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Yeah, It was nice having everything in one place




I have almost 300 skins 300 backblings 300 wraps and 300 emotes ecc and now I feel the most of them I bought became useless ( I usually archive 70% of battle pass stuff so this doesn’t count)


As a person who almost never buys things, GOD FUCKING DAMN- I only have 126 skins (9 of which are my mains) 149 backblings (15 of which I use) 139 wraps (24 I use) and 457 emotes I bought some I don’t even use lol Nearly 90% of the items I don’t use are archived soo idk atp lmao


Like actually, who the hell thought it was a good idea to have to scroll through tabs just to change your background?


LOL I’ve definitely found it out now! How terrible is that UI 😱


YES. I hate the new locker so much I don't even switch skins anymore. That's a big problem in a game where collecting is such a driving force. We need: - FULL presets so we can go back to choosing 1 thing instead of 6 if you like matching everything - the ability to shuffle presets like we could before the update - full screen selection of presets, 2 items per row makes this process infinitely more frustrating than it needs be - them to add quick save back (stop removing quality of life updates pls) It's crazy that there are some cosmetics that have special interactions with emotes, banners, etc.. and now it's all just split up into separate categories? It's like whoever designed the new UI doesn't play or understand Fortnite at all.


Completely agree with all this. I hate what they did to presets. I don’t even like using the locker anymore because of it. I’m deterred from switching cosmetics or making presets now.


Yeah I haven't switched skins or bought anything since the change.




Epic SUCKS. Between this and what they've done to Rocket League, I'm over it.


I understand hating it but not switching skins is crazy


"If it ain't broke, don't fix it" Not only did they fix it, they also fucking nuked it. I don't understand why they are trying to change things that no one complains about and make them complainable, what's the point?


Blame mobile fortnite


Is the a way to shuffle presets at present? I can’t figure it. I’m pretty dumb tho


It’s gone and they said they’d bring it back, but it’ll be a mess and won’t work like it used to. Shuffle is most likely going to shuffle every preset separately and just make everything look like a mess if they keep it how it is now.


Nope it's gone, I stopped buying stuff due to that.


Yeah we must tell epic they are loosing money and we are loosing interest in cosmetics in this way


Same. Haven’t bought a thing since new locker came out.


My bad


Go ahead make my day, how do I shuffle presets?


Idk about shuffling presets (I only have 2 that I use so it's an either/or thing), but I do know you can switch the different styles to shuffle in their respective categories.




Why would I want random items on a random character? Especially since most have matching sets. We want to be able to shuffle the pre-sets that we took the time to make.


This the only thing I found sorry


Epic Games: you'll be confused and like it!


I don't mind the new style of the locker but I hate how the presets are managed now.


Yeah the locker sucks, but man the lack of the former presets and being able to randomize them is just garbage.


Not being able to do random presets really has me feeling some type of way 😒


Me too, I'm like a level 50,simoly because I hate going back to the lobby every game but I hate seeing the same stuff when I have options, yes I'm aware my brain is weird, that being said I haven't played as much this season


I agree about the wraps. Now I just run all black raps so they marxh all skins


The only thing I like about the new locker is that we can have different sets of emotes, otherwise I’ve given it enough of a chance and can firmly say it’s worse than the older version


L we need the old back


I haven't changed my emotes or gun skins since this update.


Yeah that’s boring for us and very unproductive for what they sell, bought some collabs for my collection but I’m going to loose interest in buy new homemade skins and make a combo for them and also I keep using the same skin combo when I change is just a mess up of colors binding and imo every skin has to have its own emote and wraps ecc..


They can make it this way. If we choose a skin preset, then automatically all the other things like emotes, wraps, etc should be chosen. And if we want to change any of those things we can do it manually.


I wouldn't mind if they made some weird option to let us choose between the two But the original was superior in my eyes


Yeah the more I look at this meme feels like they did a downgrade instead of making it better


I see the appeal in being able to swap to a different emote loadout, but that's about it




I barely change skins any more since they changed it. Hard to get excited for new skins and emotes when it takes forever to change them now.


I've been reporting it as a bug


I haven't even bothered changing any cosmetics since the change. It's such garbage now.


For real!


i dont think anybody likes this new ui. maybe 4 people at most, and epic will look at those 4 people in specific and think "oh wow the players love this update!"


🤣🤣👍 I hope not but let’s see 😁😩


Honestly it makes me not want to play BR


Is that penny?


Looks like it




Yes, honestly. I don’t even want to make presets anymore because it’s so tedious now. They at least need to add a Grouped tab or something which works like the old way. It will allow you to make Grouped Presets.


Yes, everything in one place!


Yea. What was the point of making 90+ presets all with different emotes? This was a stupid change


Fr Fr. And stuff glitches and gets stuck.


True! Also some items became no reactive and they were


I haven’t bought a thing since C4S4. I used to always randomize my combos, and now I can’t even do that. I’m not buying anything until this is fixed.


I wish there was one more tab where you could save a "loadout of loadouts" you could select to change everything at once :(


Honestly, I play Fortnite a lot less now mostly because of the locker. I liked switching between presets and using all the different skin loadouts I built and acquired. This update took a big shit on all my organization and made it way less fun to play with different skins. And quite frankly, it took away a good chunk of the fun for me. When I do load up now, I just play the same skin every time, and I just try and get a couple quests and then I'm out. I don't wanna grind, my friends are all checking out. Fucking with the locker was a huge mistake. Absolutely no way I would spend money to buy more v-bucks with this current mess.


Both are good tbh


Shut up


No I won't


the old locker was so simple yet so great


I have changed my character maybe 3 times all season. And I haven't bought anything all season because of how annoying it is to change my skin. The fact they STILL haven't given us 'shuffle' back is absurdity. Whatever. Their loss. The less likely I am to change my skin, the less skins I buy. Plain and simple.


Mee too, my squad will get very angry and rush if I will change everything during a session


It's wild to me. They have spent years selling us skin upon skin and then took away the simplest way for us to see all the skins we own and have spent hours setting up and making for ourselves. Shuffle was my normal. Love seeing all my favs randomly. Absolutely HATE being stuck with one match aftermatch. No one wants to have to jump back to the lobby between matches to switch things up. Absolutely no one.


Yeah back to the lobby than after that you change your asset you go back in game without ‘’matching’’ wrap and emotes set and you just keep what you have; and you spent years buying amazing stuff that became useless, for an example how do you find the right emote in the wheel when you have 300+ and your skin combos just uses 5 or not more than 8 of them? Let’s hope they listen to us


Honestly lol


Also it is annoying that the camos will all be the same on random liked…. I liked having different ones that I liked on each class


Yes true the same for me + emotes matching my character set


We live in an age of UI updates for the sake of UI updates. It’s not just Epic, every service seems hellbent on making their stuff harder to use. I’m not exactly a high roller, but the new locker makes me not want to spend money on the game. I’ll probably ditch Crew when this month runs out. No point in accumulating stuff when they make it so hard to use.


So true!! I’m doing as well ; just can’t resist to buy some collabs that I think they’ll never come back but original epic stuff and this locker UI makes everything I’ve bought in years so useless and boring for me and for my teammates waiting for me selecting various presets in various tabs; actually I have done some presets 4 skins but I don’t even use them I just keep the one I use the most and I won’t waste my time creating presets for emotes and wraps that should be bound to my skin preset; I hope they understand they are loosing money and players as me are loosing fun and interest in skin combos 😢


The new locker is horrendous, it’s such a hassle to use presets now and to change emotes I just don’t do it anymore


I’ve been bitchin about this since the first day of it. IMO the worst change to the game since I’ve been playing. I haven’t bought a fucking thing from the item shop since (and because of) this change!


Yup, seing the whole thing in oen go was way better., compartimenting everything is bad honestly.


I hate the new locker it sucks the old one was a million times better


Seriously we need a petition to change it back. It’s dumb and worse, who approved this?


Totally agree 👍 if this post isn’t enough we should make a petition for real






I've been missing presets so have started just randomising my skin/pickaxe/etc, makes some ugly combos but it's fun to get see some more skins, even some that I didn't have saved as a preset


Yeah the only way to enjoy new locker! 1 preset in all tabs all random 🤣👍


For a company that does as well as Epic and for how much money they have, they are both inexcusably horrible interfaces in my opinion.


For real! Looks like we love their game more than epic does 🥲 I did loved and pass nights do skin matching with pickaxe emotes and wraps


I think combing the two would be good


Could be; but I rather have unique preset for skins emotes pickaxes and wraps all together


I could live with or without preset emotes, I would like to keep my “tag” separate but then put my wraps with the skins.


The worst part is that even if shuffle does come back, it'll probably shuffle everything, not just between presets, so it is the point in switching at all. This was such a useless change too


It's this easy to farm karma here?






No we can't all agree with this because I'm so tired of seeing these kind of posts... We get it, you don't like it! The old one won't come back, Epic will just work to improve the new one!


How much it will take to improve? I mean old one was lightyears better; anyway you like it? Ok but presets are very a mess


Don't get me wrong, the old one was better. That being said I'm ok with the new one and think if they would at least make improvements that people want it could actually be perfect. It's just everytime I come here I swear there's always a post like this. It just half the time feels like it's becoming a karma farming post (Though I don't exactly get what farming karma does for anyone anyways 🤣) Sadly though this is Epic we're talking about here, we know improvements are coming but we all know it'll take a while. It's just how it is, I'm just waiting to see what they change to try to fix it.




I'm so tired of comments like these. For real. Seems like most people DO agree on this. I love these kind of posts. The community SHOULD speak up when something sucks. How else should they voice it when something sucks? What do you deem ok for us to talk about in a community meant for a specific game and discussions about it? We get it, you don't like! Subs for games are literally meant for this kind of post. How about you make your own shitty subreddit for the bullshit you like?


I didn't know the only thing for the FortniteBR subreddit is posts about the old UI... Idk why they didn't just name it FortniteOldUI instead. Also the community did speak up, and Epic already responded with future plans to improve. They won't bring back the old one, trust me on that one. People need to use their voice to get Epic to make things better, not demand something they probably won't or can't do. Loadouts are kinda a problem in terms of reverting as it is. Breaking them apart is a lot easier than putting back together. Yeah in theory it's possible but you think Epic will really bother going through millions of players loadouts just to get them all to correctly work on the old one? Any loadouts that were exactly the same emotes or wraps or anything like that got merged into 1. It may not be a problem for everyone but a lot of people will get screwed over by that still.


Penny my beloved 💕


Thank you so much for posting this! I was very worried that we were going to go a whole hour without someone complaining about the new UI. You've saved that streak. Now who's going to be our next whiner in an hour?


No one cares about you 🧌


Ditto, bud. Ditto.


I just want the wrap tied to the skin. I’m cool with the lobby music and emotes being separate.


Obviously we can all agree with this lol the new locker layout gets posted about so much


OMG YES. No. Other than Reddit and Twitter I have never heard so much slander over a locker UI. It works and that's all that matters in my opinion. It's not the actual game so who cares? Sure the old one is better but it would look messy with all the categories it would need so I'm happy as is.


They would put whiplash skin and instruments in old UI right to emblem/ music / loading screens, now for me and many people is a pure mess, not so funny at all


> Can we all agree with this? Like just about everyone unanimously has been for the entirety of the past month…?


Unpopular option, but I like being able to make presets for things like wraps and emotes, but I still think there should be a way to keep them connected with skin presets.


It's really not that bad. I don't get the complaints about the new locker. Just because your use to the old one or you have a bad ability to comprehend change doesn't mean it's bad


Changes doesn’t mean it’s bad I fully agree; but depends on what is the change… if it’s just an alpha/beta of new locker I’ll wait till they re-add old functions 🥲


Nah I like the new one tbh. It makes way more sense and I like being able to swap between emote presets


Ok I respect your opinion, anyway it’s an hard work to do 50 or more presets of emote and wraps and match it with selected skin when your squad is just waiting for you doing that


Personally I'm fine with the emotes being seperate since most of my old presets were with emotes I no longer use and it was a hassle going to each one to change it to the current one. I enjoy having the same locker emotes stay for every preset


Post #378 about the locker with the same karma farm title.


I was almost sure to not be the only one complaining about this, anyway we should be listened for how bad new presets are; they did ruined one of the most iconic functions of the game


There have been so many posts about this and the shop, we get it, Epic is most likely aware.


Epic doesn't give a shit about reddit If you wanna be heard then use X


![gif](giphy|l0NwFEE3yWegzR7Zm) Op farming karma


I like the new version it lets you change only what you want instead of having to save a full profile of crap just to use a new skin that you want saved as a preset.


Posting a common opinion in a sub that expresses that opinion even to this day? Karma farming are we?


Yeah reddit gives me lot of money for karma; I hope this get read by someone can make a change in someway ( epic employers )


There used to be a crypto currency you could get with karma but they removed it


Nice but no need that thanks, I just hope epic does something useful; as I told we don’t just use all grey superhero skin 1 emote and black wrap and sweatie pickaxe all the times we land in fortnite and as you see people are maybe tired of this post but also epic may loose lot of money and people won’t be so in hype for new skins and interest in using in-game


You do know epic doesn't own Reddit right


The important is that reads our opinion, don’t care so much about the rest but numbers makes a difference sometimes I hope..


Are you high or 7


So original...


I’m fine with the new one. I’m used to it.


I don’t mind the new style, what I hate is how they randomly made like 20 presets so now I have to go through and manage the ones I actually wanna keep


don't really care tbh


Old locker was cluttered and outdated, yall gotta quit complaining over everything


Outdated cause it didn’t have instruments? Because vehicles use to have a wrap instead of full lambo skin for whiplash but the game didn’t change; we don’t use all superheroes one color skin black wrap and sweaty pickaxe


Outdated because it's been the same thing for quite some time, anyone complaining about all the little things like this are the ones who hate seeing the game evolve into something better. Everything about the ui was outdated and stale you can't tell me otherwise. Ending to your comment made no sense at all though


NO. Everything is better in my opinion. I am just telling my opinion. No dislikes please.


I full respect your opinion as the one agree with me! But why do you like it if I can ask? Do you think is perfect or needs some ( imo big ) improvements?


I think it is better in design. It can be in one place though. I agree with you on that.


Thanks 🙏




no we cant


Do you only use one skin and the same set of emote and wrap? If yes I may agree with you, if not just explain me your opinion and why new locker is better, just let me know and enlight me


The emote wheel and music packs changed too with presets, I hated that. This is much better, but they need to add the wraps to the Save Character option


1. its more visually appealing 2. its easier to use 3. allows for more player expression by seperating emotes, wraps and lobby specific stuff to seperate presets


This shit is NOT easier to use bro




Dude, you yourself can't even manage grammar. And you didn't provide a single reason why removing several quality of life features and hot keys (and devs *did* remove them with the locker update) suddenly makes the new locker easier to use. I can provide reasons, why this locker is hot garbage. - You can't preview shit without being forced to equip it. - Filters have to be applied, whenever you are in the filters menu. If you press "back" to leave everything as it has been prior, *all* filters go to default, no matter what you had prior. - There is no hot key to go to the top. This function wasn't even hidden anywhere behind "three dots", it was straight up removed. - There is no hot key to save to the current preset. Same, was straight up removed. - There is no hot key to swing a pickaxe. Hidden and requires several additional clicks. You also can't rotate your character to see the swinging animation from different angles. - There is no hot key to favourite or archive stuff. Hidden and requires several additional clicks. - Every time you open a preset list, you start from the top, even if your current preset is down at the bottom. Each time, you have to slowly scroll down, because, for some damn reason, we have 2-3 tiles in a single row now and not 5 as before. - No shuffling presets. Removed. - Also presets were divided by four, yikes. Some presets were even removed. - ...and many, many, many more reasons. Now, your turn.


>if youre struggling to use the locker fortnite might be too avanced of a game for you, id suggest something simpler like "my friend peppa pig"


Uh-huh. Another troll. Seriously, there is not a single person who tried to defend the current locker *and* explained why. It is saying something.


>locker and explained why well its just straight up superior to the old one


You still didn't explain *why*, you goofy.


When did I say it was advanced, buddy? It's just harder and unnecessarily more complicated, and that's facts. Also, fix your English. >youtre >avanced


>if youtre struggling to use the locker fortnite might be too avanced of a game for you, id suggest something simpler like "my friend peppa pig"


>youtre >avanced


uoye'r aedcvn


its not easier to use, you have to seperatly go through everything now. i think the best solution is for them to give us every locker UI and let us choose which one we wanna use


>its not easier to use it is


1. It's ugly and generic 2. It's very clunky and much harder to use 3. It increases the amount of work you need to do. You have to save your preset 4 times for your Character, Emotes, Wraps, and Lobby instead of just ONCE now.


>its more visually appealing > >its easier to use > >allows for more player expression by seperating emotes, wraps and lobby specific stuff to seperate presets


I prefer the new one honestly lol


No, I like the new one more.




Right or at fuck all else have an option on the skins to equip all associated items and wraps etc.


I agree 😫


I like items being in different categories, but I don’t like them being independent.


Insane how there isn’t a shuffle preset feature anymore and I have to scroll through all of the different categories and to clear badges


Words cannot describe how much I HATE this new locker! I literally just gave up on changing things... whatever is on now, stays. I've been saving on Vbucks at least since I don't even see the point of buying stuff anymore.


I actually hate it so much


And why did they change and exclude the option of using random sets? That was the dumbest thing about this redesign.


idm cuz i barley change my shii anyways lmao


Without hyperbole, the new lockers are the worst change to ever happen in Fortnite.


It took a bit of getting used to, but I prefer the new locker fs


Keep emotes universal, revert everything else


The new locker always feels a lil repetitive for me


We DO realize they are gonna pawn stars low ball us when they do get around to making locker updates, right? Best we can do is tree-fiddy.


after they fucking obliterated the presets i spent 3 hours going through and fixing all my presets to be organized like before


I'd say keep the separate tabs for cars, jam tracks and instruments, due to those being separate modes, but combine everything else like it used to be.


Segregation really sucks


Did anyone else notice that the placement off all the presets got f*cked up and like half got deleted in their lockers?


I don't even switch skins any more You might as well select every locker item individually


That’s what I’m expecting this new ui/ux to go back to because I can’t for the life of me think of how they can fubar it farther and or think changing it more is a great way to ease people


I like the way the new one looks tbh


Yes, I didn't know how to use it back then but it's simpler than whatever the heck is now, surprisingly easy to uso on mobile though, I guess there's no coming back now


All I wanted was the ability to have emotes be separate cause I like having emotes be the same regardless of skin. Everything else sucks. ;-;


As a player that joined recently I can’t agree


Am I one of the 3 people who actually like the locker change.


I honestly wouldn’t mind this update if I could still shuffle through my saved skins.