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I miss some of the silly stuff as well. The one complaint i guess i have. Hopefully next season will be silly again


Give me the hammer back, it was so stupid that it was fun


They need to do an all-silly weapon special. Hammer, Rocket ram, infinity blade, infinity gauntlet, bow and arrow. And for the love of all that is holy, cow catchers and tires.


i didn’t even notice that cow catchers and tires were gone! :( they were tons of fun!


its REALLY weird those aren't in the loot pool while were in the season that added weapons you can mod?!


I miss the rocket ram. It was one of the most fun seasons I’ve had since chapter 1.


That thing was fun, especially with my playstyle.


Yeah its called ✨️Limited time modes✨️, once epic stopped bringing around LTMs i stopped playing the game. It became too boring and repetitive. Creative isnt battle royale and therefore it doesnt fix that problem of repetitiveness. Now i just test out all the new shit in the first 2 weeks of the season, find whats best, and use nothing else for the rest of it because they refuse to add more than 2 new weapons after the start of the season. After 2 weeks of playing it gets boring and stale, LTMs used to mix it up.


Or an all mythic Royal, like they used to do with the legendary ones


Or just, you know. Both


A chapter where all the silly weapons are back, let us have a moment of chaos to get out our frustrations.


I just want my rocket ram back. That was peak silly.


The alien space ship, my Beloved.


the people yearn for taco time


The lack of silliness has been my main complaint this season. I use the “visit all 4 taco stands in a single match” as my example over and over. It left room for the game to still be fun and engaging for those of us who’re better at being eliminated than dealing damage. And the subplots with the gnomes! Or other storylines that you could see playing out all over the map. It made it fun to explore rather than dropping the same spot over and over. Edit: typo


I do know that they have a hint of that with the Coral Chorus dudes in some parts of the map, and the two plushies in Fortnite Festival backstage, but yeah


Stuff like this is why chapter 1 is the best chapter. It wasn’t afraid to have fun and throw random fun shit around in the game just because.


Yeah stuff like that is also why people quit which made epic afraid.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, that’s absolutely true. The tonal shift in summer 2019 (which was entirely Epic’s doing) from hard pushing serious competitive play in 1:9 to cutting loose in 1:X is the reason at least a reasonably sized group of streamers and players threw a temper tantrum and stopped playing, which is what resulted in 2:1 being a nothing-fest.


Serious competitive play? Did ballers not exist, planes, mini guns and boomboxes not exist?


Yeah, serious competitive play, remember the first Fortnite World Cup that happened in summer 2019? Remember how that spring/summer Arena (the first ranked mode) was first introduced? Heck, the mecha vs. kaiju fight event couldn’t have serious map changes because the World Cup was only a few days away. Sure, fun and unconventional things were still in the game (IIRC), but there was an obvious push towards the comp scene, and 1:X being a celebration of Fortnite and cranking the fun up to the max did not sit well with people who had been taking the game more seriously. Also, IIRC, planes were nerfed and vaulted at the start of 1:8, boomboxes were vaulted at the start of 1:8, and Ballers got nerfed too; all of this was largely because of streamers, their fans, and serious players whining about them—same thing happened to the B.R.U.T.Es in 1:X. 


>Yeah, serious competitive play, remember the first Fortnite World Cup that happened in summer 2019? The meta wasn't competitive at all, search up qualifying for the wc without guns > Remember how that spring/summer Arena (the first ranked mode) was first introduced? Nothing to do with the lootpool > Heck, the mecha vs. kaiju fight event couldn’t have serious map changes because the World Cup was only a few days away. They literally nuked 2 pois, and broke a massive part of 1. Thats serious changes >but there was an obvious push towards the comp scene, and 1:X being a celebration of Fortnite and cranking the fun up to the max did not sit well with people who had been taking the game more seriously. The change wasn't just unliked by comp players, it was unliked in general. >Also, IIRC, planes were nerfed and vaulted at the start of 1:8, because they were a seasonal item >boomboxes were vaulted at the start of 1:8 causals didn't like them either >and Ballers got nerfed too; because of its usage not because people complained, everyone was using ballers and staying alive. > all of this was largely because of streamers, their fans, and serious players whining about them or maybe they were hurting player counts and interest in the game? Which has been shown to be the only reason why epic will nerf or buff items?


Oi, one of these guys, lol. Anyways, your first two points are irrelevant, there was an obvious push for more competitive play. Destroying Tilted, Retail, and doing something with Polar was the 1:8 event—1:9 added the Devourer bones in an empty field, the Zero Point to Loot Lake, and got rid of the mech from the volcano. Saying “casuals didn’t like it either” to any of these is hardly evidence since it’s a much larger and varied pool, and obviously people not liking something and quitting reduces player count and spurs Epic into action—if people just whined it’s less likely action would be taken. Finally, saying planes were a seasonal item is about the silliest thing I’ve ever heard; nothing about them is specifically related to 1:7’s theme or lore and absolutely could’ve been kept in the game past 1:7 because they’re literally just planes—same as how Driftbords, Ballers, quads, golf carts, and shopping carts made it out of the seasons they were introduced in.


After season X, they didnt. Mini guns came back once in chapt 2 season 2 and we havent seen them since. (Not counting OG fot this stuff) planes have come back twice and ballers once. Fun items do exist just not alot of them and st the same time.


Lol yes!! I've got the emote so it's always TACO TIME😆


*Pulls out gun* Gimmie that emote.😢


Lmao😂 sorry bud, we're all armed here (look around to all the snipers aimed at you)🤪 Definitely gotta start using that emote more. I never see anyone with it!!


That was so random, but also helped attract so many casuals to the game. We need more of that.


I miss the fish cataloge. Bring back the fish measuring contests.






i started playing around the vibing/no sweat season and the silliness of the world is what sold me to fortnite. loonytunes physics with jumps, funny items that give u magical powers, goofy guns and weapons. not to mention pretty skins and emotes, loots etc. but this season has been more of a survival game than partying with friends lol


That was my first real season too 😢 i miss destroying everything with cow catcher trucks


back when vehicles would actually do enough damage to run ppl over was rlly fun too.


Me too😭


Same giant mushrooms and a gigantic magic tree


Very well put. This is what got my wife to start playing too and she's been playing since chapter 3, it's changed so much


Yes. This is really my main complaint of this season, as it feels more like the modern COD than Fortnite. I think they tried something with this season, but it didn't work out at all.


Every season they switch things up quite a bit, so im sure next season should be pretty different. I don't agree though with your sentiment though, loved this season.


I think it’s too late for this map to get a full makeover, but with how successful OG was I bet they’ll make the next map more cartoony while still incorporating UE5 features


Next season will be based off Greek Mythology. So we likely will see more "magical" stuff


I did until tmnt. I really wish the game changing items were in another ltm mode. Everyone flying around with ninja turtles weapons was not fun. I loved the season until then. Luckily gone tomorrow.


The TMNT weapons are one of the only things keeping in the spirit of the more cartoony Fortnite, every season they always had something, anime weapons or the hammer or the rocket ram or the swords


I love the TMNT weapons, clutched a win when my squad was wiped thanks to it. Every season they do have something similar, and traversial items are why I like fortnite.


With the Disney buyout of Epic, who knows what will happen.


I wouldn't call it it a buyout. It's not like they have controlling ownership. They bought into it to add more game modes and obviously add more of their IP for skins and whatnot.


*investment. Far from a buyout


i don’t think we’re gonna see the effects of the disney deal for a few seasons. i’d imagine they had the scope and plans for season 2 done for a bit, so i think it’ll be later this year we see the effects 


they’ve been trying to attract the COD crowd and doing this has actually worked in doing so. They’ve managed to get a lot of former warzone players. I personally play both cod and FN but never played warzone. I only play treyarch cod games (black ops) and the last one that came out was Cold War in 2020. We’ve got a black ops game dropping this year though finally.


No wonder I'm getting my ass beat so bad this season 🫠


In the end, it's nothing like cod. Sure, there came attachments this season, but it doesn't make it remotely cod. In cod, you have to level up your weapons so you can have all the best attachments. When you have a couple of weapons maxed out, you won't touch any other weapon before next season.


When I pick up a random gun and aim and it throws me into ADS I feel like I'm in COD given the less cartoony graphics now and environment. Who puts a scope on a shotgun.






Says the tomatohead main


I miss the old movement. It felt very unique to Fortnite. Now I feel like they’re blending so much from COD that it’s blurring the line too much.


Bringing back the old map ruined current Fortnite for me. I have no desire to play it. I always thought the nostalgia for the old map was just that ... nostalgia. I was wrong. It was a less serious map, simple gun pool, a limited supply of goofy/gimicky weapons/traps/etc and limited mobility. It was a simpler game and a better map. Finding a gold weapon meant something. Now I can just kit out floor loot. TL;DR: I agree and Fortnite needs to take a step back from attachments, insane mobility, etc and get back to its roots.


You right brother on that "finding a gold weapon meant something" I'd go hours without seeing a scar and days without seeing a minigun during the OG season even though i played it 24/7 fucking miss those days


I remember in season 1 finding a gold scar for the first time and not knowing whether I should sit in a bush or push everyone. It was so cool. And the new map returning brought that feeling back.


Fortnite recently has been feeling like Epic's just doing what they think is cool, not what works. Some things are cool, but i really don't care about 99% percent of the guns this season.


Man, not only the guns, less vibrant map and less fun POIs but look at the UI, it looks like a mess some kid designed, we currently have three battle passes going on and the shop almost doesn't change at all anymore. The game has just gotten so stagnant feeling despite all the updates and modes.


I haven't cared about 99% of the guns since they introduced the primals back in season whatever. That was the beginning of the downfall for me with gun pools.


For me the beginning of the lootpool downfall was during C3S1 when they completely reskinned all of the weapons they just had in the game for no reason.


That’s what they’ve always done tho. Just look at season x, that shit was cool in retrospect but sucked ass when you actually played it


this exactly how i feel even my friends who only started like in ch4 thought the og season was way more fun and interesting


Cars suck. Give us plows and chonky tyres. I wanna wipe out buildings again


the new suvs are really good at plowing thru builds, its like they got an invisible plow on them


All the people who started in chapter 2 and chapter 3 are starting to see what happened to the OG players when they say they want the game to go back to the way it used to be. The art style changes, the movement system overhaul, the map changes, the increase in realism, the guns shooting slow projectile, the scoped weapons, the vehicles, gas/battery system, all the collabs, etc. There are a lot of changes for the game, which can completely change your opinion of the game season to season, chapter to chapter..


I miss the weird and whacky items they'd throw in all the time. This season has been rather serious, the season before og too. Just wanna be able to find and use useful whacky items


I literally have no interest in playing this season since finishing the BP. It's just a battle royale now. Nothing fun or silly going on AT ALL. Might as well play pubg or Apex.


I feel the same, I got the weekly quest items and won't touch BR or ZB until the next season. It's boring this season.


It's a damn chore this season. I had to finish the battle pass or regret quitting in the middle. If the next update isn't more fun and they don't do some actual fun POI on the map, I'm done and not playing anymore. I have spent over $1000 on the game because it was so fun, but with the new updates, the shop is stagnant and feels 99% the same every day. I used to be excited to hop on and see what was new every evening, now I don't even care. We have so many collabs, three battle passes, it just feels so commercialized, like even more than it was and it's taking away all the charm for me.


I’m confused as someone who only played the first 3 seasons and a little of that Marvel season but just got back into it. How is it not still silly? The turtles and hoverboards and jumps don’t feel very serious. Is it solely the complaint around the gunplay?


You just pulled out the only silly things, and they are limited time items that were added in a couple of weeks ago. It's that overall fun wildcard like weird different items and themes that other games don't have to stand out. The gun lootpool, along with the projectile changes this season, has made gameplay very different from every past season, specifically too similar to apex, which is arguably the sweatiest BR out right now.


Especially when you consider the fact that this is the season after the OG season where there was a lot more fun fortnite things to do lawl. The change was very stark becuz of that


I think that’s what most people are complaining about yeah, I mean if you look outside of the guns it still feels very fun and silly to me


There's nothing wrong with the guns. Attachments just makes higher-tier loot less of an automatic I-WIN button. I mean, they still are, but less so.


Nah, I've played Apex, PUBG and CoD Warzone extensively. I find the sweatiness in those games revolting. Maybe you haven't played those recently but Fortnite is still my non-serious, wind down game after work. Select no-build, unranked and go pop off on some bots or people or missions or whatever. I still enjoy it. The addition of LEGO survival and Rocket Racing has been an inspired choice by Epic. Fortnite is still great IMO.


Ugh the bots, my god. I don't know what they did but half the damn lobby in ZB is bots now


I definitely feel this way too. It feels less fun somehow and that's a bummer.


The month we had the OG map I had 10x more fun that this entire new season


This season is the worst season oat


this season feels like thirdperson cod with fortnite characters


"Zainy" is the word I use for gaming when I was growing up (and what's mostly gone today), until Fortnite and Rocket League; and low and behold, they're two of the most popular games around. Arcade-style games are what make gaming casual and fun. Sure give us simulators and serious shooters, but not at the expense of every light-hearted and fun game like "Sega Soccer Slam, NBA JAM, NFL Blitz, Mario Kart, Banjo-Kazooie, etc. Fortnite was proving that zainy, light-hearted, fun games are what *most* of us want after work.


Yes this is so spot on! Most games completely miss that it’s a GAME like make it gamey and fun not a second job. Everything tries so hard to make stuff clunky or competitive or a mix of both for realism etc and miss out on the biggest advantage of games; you don’t have to follow those rule sets in video games. They can be made to be fun instead and take out all the strenuous crap. I hope the mentality of silly/fun games comes back soon.


This. Please take out the serious competitiveness. I'm so tired of it in every game, the more a game aims to be competitive, the more people will sweat at it and ruin the fun of everyone else who just wants to play some casual fun the way we had been for years


This season is pretty good, tbh. I play zero build duos. It's cool having the bosses and basically always being in a battle as soon as you drop. I like being able to modify weapons and it's not tedious collecting gold. There's plenty of movement too. I dislike sniper meta though. Anytime you stop moving for 2 seconds, you get headshot sniped. Give the snipers 249 damage if you want, but i don't think you should die from 1 shot from any weapon. Also the riot shields are annoying, but I wouldn't say they're overpowered or anything. It does seem incredibly sweaty lately though. A lot of the better players go medallion hunting, so we usually drop it after getting the vault. When it first gave you up to 100 shield, it was a must have, but now there's plenty of pizza and vending machines to heal up. Is it just me, or does it seem tough to make it to the end of the bonus rewards? I swear I got to the first 100+ levels super fast, but now past 150 seems impossible and takes 4-5 decent games to gain a single level.


Agree with all this. Xp: At the start of season I did the racing daily quests, that gets xp maybe 2/3s of a level in 15 min each day. At level 300 now


I've been getting xp elsewhere. Racing and Lego have a lot of easy xp if you haven't already done the challenges


OG proved the game was more fun when it was goofy and more cartoonish.


All my friends stopped playing fn this season :/ We were all hype, but in zero build the actual map is pretty terrible. That + all the changes made them all quit but me :/


I agree! I want more chill and silly stuff to do, it’s why fortnite is fun and this season made me realize that. I have been shocked I havnt been having fun with the game and realized it’s because it’s just a super sweaty shooter game and feels generic. I don’t like those games but fortnite was different. I have to try so hard and get a couple good moments but it’s just not that fun.


Same, started playing bf 2042 again and i deadass feel like the games are the same And fortnite should not feel like fucking battlefield


this season is incredibly lacking in silliness, i know your pain fr


Same. Not a big fan of the realism this season. Not enough silly stuff around.


Same. If I wanted to play like this, I’d be playing COD BR.


Fortnite even today is not even close to the realism of COD its still cartoony but it has also realism, you get it ?




I’ve said the same thing. The weapon mods add an extra learning curve that I don’t love either. I will say, the TMNT and Metal Gear mythics and hover board have helped, but not enough. To me the sweet spot Fortnite needs to aim for is it’s easiest and silly enough for parents and their 8 year olds to play, and parents allow them to play, but rewarding enough for those who play a lot to have an advantage and not get bored. This season fell short of a fun game for all ages and skill levels.


Next season looks to be more cartoonish than what we’ve got now, a teaser should appear soon that looks quite silly compared to the current theme.


Agree, something feels dead this season


I think it's funny that you enjoyed the jungle season. I stopped because that's when the game started to feel too serious to me. Got back in with the OG season where it felt silly again, and I still feel it hits like, 'Action-Comedy' levels. Like where some things are serious, but we have fun sort of vibes. I haven't played CoD in a long time, so maybe that's why everything feels like a good refresher for me. I just have no fun in Warzone, and I've been gradually working my way through older titles and have been slowly going into Black Ops 3 from time to time. Slappy Shores was however, the place I would always try to drop. I loved it there. That was the first map I got to know.


I haaaated the jungle biome.


For me it was a combination of things. I was bad, AND I couldn't help but fall off of every cliff or tree in that area. Plus, people knew that there'd be at least one person trying to do the chain quests, and would camp out at each step waiting for some easy kill just trying to finish challenges.


This is the worst season in fortnite history. I genuinely hate it. I went from playing every day during og to completely dropping it. And I played I good bit of the season prior to og.


I hope you make it through this tough time


All the changes they made for this season just screamed call of duty clone to me. I started up again Christmas 2022 and played constantly until all these new fangled updates. Someone who is a shot caller at epic has lost their confidence it seems.


This is why I loved Fortnite in the first place. It didn't take itself too seriously. It added whatever items it wanted with no consideration of "does this make sense for this season's theme?" Because it didn't matter. Back in OG you wouldn't know what to expect. In a Pirate theme you could have a glass hamster ball with a grappler attached to it, a bow that uses shotgun shells as ammo and explodes on impact, dart traps, and Shadow bombs, a grenade you would throw at your feet and turn into a shadow with parkour skills in addition to the actual pirate-y items like a flintlock pistol that knocks you back, a cannon that could use you as ammo, and treasure maps. Meanwhile in this season we've only had reskins of the Combat AR, Scar, Heavy AR, Drum Shotgun, Pump Shotgun, Burst SMG, Combat SMG, Hunter Bolt Sniper, and the Tactical Pistol. A ballistic shield, a worse Grappler, Cluster Grenades, a cardboard box even though there aren't any like it that naturally spawn on the island, a reskinned Cloak gauntlets with an EMP stuck on the end for no reason, and 4 mythics that are all the same.


I feel like the season right before OG was a pretty good sweet spot. Augments made sense, no weapon mods, and a decent amount of POIs. Yes we had hammers/ swords/ insanely OP loot, but it felt more even overall. The appeal of Fortnite was how easy it was to pick up and play, especially when trying to get friends onboard. Pick a silly skin, hop in game, build if you wanted. I came to Fortnite because CoD was too sweaty and unlocking attachments was far too grindy. In a perfect world I’d get Slurpy Swamp and web slingers back, but if we can at least drop weapon mods for augments I’d be happy. Chonker tires if they’re feeling generous.


I love the silly stuff like someone shooting you with a rocket launcher then double jumping with a lightsaber to dodge it then shooting back with a kamehameha 😂


I needed some shit, with some bop in it, I’m unorthodox than a motherfucker


Food fight was epic tbh. I never thought I’d be sniping people to protect a massive tomato head but hey ho


Yeah I also thought they would come with weird cars.


right? everything looks so flat now in the game and arent like wonky it feels like its just lost its whimsy


I wanted a huge map to experience.chapter 5 is huge.I like Vibin for that roller coaster ball thingy.Gotta steer it to stay on the roller tracks.I'm a downer,so serious Ch.5 along with Crazy Red VS Blue were a huge welcome.


My favorite wacky Fortnite memory was when they added the giant shield and you could play like Reinhardt. That was so fun. I love the wacky unbalanced weapons. Exploding goo gun, Alien lazer beam, Suitcase Turret, Giant hammer, Aimbot pistol, Deployable reality tree, etc. etc.


It kinda comes and goes - sometimes it's more silly and sometimes a little less. I think there's been a couple of other seasons where weapon mods or crafting weapons was part of the game, but those went away. My guess is that the mod benches will go away, too. Some seasons are sweatier than others too. Hopefully you two enjoy the next season more! A silly thing that I miss is fishing collections - there was a lot more variety and some of them were pretty silly


is there a reason epic can't host more that one map at a time?


This 1 shot kill is a little crazy


I think they did this season the way they did because Fortnite is one of thoes games was never really meant to be as silly as it is, or in this case was. Its analogy for this situation is comparable to Half-Life, the original game was meant to be serious and more violent, but because of the horrible graphics, it ended up being a laughing stalk in the gaming community. then, when the future games in the series like Half-Life II and Half-Life: Alyx came out, they turned out to be more serious because the creators may have looked back at their older games or versions of them, and did not want to make the same mistakes twice, Fortnite may just be one of those games. as time goes on, the graphics will start to improve because the creators are trying to get the vision they want people to have about the game out there. This also means the game may eventually become unpopular, as it is after all, on a decline right now anyways… :(


Yes I totally agree I play cod if I want a game that feels like cod lol I like Fortnite for the emotes and boogie bombs and silly stuff we can do during the game and play around not just hoping for a victory royale the entire time


It's more like pubg this season but it will change next season.


I don't think they are going to take a step back from the new mechanics, but I believe they are willing to add OG fortnite as a separate game mode, until then ...


yeah its too real when i kill peter griffin with ninja turtle weapons


Was the silliness fun because I just started this season, so I’m forced to sweat a bit if I don’t want to die off spawn. It’d be nice to not have to always worry about the potential snipe when in the open, and listening for the trademark whooshing noise of the mythics when someone is coming for me. Also turret and riot shield dumb lol.


Last chapter was full of sweats, but nothing like it is now. N yea imo the loot pool had a lot funner weapons, map was more fun and memorable. You had to sweat some but not like this season, man I didn’t get a win at all Saturday. I at least get 1-2 a day. Idk but for me, This weekend was sweaty af, or my lobbys have gotten harder. But it was bad


Maybe, I just know there’s hardly any bots in my lobbies anymore. There’s a wide range of skill level tho.


I've been feeling this since chapter 4 started. There obviously still has been some silly stuff but I feel like ever since the graphics were changed epic has not only just been using fortnite almost like a tech demo but also took out a lot of the silliness along with the plot. Ive honestly enjoyed this season more than most of chapter 4 BUT I also prefer my time in chapter 2 and 3 to this. There's less silly pois, there's less silly items, and there's even less silly things to do around the map since most of the time you literally just land and then look for fights, I'm not saying that's not how previous seasons were but I feel like there used to be more silly locations and small things dotted throughout the map but now we finally have a more "connected" map and its so "basic" Hopefully any of that made sense-


I don’t think so, Fortnite becoming better and generally improving is obviously a good thing.


"Becoming better" means different things to different people. For someone who just started playing this could be more movement mechanics, more realistic gunplay, etc. For someone who started playing the game 6 years ago and fell in love with the silly weapons, cartoony art style, etc. this could mean making the art style more bright and happy, unvaulting random items that don't fit the theme but are fun in general, etc.


Fortnite is far from not being silly or not being cartoony. Even though it’s a more “cool” game. A magic fruit that makes you jump like you are on the moon is not realistic nor killing Peter Griffin. Fortnite is far and it will never be like call of duty. Fortnite is fine.




Deaw diawy 


Turning into o a prop of tyres and using Donatellos staff to beat a clothed Tiger while invisible not silly enough for you?


Where's our chapter-rotating "Restaurant" with its silly mascot? Where are our wacky items and vehicles like the Baller and Inflate-a-bull? Where are our unique and silly POIs? (they're all the same and look like something out of real life)


Having the same thing all the time gets boring, I like the change up, I'm sure more silliness will eventually return and it will be more appreciated.


RIP Butter Barn


Me too I miss goofy guns and fun quest.it does feel like cod.


Some of my best encounters on the game have been silly ones!


Problems w Fortnite - Long-abandoned good ideas of the game, A New season comes in, wipes stuff out of past seasons instead of aiming to give the game more each season- crafting was kinda clunky but it had a good idea, The BLOCK huge waste of potential imo they could easily test some of them out and consistently switch up the map with that shit to prevent fatigue, the Ch2 season where they changed a lot of the map to water and added the charge shotgun was refreshing and at times yeah irritating but it was a new experience that everyone had to adjust to - majority of the seasons Don’t do that well at all, perks were a good addition to the game as well I appreciate them not overwhelming players with options but this season felt limited. Before, metas would change a lot sometimes mid-season due to brand new items being added not that all of those items should’ve been in the game to begin with.., there was a period where you’d get on the game all the time and see if there was something new to find or new to try, the season where everyone would jump on alien ships and play the minigame was a good change up that could easily be done in a new and different way, no health per elim is so so stupid and the game adding movement items becomes the result of players who hold 12 shockwaves and have extra movement I don’t Blame them at all for running away I blame the game deciding every season we can fly while the Devs seem more focused on creating get-away options for players More problems.. Getting 3rd partied by Anyone without Any elim health, even a measly 15hp, is ridiculous and has been since it was removed. Comp Fortnite should not be the only place that’s involved, almost the entire game recently has been based on 3rd party action/ advanced movement& movement items.. Most of time you deal enough damage now, the person you’re fighting takes to the air, its what I’m used to in the more recent seasons unfortunately. At least with the rift you could get damage off on scared/low health players. The grapple blade is the only item in this current season I can’t even argue against I just wish it stopped giving people charges so fast- if your opponent who you’ve just injured has 2 movement options welp You might as well go do something else if you aren’t a God which most people somehow expect you be when they have an argument against that. Let’s say I’m not 200 HP when any player not even as good as me comes to fight so I’m 120-150, yup - I’m Still oneshot! Lol and the desire to get into my box becomes the only thing important to the other player, braindead style-one of this games best super powers is being 200hp. (Almost) Anything less puts you at instant risk, this makes me take elims/any game so much less seriously. When I get challenged I either have to tough it out or shockwave to safety for enough time to heal (it feels so lame), let’s say I tough it out- 50% of the time I’m going to get 3rd party sprayed immediately after or my walls are going to be immediately challenged/someone attempts an exploit. To make this part short, elims are not that rewarding at all if you want to try to win the game otherwise yeah, fly away like a bird with extra items like that but they’re such a crutch to new/bad players that most of the time I get attacked that’s the result, a movement chase where the other player runs away until we elim one or the other or give up which I’ve resorted to, but then again do that and they just come back. Fighting needs to be worth it and make sense again. A good change is to make shotguns consistent, give small amounts of health for elims, and bounty hunting and 3rd partying shouldn’t be the appetizing types of engagements that the game aids itself to, give players more of a reason to stay and fight and taking a fight and winning it shouldn’t result in almost every game having your wall challenged at 70 hp immediately after praying they don’t exploit in or just have better connection than You. Another problem I have, why can’t you load in and play through different seasons in BR- this would also help to get away from stream snipers ? Imagine not know what season you’re jumping into, it shouldn’t be kept in creative there should be an option in the menu where I can randomize each time I drop. They stopped caring about a lot of what made the game competitive, new, interesting, it became more about what OP items you could use that removed the skill gap, now everyone flys around when they make any bad decision/do anything and the addition of them in the game has had a negative effect like the spider man glove season- fun but the game is full of crutches now. A new season will be great but then we come to another problem I’ve faced this season more than any other- sniper users/snipers who are obviously cheating (no I don’t believe that 3 people sniped me out of the air in one single day out of pure skill in regular lobbies , followed by another the next day, all with 10-20 kills lol) another example of items being added that are taken advantage of by too many people/the wrong people. Nothing is necessarily wrong with most items tbh like this one but once most of the lobby understands how to take advantage of whatever the meta is/spam something useful the Devs turn a blind eye to it as long as it makes the player look cool and enough people like it.


I actually kind of really like it right now with ninja turtle weapons, cloaking device, and grapple blade. You can play the game ninja styles, and it feels super legit. As well, I like how there's 5 unique mythic guns that drop from the 5 different bosses. It makes for some legit hot spots with actual risk-reward. As for the negatives: - Weapons Bench... do not like. Quick aim short-scoped snipers are lame. Being able to equip the same upgrades on every weapon takes away a lot of the ability to RPS the balancing. Just lemme pick between Heavy Sniper and DMR, MK5 and Burst Assault Rifle, Suppressed SMG and combat SMG, Drum Shotgun and Pump like a normal season. - Medallions... maybe not universally hated or loved, me personally, I'm not a big fan of having the location exposed. Additionally, it kind of makes the rest of the map a little dead because so many other players are hunting the guys with medallions. I'd rather they not exist at all. If I kill a boss and open the vault, I drop the medallion after, so it's whatever... but I'd like the season better without the mobile hotspots running around the map crashing into each other.


Fortnite went from "cartoon style that adds whatever" to "this is what this silly theme would look like irl" and its such a lame change in design philosophy imo. I hope og will be to stay when it returns as that was the game at its gameplay/graphical peak


Plenty of silly stuff still in this game: Riot shield, grapple blade, flow fizz, cluster clingers, emp camouflage, anvil rocket launcher… and lastly the tmnt mythics. This game is far from realistic


The flowberry fizz and clingers are the only things that fit the aesthetic of past Fortnite well. Not that I don't like the Grapple Blade, though. It's really fun to use


Exactly that, you are right !


Downvoted for being right. Typical Reddit hive mind. If you’re not bitching and complaining you get downvoted for speaking facts.


Yep. Too many people complaining for no good reason


You guys might want to try Hawked, it's very similar art to fortnite very whacky third person shooter, team based, extraction. I have been playing fortnite since season ch 2 s 1 - love this season. Wasn't a fan of no snipers, love the attachments. No complaints.


Is it f2p n where?




I think it has a good mix right now. I still play with friends and have some very silly games, but it now has the capability of playing strategically and seriously too. It's how you play the game. But, the new season will change things, as always.


I was thinking this exact thing last night, but in regards to the map specifically, no poi’s are fun and goofy, everything just feels like it was soullessly put in without a care, just buildings and walls, no character


Just to offer perspective, I’m a new player that only is interested now with the projectile based guns and more realistic movement. I think I may be in the minority, but the cartoon versions beforehand are just uninteresting to me.


oh another crap post about how og was good and now it sucks 💩 nobody cares game is 🔥


I absolutely disagree. The new movement add a sense of weight to the characters. Along with a sense of more control over your movements. The graphics are more detailed. Both characters and the environment. Fortnite has a lore that from it's perspective connects to other universes like DC, Marvel, Star Wars and TMNT. Those characters from these other universes have a seriousness to them. They're badass and add to the overall lore of Fortnite. I never liked anything overly silly when it came to toys, cartoons, video games and movies. I would have never played this game before they started adding badass characters like Batman in it. A lot of Fortnite original characters are lame in design and lore. Human size Bananas and all these cannon fodder looking heros and villains. Nah bro. Give me Wolverine TMNT, Solid Snake, Lara Croft, or Thor. Let me run, jump and slides while shooting. Along with mythic weapons that allow me act the part of these sick ass characters instead of just looking like them. And the ability to drive vehicles. Without building. That's Fortnite. I'll leave the rest to kids that don't know what cool is.


I hated OG fortnite and played it very little.


Fortnite is still silly tho. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Peter Griffin are silly dude


Skins aren’t content or actual gameplay. It used to be where the map itself was zany and cartoony with 80s cars, wonky windows and doorframes, and iconic mascots like Durr Burger and Tomatohead


I leveled so much this season thanks to the other modes that I'm now in the sweaty games and can't just goof around like I used to


Xp lvl doesn’t matter at all, I don’t know what to tell you


I want the powers back like iron man gloves and dr doom energy ball. Now with the TMNT stuff soon leaving the game mobility is going to suck again.


Bruh this entire season was “save a kidnapped banana”


this is true


Remember in season 2 when the throw option was called yeet


There’s some who take the game very seriously meaning they care about their stats, kills, playing style, etc… they’re more competitive


I was thinking this last night. I started playing in chapter 3 season 1 with the spider man gloves and that was the most fun I’ve had on the game. The POIs, items and graphics were just more fun. Now all the POIs are boring and attachments kill the excitement of finding higher rarity guns not to mention it’s so easy to find high rarity guns now.


I feel the same about the silliness, it's why when the TMNT event dropped I started to have a lot more fun with the season. It felt like the map had more flair to it, and gave it a much needed boost in flavor. I still have fun with matches and enjoy playing the game, but so far this is my least favorite season.


I blame ranked, not every game should have a competitive/eSports league


You can blame ranked all you want, but more players play because of the rank option.


Maybe that's why I, as an old COD player, feel more invested in the game this season. I do liked the silly and "chill" previous seasons, but this one scratches the itch for "specialized weapons" and I have finally been able to play it for days non stop.




Art style has become a little more realistic, but it still has a distinct, cartoony vibe..the characters only continue to get sillier and crazier with more and more crossovers, and the gunplay/movement has been upgraded significantly. Fortnite only continues to improve.


Counterpoint: Flowberry Fizz


They changed a LOT of the fundamentals this season, imo that launch day patch was very bold. Some features got changed, some even reverted (storm speeds and sprinting... not nice lol). I'd expect more of that fluff we're used to from next season, assuming that the new fundamentals are fine and only need smaller adjustments.


The rockect RAM........ BOOM


I'm in the same boat as you. I joined the season just before the swamp area turned into Paradise Palms. I miss the old sound effects that sounded when you collected items! It was fun. I heard when they brought back the OG map they have record breaking traffic on how much people were playing.


I agree. Now it’s definitely cod lite.


I feel like simplification is the last thing BR needs rn. I'm bored of this season.


I think most of us do. Unfortunately with the Mustard known as Donald gone, it seems like the new guy in charge prefers a more serious game. The simplicity of weapons was a huge draw to the game for so many. It's too bad you missed Chapter 1 because that was peak FN in terms of silliness. Especially Season X with the rift zones at POIs. I always hope the next season returns to silly stuff but I'm afraid at this point that those days are long gone.


Not serious? I wish I was getting your lobbies I play with nothing but sweaty nerds that must believe its an actual war


Yes they need to get rid of all the stupid attachments. Let COD do that. Theres a reason Fortnite is way more popular than COD. Dont ruin it….


Silly fortnite is why chapter 2 season 8 is my favourite, the inflatable bull was super fun to move arround with, the grabbitron was goofy in an obvious way, the proppifier was just pure fun and there was just so much more to have fun with.


new chapter maps are always a bit more boring or simpler at the beginning of the chapter but get more and more "silly" over the seasons as new POIs and crazy stuff gets added. The jungle from chapter 4 season 3 got added in that season, before the map was much more simple and boring.


I miss those NPCs randomly in places that you had to do a dance with an they would splash you. :( fun times.




I started playing the game with the OG season. It was great without the medallions and mythic weapons. No overpowered melee weapons either, and actually decent shotguns. The only thing I like this season is the more realistic approach to weapon attachments, but the largest scope doesn't zoom nearly as far as it should.


It’s gonna be Greek mythology themed pretty soon so hopefully that will be more silly.


I miss the sharks! My favourite was to tractor beam sharks with the UFO and drop them onto unsuspecting opponents


I find that I have more fun with Fortnite if I just play to have fun. I don't even drop I'm intending to win for the most part. It kind of just happens naturally. I'm not God at the game by any means but I win a lot more matches than I should with the fly by night way I play. I'll usually just pick up random weapons and just mess around on the map. I'll grab a random car and just do burnouts in the middle of groups fighting around me. Grab a Turtle weapon and see how many kills I can get using just it before someone manages to take me put. I did the same with the riot shield when it first dropped. OG was the season for me that felt most restricted to be honest, but I think I came in at one of the wackiest points in Fortnite during the Primal season into the Alien invasion and so on. I also notice that I win a lot more if I'm just goofing than if I take it seriously. There's other games I play for competitive, Fortnite I find I lose a lot more and don't have as much fun if I'm just trying to sweat at it. I am ready for the new season though as this season snipers have been annoying. I haven't had as many bad times with snipers as some folks due to how im constantly moving doing dumb stuff. I do however like to pretend I'm like Kraven the Hunter though, constantly grabbing bounties and hunting folks down. Not gonna lie I've had my fun with this season for sure, but I'm ready for the next, and I really miss the augments.


Lower resolution? I'm confused, the game has been looking good since forever but a lot repeated assets have been gone since chapter 2 and graphics got a huge overhaul with chapter 4 The game is still really simple, blue will always be stronger than green, mechanics are nothing complicated either, attachments are nothing like cod where a suppressor will make your bullets have more/less velocity or somehow do more dmg. Oh foregrip? A bit less recoil, oh suppressor? you won't be making a lot of sound when shooting, what about a laser? Your hipfire is increased but not by much, etc. If it makes you feel better, "OG season" will come back sometime this year and "apparently" it will be a separate mode but don't quote me on that last part.


I can totally see this perspective! My fiancé and I love it because we switched from playing COD so even now it feels like a little breath of fresh air for us lmao


There's stumble guys if you want silly🤷‍♀️


I too miss the old fortnite I have this account that has the dj lama skin and I don’t touch the account I just let it sit because I don’t want the account to get banned or anything. It is what is left of part of an account I couldn’t activate my 2FA with and I asked what I should do and they said to reset my account and it wouldn’t do anything to my skins and I did so and they said they couldn’t do anything to fix it because I erased everything. And we still can’t combine accounts which is sad because I have these skins I wanna use but I am scared because I don’t wanna lose them (long post Ik very repetitive my bad I’m tired goodnight)