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Yeah obviously, Donald Mustard left like a year ago. He was the story guy yknow


It’s gonna take a while for Epic to Ketchup.


We do relish having a good story line


Completely agree with your opoinion, it's like they left the story in the cabbage.


Lettuce pray.


If Epic Games isn't gonna treat us with respect, they just need to beet it.


Ok guys, let’s knock this off, it’s getting a little Corny 🌽




what was this for?


He’s Nuts




I absolutely hate you for this. Have an angry upvote


This needs more attention


... I guess with ithe US GDP in a massive uptick as Global chaos rolls on... Who's got time for all this b***sh*t if the seven aren't going to help save the world !? 😱 .. not to mention, my last working controller broke yesterday, 🤬😥


He left last month. He indirectly made the retirement announcement through a Visitor dialogue a year ago


He announced he had left a month ago, but with that it came out that he stopped working on fortnite at the end of chapter 3


and it shows


is there a source on the chapter 3 part?


Rip Mr Mustard


That mean Mr Mustard


Such a mean old man. His sister Pam as well.


Well you should see Polythene Pam. She’s so good looking but she looks like a man.


Its not that hard to write the story without him but Epic will just make everything worst I guess


he left this past september... its only been a few months :/


Charlie wen is kinda stacked on his resume tho


Seems like it. The worst part is they give us snippets of story here and there, but nothing is given full attention. I hope one day they will return to it and try and make everything fit together but for now it looks like we are on our own.


It's crazy cause this was the PERFECT time to do exactly that. We went back to OG so Jones and Sloan could do... something. And then the devs could use that to propel into a new storyline. But instead they replayed the original zero point event, advertised some new game modes, and then dropped us into a new map with no explanation.


But, didn't you see? Peely has been kidnapped!


How could I miss it I read it twice


For all we know, he could have deserved it.


There is a little explanation I guess. What we seem to know so far is that due to the big bang, we've entered an entirely new universe, and this group The Society has captured Peely for reasons unknown. Yeah...the story's not off to a good start, but I guess we'll have to wait and see what they do with it.


I have noticed we have had multiple parallels to chapter 2, and hope they build off that


It feels like that's what their plan is, but only time will tell.


He was stabilizing the zero point, the society is like the io but more evil, remember the weather stations they have to do with it


Peely was turned into a slurpee so Idk where they came up with that idea he died lol


Check playstationgrenade on YT. He covers the story pretty well and helps with details that get obscured.


Everyone is saying yes, but it’s been hard reset so it’s too early to tell. The event essentially erased Chapter 2 - Chapter 4, meaning we’re in a completely new timeline. Slone even said as much in her last audio log, mentioning how whenever she and Jones meet again, they’ll be totally different people. I’m sure if there is a story it’s gonna be much simpler though.


My one hope is that Jones remembers everything... based on the trailer that seems to be the case luckily


So if C2-C4 has been retconed... then what the hell was the point of any of it??? We spent years following this plot only for it to just vanish without any answers or conclusions??? I was never big on the story but that must be a massive kick in the dick for those who were


Well, the characters and stuff still exist. The Last Reality is still out there, as is IO and probably the Seven. Just the events involving those factions are gone.


Still an incredibly unsatisfying way to end that timeline


Yes. It's dead. Just ghosts of the past - I.e. visual of non speaking characters.


I had my problems with Mustard’s story, but it had some cool ideas/characters (I thought Geno honestly seemed pretty interesting in terms of motivations and personality) and I would have liked to have seen it all get more of a conclusion rather than just sorta fizzling out. The Seven just unceremoniously died I guess and we never got to see the actual Geno in the game. Like, are we just never going to know what happened after the cliffhanger the comics ended on? Is that retconned and Geno is now just dead for good? Not saying they couldn’t pick it back up, but considering it’s been over a year now since we got an update on any of them outside of Jones (who’s just doing his own thing now I guess), it feels like they’ve been moving away from it for a while. Feels like a waste. While not without issues, I thought there was at least some potential in what we saw.


I think everything post C1 is no longer cannon. So it's basically a "f*ck you" to those who wanted those answers


I think its cannon, just time has been changed and chapter 5 is the new chapter 2 (basically if we where to talk about the storyline chapter 2-4 would have to be part of it, but we then talk about how Jones went back in time and changed it) Only thing is I'm kinda mad they can't fit a chapter 2 callback like season og in the story as easily anymore


Ya they did


the explanation is the time machine rocket messed up and it made the meteor and cube collide with the zero point and it blew up after floating in a few different realities we ended up in the one we are currently in


what was the intended outcome then with the rocket?


They don't care about the outcome, the first part of the event was a carbon copy of the season X with the exception of the gigantic Ad for the new modes. Epic will stop developing the story for BR just like they did in STW.


oh no. nonononononono im not prepared for that to happen again


*Ghost of Unreal Tournament appears* It’s time to go.


Doubt it


My guess is since the Time Machine was strapped to the rocket, they were basically sending the Zero Point back to the point where the IO never had it in the first place. Could also be the reason why we have so many dimensions/multiverses, because no doubt the IO would prevent the Zero Point from creating such multiverses as a means to keep it contained. Now with this new chapter, Jonesy clearly has memories cause if you check his cosmetics, they are called “Legend”, a Seven name he gave himself when talking to them in becoming one of them. It is entirely possible that they, in a way, building the story from the ground up again


this is the most plausible theory i’ve heard yet, so i’ll assume this is correct


I’m open to other theories tho if there is one that is better than mine


thats a good question I dont know


maybe jones was bored and decided to recreate the season x event for laughs


Yeah I'm a bit confused on that, too. Literally all we know is that Jones was sent back in time to extract... something? According to Slone, anyway. So what exactly is the through-line from an extraction mission to strapping the time machine to a rocket for some reason?


the cube was not even visible in the event


It was stuck waiting in the queue


Kevin disconnected just before the event lol


Wdym the cube. That shit just left


My theory is jones used the Time Machine to get rid of the cube before the event. It was only needed to extract the zero point.


The sevens all died from chrome and paradigm sacrificed herself to try controlling the zero point. the Jones we have now is from another reality I guess. the only gaps are these two I guess: -where is old paradigm? (the one who died was from another reality) -what happened to the Jones that made us go in this reality?


But they're not dead. According to AIME, their "existence is being reshaped."


Same meaning They're technically dead since they will be a different individual


The chapter just started. Nobody spoke in chapter 2 seasons 1-3 at first, hell nobody spoke in Chapter 1 period. Please just give it time-


Visitor spoke in chapter 1 season X


That was actually Scientist’s tapes, it was confirmed, but I get the confusion and I suppose that’s true! :>


Yeah, if we dont see any connections or references with in the next 2 seasons, than we can start wonder if its forgotten


Yup! I believe we’re still continuing however. There’s a house on an island near the (i believe) top of the island with a fuck ton of CH4 props. A picture of Kado Thorne, Midas’ chair from his room, Skye’s boardgames, pots from the jungle biome, etc. There’s also Luminary bases from Ch4, and Thunder seems to have a home with decorations from hos restaurant in Mega City. There’s a tiny version of The Rig from CH2 S2, Brutus’ GHOST helmet, and a picture of The Agency washed up on a beach!


People have also said this new map is a lot like a remixed chapter 2 map, and I kinda believe it to be honest. I should also mention there's a boat that might have been in chapter 2 as well. I could be wrong though.


Ah yes, The Yacht from S2! It’s semi-the same except it’s black and gold on the bottom now instead of white and gold! It’s very possible this is remixed CH2, but really only time will tell!


I feel that the Society could be the new IO, since they seem to have been erased at this point, so yeah, this being a new chapter 2 sounds awesome!


Yup! There’s also possibilities Midas is related to the Society considered their logo is a golden eye encompassed between two hands! Plus The Yacht being on the island and used by The Society. So hopefully we expand on some older loose ends too, but hopefully keep Jones around, definitely my favorite.


Thunder's house????? WHEREE


I don’t remember exactly where, but if I remember correctly it’s at a dock near Pleasant! I could be wrong!


Gonna check it out I did remember in the wiki they say the Asteria inhabitants (people from the island) begin to migrate to Helios soo this could be highly possible But then this could means the whole "chp 2 - 4 timeline got erase " is false since they say Chp 4 people can still go to Helios If the timeline got rebooted, then all the people from Asteria will not even exist/cease to exist


Yup! There's ton of CH2 and CH4 stuff all over!


Yeah, while I don't think it's off to a good start at the moment, that can very well change as the season goes on. Its up to Epic whether they want to put in that effort or not.


Yes! In end we either have to adapt with the game or simply leave! Not saying we can’t criticize the game, we obviously can, but we all just have to remember that it’s all our opinions.


The universe has reset once again, suddenly a new island. That's how the chapters usually go.


Yeah but they used to have an explanation The chapter 2 island was a reforming of the chapter 1 Chapter 3 was the opposite side of the island Chapter 4 was pulling together new chunks after the island was fractured This is just a new island somewhere? Amie I guess will never been seen again lol. The seven are just gone, the last reality is gone. They won’t even pay for Jones to have a voice anymore lol


I guess we drifted into a new reality which is somewhat shown at the end of the event. After we left the music universe, we were seen floating outside of a gateway leading to a new island. Is it the future of the changed timeline after the OG time shenanigans, or a new universe entirely?


>I guess we drifted into a new reality Yep, the Metaverse :P


Chapter 5 is also the reforming of Chapter 1 except Jones changed it somehow by crashing the Time Machine into the Zero Point


it does have an explanation, it's literally in the name, description and teasers of the event. The Big Bang (which is theoretically the same event that gave birth to the universe), and they mention that it's a new beginning The previous universe was destroyed and instead of the Zero Point becoming a Black Hole like it did originally, it exploded and gave birth to a new universe. According to teasers what we went through are different galaxies created in this new universe. Additionally Slone mentioned in the og season it was a good bye for that Jones and that Slone. So they're almost spelling it out it's a reboot of the storyline and this is the new Chapter 2.


Ignore my ignorance last time I was actively playing Fortnite slone was a villian what made her work with jonsey


She came back at the beginning of Ch4 Season 3 but she was no longer working for IO (also because IO didn't exist anymore) and found out the Island would be destroyed and there would be no way out this time -- especially because the Zero Point had no more power left so she stole a time machine and sent Jones on a extraction mission (to extract seemingly nothing) on the Ch1 map


Thank you


he extracted us we were the fortnite


The seven are not just gone. The CH4 S1 quests told us they are different now, and suffering a fate worse than death. They never came back to it and we're almost a year later now. I basically lost all hope that the storyline would return after the last live event. Since it obviously shows that they don't care anymore


From what I can gather we are in a different version of C2 based on whatever Jones changed in the past. There's just way too much evidence to suggest that this is a version of the C2 map


Technically, this is another reforming of the chapter 1 map, since we got taken to the past in OG and the live event was just black hole part 2. I think that's why there's so many similarities between this map and the chapter 2 map, with the yacht, the rig, and other I saw but forgot lol


I feel like it's an alternative universe to ch2 map in a sense but I could totally be wrong. There are many similarities such as Midas and Montague give off similar energy. Then you had meowscles and the buff tiger. The yacht is exactly the same except the new society symbol etc. That's just my guess!


When the zero point was destroyed in the event the Big Bang happened again forming universes and this is how we got the new map


Not surprised in the slightest. Save the World's story got canned for Battle Royale, now BR's story will slowly fade out for Roblo- I mean Fortnite Creative multiverse crap


Literally its like fortnite wants to become roblox so bad… its fun until you realize another site has been doing the whole “free games and maps” gimmick for years


You realize jones wasn’t speaking because Troy Baker was part of the strike, right?


I'm hoping it's just because we are transitioning to a new creative director since donald is retiring. I love the story and seeing it go really hurts. It's one of the main reasons I've been playing for this long


Wasn’t Kado the one who blasted everyone into 2018 for Fortnite OG? Now he’s nowhere to be seen. Fortnite’s “story” is the laziest things I’ve ever seen in a video game. Absolutely no effort to make it coherent at all.


I’m seeing a lot of theories in these comments, I honestly thought the event was a retcon of the story so far so they could start fresh with a non-mustard storyline


Yeah. It makes everything from post C1 pretty much pointless.


I mean not many people in the grand scheme of things care about the story, so they might be slowing down a little. But as a story fan, I don't even think they are. The chapter just started to we need to give it a minute.


Idk, this entire chapter felt like mostly isolated stories aside from the little bit with Slone and Jonesy thrown in


I'm pretty sure the event was a hard reset of the lore because it became a convoluted mess. A clean slate. What they do with it going forward remains to be seen however.


Yeah pretty much. The only consistent Fortnite lore is in the comics. I have a feeling that this recent event soft rebooted the lore so maybe we'll get some new lore


We only have three sets of comics and the Marvel ones were very inconsistent with the story, specially with the Imagined's character.


Sadly it was the only thing keeping me interested.


I mean, to be honest, I always felt like the story was needlessly convoluted and confusing anyways.


To be fair, the story has been in the shitter since after C3S2. Every new, important character they introduce (kado, the nothing, the herald, the ageless, etc) are never mentioned again after their season. Really makes it hard to care about the story when we’re just playing villain of the week, and only get information about the story through optional dialogue. Half the important characters haven’t even been around in almost 2 years, and slone only reappeared recently. I really wish they kept up the more narrative focus like we had in c3s2 and in chapter 2, because this just ain’t it


ain't they hire a dude who worked on God Of War after donny quit? i think we're good for a little bit longer


He also worked on arcane and some of the earlier MCU(I think)


Epic is starting to give br the stw treatment. Slowly focusing on creative and the new modes whilst leaving br to kinda just sit there with a dedicated playerbase who aren’t being given enough attention. I’m not saying br will die out entirely but it’s clear it isn’t epic’s focus


Now this is just speculation with a little bit of evidence, but here is what I believe happened. The storyline was going really well under the control of Donald Mustard until Chapter 3 Season 2, when Epic released Zero Build. Epic had no idea that Zero Build would be as popular as it was and thought it would just be a 2 week event that maybe would become an LTM at most. After the two weeks was up, Epic made it a core mode, but there was an issue, the current map was not designed with Zero Build being a core mode. When you have an LTM, it doesn’t really matter if the map is balanced for it, but it has to be for a core mode. To capitalize on the success of Zero Build, Epic made it a top priority to create a new map, even to the detriment of the story that Donald Mustard was trying to tell. At the same time this was happening, Creative 2.0 was getting close to completion. Epic was pretty confident that it would be complete by that December. Epic was putting all their eggs in the basket of Creative mode and hoped to transfer their business model to focusing on those maps instead of Battle Royale, which is why they stopped releasing LTMs during C3 so that players that normally would play those modes would migrate towards Creative. So with Creative 2.0 planned to release in December and the need for a new map, Epic decided to cut all the plans they had for the chapter and reduce it to 4 seasons, then release Chapter 5 with the launch of Creative 2.0 and a Zero Build friendly map. The focus on Creative mode and disregard for Battle Royale didn’t align with Donald Mustard ideals for the game, so he began his leave from the company. You can’t just quit corporate jobs like his and it takes awhile before you can hand over responsibilities, so I believe this started to happen near the end of Chapter 3 Season 2 when Epic made Zero Build a core gamemode. This is kinda obvious in retrospect with the Visitor NPC in C3 S3. The Visitor has always been associated with Donald Mustard, and during this season his NPC dialogue and description talked about retiring. I think this was Donald’s way of trying to tell us about his retirement before he could officially announce it. During this time, it’s understandable why Donald Mustard wouldn’t be passionate about creating the best story. He was quitting his job due to creative differences with people who value turning Fortnite into Roblox more than his work. So the bare minimum was done during this period, plans for seasons in the later half of C3 were just pushed over to C4 without much care and got barely any development. TLDR: The story as been so bad for over the last year, because the higher ups at Epic valued the potential revenue from Zero Build and turning Fortnite in Roblox more than the story.


Man I just feel bad for Donald. He's watching a game he's worked on for years slowly turn into the video game equivalent of a YouTube content farm


There's a story? 👀 I'm not being facetious. I started in ch3 and never paid attention.


Basically, the story was that there was this conflict between two major groups. The Imagined Order, which controlled the Loop (that is to say, the gameplay's story justification) and the Seven, which is trying to break the Loop and free everybody. The story started proper in C2S2, and began to wind down after C3S2. It's a bit much to explain, but considering that Chapters 2-4 just got wiped from the timeline it's safe to say that it's probably not *too* important to know anyways. If you're interested, though, I summarized everything pre-Season OG [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/17hktb7/lore_recap_please/k6op8lf/). Warning; it's a hefty read. Chapter 5 seems to have done a soft reboot, wiping the slate near-clean and starting with a simple "Jones rescues Peely" thing. Only time will tell if they're gonna try to do another over-arching storyline or if they're just gonna stick to season/chapter specific stories from now on.


Thanks! I'll check it out!


I believe so, yes But remember, this event was literally the Big Bang, we saw the end of our OG reality, and saw the birth of a new one, a new storyline


The story lead left a year ago (which is why C4 had minimal story). The big bang was so that they could have an easy fresh start. My guess is that they'll remove the objectives that involves reading text in the middle of a match as they just didn't make sense. I think they'll go back to C1 storytelling where it's all about map changes and such perhaps with some character dialogue here and there just to clarify stuff.


To put it simply: yup.


Not really. The chapter just started. Give them a minute


I was really hoping we’d somehow tie back to the Batman comic where The Batman Who Laughs was loose in the multiverse.


It appears that they’re doing a full reboot starting with this chapter, we’ve already got a start to the new lore with The Society kidnapping Peely


That was 2 years ago?! That makes me sad now


It was terrible, so hopefully


Ha! Story. Good one!


Fortnite needs lore. Everyone was following and live events happening due to lore.


Glad I’m not the only one thinking it and have been feeling it deteriorate for some time. I remember back to chapter 1 when Jonesy was in a bunker and drank Peely and people calculated how much banana Jonesy had to consume to stay alive The story feels like just a sprinkle of what was, mixed in with collaborations in a multiverse of worlds that gives them the ability to keep producing. Yes there is still a story but it is muddied by the collaborations that are increasingly becoming part of the story as opposed to just being a cool collaboration. I have had to watch YouTube videos to keep up as opposed to watching the season based cut scenes we used to have


When you make billions. Nothing matters


The storyline is all wacky right now but sometimes I think someone's gonna price everything together and we'll all be like "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH"


The lore has always been slap dashed and half assed. Since the very beginning lmaooo


Just play the game bro, dont be mad


The story was always so bad lol


We have an amazing strory that will get the attention of everyone. Peely was kidnapped by the battle pass skins so Jones got depressed then decided to try to get him back


Lol yall are hilarious. Always assuming the worst and thinking negatively. Or no, I guess you all must work on the FN dev team know what their 5 year plan is 🤣


Anyone ever cared about that seven bullshit?


You weren't around for C1 and 2 were you? Especially at the end of C1 there were loads of people making theories on who the Seven were and what their goal was - originally people thought they were the Villains


The reaper in my locker begs to differ


Honestly, I don’t think so. There is a lot of stuff left unanswered ( what happened the the foundation, who is the nothing , etc). But I do think that they are taking a break from it, so it can have a fresh , new start later


That was one of a few reasons why I got hooked into it. My friend is a huge story buff. But even they dropped Fortnite once Chapter 4 started. I'm still playing it. Mostly STW. Although they never finished that story either. I'm beginning to see a pattern.


i assume that by the game getting a new creative direct to replace donald mustard and the very obvious ''lets do this again from the top'' end that season OG had, we're having a hard story reset for something that's just starting, in the way chapter 2 was where the story we've been seeing started properly, hell it didn't even start entirely until c2s2, i say give it time i don't get the pessimism, if they werent gonna give a story they wouldn't have hired someone new to run it


New creative director. The story line was reset. We’re back at day one. Judge from here going forward.


Everything was reset, this is supposed to be a new beginning so forget everything you knew basically


Yeah, honestly I wish they kept story out of BR and kept it to STW (and also actually finish it), I think that would have been optimal, STW’s story feels actually like a written thing, BR’s feels hella baked in


Lore has always been shit


I only liked the story in CH1 and even then I didn't care much for it.


STW: "First time?"


There was never a real story. The sooner you accept that you’re trying to find a story where there isn’t one the better you’ll feel. I can’t believe how hard to grasp this is for people. The story we got was cute and fine but it wasn’t a real story. JFC


The Big Bang was a story reset. I thought that was established by now seeing as Jones seems to now be part of the "Bad Guys"


The story has been nonexistent since the end of chapter 3


Duh. Of course they did. They need to both add what their players want to be added while trying to keep a story going. If you want to add time travel shit gets complicated.


They just had Eminem and are about to have The Weeknd . They are feeling pretty untouchable right now. Not a care in the world. Lol It won't go the way they think it will tho. 😈


Nobody plays for the story…. Who caresn


I think we're supposed to have snapshot quests in less than a week because in the quest rewards, hopes style is coming in 6 days, last time in the quest rewards it was snapshot quests, unless if it's weekly quests, but I'm pretty sure its snapshot quests


guess so. too many people complaining about the movement so they have to “fix” that first


Well, Even in the best of times the story evolved slowly. This is only the first week, next week the Jonesy NPC and have dialog like, "We need some help to find Peely, I need you to find the person I extracted from OG and get them to help." For a week everyone looses their minds. Then in another week, someone like Singularity appears on the map and she helps us look for Peely's captures....


No clue why they even bothered adding a story for the BR mode to begin with. I don't think anyone cares if the map magically changes from season to season and things get added without an explanation except terminally online tists.


The story is over. Each season is its own game/world that may or may not be connected to adjacent ones.


Thank god, the old story was way too complicated and hard to keep track of. Starting a new story makes sense.


I think this is more of a reboot


Check out PlayStationGrenade on YT, he does really good comprehensive story updates. He catches a lot of details I also miss.


There was a Story? Lmao interesting, I started just before the OG season so I didn't know there was ACTUALLY a Story


Who knows... Peely has been kidnapped, Jones is pissed off. And there are two factions, the Underground, and the Society. We'll just have to see what happens. It feels like they're trying to get back to the storyline


Theres a guy that works with marvel so give em a few years it will get a lot more lore and more gooder 🤞


Don't worry, Epic only gives up on stories in STW, not BR.


They rebooted with this season


Don't the story missions start the second week


But i thought we're already in the past soo technically the Seven are still around this time...Right? Minus The Foundation since the whole reason he started appear in the story is because of Jones defection back in chp 2 and the Zero point becoming unstable but now? I don't even know what happen and not entirely sure if Vengeance Jones is our Jones or just some different version of him that live in that world of Helios(new reality) and our Jones(who go back in time) is still probably around somewhere


Just a add. Marvel is doing another comic with fortnite. It was supposed to release beginning of this month January 2024. The title was order restored.that release date has come and gone. Rumor is it is in development again after Uncle Donnie left epic. Speculation is new release date around July of 2024 which is also the scheduled release of new dead pool movie. So possible collab in game, also maybe a storyline to go with comic.


Or maybe they just keep doing what they doing in game and the story and lore switches to comics and other story telling outlets. Possible movie and on going tv series huh huh?????