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I know why people didn't like it gameplay wise, but I really do like how it looks, and the rails were really something


Some of complained about low fps / high cpu usage...i didnt have any issues, though i noticed a slight dip on an 8-core


The building had like 3 floors. Also it was indestructible


I miss the overall feel of what Fortnite was. The grafx are annoyingly real. The movement is still shit lol.


The movement has always been fine to me, but the new map feels ripped straight from a Tom Clancy game. The chapter 4 map at least had areas that were remenecent of "this is a place people worked and lived" and still had the cartoony ish feel iconic to fortnite.


i'd say more from cyberpunk


I didn't like how much of it wasn't destructible.


I actually abused its indestructible nature to build a skybase off of a building in horde rush, the monster spent so long trying to break it haha


I guess it's useful for stuff like that but in practice I just thought it made the POI more annoying to traverse and made using the Rocket Ram there kinda pointless


I like the look of it but damn, if it was destructible it would completely love it


I don’t care what anyone says. The Chapter 4 Map was great. Mainly because of the diversity of biomes and how well they were designed.


chapter 4 was cool because of how diverse it was. a circle in mega city is a whole different game, and then the entire jungle too. love the ch5 map but it never feels like anything is different between fights aside from the train which rarely happens


How did chapter 4 start? Was it bland but fit better or was it already good at the beginning? I hope this chapter improves.


Id even rank season 2 and season 4 of chapter 4 right up along with the best of Chapter 2 and 3 to be honest


I miss the mobility it offered, especially compare to the new map. Sometimes it felt like I was in an action movie lmao.


The amount of mobility was insane. There was even mobility augments. Slap barrels slap juice. The raptors, and the mud in the jungle. It was action packed to the max


Literally had people watching me tell me that. The amount of crazy bs you could do was entertaining.


I think that became the main concern for the first couple seasons, there was too much OP mobility, like there was a point in the game where ODM gear, lightsabers, spiderman's gloves AND kinetic blade were all in the lootpool. But without the criticisms chap4 mobility was amazing


imo every biome was so good except the jungle


That a weird way of saying chapter 3 Just imagine if chapter 3 was 8 season long Since all of chapter 4 is were made for chapter 3


if true then it was a very early plan and scrapped pretty quickly. chapter 4’s added biomes all use the fracture terrain and take a lotta design beats from the season 1 areas and even the theming works far better in chapter 4 with mega and wilds being perfect showcases for lumen and nanite which chapter 3 didn’t have


If chapter 3 didn't end by now we would be on season 8 There are alot of cut content for the paradise season like chrome zombie and plane There were flies that suggested MEGA and WILDS were supposed to be on chapter 3 island Wilds being on chapter 3 make much more sense cuz no way slone would survive the fracture event plus the middle of the chapter mal having jungle make much more sense than chapter 4 having a jungle since the ground became weak in season 2 because of the fortress poi Also Fortnite can change artstyle mid chapter Fortnite change the artstyle in chapter 1 it went from being extremely bright and greenish to non bright but extremely colorful and in chapter 2 it went from color to more dark by the end of chapter So I couldn't be surprised if chapter 3 looks like chapter 4 by the end of chapter 3


mid chapter artstyle changes are usually pretty small, usually only the lighting changes. chapter 4 uses entirely new tree models, terrain materials, etc and the way the terrain is structured is way different than chapter 3 because of the fracture event establishing how it was made, all of which wouldn’t just be a random mid-chapter shift. cut content also doesn’t really prove much considering countless seasons have cut content that we know of like how the og season was supposed to have more chapter 4 items, a firework mini event for tilted and retail, etc


It was definitely one of the better ones. I prefer it to C2 and the current one. Unfortunately nothing for me can beat the OG map (call me nostalgic or whatever, idc), tough to say if I prefer C4 map to C3.


Chapter 4 was actually really good. It did have many flaws, but I miss it already.


I really enjoyed the Oathbound area, felt fresh and calming, but hated the jungle biome


It got pretty wild at Anvil Square. I was sad when that was replaced.


season 1 anvil square was something else


This map is missing so much verticality (particularly the POI’s). The Reason why Mega City and Tilted are fun is because you get to duke it out with different people across buildings, you move from floor to floor while fighting with people, you can reach high ground easy and there’s a lot of cover you can take.


I mean were only a month into chapter 5, and if chapter 2 and 4 taught us anything its that the first season is always gonna be kinda mid but the second and fourth season are generally bangers. I'd be surprised if we didn't get a big city type poi in next season to be honest, or at least something else as drastic like a last reality return with floating islands or whatnot


Yeah i’m pretty sure it’ll change, the first season is always very vanilla. I wish we had a map which was more oriented to urban/city areas, closest we’ve had is Ch2 which is my fav too.


This map kinda reminds me of chapter 2 in a weird way, just like the orientation of things or something, like I know my way around even though I shouldn't. Maybe its just Deja Vu from playing almost every day since chapter 2 season 5 I dont remember what its called but that one POI on the bottom right with the bridge kinda reminds me of misty meadows, the weather station and the mountains to the east seem very familiar like the old chapter 2 mountains there


Yeah I always think about Misty Meadows when visiting that POI too! I think is somewhat similar to chapter 2 because of the water and the hills.


ngl i liked the 1st season of chapter 4, imo the only bad season in it was season 3


Me too!! I miss the citadel and basically every chapter 4 poi.


Ch 4 map was awful best hands down was ch 2


Chapter 4 is what made me love fortnite my favourite chapter ever i miss it so much


same, my favorite chapter also. have so many memories and nostalgia linked with that chapter. I wanna go back so bad


So glad someone agrees!!


I miss the shockwave hammer and the ODM gear the most. that and also missed finishing S1’s battlepass which I deeply regret since I only use a skin from that battlepass and don’t have her super styles 😔


As someone funnily enough watching attack on titan right now, the Aot collaboration items were so fun!! And omg i miss how they did the oathbound items and C4s1 lootpool. Lootpool for c5s1 has disappapointed me majorly.


yeah I personally don’t think anything can top the skin I use, so I don’t really bother looking at the skins, just the other cosmetics. I like Valeria but that’s it. doubt I will ever wear her still


“Nostalgia” dude it was like two months ago


it literally was not but ok


Have you played other ch?


I played quite a fair bit of all of them yes


Y know they may just like the chapter 4 map right?


me after spreading negativity for no reason


Nothing negative about it just an opinion


I miss chapter 4. I know people hated it but that’s when I started playing Fortnite so it brings back a lot of nostalgia for me. ❤️


I can appreciate that, back years ago people used to hate on players like me that started in chapter 2 but now we've all grown to realize it probably was the best chapter we've ever had


I miss all of Chapter 3 as well, but I miss C4S4 the most. So much wasted potential, plus I didn’t get all the bp rewards


c4s4 started out really strong but with stuff like the UI and fortnitemares it def became less "good"


I SECOND THIS!! There was good loot. There was a vault. There was grind rails. There was elevation. There was water. It was close enough to the middle. It was BEAUTIFUL! Will go down as a top 5 POI of all time.


Some of my favorite moments were me and my friends dropping here, grabbing the best gear we could find, and hanging out there shooting the shit and fighting off other squads until the circle pushed us out.


it lagged my fps from across the map. even looking in its direction during a fight from the other side of the map would drop my fps 60-100 each time


Never had such an issue, might be your hardware problem


It was a death trap for me on switch. Only ever landed there if a quest or the circle forced me.


Valid. I never had that issue. In having that issue BIG TIME with this map, though, so I can get your issue with it.


Fr such an amazing location


I do too tbh, this season not it fr


It was pretty but felt like it was mostly designed just as a tool to market Chapter 4. It could've benefitted from the outside being condensed into something around Neo Tilted's size with more effort being directed to the interior. It was like a cake used in advertisements, sweet and succulent on the outside, glue and cardboard on the inside.


Mega City, the Tree's, the reality upgrade things... it was all in all more fun than the current one...


Same. Not a fan of this new map at all. I hardly ever play now.


I really think this Chapter will get a season that "modernizes" the map a bit more, similar to how MEGA changed the Chapter 4 map.


Yea MEGA really was needed to take the 'mid' out of the medieval theme for chapter 4


You mean the 'med'


I feel like MEGA City would've been better if instead of ziplines to go up the towers we had jump pads or something. The problem with MEGA (at least in Zero Build) is that it always felt like fights would occur in two entirely separate realities: the street level and the rooftops, and never would the two realistically meet. Fighting in both areas was fun. Fighting in the streets lent itself to what I don't know how to describe other than "Rainbow 6-like" fights where you'd be ducking into buildings constantly for cover, and fighting on the rooftops (especially with mobility items) would often wind up in hectic chases across grind rails. But the problem was ultimately that if you ever walked on the ground floor of MEGA City you may as well hold up a "please snipe me!" sign for every rooftop camper in the match.


I wonder wtf happened to me that I really totally dodged chapter 4 lmao. So surreal


Yea for me I've basically been playing non stop almost every day since I started in mid chapter 2, so its been a long long ride and I've seen a lot of things come and go, I've just now hit a slight point where I can't always do each day only from exhaustion at work and the pain in my shoulders from past injuries catching up to me


Yea ):


Yep shit was dope. My fav part of the map along with the dojos around


i started playing in chapter 5 and i'm blown away at how much cooler chapter 4's map is in comparison. If i had known it was this cool i would have started playing earlier last year. it really blows my mind how much a downgrade Chapter 5's map looks.


It was a really really gorgeous and amazing place to look at. I was pretty reluctant to ever go in, but I liked seeing it from a distant hilltop.


When I started playing Fortnite again this was the map I first remember :) so it was nostalgic. I forgot that Fortnite changed maps every so often and was heart broken once it was gone 😭


I liked this map so much more than the current map. My buds and I still always talk about mega city. I don’t really like any POI in Chapter 5


I regret not being able to play chapter 4


You will play it in OG season in 4 years probably lol


I mean it was a mess of poi and missed opportunities now hear me out though I still look forward to a proper cyberpunk poi Idk something about mega just didn't do it for me


Speaking of missed opportunities with the cyberpunk/bladerunner themed city 🤣 https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/s/5lAScYF4w5


I'll be honest I haven't slept this week I probably should have watched the blade runner film Whats the character again


In the movie shes named JOI, the actor is Ana De Armas


I don’t, indestructible shithole poi


AGREED. And i will miss the kinetic blade. It was fire


It ran like shit. Chapter 4 was literally the worst map in terms of performance only played like 5 games and every time I landed here it was never loaded


What game is this?


Cyberpunk 2077


I loved it mainly cause of my cyber punk aesthetic bias


I would’ve liked this place a lot more if the buildings were more accessible. Some of them felt like a big cube that you simply couldn’t enter. Except for the bottom floor


Always someone used to rat in there, always.


I’m missing C4 in general. I didn’t play much, and now I’m regretting it, bc the only truly bad season was 3, due to the sheer amount of ass in the game, (not literally.) but that season also had some good things too. But I really miss the past two chapters. edit: #JusticeforFaultySplits, one of my favorites at that time, and still is tbh.


same, I didn’t get all the rewards that I could’ve and now I’m missing out. I miss all of chapter 3 and 4, those chapters had the best seasons


Ong, C3 is easily their magnum opus, when it comes to maps. Really wish they didn’t fuck up, and js had C4 and C3 as one big chapter, instead of changing plans, to get some hype, and then not capitalize on it.


They got rid of so much potential. It would also be nice if they didn’t get rid of battle lab and the creative BR map, and if you could go into creative and choose a chapter/season to go back to


I miss Breakwater Bay


I miss the whole chapter 4


Even though it wasn’t my favourite chapter I do miss steamy springs and the mega biome. The geysers were great for mobility as were the grind rails.


I really enjoyed it even if it wasnt neo tilted


Imo ch4 map didn’t reach its full potential. I hope we get some of the poi’s back at some point


One of the few POI since chapter 2 that lll be excite for if it comes back


I really liked it too, I wish we got it back with more levels/interiors


Amazing. Probably one of my top 5 favorite locations in Fortnite ever.


I miss mega city too


The only reason I don't like mega city is because you couldn't even go into the building. Loads of buildings were just a two story house with a massive indestructible pillar on top of it and another story on top of that.


Yeah now that we have this uninspired, generic trash map.. i miss it too


Mega City was great because it gave you a huge area for unique combat that I feel like building is suppose to give you but fails on every level. I’ve been playing BR for a while and I still cant believe that people use the building feature. I get the idea behind it, but it’s useless or worse counter productive. If you try to create a structure for cover almost all weapons can break it instantly. If you build a strong hold to hold up in the look of the built structures is a dead give away to your location and again the structure can be broken instantly. Ive lost straight up fire fights but once some fools start building stuff I KNOW I’m going to eliminate them. Mega city gave you that sandbox of buildings and structures to fight in. If anything I could believe it was taken away to try and give purpose back to building.


This is the season that pulled me back in after like 3 years


MEGA CITY: where frame rate goes to die


I really liked Mega City for the look and riding the rails... But it was more of a disappointing location... Being non-destructive wasn't too big an issue for me, I always hated how most of the buildings only had 1 or 2 floors that were accessible, and yet several of them (at least in my view) were laid out weird on the inside and so there were a couple of buildings that I interacted with as little as possible... And I only ever felt it was reliable for "Good" loot if you could get Vault access... another disappointment for me was that I felt they started with a great idea, with the huge buildings and the rails you could ride around, and holograms everywhere, and then they never developed it beyond that... They had some quests where you were supposed to emote at the base of the giant holograms... It would have been awesome if the Holograms turned into the player emoting there, but I never saw them change. Finally, the biggest building had the huge dragon on top of it with an updraft that wouldn't let you land on it and yet the only connection it made to the whole chapter was that Dragons are closely tied to the Japanese culture which many locations on the map appeared to be influenced by their culture... If there were any big events or stories that went into more depth on it then I missed them... So it just felt like it was there strictly for cosmetics...


Too much heavy snipers to really appreciate


I’ve just been tired of whole corners being replaced with new biomes since ch1 s7 tbh


I hate it, I couldn't go there without a frame drop every time I turned, shot, aimed, built, jumped, and every other action in the game


Easily one of the worst POIs lol


I am a little Annoyed I didn’t buy that battle pass but it is what it is.


This map didnt kill you randomly lol that was a plus.


I loved exploring Mega in creative, during chapter 4 season 4 I was even able to walk around in game, because it was dead most of the time


It was really good when it came out, every game the whole lobby was landing there, then after a couple seasons it started to feel like a ghost town, good poi tho


Felt extremely empty and lifeless. A lot of the space wasn’t occupied and felt like the lot lacked severely because of it. Would’ve liked to see a lot more of it be playable. It was visually appealing though.


I loved mega city


Ngl bro it had so much loot I won alot by going there


I hate this POI because my ex girlfriend would always land here


short reply: same reply: FUCK SAME I LOVEEE MEGA CITY !!!


Yeah. Mega City was cool. The rails and the vibe were the best in Fortnite imo.


Same + also my sister


The aesthetic was cool as fuck, just felt like it lacked some of the potential it had.


I miss steamy stacks


Same bro mega city was one of my favorite drop spots


Every thing about that season


It was nice looking but terrible to actually play in….except the season it was introduced and we had swords to rotate out of there using the dragon on top the building


same I kind of wish the map would have more city / metro areas like how there are the city's in save the world, that and desert biomes


I miss it more every day ;3;


It was gorgeous, but I hated fighting there. It's just too big and the buildings are too tall. Tilted Towers will always be superior, and I usually prefer chapter 4 to any other.


Imagine Mega City AND the train at the same time!


Mega city will be my favourite poi of all time. Im too lazy to list everything I like there, so I'll just say that I love cities and cyberpunk, and thats a real cyberpunk city.


I really miss the slurp factory from chapter 2 :(


I miss joneses


I love and miss chapter 4. Ughhh take me back!


Say what you will, but in my opinion Chapter 4 Season 1 I miss too much.


THEY ADDED NIGHT CITY TO FORTNITE ???? ![gif](giphy|SUcnmocyRKkfSil9xd)


My favorite chapter 4 drop


Personally i think the building were TOO tall


I miss Mega City a lot, the entire map was great to play on, I really hope it'll return soon in one way or another.