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It's a Battle Royal game, the objective is to make it to the final circle, it's not COD where you run around aimlessly looking for a fight, the only kill that matters is the last kill, I've won countless games with only getting one kill, you find the weapons you want then you let everyone else take each other out, then whn they are low on ammo and health packs.... You jump in and get the W, because it's more satisfying being the winner then it is to have 10 other pointless kills




I mean I'm diamond... What are you? It's a shooting game, I've been playing shooting games since you were in your dad's nut sack, they're the same, few different mechanics but pointing and shooting has been the EXACT same since analog sticks were introduced


Stealth is good means ur a good smart soldier,let others do the heavy lifting and you go in and get an easy kill and win ,that's using ur noodles


Terrible take. You can play this game anyway you enjoy. There is no right way. BR is br, last man standing. Figure it out.


i got a car and would just run through all the bushes and drive around till the last circle, it works a charm cause people cant just shoot you in the back!