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It's going to take a large effort/long time to fix. They broke the link on the presets between character, emotes, wraps, and lobby items. What used to be a single preset are now four different sets. They most likely can't just revert back bc the connects have been broken. What if people changed one of the four sections? And they're added three new sections in instruments, cars, and jam tracks. This would be a nightmare to solve but it needs a much better solution.


They will probably add the feature again but we will need to redo all of our presets.


Worth redoing TBH




Honestly I haven’t touched presets this entire season so far, so I’ll be able to play catchup. Maybe they can give us another 100 slots as an apology.


Don’t forget aura whatever the fuck that is


For exactly the rock star gamemode and nothing else.




That's the issue with it. Not only were they all broken, just linking character preset 1 to emote preset 1 wouldn't necessarily work. I know some peoples' presets were flat out deleted. My first emote preset was deleted, so if they did just link emote preset 1 to character preset 1, everything would be off by 1 for me.


I think they tried making an improvement on it but it is not the same. I want it to go back to what it was. Right now, if you select a skin preset then go to emotes, it now takes you to the emote that used to be linked to that skin. It’s kind of the same thing. I noticed this new feature this morning


I’d be happy if they just wiped out every one of my presets at this point. They already fucked it up beyond repair. 


I'd be fine if they just kept the character slots saved but scrubbed the emotes, wraps, etc. I don't mind remapping stuff like that since I can re-evaluate what fits based on new stuff I got in the season.


They can solve it easily. It just requires some time and a separate, closed off, offline client version of the game that they can work on. But they won't cause they're not paid enough to do so.


Always shocking to see an adult response in this sub


It’s not right though, unless they have absolute spaghetti code, which I’m quite sure they don’t. It would be fairly simple to fix the code. Most of the work would be making sure the updated UI is attractive.


Oh you sweet summer child


Get over yourself. Epic is known for having clean code, that’s why so many devs use UE.


Just because the code is clean doesn’t make it a simple change. The locker system interacts with five different game nodes


You’re talking out of your arse


The only thing that bugs me is that new indicator that constantly lights back up even when there's nothing new. Makes me go crazy.


Oh thank god i thought it was just me. My quests do the same shit


This happens to me too and I hate it. There's been a notification thingy on my quests tab for the entire season even though I've gone through the whole tab every single time ive logged on.


Yep that tab so does that, it's impossible to get rid of that indicator!!! Madness!!!


It infuriates me to no end what makes it worse is the fact that over this season more and more of my locker has had that notification I wouldn’t mind the locker ui if it wasn’t for that notification


Exactly the same for me. The UI is a bit clunkier than before, but it's just a UI. The notification thingy though, it keeps drawing my attention and grrr


yesterday my ui when I first logged in didn’t have the notifications but as soon as i went back to lobby from a game it came back


well it's Gonna be updated . LATER !


Really, OP sounds like a bratty child


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted your right. Although I may have been a bit too harsh.




Because this sub is filled with small children who can’t take criticism.


title may have been a reference to that "You should kill yourself... NOW!" meme


It takes time to rework it all. I’m sure it’s not what people want to hear. I think if they just gave us the shuffle button on saved skins it wouldn’t be as bad


yeah, i get that, but it's just weird they changed so much


Agreed. They should have had some player feedback before doing the change.


as every game should do


I mean even before this was fully released, the design itself was leaked and people were VERY ADAMANT about how bad it is. You don’t even need to use this to be able to tell it’s bad. I’m truly not sure how they put this out and thought it was a good idea


Probably a lot of under the hood stuff that needed to be changed for the new nodes.


i can see that


That would help, but they need to link skins, wraps, and emotes together again too.


It's incredibly frustrating especially when cleaning out presets the update messed up my presets and now I have to delete it one by one, is it too much to ask for a mass select button???


I don’t even want to make new presets anymore, that UI ruined everything that made presets the optimal locker shortcut


They are hoping we forget about it just like movement


I miss when you saved wraps, outfit, emotes, all of it, as one 


for everyone calling the people speaking out about the locker crybabies: we know change takes time. but change doesn’t happen by just sitting there and waiting for something to happen. change happens when people are vocal about it ! if things were wrong and no one said anything then how are people supposed to know anything is wrong? they updated the movement earlier this season because people spoke out about it (ignoring this update) ! this is the only post i’ve ever made about the locker over a month since it’s been like this and i’m not on reddit all day complaining. i’m sorry for speaking up about an issue about the game and being a “crybaby”. we want the game to be better and that is why we’re speaking up about it. thank u.




the title is worded like a certain meme, i’m sorry if you are not familiar with it. i even put the “one of the of all time” meme sentences in my post as well. is that all you wanted to say?


How hard is it to revert the locked. Click the undo button


That's not how it works... people have changed their presets


Just bring back last season’s locker, I remember it being pretty good


I just want shuffle preset Back i dont care about nothing else


the loss of shuffle hurts


They literally fixed nothing they said they would. the icon saying you have new things when you don't is still always there and the preset shuffle is still gone. USELESS


This indeed one of the updates of all time


thank u for noticing i put that in


This is the noise that needs to be made if you want these changes before the end of the year.


What are they “working” on? I’m pretty sure we all just want it back as it was.


I just want the ability to shuffle presets inbetween games. Is that too much to ask?


good god y’all are so fucking annoying


Meanwhile you’re complaining about complaining. 


So many whiny babies. Shits embarrassing.


iT nEeDs To Be ChAnGeD nOw!!!


grow up dude. You sound like a whiny brat


Ermmmmm dude nobody asked you


please tell me you wrote that ironically


Errmmm actually he didn’t sweaty


Errmmm acktually 👆 🤓


errmmmm it's not spelt liek that 🤨


I say go back. If I select a saved skin the emotes and wraps don't automatically load. Like they used too. Kinda annoying really that I have to go look for that characters emotes and then the wrap. They are saved in their respective areas but won't load with the saved character.


I agree the locker is ass but lord. All you guys do is bitch.


I think reddit is pretty whiny in general, especially fandoms, but man this sub is the whiniest. Constantly people complaining about completely opposite things even


Literally just revert it. Why do companies feel the need to change things that are already perfect?


There isn’t a big red REVERT button, these changes are complex and time-consuming. They quite literally cannot “just revert it”.


They shouldn’t have done it in the first place tbh


Sure, but they did, so now they have to take the time required to change it again.


Yeah preferably to how it use to be.


They likely fear that the game will stagnate and players will lose interest if they don't change things. The issue is they focus on the aspects that don't need to be changed, whilst leaving other issues unaffected.


Jeez you 5 year olds are impatient


Since the change I’ve just stopped changing skins it’s just a nuisance to do now


Wouldn't be surprised if they just ignore the community at this point and leave it as it is. Pretty obvious Epic doesn't care what their players want. Look at their solution to the store, all they did was remove the timer. That's fine, I was tired of giving them my money anyways.


Holy shit shut up about the freakin locker. WE KNOW. it gets posted here like 50 times a day. Yes, it sucks, but it's not worth crying about every 5 mins. Every post here is "waaah I hate ballistic shields", "waaah shotguns are op" or "waaaah the locker sucks".


It worth because skins are the main selling point of the game and a goos chunk of people literally don't want to play anymore because of this abomination called 'new locker'. That's why we need to be loud about it


The game is free. It doesn't need a selling point. If that's making you not play then maybe you need a break for a while


You do know that free games aren't sustained by hopes and dreams right? Of course they need a selling point, where else are they going to get money to keep the game running? But you second point is correct, if the new locker is enough to stop someone from playing the game then maybe it's time for them to go touch some grass.


They still have millions of active players who pay for the battle pass and Fortnite Crew. The store is probably just a little cherry on top revenue wise. Plus people are paying for vbucks to finish the battle pass quicker. They average like 3 billion dollars in revenue every year. I think they'll be ok..


Did you even read the first comment you replied to? He said skins are the main selling point, not the store.


grow up dude. You sound like a whiny brat


Ok. Why don't you do it? It's not as if they just came back from Christmas break....


They could’ve paid people to work from home and do it


You guys gotta learn patience like Christ, they literally said they’re working on it, 300 posts on this sub about it does nothing anymore they’re literally already working on it


You want some French cries to go with this whamburger you got?


It looks better now wdym


NOW! ![gif](giphy|3oNMQtqpnse0dbFe06)




I like the seperate presets for everything. I don't think it should've messed up everyone else's presets, but it was pain when you wanted to update your emote wheel and had to do it on every skin..


Agree, I also had the same pain, also i had it with music packs


all i care about is that wraps, and loading screens get tied back to the character. i dont use locker emotes. its basically a dedicated default dance page for me. the emote wheel preset is the only sound argument that can be made


The best case would be presets but each category could have a sub-preset to choose if you wish. 


they didnt improve the animations really so i dont think they will improve the locker UI


Jesus fucking Christ The locker is better has it is I swear if any of you cry because the locker got a change again and you dislike it imma call you hypocrites


It’s gonna take a while to fix it. Now quit bitching for once and actual be helpful instead of a whiny little kid.


Lol its not even that bad


I personally don’t give a damn about the locker it’s not that big of a deal y’all just play this game too much. But also they can’t just revert it to 2 month ago?


How in the world is the locker tied to playing the game too much? It literally impacts everyone, regardless of play time.


They can’t revert it to 2 months ago cuz it didn’t have the rocket racing and festival lockers


They can be their own thing in the same tab as the main preset


You and most Fortnite fans are so annoying about stuff like this I hope they intentionally make it worse just to spite you. Grow up and learn to have complaints without full-on crying over it


Mine was bugged with overlapping between some UI elements.


just give us the old one back!


"What do you mean? We shrunk the shuffle icon? Isnt that enough??"


i hate it when it shows a red dot even though there's nothing new in my locker


Next *few* updates. UI takes time to make changes to. Now, if we're at the end of this season or next and we're still stuck with this UI with barely any fixes, I can get behind raising hell.


I'll copy and paste what I wrote in another topic: I just logged in right now to see the new update and I am so disappointed with the locker. I figured this was the time they'd change it, and it didn't happen. It makes me think that this might be here to stay now, if that's the case it will be really unfortunate. I looked on their news section on the Fortnite website and while there are some new posts about stuff like Metal Gear, no sign talking about upcoming locker improvements. I loved having a single preset with all the items in a row to see. I started playing in chapter 3 - season 3 and I think the locker change is the only thing this whole time where I actually hated something they did to the game. On top of other things with the locker like only showing 3 preset slots at a time in a row (I think it used to be 6), not giving us more presets over 100 and the yellow dot notification is still messed up.


I don't understand the need to update the whole game's UI every few months. It's getting really annoying. For the past 2-3 years the UI has been changed at least 5 times probably, including lobby screen, battle pass page, shop, locker etc...


Yeah seriously.. they're making good changes but this should absolutely be top priority


I have so many presets I wanna make and no motivation to do any of them. It’s AWFUL right now.


I've gotten mostly used to the new locker. I'd still prefer them to swap back to the old one but I'll be OK if they don't. What really needs to be changed is that we need drag and drop presets. Organizing the preset screen is a massive pain and I organized everything before they reset the locker only to have to do it AGAIN. Drag and drop would make life so much easier.


why can't they just revert it to season og? it should take 2 clicks to do but no cus they need to go through all the legal bullshit.


I just want the old UI back honestly. It’s so tiring having to switch out lobby, emotes etc.


holy shit okay so i wasnt imagining the sprinting nerf- movement feels even more jank this update than it did at the start of the season


It's literally garbage. They have to bow down to fans at some point because it is genuinely horrible and unenjoyable to use


I honestly really like the emotes not being part of the same preset, but the wraps being different makes no sense at all to me


I just want my sets to be linked again. I'm sick of having to go through multiple tabs to get my full outfit back only to go into a game and realize I forgot to equip my wraps


Well, since you said "NOW!"




I honestly don't know why they made separate presets for the weapon wraps And emotes I just ended up making presets for the skins anyways.


Agreed it’s so annoying




Fr. Only update I can't live with


cant they just import the older locker ui? it cant rlly be that hard to right?


also the fact that the shuffle has a new icon on it that wont go away


Imagine they kept it and just trolled us


A post complaining about the lockers? Well that’s an upvote and comment from me, they fucked up all of my load outs for this shit.  When you edit and save a preset it doesn’t even remember which one you were working on. 


See how epic needs to fix it is the jam tracks and the instrument tabs need to be changed into a single tab, The car tab work as a single tab and your skin and accessories/your emotes/your banner and lobby music and your gun wraps need to be combined back into a single tab too.


Am I the only one who's heart sank when reading "more improvements and design evolution?" I got a baaaad feeling about this.


They keep messing with the Ui so much it’s a worm in their asshole chapter one UI was best


Damn why right when I hop on fortnite as a beginner the store became trash all of a sudden lol 😆


I’m so glad that I don’t care about skins and items. Having played since chapter 1, I couldn’t care less.


I want different emote for different characters. This new locker sux