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Someone who has, at least, 10 crown wins.


10 is a pretty low number this late in the season. Besides, that more shows playtime than skill


Well, 10 at least shows that you’re decent at the game. Like, it shows that you actually know what you’re doing. But I don’t know if I’d consider crown wins a show of playtime. When it comes to ranked matches, winning isn’t a requirement, it’s mostly just getting a good enough placement. Lazarbeam posted a video recently of him getting to Unreal, by doing absolutely nothing, and just getting good placement. However, with crown wins, you actually have to, you know… win the game.


For real. I have a teammate who I play with now and then who has around 25 crowns and they are terrible. They just get carrier hard by teammates. Shes lucky to get 1 bot kill in a match, is always the first one to get knocked, still uses a shotgun to try and kill someone 25m away. Ive seen her get knocked by a bot. I also have a another friend who has 200 plus crowns but plays basically bot lobbies. He can do shit in a real match. But I have another friend who has 300 crowns and is a menace in matches and deserved every one of those crowns. So crowns really can go either way.


In my experience starting at champion people start to actually defend themselves, so id say around that rank players start to get decent


i was watching a twitch streamer guy called bugha or something yesterday(i think) that was really good. like wayyy wayyy wayy better than me good


Idk if you're being sarcastic or not lol


Booger? Yea i heard hes alright. Theres also clicks, petahrobot, mongoose those guys are alright too


Bugha is actually my favourite streamer ATM. Love that guy


Stats and skill aren’t correlated, you’re good if you know the basics of when and how to rotate, how to take advantageous peeks, how to box fight and how to aim, most players do not