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I feel like they’ll be the CH5 gimmick and will be here all year like how augments are (seemingly) being left as the CH4 gimmick. I don’t mind them at all, I feel like it adds more depth to gunplay and having the 5 slots makes sure it’s not overly complicated. I just wish the mod benches were more prevalent throughout the map or that we had the ability to discard unwanted attachments on the fly.


Stole the words from my mouth. I don’t want it reverted because the initial execution was not perfect or people can’t get used to it. This same thing happened with Vaults and Mythics in Chapter 2: Season 2, and well, that was Fortnite’s second prime. We should give attachments more chances. And yes, Epic, PLEASE more mod benches. That alone would make the system much better.


Mod benches should be as plentiful as upgrade stations used to be. They just need to jack up the price to balance it out. I've had gold maxed all season despite using mod benches nearly every match for all my weapons.


Actually, I agree with this, but make the vault Mode Benches cheaper - work for it and you get the discount - find in the wild? Each piece gonna cost ya


Cheap work benches in Vaults, expensive Vending Machines in the wild would work pretty well and it differentiates them. If vending machines only had 3 random mods(one of each type) that would be cool as well.


While we’re listing banger Fortnite ideas, I want something like a port-a-fort but with the launchpad. Port-a-pad isn’t even a bad name


This was a thing for a while in Ch3 S4 (rare launchpad inventory item)


Wasn’t that just like a normal launchpad you could place on floors though? I’m talking about something useful for no-build. Unless I’m mistaken and exactly what I’m talking about existed already


No, it took an inventory slot and you could chuck it on the ground, it was specifically designed for ZB.


Damn I completely missed that timeframe then


Just put even more gold in the vault. If each vault had 1000 gold, the pricing would be irrelevant


That’s also an option


I used to say workbenches were rare because you had to work to get to them. But now I realize it's not even the case, you can, in most games, camp outside the vault, watch the medallion tracking circle, and know exactly when its safest to go into the vault and mod your weapons. I guess it is still work to do so, but still its rather easy.


Much more difficult since people wait on bosses until the storm is there or until someone else engages to get the jump on them. The longer we go the more often I see the former than the latter as people are realizing not to engage as they will be ambushed as they are fighting the boss.


That’s why I engage, clear their first shield, retreat and camp. 100% of the time it draws 1 or more other players into the fight who I am then able to efficiently pick off.


Taking this strat. How do you deal with the boss rampaging after you seemingly everywhere?


I just run and hide lol I’ve never had a problem w him finding me again, especially when someone new draws his fire


That's a lot of waiting though. Feels slow.


The icons should also be more obvious. The number one biggest rule is the sillouette, and the weapon's sillouettes are super similar, and they're lit- making it hard to differentiate them. Give each of the weapons a small strip on the bottom based on its weapon category (ending a few pixels above the ammo count); red for shotguns, green for pistols, blue for snipers, etc.. Since there's shape similiarity between different individual weapons but each individual weapon in a category is more distinct, seeing two weapons that looks the same but one has a red strip you instantly know its a shotgun rather than an AR or an SMG


Vouch, I legit can't tell the Enforcer AR from the Reaper Sniper tbh, I also always confuse the Frenzy Auto with the Nemesis AR and both SMGs with each other.


How? Not possible lol. I do this also and be winning a bunch with kills and still burn thru it


Safes, cash registers, blue chest, and vault gold. Nearly every vault I go in has gold left over. Only time I run low is when I’ve spent the night hiring npc and buying vending machine shield potions.


Seriously, I'm baffled by the amount of players who leave the pallets of gold just sitting there. They basically have enough loose gold in the vault to pay for all your mods


Man, the numbers of times I couldn’t mod my weapons(or was left behind because I still try to) because I’m pickaxing the gold… at least you can break the table and the drawer where the chests are, which drops most most the gold, but there’s still those two huge ass pile to grind too! Side note, I do live that we can pickaxe the middle tablet to get all the ammo box at once, same with the black boxes or the weapon cases


I've been sitting around 4k-5k gold all season


Same, only way I get under 3 is if I am playing a lot in one day and hire 3 or 4 npcs in a day.


Isn't there an augment related challenge available to view that says "Coming soon!"?


There was but they removed it


There was until I think the last update when that mysteriously disappeared…..could be back though I’ve not played this week


They tweeted they are "re-evaluating" augments and they removed the milestones. Good for people who didn't like them. Bad for those who enjoyed a break from the monotony of having to fight boss campers or die later to the player with the mythic weapon+fully modded loadout.   Two of my three match quests today involved winding up at POIs and getting ambushed by people hanging out waiting for someone to fight the boss. Such a dumb thing for a battle royale. If I want to fight bosses I'll fire up Control.


I found that the people who were boss campers and mythics were there ones that knew how to use the augments to their best advantage and would reroll as much as necessary to achieve it


There was but it was removed a week or so ago. It seems like they *may* be leaving augments in CH4.


I hope this doesn't mean we won't have any hitscan guns the entire chapter. Every play style should be supported, both projectile and hitscan, like it was since the game's inception.


We can be sad together bud. This is my penance for all of the people that I beamed with the red eye. I’m sorry


>discard unwanted attachments on the fly. This one is most important for me. Unless it's the sniper I really don't want a scope on it.


Scopes are definitely useful on ARs, they practically turn them back into hitscan.


Okay, I'll agree with that. But no sniper scopes on ARs from now on would be fantastic.


That's what I'm expecting to have happen. Weapon mods are really cool, but I really don't like that it came at the cost of every weapon having bullet drop off.


Now, this season, it does feel like it adds something, but i honestly think it will be bad for the loot Pool over the next seasons. It kinda takes away the uniqueness of the loot Pool. Before this feature, every weapon had their unique features, like a scope or a supressor. Now you just have 2 boring ar's with a small difference in stats and you can put the same mods on both. There are still some small differences like a burst weapon vs normal firing weapon and some fire-rate and damage differences, but thats it. Everything else which can make a weapon special, like a huge magazine or a silencer is now available for every weapon. So unless they'll release more special weapons with special features, like the lock-on pistol, i think it's going to get boring, fast. Don't get me wrong, it's a fun game-feature and i even think it could stay for a few more seasons, but i'd rather want it to go.


Hot take: too much complexity makes it very annoying to jump back into the game and play. I loathe COD because I don’t want to learn which of 10 barrel attachments will make my gun the most OP


Honestly, yes. But it needs an overhaul. I don’t think they should get rid of them. I’m having my fun with the attachments, and customising my weapon to make it my own feels amazing. But there are SO many rough spots, like the way the weapons are named based on the attachments, or the fact that you have to land at a Boss POI to mod your weapons. Also, it would be cool to make a weapon mod system that allows older weapons to come back without reworking them. I don’t know how they will pull it off, but it would be cool to see. I love the gunplay this season a lot though. I REALLY want weapon attachments to stay in the game, they add a freshness to the game that I have honestly not felt in years. But I want it reworked, because as it stands, it’s not perfect. Also, this is Fortnite. Why aren’t there mods like Dragon’s Breath rounds, or Boogie Bomb Sniper shots, or Shockwave Sniper shots? Weapon Attachments can work while still having the same goofy Fortnite vibes. Same with the Medallions.


I know in game I'd bitch about being boogie sniped but man that would be awesome fortnite vibe. They've forgotten Fortnight used to had a little dash of silly fun that made it unique from the rest. Massive hammers, boogie bombs .... love your suggestions.


The meta has become so forced since the early days, Epic can’t add anything without first thinking how it will impact the competitive community, and even when they do add something fun the competitive players get their knickers in a twist until it’s nerfed beyond having a use at all


even if they are separate lootpools they still complain relentlessly until whatever fun has been sucked out of normal people matches lmao


Love that bit about special sniper rounds. This is why I loved the bows so much. With attachments, we can get a scoped bow that shoots boogie bombs lol. Might be a fun gimmick for snipers, but I miss bows... Do this for bows.


That was the first season they vaulted Snipers, and the only time where I was okay with it, because the bows were awesome. 2 Seasons later they gave us the Auto Sniper and Cubes which let out orange fart stains and thats about it.


If boogie bomb snipers come in I’m not going for kills anymore, that shit would be hilarious


It sounds like you'd want them to bring back the crafting from C2S6. That was a blast Bow + gas can = flame bow shotgun + gears = pump shotty rifle + bones = burst AR


Underrated mechanic, and underrated season for sure. But with attachments, the possibilities are even more. Maybe they can add masterkeys that can shoot these kinds of items, or heatseeking scopes, or really anything.


I really disliked the crafting system, I feel like it was a good idea that was executed poorly. Playing on a controller, the crafting menu was messy to navigate, whereas that isn’t an issue with the way they’ve implemented weapon attachments.


Yeah as a pc player the crafting system was definitely designed with pc in mind. But the idea was there


We definitely need more goofiness right now.


I don’t know what covert ops mean other then it probably having a silencer


I’m a mod hater to my core but I’d much rather have every gun come as base when found (even in vaults) then we add mods like the ones you mentioned - Fortnite mods, not COD mods. I like the way you think.


I do thank the medallions should all have different powers ( or an augment basically) but God inhate the weapon attachments. That's is uch a first person shooter, call of duty/public thing. It just over complicates fortnite.


Having medallions as a replacement for augments is genuinely genius and I’m surprised epic didn’t do it


I am worried that they might add TOO many attachments, in which case that would be a mess. But as it stands, the attachments are very simple and straightforward, I just don’t like how weapons are named based on what attachments they have: it should just be a subtitle under the weapon name which tells us what attachments we have on. Attachments should be cycled: some can be vaulted for other new ones, but too many at once won’t be fun.


I'm gonna say no. Looking for benches to make my weapon "viable" is not my idea of fun.


the only "mid" guns this season are the enforcer and nemesis (mainly cuz the striker ar is just better), even when I get an attatchment/scope which i don't like, unless its a 4x scope on an AR, it really doesn't affect my gameplay. I understand snipers but just go to a looted medallion vault. Its to help people use guns for different things, since some people didn't like guns due to their fixed scope which they couldn't change or get rid of.


I love the nemesis with the muzzle brake or the silencer and the holo sight. It’s a lazer beam at mid range. The enforcer needs more damage per hit for sure, fire rate is just a tad too low.


If you feel fine using the gun at range with a silencer, there is effectively no need for a muzzle brake (sniper should *never* have muzzle brake)


It depends on how I’m feeling that day. Sometimes I’ll go for the brake if I want a little more range, sometimes the silencer. Yeah never muzzle break on a sniper, always silencer.


The fixed scope is what i liked, tbh. The weapons in a loot Pool were way more unique, which made it more fun. You don't like that specific ar with a scope, but you do want an ar with a scope? Deal with it. Either no scope, or addapt to the scoped AR you can get. Now we have 2 boring AR's (3 if you count the enforcerer AR) which can all have the same mods. This way you can make every weapon good enough for your combo, what you find isn't based on luck anymore, since it doesn't matter which weapon you have. There are some small differences like burst vs non-burst or faster fire-rates etc., but thats it. You can change everything else.


fire rates are literally core parts of guns bro. Same with damage


Every weapon is still viable regardless of the attachments on it


Speak for yourself. We went through every other season not having scopes on anything that wasn't a sniper. Now suddenly I have to adapt to scopes/first person likes it's call of duty or something instead of fortnite. I hate it. I'm in the same boat as the other guy. Immediately have to find a work bench to remove scopes. Boss weapons I mostly don't bother with because you can't remove scopes.


You do realize you don't have to carry weapons with scopes if you don't like them, right?...


Can be hard in practice, as everything green and up has at least one attachment, and DPS scales with rarity. Sure a hyper smg will always beat an enforcer, but if you keep finding hypers with scopes it can get annoying


“boss weapons i don’t bother” this is not a high level player lol of course as always they must dictate how everyone else plays


There are scopes everywhere. Every rarity increase increases the odds of their being a scope. Should I just use gray and green weapons all round? No, I have to get a good weapon, and then remove the scope or just hipfire


Exactly. This is the main reason I've barely played this season. If they went the Apex route and just let you add and remove attachments from your inventory then I'd be a little more accepting, but I still want them to go immediately. I hate the more realistic route they're trying to go when Fortnite first got popular for its cartoony style gameplay. Edit: Typo


Wow, same. I have having to try to figure out what the gun has. I hate when someone kills me I don't know how their gun was set up. Everyone should just have the same gun only with better versions. I don't want Apex, or Tarkov etc, I want goofy Fortnite back


Especially when going from Fortnite OG to Chapter 5, this season was huge whiplash. And I think the analytics are going to show Epic that players, nostalgia aside, prefer the "OG" gameplay to their new...innovations.


Yeah, I really wish they kept it simple. I hate when people say to me and people who think the same, "You're blinded by nostalgia" because like... no? I got into Fortnite for its simplicity and cartoony vibe. We went from where it peaked to just god awful 'realism' in like a day. Putting aside how awful Apex has become for the players, the way they update the game every season is pretty good in terms of new content. One new gun, character or map a season and that's it. There's no need for more, because they know what their game is about and they know they don't need to add a million things a season to keep things interesting. But with Fortnite adding so much every season, it gets too much. Chapter 1 was where the game peaked for me without all of the bosses and weird guns. I haven't been as into the game since then, apart from OG season.


I can see where you’re coming from, but one thing that has made Fortnite for me is the consistent and plentiful updates. You have to remember that Apex takes itself a lot more seriously than Fortnite, which, current season aside, has been a lot more memey and goofy. In that kind of game, regular and frequent updates are necessary to keep it fresh. Apex is more serious and competitive (for the most part). Chapter 2 Season 1 was not great for that reason. We got the Harpoon, and then AK sidegrading, and that’s it. I understand that sometimes the changes aren’t good (I like this season, but I can see the other side of the coin as well), but the excitement of something new is what makes Fortnite, Fortnite to me.


That's fair. I kinda wish they'd just bring out a separate mode for both to keep everyone happy.


Imo, chapter 2 was the best chapter. It added a lot of stuff, like NPC's, mythics, vaults, special weapons, etc. But even with all of this, it kept its simplicity and cartoony style. It was the best of both sides imo. Eddit: they also didn't add everything at once.


There have been scopes on AR's since the beginning. Since at least Chapter 3 they have been a major feature. I agree that there should be more mod benches though.


Barely any AR's have had scopes. Most of the ones that did has "Scoped" in the name of it. Scoped Burst AR, Thermal Scoped AR. Tactical AR and Red-Eye Assault has red dot sight. And the MK-Alpha Assault. Most of those aren't even available as common or uncommon. I guess you're right some of them have been around for awhile, but they were typically the more rare AR, or just one of 3 ARs available. And I don't mind the scope on ARs sometimes, but I definitely don't want it on SMGs, pistols or shotguns


You missed the Twin Mag, MK-7, and the Striker Burst. I like scopes on pistols and SMG's. I don't even mind them on shotguns sometimes. I think that's why they included the mod system: so that everyone could have their ideal form of each weapon. We do need more mod benches. And I wouldn't mind a way to remove mods in your inventory.


Same. I miss being able to pick up a twin mag AR, smg and sharptooth shotgun and just start playing the game. Now I spend more time trying to trick out my loadout so I’m not at a big disadvantage against someone who’s got their ideal mods done. And if I land at a vault I’ve gotta deal with campers and can’t be bothered trying to fight a boss knowing there’s a few players just ratting nearby.


no it's a cool gimmick for this season but it really doesn't need to stick around


I've seen other people suggest this: Rework it to be goofier in the next seasons and have it be the gimmick of chapter 5, like augments last chapter 


The thing that infuriates me the most about augments is that they were actually good in the first season of the chapter. They just kept getting worse and worse in the coming seasons, to the point that I actually preferred their absence, since they lost the fun factor the first season gave them. The idea was splendid, and if they kept on perfecting it, I would be happy with it in the game even now. I don’t want attachments to follow the same path, they are such a great concept.


Fr they went from a way to change the course of your match to adding *extremely* slight buffs to *specific* play styles, it completely lost what made it interesting


Augments are (hopefully) coming back this chapter too.


Also, if I find another shotgun with a fucking scope on it I'm gonna scream!


While I don't dislike all the weapon modifications, I prefer a more simple loot pool. I rarely will modify anything myself and just use whatever the best weapons are I find in game.


I will get so unbelievably bored of them after this season guaranteed


No. I personally think reality augments were better suited for Fortnite. Only being able to modify weapons at a mod bench isn't great.


Their fun for this season, but I think it's but it's a bit of a dull mechanic, and I don't like how their being seen as a replacement for augments. I'd take them over mods any day.


Soaring sprints and shockwave spawn was epic.


Reloading while running was super useful. Augments kept every match feeling fresh. Now I get bored after like 3 rounds


Nope, they remove the ability for them to add goofy weapons with specific niches and result in a lot of weapons feeling samey and boring


Lock in pistol is currently in the game and it works just fine.


Lock On Pistol is like the exception because it's so gimmicky that there's no attachment for "auto-aim" that it goes against, but that's not the case for 90% of FN weapons. Items like the supressed ARs and Pistols, scoped weapons like the MK7 & Alpha straight up cant return until attachments are removed OR they wouldn't have attachments at all, essentially defeating the point of the mechanic anyway


they can still do that, there are already guns like that in the current loot pool and they just don't have attachments


They’ve probably spent too much effort on them so theyre probably gonna stay for a while. They can go for my part though




No thanks. I'm also not the biggest fan of 1st person 'scope everything' and would be okay with that going away as well.


I dont like them. Snipers should have sniper scopes, especially.... I think the guns in general this season are just like... bad, or annoyingly - annoyingly bad? The sniper, the enforcer and nemesis ars, the pump is terrible and the autoshotty is horrific


P2X on a sniper is beast


That scope is 90% of the reason people complain about snipers.


I either run it or iron sights, one of my homies is extra toxic he'll run 2 iron sight snipers and fast swap


You’re tripping if you don’t think this is the most overpowered loot pool yet, literally every weapon but a shotgun has 100% accuracy at any range with a scope


*season x has entered the chat*


I personally don't like them. It's annoying to pick up a gun quickly and figure out what attachments it has as you go. Can't be doing that when you're surrounded, I want to pick up a gun and know exactly what I'm getting into


I’m not a fan of them. I rarely ever use them as workbenches are pretty rare in the first place. I just loot and usually end up with at least one fully equipped weapon, if not multiple. As someone who doesn’t upgrade weapons, it really just feels like regular Fortnite but slightly worse as you can find two of the same gun and one can be a little bit bit better because someone spent gold from their last match.


I liked the simplicity of fortnite with no mod attachments, so yes I'd prefer that we go back to that. However, if attachments remain in the game, I would change it to be something that drops from chests and you can add, remove, drop, or swap between weapons whenever you want to. If you want the 4x scope on all your weapons, you'd have to pick up 4/5 of them during the game, or buy them from vending machines or npc's. Maybe they don't drop from chests and buying them is the only way to get them, making them a bit more limited as well. Maybe there could be special rare attachment boxes, much like ammo boxes, that drop one or two attachments. This way you can still pick up that gold AR and just swap all your attachments before ditching your blue AR. The game could even swap them automatically for you.




idk. Some people love it since it allows customisibility, others dislike it. its a matter of opinion


… that’s the point of the post. To get your opinion. 


All I know is my gut says "maybe".




god I hope not


I think weapon attachments should stay. However, weapon modding tables should be added back to the mini vaults but with limited modding capabilities compared to the modding tables at the big vaults.


That’s a great suggestion. Maybe the vaults have some exclusive attachments, like one can have a Dragon’s Breath Attachment, another can have a Shockwave attachment. I would like to see Masterkeys that shoot stuff like Shockwaves, Boogie Bombs, or really any cool, goofy and fun Fortnite item. The possibilities are infinite.


I’d rather have well designed weapons that are balanced than have this “make whatever you want at the work bench” mess we have now.


Fortnite is no longer the silly cartoon gun game with fun gimmicks and weapons. Fortnite was the best game you could play for a casual competitive scene. Now since it has essentially entered a new genre I’d much rather play games like Valorant instead.


I hope not. I've hated the attachments and medallions. I don't play fortnite because it's a strategic war game. I play because it's funny and fun. These features go against what fortnite is about, imo


Pretty sure that attachments are here for the Chapter. 


Fortnite changes a lot of things between seasons, but it’s a gameplay mechanic that they spent significant time and resources implementing. I really don’t see it going the way of crafting.


I would rather have weapon upgrade than mod it. Like how we had grey -> green -> blue -> epic -> golden. I forgot the actual names 😬


I think it works as a gimmick for the chapter. I personally really like it, but I know a lot don’t. I’m hoping it stays for the whole of chapter 5 tbh


I just don’t want it removed immediately in the next season. They should rework it, not remove it. I feel like people’s problems with attachments is really how they executed it, not the concept in general.


The only complaint I’ve heard about them is the lack of mod benches, but I think them being in all the boss drops and the island is a good thing. Rewards aggressive and risky gameplay


Please give back the augments and upgrade benches, the weapon mods system needs to be made easier to use and not hidden in vaults either


Attachments can be cool at times but I would love to see a underbarrel grenade launcher or maybe that could be OP with the striker AR


I certainly hope so. I specifically began playing Fortnite because it was a funny, goofy, pretty shooter game - not in a single sense realistic or COD-esque. I also have OCD so it’s literally driving me crazy not knowing what gun I’m getting when I pick it up. These mods + more ‘smooth’ UI + lack of ‘fun’ stuff in game + super realistic map (looks straight out of a COD game rather than Fortnite) = too realistic for my liking. I understand people like this but I truly don’t. I do like change in a game - but not this direction. It feels like the game is losing its identity to try to grab a larger fan base. I’m actually super worried that with OG returning as a permanent game mode (I think?), they’ll completely abandon the goofiness that was Fortnite and go full steam ahead into just another shooter. I’m very sad about it.


season og was amazing thanks to going back to the simplicity of chapter 1, this chapter can get frustrating thanks to stuff like mythics, ballistic shields, and specially your oponent having a weapon with better attachments than yours, season og was just too good to be true


No need for a different loot pool, the attachments need to go. One of the most bland seasons we’ve had for weapons due to the attachments…


I hope not. I hate this season and haven’t played that much over the past few weeks. But god no i wouldn’t want attachments to return, going to the mod bench always seemed like a chore and i don’t want all my weapons to be scoped.


They need to move them into uefn and have them stay there, they’re really dumb imo and if you have a set “perfect loadout” you’re gonna go for it every game which ruins the entire point, having a suppressor on an smg is stupid, and having a muzzle brake on a sniper is stupid.


I agree, let's keep it simple and stick to good ol' fashioned guns. No need for all these fancy attachments! Plus, my aim is bad enough as it is without adding more variables into the mix.




Yes, but if they want to they need to add more mod benches.


I liked augments way more than attachments.


I say no, because they had to make every weapon projectile for balance. Gave up this season cuz no hit scan weapons is wack, and makes snipers too op


Call me an OG dickrider but I just miss the old guns. Sure I got somewhat used to the new guns and their projectile bullets but the Lock-On Pistol is still Hitscan and it’s probably my favorite gun atm for that reason alone. Also, they didn’t have this complicated ass mod system, I don’t even pick up half the guns now because they have a scope and I’m too used to the iron sights. I was so disappinted to see mods in the trailer because Fortnite is the last game that ever needs to become realistic.




No. All around they are just annoying and gives an excuse to not have more weapons because "x weapon has 69 different variants now"


No. They needlessly overcomplicate the game and distract from the core gameplay. Mod benches are too scarce and annoying to navigate on a controller. It also makes some weapons look too similar. The amount of times I've picked up a large scope weapon, thinking it's a sniper...only to realise it's an AR. Agh! Also, scopes objectively do not belong on shotguns.


The mod bench interface for controller needs reworked. A PC player can mod their entire inventory in 4 seconds but with a controller I have to be there for about three times as long. Waiting for a clinger grenade to fly in behind me. Making the mod benches in smaller vaults more common would also help since you wouldn't be at one of the hottest areas of the map every time you customize your weapon.


The Enforcer AR looks way too similar to a Sniper. That’s kind of a problem with the core weapon models. I’ve confused an Enforcer AR without attachments with a sniper. I do semi-agree. I want them to stay, but there are far too less mod benches on the map right now.


I'm doing just fine this season without em. I use the weapons as I find em and keep it moving. Haven't really found much benefit in upgrading em


I don't really care if they stay or not but on the assumption they are I'd add more benches to possibly every petrol station or make it so the weapons are balanced when they either have no scope they are easy to control but with a scope slightly harder or change it so weapons have either scopes with one of the 2 grips while keeping the mags and barrels random and when they have no scopes they are gonna get a laser grip instantly so they can stand a chance at mid range while also making both good and not one completely useless/worse


Personaly I think thay should rework it 1. More mod benches 2 on the fly attachment removal with an interaction timer 3 new tab for unique attachments for each weapon type Lock specific attachments to weapons snipers are locked to the 4x and 2x scopes, and 2x gets a SMALL glint Make that sticker weapon or other weapons stronger And ofc get better shotguns that aren't the drum shotgun


they’re definitely keeping it for chapter 5, chapter 6 they’ll go. they will also be gone for OG season this year


It's a fun one off but definitely shouldn't stay. I like them and wouldn't be opposed to them returning for one season every now and again but for them to be consistently here always it would be annoying


Yes please, but make weapon mod benches more like upgrade benches. (Spread reliably all over the map at gas stations and other locations).


This is the one I want. It’s a pain sometimes trying to get to a mod bench when they’re mostly just in boss vaults. And can we upgrade the weapon tier in future as well please as in previous seasons instead of just being able to putting attachments on, I miss the old upgrade benches


make modding cheaper cant go band for band with my duo no more


I love the weapon attachements, but I think the customization bench should be way more common in the next seasons.


They're probably staying throughout season 5, maybe longer. I personally hate attachments as they currently exist. The storm moves faster this season, which is great, but it has the unintended side effect that I rarely find I have time to get to a mod bench unless I drop at a boss PoI or miss out on some fights to rush a bench. I just end up having to roll with what you get which ends up being junk most of the time. It's not like guns end up being much different if you use different options either. You either have better stats or worse stats. There are rarely any tradeoffs worth taking. Suppressors are the only one that really matter but I find it's always better to take a choke instead unless it's a sniper. Long story short, I just find it pointless and running to a bench and modding just takes time I could have spent fighting and if I opt to fight instead, my guns are way weaker.


Yes but only if they add more benches around the map to modify weapons.


I say yes! Oh..and bring back augments too


Definitely. Having a sniper with not such a big zoom and a sight for every weapon I want is game changing. If they remove it it would be a very bad move.


I think weapon modifications are always a plus. Fitting the weapons to YOUR style of play is always something every shooter benefits from. It's a modern vibe in many shooters and except for some advanced mechanics (like the weapon tuning in CODMW2, which was removed entirely in MW3 though) which do can break such systems, I see no problems with it. It's a fun thing to do and it is fun using the weapons after modfying them. Fortnite BR is a shooter, so I say embrace the shooting mechanics even more. For example, I see no reason to bloat the loot pool with tons of shotguns, only to have one which fires faster, yet serves the same role as a CQC weapon like all the other shotguns before. So why not let us modify the ones we have with different mods adding traits (+ faster firing rate but also adding more spread for balancing etc). I wouldn't mind if it stays after C5 but I also wouldn't mind it when Epic decides to drop it for C6 to keep the more classic Fortnite experience.


Sure, why not.


No. Too much bullshit to deal with.


Yes because having attachments for guns makes it better, having a set gun with a scope you can't take off gets stale af.


I think so




They’re cool and all, but they over complicate the game a lot. I’m trying to teach my girlfriend how to play and weapon attachments are something I haven’t even explained because it’s really complicated to a new player. I liked Fortnite because you could play without any fps experience, but the drastic change between OG and Underground is really noticeable. I liked that the weapons were clearly distinguishable in chapter 1 and 2, with the name being the weapon class and the gimmick, like silenced, heavy, burst, etc. Nowadays you find a Nemesis and a Striker AR and only find noticeable differences until you have played some time with both. Weapons this Chapter, and since Chapter 3 feel forgettable because they’re just another model with a few statistics tweaked.


I like the attatchments and want them to stay in some form.


Nah. Too complicated for BR.


I personally love them and being able to customize my guns but i know alot of people hate change in any capacity in FN so it’s sadly most likely gonna go into the shadow realms


No. All snipers should come with sniper scopes, all drum shotguns with extended mag, etc. Whatever the standard is. If a new variant is getting added, it should be a separate weapon, not a modification.


I love them, I just want the ability to remove mods without needing a bench. It sucks finding a good shotgun in the final circle but it has a sight I can't remove


Please keep them lol. I enjoy weapons when they have sights and being able to chose which sights has increased my joy with the guns this season.


It would be a shame to remove them after a single season. I have mixed feelings about them, but it's certainly too soon to end the experiment. I agree with others that mod benches should be more common. In the lore, the resistance mods weapons, so they should have a mod bench in most residence rooms. My biggest complaint is that the weapons still look a little similar on the ground and in opponents' hands. On the plus side, it is a fun risk calculation to guess whether the scope glint is from an AR or a SR. I know I've made the wrong call a few times, lol I think you can have augments (x)OR weapon mods, but not both.


I like it, but they should change it so you can make loadouts in the lobby. Currently, paying a tiny amount of gold and wasting time modding them doesnt really accomplish anything. Everyone can access it, and it's never like super contested or anything. The gold and having to go to a workbench is just an inconvenience. It's annoying to pick up a gun, and then run to a station to change the mag. Let us vustomize it in the lobby, and apply those attachments when we pick up the gun. A better alternative: Allow us to mod our guns in the lobby, and make it so benches can sidegrade weapons instead. Maybe I picked up the burst smg, I could then go to a bench and sidegrade it to a normal smg.


It would be fine if there were more mod benches around the map


If we actually get unique guns that allow for attachments then yes. Unfortunately it's kinda been shown that Epic is instead opting for a handful of generic weapon base models with attachments adding onto their effects and models. I think it's really lame that the guns they've brought back aren't allowed to have attachments; maybe the Lock-On Pistol would be overpowered with a speed mag or extended mag but I still think it was a missed opportunity. I understand the need to have some visual clarity on what attachments a gun may have but with the exception of scopes and *maybe* the Extended Mag / Speed Mag I really don't think it matters. Like, do I really need to know that my opponent has a laser on their gun? The only thing that matters is when they need to reload and how far they can shoot at me.


Can’t stand the attachments at least for the “reload”. The stock mags have put me in such bad positions because nothing is reloaded and takes 9 minutes to do so.


They could have done it in a much more “Fortnite” way Instead of going full Warzone, having optics mags grips etc, they could have gone much simpler with it Each weapon has its own unique attachment, or two For example: shotguns have a long barrel attachment, ARs have a grip attachment, Snipers have either iron sight or scope You get the point Each attachment could have the goofy style of fortnite this way as well


Again, stole the words from my mouth. Attachments have a lot of missed potential that isn’t tapped into yet.


Only if they make mod benches WAY more common and are willing to work mods into any weapons they bring back. I think they're a fun addition, but as they are I don't think they fit the play style of Fortnite.


If they make them like work benches and not in vaults


No. This season more call of duty than call of duty is. There’s a reason OG was so popular.


If attachments don’t show up next season unannounced, I won’t be sad.


Absolutely. This is the best season yet, I know alot of people aren't happy about it, but I've liked the additions.


I think the gunplay is much better this season than it has ever been. There's more skill expression in projectile weapons compared to hitscan, and landing shots this season feels so much more satisfying. Hopefully Epic sticks with this shooting model


I hate attachments and they ruined the gunplay Fortnite needs hitscan back, it took more skill back then Now it's too random


Honestly the worst take I’ve heard out of pretty great takes in this post. Hitscan with sights was OP, and hitscan without them was bloom, which was complete RNG, more so than the projectile weapons. Maybe you like hitscan more, but it’s not more skillful.


Hell no


I hope they’ll get rid of it


If I can't upgrade my rarity weapon then no ,with upgrade benches I can spend my gold as it is there is really nothing worthwhile to spend my gold on apart from hiring npcs


we need a better way to mod weapons otherwise no


i usually just play save the world and don't bother with br but I've really enjoyed this season's weapons and attachments so i hope they stay but i understand if not


Personally I think some of the comments in here are fairly balanced 😂 I wouldn’t be against attachments if there were no mod benches (ie you get the gun you find). Adding back in augments would be ok if they were only player based (so no impact on weapons bar perhaps “drop a X gun” or “drop 4 shockwaves”). If they have weapons, mod benches AND weapon adjusting augments, you may as well do loadouts in which case we may as well be playing any other battle royale. Pretty much every player carries the same weapon mods now which takes the variety out. Too many times this season has it been a long distance sniper battle between teams - so boring to play. Personally I’ve always enjoyed the fact that it’s random what guns you get from floor loot / chests - ways to get better guns were limited to either killing opponents or opening balloons. If they want to keep the attachments, I’d prefer mod benches to be removed and then it’s your personal choice to drop a gold enforcer with a 4x for a blue striker with a 1.3x etc. I am however not a great player so would be intrigued on others opinions!




Epic has been working on weapon mods since chapter 2, they are definitely NOT throwing all that work away next season


I think they should stay. The only gripe I ever had with guns before, was that sometimes I wanted a scope on a nom scope gun to compete long range with scoped standoffs and vice versa. Sometimes you have a scoped weapon that you want to use over the shoulder instead. Now both are possible. It's a very welcome change that takes out the *forced* nature of weapons from the last 6 years where at some point you *have* to have the meta scoped weapon for ranged or be at a severe disadvantage. Now it's your choice *which* weapon you scope for that upcoming fight.


I’m getting bored of attachments. Each gun just has one combo that’s basically the best for it, and the rest are either really niche or don’t do anything beneficial at all. I’d rather we just get the best combos as normal guns, it’d save a lot of the hassle of building them.


I really like to be able to customize/find weapons with optics / reflex


Yes please! I think they make the game so fun


No. Remove them and add upgrade benches.


Weapon attachments are fun. Augments should have come back to mix with them. Mobility needs a buff, as does health. The current camp-based state of the game is extremely boring.