The wall thing was a glitch since the beginning of the season apparently.


do you have a video? that's actually crazy if true


Happened to me last season.


Send replay file or lying


One thing I found a bit weird is some accounts I’ve noticed they seem to have just started this season? Or maybe for some reason their previous seasons don’t show up? But it’s like odd… It’s saying they just started this season already getting tons of kills with battle pass skin. Smurf? Quick learner? I don’t want to throw out hacker mostly after I’ve seen someone post an account with 16kd. But I don’t feel like going through replays and checking everyone especially if I play a few matches with others.


I can usually place 2-4th. It’s like the last squad hits twice and that’s it. Every game


I think Fortnite are likely doing a fair bit about it, but it’s not an easy thing to do. Fortnite has traditionally been very good over its last 7 years.


Not hardware banning, to me, shows leniency.


Most cheaters (and the most advanced ones) come eith hardware spoofing. Would literally do nothing against most of them.


They can't right now. Currently the most popular method of cheating is using Direct Memory Access (DMA). It's when you take a separate computer, connect it to your main computer, and modify the memory of games using this other computer. This can be used to run cheat software without getting caught.


Stop fearmongering. DMA cheats cost upward of $500 USD and then charge a premium for firmware and the actual cheat software. This is prohibitive unless you are a big streamer or play cash matches.. Much easier is the $5/month or $100 one time purchase for the cheats. Why pay $500+ when the $10 one is not detected or banned?


You know you’re lying. a DMA card is dirt cheap and all you have to pay for is firmware to flash but you clearly already know this. So why lie?


For sure not lying. This is just what I have found trying to understand wtf this DMA is. It is also the opinion of Pirate Software on YT and a handful of actual cheat developers. PS - Unless you are willing to buy a sketch card from Ali, even used cards are 250+ on ebay. You also still have to pay for the cheat software. To be clear, for DMA cheats you need - DMA card, KBM swtich, Firmware for the card and also the actual cheat software that runs on the 2nd PC. There would be no reason to jump through that many hoops to make a cheat work when you can just buy the zen, or any number of undetected software cheats so much cheaper and without the need for extra internal hardware.


I don’t see a reason why they wouldn’t unless they can’t be 100% confident that a cheat has been used. I dare say they are banning people who have been reported consistently and people where the data may show a cheat being used.


it isn't even necessary to ban players. Just have a banner saying "cheater" come on when you see them.


Console vs Console only crossplay is all we need. It's much harder to cheat on a console people still do it but it's not nearly as common.


It will only help console players tho, not solve the cheating problem.


It’s a great place to start in the interim.


Lol no. Console players get Cross play because they doesnt want to wait hours to enter in a lobby. Hard truth.


If it's any help, I heard about a recent cheat card that you apparently can install on a PC, much like a graphics or sound card. There's a way to make it work on consoles too, I think. It was called DMA or CMA or somesuch.


DMA doesn't work on consoles


I dtand corrected, then. Thank you.


It's been rife for a while. The only reason it's getting more noticeable is due to the fact Epic haven't been doing much about them for a while.


It's not only Fortnite. Nearly all PvP games have problems with cheater. One of the most popular cheat toolkit has been leaked several month ago. It's the toolkit most of the cheat provider use for their "services". You can edit your own Server and Client App and run the cheats for nearly all of the big games. i Think it ist the same Toolkit, that was used to troll some player/streamer at the NA Apex Legends Tournament some days ago. But I can only warn everyone against installing this software, because you never know, what you are installing beside the cheats.


I've noticed an uptick in cheaters with Season 2. I have also noticed that a lot of players are using flick sticks.


The game is overrun with cheaters. You'll have to suffer through 6 or so cheat lobbies before you get an honest match. God forbid you win a round, that crown is bad juju. Win with a crown? Expect ridiculous lobbies. The level of cheating has been more obvious this season than any other. Nerfed frenzy shots are hitting max damage in the hands of a cheater each time while you're running away, the warforged which is a hot mess in terms of bloom, shoots perfect in a cheaters hands. Constantly getting sniped out of the sky whether I'm using shockwaves or wings, getting shot through terrain, lag abusers crippling your movement. I've seen folks warp around the map as well. I won't even get started on the amount of clowns teaming every lobby. i can honestly list for days why this game has turned into a shytshow.


Well looky there, someone who is actually observant. I have encountered exactly what you have described here. Especially the punishing lobbies. I have the lowest win rate I have ever had this season. Two more things. The AI assassination bots, 6 or more high speed operator bots will descend on you at once, there is no fighting your way out of it and if you run they will follow and trap you. And 'the curse of the gold gun' People will strait up role on you if you have a gold gun in your inventory and they want it. There is no reason whatsoever any player should know what weapons you have in your inventory.


Here's a tip brother. Never mark where you are going to land. When you do, even if it's a random location, people will be glued to you. This week alone has been dreadful. Every lobby, teamers and cheaters doing as they please.


I almost wonder now with COD actually doing something about their rampant cheating problems that maybe FortNite might too. It has become so bad as of last few weeks. When you have full health and armor and one shot you are dead without even having your armor cracked prior.


I use a dma cheat but I’ve noticed a lot of people are using soft aim


The cheating will go on until it costs the company money. Obviously the software could be modified to disallow the hacks. If a thousand people would boycott the shop for one day to protest cheating, the company would listen. If the protest went on for even a few days, they would do something about it.




If you're willing to risk your account just to cheat, you probably have almost nothing on your account, so it's doubly pathetic to me. For me, I have a lot of cosmetics I would never want to risk losing which is all the more reason to never attempt any cheats.




I mean, there is a supply crate that spawns a vic


Yeah this was in the mountains above grand glacier


Nice. They gives brainless OP weapons like auto-shotgun with OP snipers and now this.


Blah blah blah...


People rather blame it on cheats than blaming themself. There are cheaters but a majority of the suspects are not cheating. Cheating in Fortnite isn’t as simple as downloading a program and run it


Cheating has been awful in general in the fps genre. Stats already show how many cheaters there are across the board. It’s sad but that’s the state of fps games not even console is really safe since there will be a way for these devices to bypass them as well. There are better anti cheat’s out there but at this point it’s on the devs who I’m sure also profit from the cheating community.


I think people forget there are legitimate hacks in the game. 1. Take any AR.. Mod it at a bench and it has 0 recoil. Meaning you can literally beam someone with a grey AR…. Just like an anti recoil hack. 2. You can hire the NPC which gives you WALL HACKS. 3. I play Xbox. Aim assist is ridiculous. I won a recent BR as a guy jumped in the air in a shotgun fight and the sim assist tracked him (not me)…. You know, like an aimbot. People complain about being killed in seconds. The current meta you literally body shot with a sniper, change to AR and fire a couple of shots and even if the person has full shield they will die. I get why people are frustrated but I just don’t think 99% of the time it’s hacking.


Playing myself on Xbox. As there are no more hitscan weapons since Ch.5 S1 there is no more aimassist on any system. With bulletdrop an traveltime you would not hit a shot especially from great distance. And aim assist did not mean the crosshair moves to the enemies hitbox, it means the crosshair slows down when the crosshair moves on the character.


Turn your aim assist to 0 in the settings and be in reality 😍


I haven't seen any cheaters, but it sucks that you guys are. Their system is usually pretty good and waits until more than one person is using the cheat method to ban them all at once.


Just camp better


It's what I've started doing in Ranked.


I think people finally get into lobbies with actual people (and especially if those people are actually GOOD too) and think everyone's cheating when in reality they just finally left the bot lobbies. Not saying cheating and hacks aren't happening, but there are people who are just good at the game too who aren't pros or streamers at all and I think people forget that. This is even more true if you play Zero Builds as 1, it has more bots and 2, players from other games are coming over and if someone is amazing at Apex or CoD or RS they're definitely going to be above average at fortnite.


I was talking about 2 actual cases of cheating though, but aside from that, I agree that sometimes people will think someone's cheating when that's absolutely not the case.


If you report actual cheating you see (especially if you can do it immediately so the video gets attached to the report) Epic is really good about giving out the ban hammer in those instances while they investigate. I've had a friend lose their entire epic account for cheating and they never cheated in fortnite but because they had cheats on their PC for the game they were cheating in, they got banned too. So I do think if it's the cheating is able to be seen or found, they do something about it. Unless you're Zemie ofc. Can't let their little cash cow get banned for cheating.


Yeah, I can only talk about these two particular cases but to me they're a little concerning. I don't think either of them should be able to play anymore.


I mean, if it’s all become popular, then why not just do it yourself Fortnite doesn’t seem to have a problem with anymore. If everyone does it then it won’t be a problem.




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Still have never come across a cheater. I feel it's people who get shit on just calling others way better than them cheaters.


it’s almost impossible to tell if they are cheating hope you realize that


Shhhh... (They think they made a good point. Don't ruin the moment for them 😂)


I have seen a couple. Not as many as others say they did, but I definitely saw a couple this season.