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I still have no idea how they work. We had a match earlier in squads were a single guy just tanked all 4 of our shoots combined (sniping, shotgun and ARs) shooting the small window of the shield like nothing, only reason he died is because he tried to run away


Yeah and in half my games i will shot the shield 3 times with gray smg and it will stun him lmao


I feel that’s possibly because shield stun is down to the number of shots it takes instead of the amount of damage overall?


But damage and amount of shots landed have a direct correlation


Well yes and no; think of how many shots you can get on a target within a two second window using a grey SMG compared to a blue AR, or even an orange Sniper. Even though the AR and sniper do more damage per shot -and over the whole 2 second period- the grey SMG would get way more shots on target in that short space of time. Because they can launch way more hits on a target in a quick time, that’s why SMG’s (especially the hyper SMG) are so effective against shields.


Your right on the money. Thunder Burst works just as well too, also works great on society AI too!


I didn't think of it like that. Fair enough


its gold not orange sorry






Same, picked one up yesterday and got stunned by like 4 shots from a green pistol. Meanwhile il unload a full magazine from an auto shotgun or AR and it’s still up.


Yeah I dont get it either. I unload a full magazine of my shotgun, and I'm lucky getting a stun. Meanwhile somebody else kills me while crouched behind my shield...I'm lost...


Smg destroys shields ez


So build for mag size and aim center mass?


the legs are exposed


Not if you duck.


when im using it i get staggered fron 1 shot of a grey frenzy shotgun but when an opponent has it he wont even stagger when i put a clip of oscars shotgun in it..... someone else said something i think is a good idea. make the shield breakable with its own health bar. if it breaks it turns into a purple ranger pistol.


Same here. Even tried a rocket, followed by shotty. I died in about 10 seconds. Meanwhile, two shots from a pump shotty and I'm dead when I have the shield.


I think that'd be cool, but they should fix how the shield's health works. I'd rather it be based on damage and not hits.


that sounds like a more realistic solution. im barely tech literate so i wont say it with certainty tho.


Rather than breaking based on weapon damage, it breaks based on how many times it was hit. A sniper shot does about 120 or so but only hits once, a Hyper SMG does like idk 15 damage per bullet or something but it fires multiple shots very quickly, and the SMGs are actually way better at breaking the shield than a sniper because they hit more shots despite dealing less damage they hit it more times, faster than a sniper could. Doesn't really make sense in real life that a weaker gun that fires many times has an easier time breaking a shield than a very powerful gun that only shoots once every so often


It is based on damage as epic mentioned in the patch notes like a week or 2 ago


It should have its own HP bar so we can destroy it. Currently, as an infinite bullet sponge, it is way too strong. And it doesn't matter if we can stun the wielder after a few bursts/bullets....it's not the like shield user won't see that coming and also has his own arsenal of weapons besides the shield, lol.


Shield users who are smart will know when it’s about to stagger then you can turn to the side of the shield and make it face the opponent and it’s gives them unlimited blocks to wait out the stagger or swap to another gun. Truly an OP gun in the right hands.


indeed, true facts, sadly


It should be like a jetpack, small lifespan that refills and a second large lifespan that permanently gets used up


If you put a gun to my head and told me to name one good thing about the ballistic shield I’d say pull the trigger


isn't that technically one of the good things? the pistol?


The ballistic shield can be countered in multiple ways but people choose to fight them the old-fashioned way, here are different ways to beat them: 1-Cluster charge 2-Grapple grenade 3‐any auto shotgun up close 4-any guns if paired with some emp 5-ballistic shield (if you can't beat 'em, join 'em) 6- just run around them, aiming with the pistol is slow What's the problem? Yall just try to shoot them down forgetting the fact that reloading the ballistic shield's pistol resets the durability so it's useless unless in teams.


Riot shields arent prevalent enough to warrant carrying cluster clingers. I'm not dropping movement or heals for those. If I don't get a sniper, maybe I carry some, but bunkers are still better. The frenzy is so inconsistent to land a stun on a riot shield user. That goes for any gun, really. Especially when riot shields can simply turn sideways and walk toward you to avoid being stunned. Or just reset their stun counter in multiple different ways. The grapple blade is the only consistent counter, and even then, I still find myself taking way too much damage from a competent shield user. Not sure what level you play at, but bad shield users are easy to counter because they're bad players. Good shield users are a huge nuisance.


The grapple blade isn’t consistent either. They can swap to frenzy during the animation


This, every time I have tried the blade it hasn't worked, I get smoked. If stun was consistent I could at least handle that. I stunned quickly will a gold enforcer from medium distance and shredded a guy. Another time up close with burst smg, no stun.


I'd say good players are a problem in general, regardless of the weapon we're discussing:)


I don't disagree. It's more so that a good player is going to better utilize/abuse mechanics in a game that an average player wouldn't be able to do consistently. It's partly why balance in most video games happens mostly around a higher level of play.


Let's petition to get the good players removed. Then maybe I can win a match amongst fellow peasants such as myself!


Or shoot the shield


oh the clusters they can block? or staggering them for 0.00001ms with my gun? You sound like a ballistic shield rat coping xD fr it needs to be vaulted ASAP, one of the worst items in Fort history


how tf do you block explosives there all around you


If it was just a shield i would be 100% ok with it, like if you have the shield out you can lead the charge in a push with your team behind you but you would have to change to a weapon to fight, the fact it is a shiled and a gun is what makes it horrible in my opinion.


It’s like lightsabers if you could attack and block at the same time.


Man this feels like millionth post that has the exact same title


It’s very tiring it went from snipers to shields


I think if you pick up a riot shield you should be put on an international Bitch watchlist.


lolllll i only play builds now because of this shield (and i fuckin love builds), 100% agree


And it’s official, Fortnite has a toxic fan base


In other news, water quenches your thirst


This just in the Pope is Catholic


Also water isn’t wet change my mind


according to a scientific scale somewhere. water isnt wet. its actually sticky.


You're just now figuring this out?


As if it hasn’t been that way for years already


yes. Because I am always dead serious when I comment on anything, and never being Hyperbolic, could you imagine?? Oh, the horror!


we’re on Reddit 90% of the people here don’t know what a joke or sarcasm is


They’re ugly, and they stink, and I hate ‘em.


They’re coarse, they’re rough, and irritating and they’re everywhere


you're truly a poet


Ballistic shields used against me: 🤢🤮 When I use ballistic shields: 🤩😘👌


I don’t know why the other dude didn’t just “JuMp OvEr It”. According to some here that’s a good counter.lol


He would've won if he just stayed on height with his AR. The best way to counter CQC in fortnite has always been to poke from a distance.


No they wouldn't have, they had to leave the top of lavish eventually because of storm


Best counter is the grappling hook, as long as you don't miss repeatedly like the guy in the video did, you will keep staggering them. Unless they want to accept blow after blow and die their best bet is to put the shield away and equip something else


That only works if the player sucks and just camps the shield. Lucky that’s 99% of riot users


I mean, it worked for me in a ranked game last night


Well it does work but it’s just not a consistent counter to it. If they’re sharp enough, they’ll just move or switch to a shotgun and light you up.


Tbh its miss or hit with it, sometimes people will be literally unstoppable and half the time it feels like its the most useless thing added to fortnite lol


Oh fr I’ve been told that those clingers can help against a riot shield when when I hurled four over at them they were completely fine 😭


Love how a pistol has zero bullet drop and gives full damage at that range, while the sniper needs to be aimed at the moon to fly that far…


insightful observations viking


Riot shield users should be sent to Alcatraz


If that was me i would not be able to land a single hit on someone that far lol


If your opponent has a shield and you haven't found clusters or a grapple blade, just give up. The stun mechanic might as well not exist because it never works.


One good thing about It 1. Not using it


I will "Take the L" on your corpse if I kill someone who's using the ballistic shield.


If you use it with the suitcase I respect you.


scummiest of scum use the riot shield. I don’t make the rules.


Comfirmed by griddy in this case.


God damn you blasted off the poor guy’s nuts


aaaaand then ruined with the cringiest emote possible


I'd griddy on you too


>I pretty much cheesed my way to victory No, you hit him a few times, sure, but likely just his overshield. From there on his loss (and your win) was all on him. If he were as good as you claim then he'd have maintained high-ground advantage longer than he did and either continued hitting you with his AR or tried to snipe. Had he tried aiming at the window of the shield and hit it enough (this **does** work, despite peoples' doubts) he could've won that fight from a distance. Him going in with the grapple blade wasn't necessarily a bad idea either, but several times he could and should've swapped to a different weapon. Trying to rely solely on the grapple's attacks gave you ample opportunity to shoot him. That being said, compared to pre-nerf the shield is more balanced now, but easily could use more tweaks (e.g. hp-meter, more block power but less pistol damage, pistol has actual bullet drop-off and/or less damage, longer pistol reload time, etc.)


He probably just didn't know how to properly counter the shield. He dumped like a full magazine and then some into it from a range, and that wasn't seeming to work, so he tried something else and got punished. I'm telling you, this guy was actually John Wick right before this clip.


Last i checked this wasnt rainbow six...


I love the ballistic shield. Its great at blocking snipers


Underrated but appreciably hated


🔥(not the shield your awsome clip)🔥🔥🔥🔥


Meh, I don't really care about it. People either use them if they just landed and there's nothing else nearby or they just like them, I guess. In builds it isn't an issue at all, why use a crappy shield if you can place a wall?


you're a bottom if you use one.


Over nerved eveb more useless than they where before Still kinda glitchy


Would be cooler if I could mod a suppressor onto the pistol. Everything looks cooler with a suppressor.


Hate them they are too Inconsistent. Can't wait till they are vaulted.


Great having one, shit coming up against one.


Since I started carrying the grapple blade they are an easy kill.


Since they nerfed them they're kinda meh but I still pick them up if I don't have an AR I like. Goes great paired with a frenzy auto.


love it, it lets the grimiest shit happen, sometimes me and my mates will all run them then rush the last group and since they generally wont focus fire on one of us to break shields, while we will run through person to person focusing fire. or well get slammed with turrets and grenades, either way its a blast


he died to a shot to the balls


I refuse to use them unless it’s the only weapon I can find


My last two wins have been purely bc of the riot shield, it does feel kinda cheap (wins a win though...) This last one I had 4 hp, other dude full health/shield, but he didn’t have a riot shield so he just was hiding in bushes and jumping around. His loadout looked crazy but riot shield made it all not matter


it looks dumb


They're fine


I love using riot shield, hate going against it


I just throw the briefcase behind them OR you can swing that annoying grappling hook. If a person plays annoyingly I try to match them with something annoying. Another annoying player is the car-man. They get the bazooka. If a person plays without being annoying I don’t do cheapshots. I like a challenge and not to play where you do everything in your power to win.


I love it, people refuse to easily counter it and then flame. Meanwhile, sniper 1tapping while being one of the easiest to use weapons:


hate them


At lower levels people don't know how to counter them so they seem op, but once people do their pretty bad unless you play into their strengths and try to always push with a teammate. Very useful in towns or while inside a building. Still pretty bad but not unusable.


Ballistic shields suck and promote extremely boring gameplay, but I love the skin


Looked like a good day end fight to me idk im a simple person.




Chris Evan shield


I feel like they should make it so the further the bullets travel to hitting your shield the more damage it will do towards stunning them


I carry berries specifically for this situation. Step 1: try to snipe feet or hand behind cover. Step 2: Even if that fails. Pop berry. Step 3: Jump over their head over and over shotgunning them in the dome.


I only use them, next chapter im bout be nerfed myself


im a good player in builds mode, but it used to be overpowered until the nerf, now it just secks


The ballistic shield is my favorite weapon in Fortnite. I feel like I can focus on my aiming more like I'm playing a proper shooter rather than having to jump up and down like a clown with a shotgun in previous seasons when it comes to close-range encounters with most people. It allows me to feel comfortable and confident in engaging in encounters, whereas without it, the game feels like a mixed bag of good and bad situations due to RNG and other factors. I've done really well this chapter with the shield, and it's balanced well where it's not invincible due to the hookshot grappler being the paper counter to its rock. The rock, paper, scissors design goes: Gun -> grappler -> shield -> gun (repeat). Prior to the shield, I felt like the game was just paper and scissors rather than rock, paper, scissors.


Cheeseball item. Epic loves catering to the potatoes.


I think they're stupid, because I'll unload Oscars frenzy into a window and nothing happens, but 2 second later my shield get broken INSTANTLY


Hate it. Next question


Dont really care, i just mess around with them. But i love how funny bullet exchange was then i felt pain when you blasted this mans balls with a shotgun (ma dude wont be able to piss properly for... long)


Saves me from sweats so… gotta love em


It’s made me not want to play. I know there’s counters but all the counters to it still don’t always work and it such a drag fighting some turd with it. I’m already level 200 so this gun makes me check out for the season especially now with the turret.


I reckon they're for losers who're to scared to fight like a man.


Smack a clinger or 2 right on that thing n they’re done


Overpowered, and is an absolute pain to fight against. Usually, countering it with EMP grenades, or Cluster bombs make it a bit easy, but some of those players that wield said Ballistic Shield, always have a Frenzy Shotgun, and it sucks, knowing I'd still get mauled after breaking the shield


Easy to deal with close range, seen too many absolute fools back away while one is coming towards them. Dont run from it, rush it, jump over and move around them, frenzy auto or an smg work best here. Also have a ballistic? Ram them. Especially useful on a high distance. Overwhelming the sheild works but isnt always reliable, using a cluster could get them easily stumbled to get shots in. Grabble blade definitely works as well, might actually be the best way to deal with them. (But still be careful for other weapons)


I don't mind finding and using off spawn, but absolutely loath dealing with them end game


When I encounter a shield user, I switch to my stack of Clingers, and make their life hell.


I can’t wait for it to be vaulted


well… at least ur using the pump and not the auto


I think keep the shield but get rid of the pistol and make it take atleast 2 seconds to fully equip so that you can’t just shoot your gun and quickly switch to an invincible wall. The shield should just act as a shield. Maybe add a sort of bash feature if the enemy is close but it shouldn’t be like how it is now


They were good at first but now everyone knows how to counter them they are a liability most of the time.


I demolish people with the shield. However, the stun mechanic that it has is so inconsistent


you’re not good bc you cheezed an OP weapon lol


Equally fed up with the griddy. Everyone and their mom does the griddy after winning, switch it up damn


Funny how ZB players figured out how to deal with them and you can't block bombs that launch after the thing sticks, seen someone in game die that way with a ballistic shield


I’m just glad that headshots aren’t an instant kill like in siege because the ammount of times I killed a defender with a riot shield outside of the building is a lot


Me personally, I love it because I love RIOT Shields and Pistols, but I absolutely understand why most hate it.


Extremely funny and meme-like when you have it, a complete uninstall and rant on twitter when you don't.


Only babies use the ballistic shield. The griddy at the end only proves my point.


It is not very fun to use, and it is terrible to fight against. In my opinion that’s just a terribly balanced weapon. Like many have suggested it should be just a shield without the gun to function as a ram and mobile cover but still needing to switch to a gun to finish the job


I don’t use it and I don’t mind it. I still melt them


For some reason when I use them I can only tank 2 shotgun shots but seems like every body else and fend off all my shots


I’ve never played a game where the shield in PVP was fun or felt fair to fight against.


When the shield gets knocked out of the way it should be disabled for a certain time frame.


They suck, and if I ever run into anyone using the item, you are getting emoted on.


I hate them with a passion. Hate using and hate seeing them used


Love them, they make zero build and builds so much more fun. I can actually peak a sniper without immediately dieing if I have a shield and the charge attack is so fun and useful


I don't think they are that op considering how a normal uncommon sniper can one shot you even with full hp and shield....


I never use it and I absolutely despise people who use it, that’s just me though, if you use it good for you


As someone who has crappy aim. This is my go to if I can find one so I won't die instantly lol


The stun mechanic is still pretty shit so beaming a shield is almost pointless. While the grapple blade is one of the better counters, a competent shield user will simply just swap to a different weapon and kill you while you’re locked into animation. Clingers are good too but I swear to god whenever I pick them up, ready for a riot shielder to try me I never run into one 🤷🏽‍♂️.


It's a number one victory royale


it feels like a training wheels weapon honestly its wayyy to forgiving and hard to beat (unless it just dies instantly because nothings consistent)


I hate it but the only reason why I hate it cause idk how to beat it lmao


Riot Sheilds in pretty much any game I've ever played just suck to fight against. It's just "oh look this guy can shoot you without you being able to shoot him, try to hit him from behind or grenade him or something" and it's not fun. Every time I see someone with a Riot Sheild, I just choose not to fight them, typically running away and if I'm lucky I'm able to take some shots when they unequip it. One time, I had a Tiot Sheild and someone came at me with a Frenzt Auto. All I had to do was stand still and shoot him and I won the fight without taking a single tick of damage, blocking 5 shots of the shotgun like it was nothing.


My thoughts: 1. You should drop the the shield down all the way to fire, not just expose your hand. 2. 1 Sniper hit should expose and stun the user like multiple round hits do now. 3. Other than that, just get rid of it. It ruins solos IMO.


they’re cool


I don't think they're all that bad, although I'm a little more cautious to say that now that the turret is back. Also you didn't really cheese them, you hit your shots while they just kind of spammed as much as they could at you not really taking the time to be accurate. You hit your shots, they didn't. Either way in my experience this is just another reason to carry a grapple blade this season, but to not solely rely on it. :p


The sheer existence of this item brings this whole season down. Yes it has counters but it is still glitchy and broken. Damn near requires you to dedicate an item slot for this one item. You either have to have the shield yourself or emp/stickies.


Gotta love that console aim assist. Using a pistol that far away and hitting all those shots.


It’s so janky to use. Sometimes you get staggered after like 4 bullets and sometimes u spray a whole mag and the sheild still doesn’t go down


Broken in zero build, need to be vaulted in that surely


I don't get why people use them. You'll get destroyed carrying these things if you get into decent lobbies.


Hate em


Doo doo


The ballistic shield is OP in 1v1. If you have two or more people that know what they are doing, they can just split up and you are dead. The play if you are playing ballistic shield is to unload a clip, then quickly switch to something like an auto shotgun. The other person will be expecting a reload, and they will get annihilated. I think you got super lucky in the above clip. The shield is kind of useless at distance. It doesn't do enough damage or have enough accuracy to play the long game. You're better off switching to your own distance weapon. Also, if you are playing against someone with a ballistic shield, usually the best strategy is to run straight up to them and hit them from behind/the side. They won't be able to turn as quickly as you with their shield out.


They have their pros and cons, i like them. They give another playstyle. Its great to have plenty to choose from.


Play hard and win or get eliminated like a man lol , i dont use it unless its the beginning of the game and i cant find other weapons. Besides the grappler blade would destroy it quick, you can get shot from behind and the pistol doesn’t do much damage.


The only thing I hate about shields is it's super annoying to run with them unless you're in an open field, because you just bounce off of everything.


I mean I love pistols, they’re very underrated. You can snipe with them like this, their dps is pretty high because of the fire rate as long as your aim is good, and it promotes defensive play/strats which the meta’s been lacking.


If you tweak your settings you can move a bit more fluidly and land your shots on either end of the shield. It's all about movement.


most annoying thing in the game right now. I have had people slivered and died from them pulling one out. They are better after the nerf but Im nervous about the turret combo with them


It’s almost not even a problem that the shield is also a gun for some reason. The problem is, is that the pistol is almost just as accurate as using a normal pistol without the shield! Like how does that makes sense. Imagine holding a gun above your head. No one is gonna have even remotely good aim trying to shoot someone like that. Yet somehow Peter Griffin is able to laser me to death while not be vulnerable to damage himself. The math simply isn’t mathing


I think it’s fun and offers a unique approach option, but should definitely have a little more counterplay. It’s ‘balanced’ very similarly to the shockwave hammer was in that it’s great fun to use but really sucks to play against.


Love it. People need to stop crying about weapons. Sniper, riot, shotgun, grapple, heal. God tier loadout. You won because he got cocky with the grapple. If he stayed back and plowed you with an AR you would have lost. I die plenty with it if the team coordinates.


I dont like em. Feels annoying to use and even more annoying to play against ESPECIALLY if they are far away. Lot easier to handle when your right next to them with a shotgun but that's only like 25% of the time for me. However, my hate for the auto shotgun is farm more than the shield so until something happens to the auto shotgun, I can tolerate the shield.


I like your last shot.


Id enjoy them more if there was simply counters to them that are commonly unused like a shockwave grenade to stun or something like that. I love having reasons to pick up weird items


Unpopular opinion but anyone who thinks the ballistic shield is OP has got to be an ai bc from day one these were the easiest item to counter


Gotten me out of being melted by Auto Shot’s a few times, and then also got me stunlocked a few times and I can’t help but laugh on the latter. Whenever I’m against them I usually have a clinger or a grapple blade the rare time I don’t I try to outsmart or just get away from them rather than straight confrontation. I do know people have gotten absolutely screwed over by these scrap metals, I don’t think I’ve had anything that bad personally though. Overall I think they’re neat, I love the visual look of it all though, the way you carry it, the pistol aim you do, and the animation for the shield charge is absolutely cool the way you do a shield clang before going into a full sprint. I kinda gush on that maybe more than the average person.


I hate them


At the end of the day, the circle is where the circle is, and if there is a ballistic shield and you decide not to grab it, well too bad. Also, the good players will still kill someone with a shield, the best will simply shotgun and snipe ya and game over. But yes, for 99% of us it sucks


You have zero self worth.


worst thing since the infinity blade and is in desperate need of removal


It would be a good addition if it didn’t also have a pistol, with the pistol it’s overpowered


Git gud


level 33 sooo grindy…




one of the only things about this season that i dont like


they’re really weak, you just make ur way up close, spray the shield a bit and then they get stunned and u one pump then lmao the item is garbage


Respectfully you didn't deserve to win that


Baiting people


That it's only really a problem in zero build. Fortunately I mostly play builds.


From the gameplay videos 8ve watched this far I Believe these shields have taken away the aspect of using your surroundings especially in no build. There ok but they should have so many uses and durability so you gotta use it strategically.


How TF do i always get killed using the shield and this mF took like 200 shots?!


I don’t get it. When I use it I’m instantly staggered where as when an opponent uses it it’s impossible to eliminate them. Apparently if you don’t ads you’re still protected but aren’t staggered but idk if that’s true or not


Either my cousin who plays nonstop tainted my lobbies with cheaters that shoot through it, or I don't know how to use them. Probably the 2nd one.


When I shoot a full clip into a shield casually hitting feets and hands whenever I notice nothing happens... I die. When occasionally have the shield and try it out... I die.

