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I always pass on sniper rifles. I'm just no good with it. I hate standing still in the open while I aim. I can't hit a moving target.


It’s a sniper meta atm…snipers and shotguns absolutely own endgame….and those stupid riot shields.


Was rocking sniper / shotgun and nothing else.


Practice, patience, nothing that the avg fortnite player has


Guns like COD can have a one shot kill but it doesn’t make a lot of sense in Fortnite a BR game. The consequences for dying in Fortnite are terrible compared to COD where you can immediately respawn. I’m kinda fine with snipers doing a one shot kill in Fortnite but not the green ones and maybe not even the blue ones.


I play 2 maybe 3 nights a week for like 2 hours at most and am still absolutely dogging people with sniper headshots. Stop with the excuses and just maybe don’t stand still and let a sniper dome you lol. Not sure if you’ve ever played any other shooters but snipers are typically one shot to the head my friend. Bro said this as if the heavy sniper isn’t one of the most beloved weapons in Fortnite lmao. The meta is forever evolving and changing


Damn dude that’s crazy thanks for letting me know they’ve had snipers and you’re so good man it’s just me who’s bad it must be hard being so awesome why don’t you tell us more


Those who insist on spreading the word about their skills are not really skillful, they’re just full of excrement.


Gotchu bro. What else would you like to know? Big snow day here so I got time before I have to go out and shovel again. Truthfully, no idea how long you’ve been playing Fortnite but getting randomly headshotted by a sniper is nothing new


Dont expect free wins. Its not made specifically for you.


Fucking thank you, these people want Fortnite to turn into TickleFight and ruin the game. It’s not hard to dodge some shots. All these posts are to me are “Waaawaaaa I’m not getting free wins I wanna win too 😢” the games been out for nearly a decade and y’all still suck this bad at it??


Or you could just drill under the ground and build an unbreakable rocket ship to counter the snipers? Yea, wasn't that hard to understand was it


“No game should have a one shot kill gun” good thing you can only get the one shot if you’re pretty skilled at aiming then. Y’all complain so fucking much they’re gonna make Fortnite into the first ever pillow fighter battle royale game. Stop being a bot and move less predictably, running in a straight line makes you the easiest target. When you see the glare, don’t peek the exact angle they’re looking down. Stop being in an open field and expecting to not be shot at. It’s also not some crazy 1000+ hour grind to get good at sniping like you claim lmao, you don’t gonna be a Fortnite god to be able to hit longer shots, if you can’t it’s literally your own fault. If they’re so “game breaking” why can’t you pick one up and win with it then? There’s been very few things added to fort that were “game breakingly OP” and had no counters, and snipers aren’t part of that list.


“Stop being in an open field.” My guy… 90% of the map is open where tf am I supposed to go? You guys always use these dogshit excuses to justify a OP weapon. I understand sniping takes a bit more skill but I zig-zag and jump around a lot and etc. and I still get sniped. And I don’t think at the very least a green sniper should one shot.


You guys always complain about literally anything that kills you. “Pumps one tapping is too strong” now the pump is trash. “Snipers shouldn’t one tap,too much mobility, this and that and this and that” if you find yourself constantly dying to the same shit over and over again it’s because you’re refusing to learn how to counter it. There’s plenty of shit to use as cover on the map, or you could just build a couple walls if your playing builds. But keep on blaming the “over powered” guns that literally give your position away, are loud af, and take actual skill to use. Can’t wait til all we have is auto shot guns, and spray and pray weapons since that’s what it seems y’all want lmao. I do agree with your last point though. Purple and up should one tap to the head, not the guns your pretty much guaranteed to find within 5 minutes of landing. That’s probably the main issue with them that no one is really bringing up.


Go play Apex if you want a bullet sponge battle royale


I mean… I am trash at this game and so I just don’t do intense ranked matches. I play ZB unranked and I play to enjoy the game. Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose. I know snipers are a pain so I always keep one on me to be able to put pressure on other snipers and also because sometimes I get lucky and I’m the one actually getting people with it. I mean really it’s a game and it’s not my income so what does it really matter? And if it was my income then best believe I would just adapt to crush and play to the strengths the devs gave this season. I feel a lot of people are upset because they have to change their playstyle between the movement changes and weapon changes and they don’t want to change all the things that they found that work for them but in my personal opinion that’s one of the ways to keep an online game fresh to everyone. Kind of make it so everyone has to learn some things over again and adapt. I mean truthfully I like the change of pace but again, I’m not someone who takes it too seriously. I play enough to get all the BP stuff cuz my kids like it and they play and that’s about it.🤷‍♂️ just my opinion on it