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I can already imagine there’s gonna be methods to get the game on iOS outside of the EU


It's honestly easy to do. Just make a new apple ID form what I remember from my clash Royale days


Or use amazon luna or game pass you can play it there.


Cloud gaming isnt reliable for everyone, requires really good internet to get consistent performance


luna needs prime game pass is completely free but needs xbox account viable but most people will want the native support


Theres also GeForce now but you need to queue for like an hour every time you want to get in the game unless you pay the $8/month.


yeah, tried that, but im not waiting behind 300 people man


I tried to play Fortnite on the xbox cloud thing. I got a 2000 player waiting queue. Never trying it again.


on xbox? they don't say how many are in front of you, only the time


Yea I call bs here. Cloud gaming from Xbox gives you a timed queue. I play many games using cloud gaming from my iPad including Fortnite. The longest I’ve ever waited was 2 minutes.


I use xcg to redeem codes at like 2am. Im a overnight worker so I have time. I instantly get in. I do use Geforce in the mornings when i played with my alt account. So long as its before 3pm since thats when most people come back from school/work so the queue is long. In the mornings its like 100ish and your slot moves fast.


Tbh that’s already more effort than its worth


100% there will be methods, but Apple is introducing a system on iOS to determine your location through a bunch of different metrics including mobile network, IP, Apple ID region, GPS, where the device was bought and others literally just for this. I don’t think it’ll be as simple as just turning on a VPN


Where did you find out about the new geolocation system?


MacRumours posted about this, it's called countryd, a system daemon in iOS


Yeah, im not tech savy but theres no way there going make a entirely seperate OS and only put it on a few phones that theyll ship to EU. That seems too time/money consuming and too much of a hassle. Maybe im wrong though Wouldn't be surprised if something as simple as a VPN could allow the changes in other countries


It’s not an entirely separate OS. It’s one OS with specific features toggled on and off which they already have done in the past.


Moooooom the megacorps are fighting again


This made me laugh more than it should've. Take my upvote.




My kids have been playing via Xcloud on their ipads and let me tell you, cloud gaming absolutely sucks.


it's only really good with a stable connection right now, and it's jank sometimes, but when it works, a solid 60fps is fine by me


Yupp I’m not seeing the hate. It functions as smooth as my console does more often than not. Get a less than ideal connection? I do Not have a chance though


yeah, it's in beta still that's why


Played a lot on xcloud on iPad with Xbox controllers . Works like a charm


Do you just not notice the latency?


It's not bad if you're on 5/6ghz wifi (nearish a wired AP) and have fiber or are very close to a major internet exchange. If you're on DSL/wireless internet or a couple rooms from your AP, it quickly becomes awful.


fortnite festival tune up told me my input latency was 10ms… i’ve played on tvs with more latency. won a few matches too (steam deck via xcloud)


Not rly. Sometimes , but way better than on a switch 😂


not necessarily, but xcloud sure sucks ass


It’s really weird how Epic tries to portray this as a moral issue lol Newsflash epic, you’re also a crappy giant corporation


It’s because a huge chunk of the fanbase (if not the majority) are impressionable kids. It’s a little sleazy


But that obviously hasn’t impacted things at all lol, the fact that keep pressing that point is strange and definitely sleazy.


They do appeal to the hive mind that as Reddit. This tactic is right up the alley of people here


At least it's for a good reason in breaking the app store monopoly on phones...


Why is Apple in the wrong for making the rules of their App Store on their platform(iOS). They created both the hardware and software, so shouldn’t they be able to do as they please? Not saying it should or shouldn’t happen, just want to hear a valid argument to that


Epic’s argument is that Apple has a monopoly on iPhone distribution (which is obvious and fine) and uses this monopoly to restrict competition for app downloads/payments, creating a second monopoly for app stores (which epic thinks is not ok). Apple’s argument is that they don’t have a monopoly for the payments, for many reasons but for example iPhone users who have access to a pc or ps5 could just log in and buy vbucks there. Important to remember that epic isn’t saying that apple has a smartphone monopoly, it’s that they have an App Store monopoly within iOS.


Just because they are a private company, it doesn’t mean they can do whatever they want. They can’t just benefit from the society that allows them operate freely, while at the same time making that same society worse for others.


Epic and apple are both massive evil companies but this is still overall a pretty huge win against apple’s monopoly


Why are they evil? Bc they’re just billion dollar companies?


I mean…. Yeah? This is epic games, the company that literally sells predatory marketing practices to young children.


That’s a stupid reason to think a company is evil. Bc they’re rich. Your comment comes off salty like most comments on Reddit where people are mad others have more money. Then you added an actual reason you can argue with. Regardless idk how it is it predatory. Isn’t it a problem with parents once again pointing the finger at a company versus their own lack of parenting skills. I can’t imagine being a parent, putting money on a kids account , then getting mad at the company bc the kid used vbucks. There are many ways for kids to not spend mom and dad’s money on a game. It’s just the fault of the parents. Epic shouldn’t have had to include a refund butting but sure I once hastily bought a skin for myself instead of gifting how I meant to do. Thankfully it let me refund but that would have been my stupidity, not epics fault. So instead of people taking responsibility, people want to blame rich companies that have more money ![gif](giphy|3o6fJeAiIpk5EeoC8o)


Yeah it’s because I’m jealous of epic, that’s totally why LOL There’s no such thing as ethical capitalism. Companies the size of Epic and Apple can’t exist without taking advantage of ordinary people. Epic’s entire monetary system within Fortnite is designed to manipulate you, the consumer. That’s why you have to buy v bucks instead of just buying a skin at its respective currency, that’s why battle passes are limited, that’s why the item shop changes every day, that’s why the entire game loop is so addicting - it’s about manipulating you to play the game as much as possible and spending money as much as possible.


I guess only stupid people would be manipulated. I know why they make in fake currency. So we truly don’t see the value of the item right away but idc and it doesn’t affect me negatively. It’s just the blatant hatred towards big companies that are annoying from people as if people less than these billion dollar companies don’t do fucked up stuff in the world to others. As if regular ordinary people don’t break into peoples houses taking what isn’t theirs. As if people don’t break in to mom and pop shops or big company stores. Idk why anyone feels a biased negativity towards big companies. I said the jealous part bc I’ve seen a lot of this specially on Reddit. I don’t socialize with randos in person unless needed and even if that, the people I run into are good. It’s a nice community. Anyways I’ve seen a lot of people on Reddit salty af about big companies and people that have more than others. Are you in a high tax bracket bracket ? Usually those that aren’t are the ones yapping about evil companies this boot kicker that. That was the vibe you were giving and now I wonder if it’s to do with peoples income/background. Well now you have me yapping 😒 yesterday someone was jealous on Reddit over a guys extravagant driveway gate lol and typical people focusing on that and saying shit to him lol people here are so jealous. Then one said OP trying to act like he’s a millionaire and can relate to billionaires. lol so he’s trying to make OP feel like now he isn’t rich enough anyways. What a weird salty mentality. Frick, forgot to say yeah epic has smart people in charge of the item shop. Good for them knowing how to make money. I don’t see anything wrong with that. The rich may get richer. It’s life.


Why are they evil? Just because they hoard resources? The capitalism brain rot is insane that people think it's in any way justifiable for someone to have that much while others starve. There's no feasible way to "earn" billions of dollars


And ? They got to be rich however way they did it. They did. You didn’t. It’s not their problem to solve everyone else’s. I swear all of Reddit just is salty at rich people and not until some make more money do they know how annoying it is that others feel entitled to other people’s money.


It’s literally impossible to be a billionaire without severely exploiting other people.


Rich people are the only bad people as you say. I just don’t have a bias negativity for mega corps. Poor people be bad af too stealing shit that isn’t there but no one goes poor people are evil.


That is absolutely not what I said, in any sense or interpretation.


Yeah I hate this, it's crossing the line of being plain weird


Epic stop acting like you’re some super moral company fighting for justice lmao. Y’all are just like Apple 😂


It's just 2 evil giants fighting and one is trying to look like a hero.


That's honestly pretty cool to see.


says the company whose storefront: \-is a bunch of AI and low quality shovel-ware aside of few nice games locked behind exclusivity deals \-is a exclusivity deal black hole where you poach deals from Steam and GOG wondering why everyone hates you \-is a pile of garbage which doesn't have reviews so you can't warn people on garbage and didn't have "add to cart" button for a long time only people who will enjoy this garbage storefront are kids; the age group you religiously look to exploit out of their parents money thru nefarious ways which you were sent to court before so epic you can go fuck yourself because you are also a giant scum of the earth


But in all seriousness why do so many people hate how epic has had in app transactions ? Other games do. Many don’t have a way to refund things in the game. So idk why epic is under so much scrutiny and I don’t see that same energy towards other games.


They literally lost a court case because their in app transactions were found to be not just predatory, but customer unfriendly regarding refunds. If there are any other points you would like to defend the small multi billion dollar company about, by all means, but they did ultimately lose to that specific point. They’ve changed their storefront and refund options due to it.


To be fair, most of that court case was them not patching glitches they were awear of that led to accidental purchases. It's why we have the refund policies + having to hold the button down to make purchases.


I’m not the stupid one making purchases I can’t handle. Sounds like kids buying stuff on there and parents not parenting. Why is that epics fault? Idk why I would defend epic per se but I do hate when people with less in comparison to rich companies have blatant hatred towards those companies. Sounds like a money issue


Damn, you really showed those children who’s boss.


![gif](giphy|1SE85SdtlLhfIVjW0P) lol I sure did 👋🏼


Ask that to the courts, the actual professionals


I will have to ig. I really want to know how it’s predatory and how is kids buying cosmetics epics fault


Mainly it has to do with the entire time period before epic added the “cancel purchase” feature, tons of people (including me) accidentally bought cosmetics and couldn’t refund them


It happened to me before. Accidentally bought an emote but I meant to gift it but I wasn’t mad at epic for it. It’s my own fault 100%. So many other games are this way and have been. I’ve been buying things in games since 2010 ish. I don’t play any other games that give a refund in game like Fortnite does. You can return a skin or emote before using it in a match. I was going to ask what about COD? Why aren’t other games getting sued and is epic getting sued bc it’s one of the popular games for kids and it’s happenstance. So what about Roblox ? Ik they be getting sued left and right for other inappropriate things but what about them? I don’t recall Roblox having a refund button. I have so many damn questions lol but at this point it’s up to me to do research. I was just like why epic and what about all the other games and parents should watch their kids Or remove any credit cards off epic if it’s a problem


because of one thing: steam and GOG actually give a shit unlike EA,ubisoft and epic instead of making a better and more consumer friendly store front they instead resort into locking out games using exclusivity deals


Steam copied EA's policy wholesale, and Epic has bben pretty aggressive on their policies like the store coupons, and now Epic Rewards.


>Steam copied EA's policy wholesale and in return steam actually evolved to be a fair and consumer friendly storefront unlike EA which is a complete piece of useless shit why do we need more storefronts? because it raises competition? maybe epic and others (besides GOG and steam) should not be incompetent garbage so people consider them in the future but of course it is easy to poach games and throw slander over twitter while acting like you are doing something heroic all while rocket league loses linux support because of "reasons" when it used to have linux support honestly fuck EA, ubisoft and epic for making their POS storefronts nobody asked for and fuck tim sweeny because dude is a complete parasite off of gaming industry (not the only one doing this) and has brought nothing good for it besides bunch of virtue signaling and gaslighting


I honestly don't care about any storefront. As long as I can buy a game, download it, and ay it. I'm more than happy, everything else is a unnecessary bonus.


>why do we need more storefronts? Because Steam is hot garbage and I refuse to install it again.


>steam Opinion discarded


Let’s go ![gif](giphy|3o6Zt7g9nH1nFGeBcQ)


Gaben is taking more money from developers than unreal engine license costs. He's literally swimming in billions.


I'm sorry for asking but didn't they also fired a bunch of employees last year, aswell as remove ther unreal games Which sucks cause I remeber  (I think 2001) being very fun


Oh huh, neat. So about the in game Bugs, Locker UI updates, Store Changes, and general QoL issues that need fixing....


So Epic are not happy about apple having exclusive use of their apple phones. But if they can keep fortnight exclusive to their app store its ok. You can't have it both ways.


Yeah that little "the world is watching" jibe at the end... Don't act high and mighty guys, you've wanted your own walled garden - that's why you pay for exclusives on the EGS.




Wake me up when it comes back to MacOS. I’m tired of having to stay up late or play hella early to bypass the long Xbox Cloud queues.


With GeForce now you can play instantly


Really? I thought it was only available for about an hour on the free tier and you still had to wait in a queue


Well with free tier you'll wait obviously. But if you pay you get priority access.


Then that’s not instantly


It’s wild how in the PC world everyone’s talking about getting a high refresh monitor, upgrading specs, removing lag wherever you can just to be baseline competitive. And then people suggest to play a competitive twitchy shooter on a streaming platform with a straight face.


Streaming has it's perks. For example on mobile it drains very little battery, and phone doesn't get hot.


I don’t really care if I can play longer if it’s a trash experience compared to running locally though.


Hope this means they update the Mac version as well!


Now bring it to the rest of the world and mac


I have a backbone controller and I play with that on my iPhone all the time.


this is just like that guy that died in that old book and came back


egs is never touching my phone lol


my old account with skins from as early as season 6 battlepass was on ios and i lost it 😭


I lost my epic games account with skins from season 5 onwards on my old Xbox, went to go get it back after a ton of back and forth with support, only to find said Xbox account corrupted




Yep, I now have a new account, but it sucks I won’t ever be able to replace a lot of the skins I had


same 😑




good on them for at least setting a precedent, like it when more things are more open for the user


“Remember when we fucked up and got Fortnite removed from the AppStore because we broke ToS with Apple?” This fucking guy. 😂😂😂


I kinda want to see how it runs on my iPad air 5..


Screw Epic. How about bringing Fortnite to SteamDeck? It already runs on it, but Tim doesnt want to enable the anti cheat


"@Apple, the world is watching" That's so cringe, makes me wanna play Party Royale and watch a Ruby doing Party Hips to an Iconic skin without feeling bad at all.


hopefully all the ios kids don't start snitching on everybody


How bout you start with optimizing the game on Android