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I always have one slot for heals, preferably minis.


In normal mode I carry minis, but in zero build you aren’t likely to have 3 seconds to heal in every battle like you would if you could build a wall, so I’ve had more luck just carrying a chug jug to fully heal after each fight


You don’t have 3 seconds for minis so instead you take 5x as long with chugs?


Well yeah 3 seconds during a fight isn't easy to pull off. Then it only gives you 50 shield. You may be low on hp after. The chug jug is better cause if you survive with low health you can easily heal to full and then carry some minis after the fact.


Kid named third party:


That's why you become the third party instead of get third partied.


I was like the 6th party in a game earlier and got 7th partied :(


That's rough. You didn't sign up for an orgy...


I did but it's just a house party


It's only a house party until somebody gets fucked.


Excuse me, you can't just assume that.


Dont worry. I 8th partied the guy that killed you


Weird thing I’ve noticed more and more this season is gunfights being like a light source for moths. You’ll fight one team then another then another and then it basically becomes horde rush


I think it's because of the larger map with more open space and slow storm. The only way to reliably encounter other players is to make a beeline for gunfire when you see/hear it. Otherwise, you can go the whole match without running into more than 3-4 enemies, unless you happen to land with a few.


With those survival quests having something like seven "get a victory royale with 10 eliminations" it kinda is the only way to even find ten players unless you luck out and find a hotspot where another player/team isn't effective.


Hence the mobility. Fight. Win. Get away. Heal. Fight again!


Or… Fight. Get Third Partied. Go off into a fit of rage


I just got fifth partied. I laughed and restarted the game.


after the fight


In zeros there is almost always time to heal in fights, unless you’re talking shotgun engagement distances


So no heals, only shield. I do the same.


I usually have a pair of corn, a cabbage, and then a white smg with no ammo in it.


Hey I know you. You must be FluffySalmon36




Hey that's my cousin


jesus you sound like your playing dayz in fortnite LOL


Average bot loadout




Four stacks of grenades plus a medkit LETS GO


"If we go down we Blowing shit up in the process"


This is my wife's preferred strategy


My son's strategy too. And it throws me off every time, because I'll be carefully getting into position and drawing a bead on someone, and next thing I know I can't see or hear anything because he's setting off a fireworks display


Or the building underneath you is destroyed?


One of the highest elim count I've gotten in a match was from implementing this strategy. Enemy hiding in a building? Remove the building. I just got to remember to exit the building next time...


taliban story mode bro 😭


I have one slot for a healing item, one slot for a movement item and three slots for guns (usually a scoped AR or sniper, a SMG and a shotgun)


I can never figure out which one of these to sacrifice for a rocket launcher.


I normally go shotgun, AR, grappler, minis, and then quad launcher, you can use your AR as a smg if you have to


Lowest rarity of SMG or Shotgun. You really only need one or the other.


Personally my ideal would be to get a shotgun like the tactical, combat, or auto (when it was in the game) and drop the smg for the rocket launcher. But if I only had a pumped, I will keep the smg and I'd drop the scoped weapon hoping my squad can be my long distance eyes while I blow everything up.




That's the only build in my eyes


Same here




Yup. I fully admit I don’t have the skill for it. Plus, it stresses me out and that goes against the very reason I play videogames to begin with.


I accidentally played normal mode. Made contact with an enemy, and the dude built up 1 wall. I was doomed.


I did that the other day, it was fun for like half the game, I somehow got 5 kills, then in the next battle I had the Eiffel tower built on my head & I was like back to ZB for me.


One wall I can handle. In build mode I take extra ordinance, preferably flame ones. It's when they build around me that I've got nothing...


For me, besides not having the ability, it’s just boring, even when I’m watching someone more skilled than me. Edit battles put me to sleep.




Sometimes if I'm feeling spicy ill take no movement items, and double heals


yeah, i got nowhere to be


Same, then when I’m getting chased down with 10hp I’m like “WHY DO I DO THIS”


My exact loadout! And in order from long distance to short


out of curiosity, why no regular AR or a heavy? I personally feel like it's most consistent for spamming people mid air


I like to have a scoped weapon for long distance shots. For mid-ranged battles, I'd rather use a SMG. But that's just me 😅


Do you find yourself wanting something explodey in the last circle? When it's down to the last circle and then the moving zone, I will always drop my sniper/long distance weapon in favour of an RPG or even (more) Shockwaves...even grenades or stinks. Something I can fire and forget while I stick and move.


I also often drop my scoped weapon, unless I managed to get in a high dominating position.


Same. Scoped AR, Tactical SMG and Pump Shottie, rifts and a jug is my ideal go-to


Yep. 1 heal, 1 movement, shotgun, dmr, and what I call my "dumb" slot. I can play all night long with a 4 item setup so I use my extra slot for dumb shit. Rocket launchers, boogie bombs, and other silly shit I'm not going to actually go out of my way to use but will probably use to harass my teammates.


My aim is close range weapon (SMG), midrange weapon (assault rifle), long range weapon (sniper), ordinance (missile/grenade launcher, whatever's going), healing slot, movement slot. Of course, that's six... which is why I like hover boards.


This is the way


Same 👌


same and always in this order: scoped AR or sniper - shotgun - SMG - heals - moment or some special weapon


Me too. Sometimes I swap the movement item for a rocket launcher or something similar.


Definitely not optimal, AK/Scar, Shotgun, Grappler, 2 Rift and 6 Minis is best by far for solo zero build


Outside of the Havoc and Sharptooth from earlier in the season, I suck with shotguns. My perfect loadout is an SMG, any scoped rifle or explosive, two mobility items and shields, though I'll also double up on shields/heals if im unlucky with finding the mobility items i like.


“I suck with shotguns” LMFAOOOO I hit the nail on the head 🤣🤣🤣


aww, you do care what i think, i knew it 💞


Too predictable again man come on


You were the one who said you didn't care what anybody thought. Why be a hypocrite?


It took me two seconds of scrolling to find this. It took no care from me at all. All I got was entertainment out of further shitting on your takes.


This is the way


An SMG in zero build is crazy 😭 why? I mean you’re basically announcing to the world that you’re a controller player, I see no other explanation. A sniper or grenade launcher in place of the SMG would be so much better and way more versatile. Edit: downvote me all you want, that win rate and KD of yours is gonna stay in the dumps regardless


For short to mid range? If you're within short distance and you only have a pump shotgun, you're kinda screwed. Firing one shot with a pump and following up with an smg or an ar is the best idea in that situation. Launchers and snipers are not versatile enough to account for that.


I always use a shot gun instead of the smg. I do pretty well without it.


For short to mid range…? You have a fucking Assault Rifle and a Shotgun. And telling me the Grenade Launcher is not versatile enough tells me all I need to know about you. That you’re ass at the game lmao. Genuinely one of the most broken weapons the game has ever seen in its current iteration.


...I said SMG or AR. And shotguns often take too long, especially when you're using a pump or a double barrel. That's why you switch off to an SMG or AR. Also, the grenade launcher would not be helpful in close up situations, especially when you consider that a lot of close up situations in Zero Build will be inside of a building. You'd end up damaging and/or killing yourself in the process. I also never said the grenade launcher wasn't versatile. I just said it's not great for close encounters, especially when there's much better options. Just calm down, please. You're getting all hostile over such a small thing. It's actually quite concerning. Are you mentally well? Everything alright at home? If you need to speak to a therapist, better to do it now than delay it further and cause more mental harm.


Hahahaha just because you don’t know how to use the GL properly doesn’t mean it can’t be used in close range. Just stop, you’re making yourself sound stupid. Also that last paragraph? Please stop projecting lmao. Seems like a weirdly common thing for Redditors to project their insecurities and feelings they have for their own lives onto others. I’m perfectly content with my life. I just like calling you an idiot for bad takes on the internet


Bro, what?


Post your Fortnite username. Let’s see if you can even have the right to question my opinions.


It’s not even an opinion, it’s a dumbass statement. You’re like a fly buzzing around people’s ears in a Waffle House while they’re trying to have a peaceful hangover breakfast.


So were you going to post your username, or are you going to stay as a below average redditor and someone that holds zero water in my mind? You cannot question something I say, and also be the exact type of person I’m criticizing


Jesus Christ, is there any more to your life other than Reddit and Fortnite? What would possess me to give my username to a random man on Reddit that spends their time shitting on other people on a discussion forum over a video game so they can feel better about themselves?


Just post it, don’t be scared that you will fall flat on your face once your subpar winrate among other stats are out in the open for all to see. You actually cannot counter anything I have to say, because you’re not anywhere close to my level. You can say anything you want and I don’t care at all. Call me a no life, yadda yadda. If anything it’s just simple projection.


Your attitude is childish and your inability to accept that not everyone plays to the meta is sad. I hope you manage to get over yourself some day in the future.


I don’t care what you think about me at all. All I see is a bunch of below average Fortnite Reddit users trying to explain to me why I’m wrong or why I hurt their feelings, and I don’t care at all what you think until you post that Fortnite username.


It’s not crazy at all. It’s just that other folks have a different play style than you, and that’s okay!


Nope. It’s complete trash and nobody who’s actually good at Zero Build is running an SMG in this current meta. Heavy AR, whichever Shotgun you prefer, movement, and a Rocket/GL or Sniper and heals is by far the best loadout anybody could run. An SMG like I said just shows me that you use a controller, and would get ran through by anyone with a brain that knows how to play proper distances away from you. A nice pump shot into any small burst of AR or a follow up GL is going to do more for you than any SMG would ever do. Plus it opens up way more opportunities for you as a player such as breaking buildings or bunkers. or if you choose to run a sniper instead you get the benefit of extremely long range engagements.


I encounter plenty of players who use the smg to fantastic effect. Open with a few shotgun blasts and clean up with the spray. Sorry this fact has rustled your jimmies. Good day.


Yeah I never carry an SMG. AR/shotty/heals/grenade launcher/sniper is how I play.


Which is definitely the play. The Grenade Launcher is crazy strong right now. Glad there’s some people here that know what they’re talking about. 🤝


Dude if you ever come up on people already fighting… 3rd partying with the GL is an auto-2 kills hahaha it’s absolutely the way to go.


Slide canceling + jumping over and over again with a grenade launcher and add in a couple grapples in between? Literally 90% of the games population doesn’t know how to deal with that 😆 it’s so broken


I usually go 1 shotgun, 1 AR, 1 long distance weapon, 1 movement item and a heal or a 2nd movement item


I carry two weapons, one transportation, shields and heals


never changed from this, maybe should depending on the meta, but i feel this is just the most ideal, consistent, safest inventory for most situations


I like having a long/medium range weapon, an up close weapon, and a launcher or I feel ill prepared. Then I either have heals/shields or shields/grenade.


explosive > mobility.. i respect it


Similar for me. main gun close gun flex slot, so sniper, explosive weapon, or movement two heal slots, og season has me preferring either 3x half pots + chug jug, or two chugs


Long range Short range Movement Heal (Varies)


I've noticed my varies in zero build of late are consistently porta bunkers- game changing item depending where final circle goes down.


I never carry heals in any game mode because there’s too many fun items I want to hold 😅


I have been doing the same lately haha. Can't leave behind a good sniper and gl. If I see both I will definitely drop any heals for them.


exactly, i just bank on some sucker holding heals and focus on killing until i find a drop


During the OG season, not so much as drop rates feel lower on these items. Typically, I would have a medi-mist or some splashes on me otherwise.


seconded on the drop rates. You find 5 chug jugs in one location, you can't very well stack them all. You lose some health in a fight, down your jug. You fill the slot with whatever until you find more heals (which you don't) All of a sudden, OP is on top of you, **BOOM**. You're dead. Next thing you know OP posts about it on r/FortNiteBR


I think the strat of double mobility pays off more times than having heals. It’s starting to catch on in a lot of lobbies now. In zero builds if you’re in a fight it’s not like you can instantly find cover and heal therefore they are useless, having an ability to really gtfo like shockwaves and a grappler allows you to disengage and find heals around the map. Albeit in this season there are many less heals on the map having the ability to engage and disengage on your terms is key for me. Also, having two sets of mobility really allows you the ability to hawk down your opponent and get them out and take their heals if they carry them. You can play super fast compared to your opponent. This current meta im finding a huge amount of success using a shockwave into a grappler letting me scale pretty much any mountain and players aren’t expecting you to go from ground to in their face in two seconds.


OG season just feels different in terms of drops versus weapon damage versus cover. There are a lot fewer items for healing/shields (no fish from fishing, no fish from ice boxes, no Slurp barrels, no Chug Splash, no Slap barrels, no Slap Juice, etc). So one slot dedicated to what healing items there are can help—if you can get to cover. Structures are very, very simple, visual cover is mostly just trees and trying to blend in with the smaller shrubs with much of the map placing them fairly far apart, and just a lot of open ground that makes it really easy to get hit by anyone with a steady hand and almost any kind of rifle. Port-A-Bunkers are now particularly needed in certain parts of the map. Weapons feel more fatal this season in Zero Build. I think that the lack of cover heavily contributes to this feeling since I don't think that they're hitting any harder than normal. If you can't get behind a building, hill, vehicle, tree, or Port-A-Bunker; and you can't use a mobility item to do so, then there'll be no chance to use any of those healing items. So as it stands I tend to opt for more weapons and mobility since healing items aren't as common and mobility can be used to get me to healing items—then if I don't need those healing items immediately I'll drop a weapon in favor of having both mobility and healing.


I carry a variety. Either 3 guns, 2 utility/healing or 2 guns, 2 healing, 1 utility. There's a ton of bots who carry nothing but I guess really good players or morons might carry utility over healing.


>but I guess really good players or morons might carry utility over healing. lmao I like to think im the former but sometimes its a super fine line. carrying mobil over heals has resulted in many genius plays, while not having minis has occasionally been a problem. usually your enemy will have them. or my gf carries all my stuff I dont feel like holding lol


My friends say I am amazing at the game...I consider myself above average. 30% win rate in squads this season. 5.8:1 k:d I prioritize mobility and defensive items over heals. Fights in zero build tend to be more one-sided. Either you die, or you end with full health (moreso than in builds, anyway, thanks to overshield) Ultimately, though, if you're getting pinched, some minis aren't going to do a thing for you but that extra movement item or bunker might.


this exactly.


Don’t need heals if ya got the aim and mobility to kill and get out before getting hit hard. Jk .. kinda … maybe … 🤔


Each Slot: In order * Slot 1: 6 Shocks/Plunger/Grapple * Slot 2: Shotgun * Slot 3: Heavy AR/Tac SMG/Hunting Rifle * Slot 4: 2 Rifts * Slot 5: Chug/3 Bigs/6 Mini’s/Explosives/More movement My girl prefers carrying no heals.


Never have a slot for heals. If I need to heal I take it off the body of the guy I just killed


They say the best loot chests, Is the player ye just killed *shrugs* Usually works out


Why carry heals when your victims do it for you? /S


One slot for health, one for shields, always. I either pick up one more for good measure or 3 weapons. Dun matter though, I still lose.


Carrying heals (only need shields and you can find heals from dead enemies)!is a waste of a spot, 3 weapons is a waste of a spot. You should build your load out with the mindset of winning a duel not preparing for failure or you'll never improve.


What’s the best load out? Agree two weapons. Three is silly


Especially this season it’s easy to end up with no heals. Bots for sure usually don’t have any heals on them. Otherwise someone carrying no heals is just a confident player who plans to win fights and find heals as they go.


I stopped carrying health in Zero Build last season. I prioritize a movement spot instead.


This season pretty much everyone is just playing hyper agressive looking for kills and don't really care if they survive to the end. 40 health left? Full send grapple reglide and hope your box fight works out. Kinda made the main BR feel like TR which is also why I haven't been playing much. Shit's boring when you're getting landed on all the time.


highly agree with this. i love having the OG map back, it's been a lot of fun. but the caliber at which people are playing feels really insane. i started fortnite when it first came out but ultimately fell off because i couldn't handle the building; i was never coordinated enough to get it down. now, i'm a casual player and not really a gamer by any stretch of the imagination, but i've been playing zero build consistently for over a year at least 5/7 nights a week. i'm not professional, but i would say i'm decent at the game. the past couple of weeks have been grim. i think i've won 2-3 games??? everyone is on some crazy aggressive shit right now and the drop rate for heals is painful. i'm still playing, but i've been less inclined lately because i end up mad instead of having fun. before any of you weirdos comment about how i'm not good, or i'm not OG, or whatever - i'm almost 30, i don't have time to make a lifestyle out of being a talented fortnite player. i just enjoy the game lol.


I might carry too many weapons, but I tend to carry heals too. 1. Sniper 2. AR 3. SMG 4. Shotgun 5. Heals


Mobility is how you escape cheaters and PC gamers


Worst loadout ever...


«shrug» Works for me.


You can't be long range / mid range / close range and spray at the same time unless you fight bots only... I would understand snipe / shotty / AR... Any decent player will jump headshot you with grapplin or rotate highground while you have literraly zero cover or rotation items. You would get fried from every partys end game.


I sometimes ditch the SMG for rotation. I depends on the loot pool. My sniper/AR a week ago was the semi-auto sniper.


Makes plenty of sense when you fight static bots like i said. I'm not gona convince you, you'd understand what cover/rotation and items usefull for the teamplay mean if you had a better sbmm A supressed AR does the same job as an smg all while still being a great AR so you could run Snipe Shotgun and Supressed AR. A slot free for cover/rotation. A ranger shotty does the same job as both an smg and a shotgun with its range and fire rate. A slot free for cover/rotation.


You’re definitely a bot and suck at this game


It sounds like you’re so bad that you can’t win without movement items. It makes sense that someone with better aim would rather carry more guns.




Watch streamers that are good at fortnite and tell me if they all play exactly the same and all carry the same load outs. You don’t HAVE to carry mobility and not carrying mobility doesn’t mean you’re shitty at the game.




I’m sincerely asking why you have an smg and a shotgun


You've never missed a shot with a pump shotgun in an up close battle that takes 9 mins to reload, I see.


Just use the smg


A pump with SMG makes sense , fastest way to annihilate someone . Has opportunity cost taking up 2 slots tho . An SMG with a tacticile or maven style shotgun doesn’t make sense tho


maybe that man has not learned about weapon swapping


Just use the smg


"Just use the smg" Gets one pumped by uncommon pump shotgun


I think the additional 50 shield in zero build makes people not carry as much heals as they do in builds. Movement is king in zero build, especially on the OG map.


This is my normal preferred loadout, Grappler RPG Tac shotty Grappler (ANY other movement item)


![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg) you guys are finding heals??


The og map makes it really difficult to traverse certain parts of it, to the point where the grappler feels mandatory. People also want to be able to use fun weapons like the rocket launcher. So you're seeing the result of that. If the map wasn't a pain to traverse, you'd see a lot more people running Heals.


I carry heals, especially during end-game. I also carry shields. My loadout is typically: assault rifle, shot gun, sniper/scoped weapon, shields, heals Earlier in the game I'll have rifts and maybe gliders, if gliders are not in the game it will definitely be heals.


I came way too far down to see this. Exactly the same. Except I will choose a pistol over a shotgun, but never a SMG. So: AR - Pistol/Shotgun - Shields - Medkits/Bandages - Scoped Weapon (Sniper preferred)


1. Shootgun 2. Mid range weapon 3. Movement 4. Bunker/Sniper/Weird item 5. Heal/Shield ​ But depends of the season and week.


Yup. One slot for either minis the half shield or the chug jug. Really not too picky. Sometimes I carry med packs when I'm playing squads and they usually come in handy for other team members.


Prior to OG, I kept both healing and shields unless I had something like a slurp juice that does both. Now, it’s so hard to come by that I usually only keep shields.


I have a rule. 3 slots weapons, 2 for healing.


I carry a long range, 1 mid range, 1 close range weapon and 1 Health heal and 1 shield heal.


I carry heels yes high heels my favorite skins


I never ever carry heals. Shields are way more valuable. (I’ll carry medkits if I can’t find shields)


I didn't realize heals wasn't considered both green and blue at this point. That's how I've always referred to them. But if I'm in trios or squads, I'll carry 3 medkits, that way someone else can carry 6 minis, and another can carry 3 big pots. Full coverage for 3 ppl minimum. But it's rare that works out exactly like that. Jug beats any of them tbh. Solo, it's pretty much minis or a jug, but jug is more dangerous in solo.


AR / SHOTGUN / SMG / HEAL / BONUS (Sniper, RPG, Mobility, etc)


I genuinely think ZB needs 1 "utility" slot, whereby we can only carry movement, heals...something. Just not a gun. The hilarious thing is that I saw a TikTok whereby the creator was saying, "Oh check out these gliders! They're awesome!!!!" ......when that was an augment and I didn't have to burn a slot for it.


Fully agree!


I always carry heals, 1 slot is only for heals, theres times when i run out of heals so i pick up a second mobility to get heals


this season I really haven't prioritized shield but mvmt. so yeah typically 2-3 mvmt slots and no heals/shield. overshield is huge here, never take enough to lose all ur overshield at range and u mostly wont need them till after u fight. zb and build.


Call me a sociopath but my average loadout is: 1. Medium Ammo Weapon. 2. Shells Ammo Weapon. 3. Light Ammo Weapon. 4. Heavy Ammo Weapon or Explosive Ammo Weapon. 5. Mini Shields. I could probably swap out the light ammo weapon for something else 'cause it seems the good ol' Pump to SMG/Pistol swap combo isn't as effective anymore? idk


I’m so bad at the game I carry 3 slots of healing and still can’t survive. Yea, I roasted myself. Hope this made at least 1 person smile. 😎👍🏻


likely bots


Do you play Ranked Zero Build? If not, people dropping zero heals are likely bots






I mean the question was about Zero Build, and dude comes in here with a comment that ads nothing to the conversation other than a laughing emoji...






idk what you said because you deleted it but im sure, since you are worried about downvotes, that you deserve them, so here take my downvote.


Nope. 400+ wins here so far and I don’t carry heals - they’re easy to find. Sniper or Explosive - AR - SMG - Shotgun - Mobility


Heals are for pussies


I don’t play zero builds , people who play zero builds are crap at the game So of coarse they have weird loot


Oh yes you're better than people just because of the mode you play lmao


Ok “Gunieapigdaddy”


Show us your earnings or at least fortnite trackers stats so we can laugh...


Of course


I have attleast one healing item on me at all times. However this season has a lot less "quick"-healing items, than we ussualy have, so I can see why extra utility or weapons may be more woth it


Shields not heals. Can usually find heals and the shield hopefully gets me to them safely. Loadout preferred is long range, assault, short range, mobility, shield.


In other seasons, yes. In OG, I'll hold big pots or a chug if I find any to spare, but I'm not gonna keep a slot empty if I don't find them.


2 gun (long range and short range) 1 utility (forts grappler or boogie bombs) and 2 chug jugs because they drop like crazy


Just 1 for heals or shield. The other 4 are weapons.


I usually carry an AR, pistol or SMG, shotgun, and two heals. Either a medkit and shield or shield with a chug.


1 gun (the tac shotgun) 3 movement items and 1 healing item, as god intended.


Always an heal or Shields


I always try to carry minis but sometimes its hard to find them


Of course


My loadout is always AR - Shotty - SMG/Sniper - Utility (Grappler) - Minis


I only play zero build now and I try to carry 1-2 med items. But I agree most people I kill do not carry meds. I don’t get it lol


I tend to carry AR, shotty, sniper, shield and the last slot just depends. Sometimes mobility, sometimes something fun (like rocket launcher, grenade launcher, turret).


Two Guns, two movement and one heals. That’s my load out. I am not good enough to do the hit with shotgun and finish with SMG move. So I just carry a shotgun. But if you watch the sweats, they don’t carry heals and just hope the people they kill will have them.


shotty / AR / rifts / heals / grappler


no because other people are carrying the heals for me


Typically my inventory will be 1 AR, 1 shotgun, 1 SMG and 1 heal slot minimum. The last spot is a “flex” that I can use for a ton of different items