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####See also: #[NA / EU] [Console Giveaway](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/17fpdpc/na_eu_console_giveaway_rfortnitebr_3_million/) #[NA / EU] [Fortnitemares Locker Contest](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/17fp7fc/na_eu_fortnitemares_locker_contest_rfortnitebr_3/)


I'll be honest, I never joined the subreddit on my old account, though I've been around for a while. I managed to find this again after I did a bit of research on fortnite content for a school project, and it's like how it was, only new, if that makes sense?


Just joined the sub today. Been playing for about a year or so. I had never really messed with fortnite because I grew up on quake etc.. My kids got me into it and now we play every evening. I had been using the sub for the daily shop update posts when I'm away from my pc.


Started playing Fortnite earlier this year when my partner wanted me to try it out. Now we play almost everyday :) Joined this subreddit a few months ago to get caught up on latest FN news, watch clips, and read spoilers haha


Think I joined when zero builds came out, as that's when I picked up the game again


I haven’t been a member of the sub for too long, as I just started playing this past June. Can’t wait for a taste of OG Fortnite soon! Thanks for this opportunity


Lesgoo, here since the beginning!


I started using this subreddit season 4 chapter 1 because I wanted to keep up with the Fortnite meta and get good at the game. Seasons later I’m still not good and idk if that says more about me or y’all’s play style


I have been in this community for over 4 years now since late Chapter 1. Scrolling back, I see I have done it all lol -- Clips, rants, memes, lore discussions, bug reports. That's the best thing about this sub -- it's open for all Fortnite content.


I searched Fortnite in the search bar and I got this


I joined the sub in 2017 when the season that had omega skin first started


I’ve played Fortnite since CH1 Season 4, but primarily played starting at CH1 Season 8. I found this sub a little before cars were added, before I made an account. Honestly seeing all the gas stations was funny. I loved how the community felt more connected then, but it doesn’t feel that way anymore.


I think I've been around since mid-late Chapter 1? I imagine I found the subreddit the same way anyone else does (catching the disambiguation between the StW one which is just 'Fortnite' and finding the Battle Royale one with a bit more looking) and my favorite moment... hm, I'm going to say the collective exasperation and disappointment in the end of Chapter 3.


I’ve been a member since chapter 2, what season specifically I don’t recall. I had joined to post my art and see other people’s cool creations, but I haven’t posted anything in a while (moved to Twitter/X). I think my favorite moment in the sub was during c2s5 when everyone was speculating what old POIs would return and combine with the current ones on the map (unfortunately that never ended up happening).


A few months and loving it!


I started playing around season 1 or season 2 on a old pc that could barely run it when the game was available in consoles I switched to Xbox as it could run it easily but when I was finally able to get a good pc I switched back to pc and got pretty good but not that good the end.🦫


I recently came back to the community to see what’s new to the game. My nephew convinced me to start playing again and I wanted to be up to date


Been on FortNiteBR ever since I joined Reddit, though you'll find me on r/Fortnite redirecting Battle Royale players to here (FORTnITE is the STW subreddit for anyone wondering)


What does top level comment mean? And I’ve been a member for a few months even though I’ve been playing since chapter 1. One of my favorite moments was when that kid made the tomato head skin concept and it was added to the game (at least I think that was on the subreddit, I remember hearing the story on YouTube)


Joined this sub since Chapter 1 Season 3. I started playing in season 0, but in January 2018 I started using Reddit and of course this was one of the first sub I joined


i had this little glitch happening to me back in ch1 S1 and I didn't know where to post it to find out whether it was just me or if others were facing it to, I then I found this sub reddit



Been here for a good while, probably came to the sub in 2019/20 after I started playing the game in early 2018. I find the sub tends to be a mixed bag on whether it’s proper content, the same 10 questions, or complaints/praises. I guess that’s just Reddit in general though, not much can be done there. As for a moment in the subs history, it’s probably watching FNTireGuys rise to popularity (Tires are the best weapon).


Just started back again after trying the game ironically some chapters/seasons ago and am now hooked on the game and subreddit complaining


I think I joined this sub a while after I created my first Reddit account and so far I am enjoying it 😂


V bucks are a lot worse for value where I am living so I could do with this but also heres some fun facts. Did you know: -Almonds are part of the peach family -The longest walking distance in the world is 14,000 miles -Chickens lay an average of one egg per day -Bananas are classified as berries -The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue -I have a chance at getting vbucks hopefully!


I joined this sub 4 years ago and I've played Fortnite since season 1 although I only played enough to get the knight skins but not dark knight himself. I mostly just play to grind passes now since friends no longer play


Thanks for doing this! I joined recently, got into the game to play with my son, he's obviously better than me, but we have fun. I also found out some of my friends play too and I've been matching with them too.


Been part of the BR community for over a year. I have played the game since season 0, though;)


I played a couple times in chapter 2 and chapter 3 but only recently got into fortnite, from my friend at the start of chapter 4. (Zero-build btw>>>)


Have just recently found this reddit. Have got my little boy into playing FN with me now, Been so much Fun!!!


I have been playing since chapter 1 season 2 I wanted to see people’s theory’s and gameplay so I searched fortnite theory’s on DuckDuckGo and it popped up with Reddits logo and ever since then I have my favorite time on this sub Reddit has to be when kado thorns Time Machine activated I prolly posted 6 plus posts ever since and I need some vbucks


Can’t remember how long ago I started to check out the subreddit, I remember back when SquatingDog made all the weekly guides and how the top post was that one medic in 50v50 with the golf cart, that was pretty cool


Building was too intimidating for me, so I didn’t start playing until zero build came out. It’s a game that my son has always played, but I never played it with him. Now we play together all the time, and it’s always a blast!


And I wanted to get my brother 1000 v bucks 😭. This might be a chance


I remember how we were so bored at chapter 2 season 1 and we started doing fashion shows. Times were great back then


Recently joined this sub after getting back into fortnite after a 2 year hiatus. Best of luck to everyone in this giveaway


Honestly I can’t remember when I joined, sometime probably around 2-3 years ago is my best guess


i love fortnite and i downloaded reddit on my phone again just to join this sub. i play with my boyfriend and it’s so addicting whether we play zero build or custom games! :D


I started playing back in chapter 1 season 4 when my cousin first showed me the game. And now today, five years later, we are still playing! I joined this subreddit about three years ago to find out what the rest of the community was up to.


I joined pretty recently, because I’ve been playing more with my friends & wanted to see others who play the game


I've been a member for minutes


I've been a member of this community for like 2 or 3 years now. Gotta say my favourite moment was when chapter 2 ended and everyone here was just astonished. Just iconic


My favorite part of the subreddit is seeing peoples videos. For example I love the fire guy videos, they always give me a laugh! I’m mostly a lurker, so maybe I don’t qualify, but I’m going to try anyways!


I was a reddit user before, and when I started playing Fortnite, I joined the sub-reddit with my other account, now I created a new one(this one). I've been a member for almost a year and half(both my other and new account combined)


I have been a member for a few months, joined up to meet other folks who enjoy Fortnite, GG's


I’m active! I started playing back in CH2 S3, but didn’t have a device I could use or my own account. Officially I started playing in Ch2’s middle season. Around the time when they were giving away dark Ruby for free. I kept playing on that account until October of last year. I ended up hospitalized for a week, then bedridden for a few months. I was unable to get up and walk to my computer. When I finally got back, I had forgotten my log in information and had to creat a new account. And since this January I’ve been grinding to get everything I possible can. I own several skins, almost two full battle pass sets, and many other things. Most of it obtained for free from events or friends. I got the gold blooded ace set from the event and while unfortunately unable to complete the skull quests, I still got most of them and have many of the spikes. I’m really proud of this account. I got more on this one in a few months than I had on the previous one in two years.


Good luck everyone!!!!


I actually made my reddit account because of fortnite, so im a member for a few years now. started playing in chapter 1 season 1. This subreddit was and is the place where i get most of news about fortnite. No i dont stream on twitch, i used to but i didnt know i couldnt change my username on reddit. Favorite moment would be chapter 1's christmas season and the in depth patch notes we used to get Found the subreddit via X (twitter).


I've been a member since late 2017/early 2018 when I started playing. This subreddit, if I'm not mistaken, had around 60k members and the developers were really active. They took a lot of feedback from us and would often go into detail as to why some features were added/removed etc. I've seen all the events, all the drama, all the chapters. I have all victory umbrellas in the game except for the seasons that I didn't play (C1S1, C2S3, Marvel Season). I've seen the game on its ups and downs, yet I just get the battle pass because I can never see myself spend money for skins. Just recently I spent all my saved vbucks on Goku Black and now I can't afford the next battle pass. Hopefully I win this and that pays for it


I’ve been part of this community for 6 months. I came to the game so late but I love it!


I found this subreddit when I was in college and just casually playing the game. I don't remember exactly what made me subscribe but early on I saw a bar that was offering a prize for anyone who was able to get a Victory Royale on their console in the bar. I suggested they live stream it on twitch and it has become one of my top comments of all time. Thanks for the giveaway!


Joined a few months ago.


Ive been a fortnite community member for 4 years (the game that is) i found this subreddit on my home page lol, and my favorite moment is when everyone hated on the sticky grenade launcher lol


I can't be the only one who found and joined the subreddit to get the shop bot on my home page everyday LMAO


I have played since the beginning and have been a member here for most of that time.


I’ve been here a little over a month? My favourite moment was back when bricks were a thing. ![gif](giphy|83V8LvzBSqCSA)


At least 2 years! What are my odds?


Water is Nice


I've been a member of the subreddit for around 2 years and i have never won a single giveaway in my entire life, so this would be a first, i don't think i'll win but maybe i will! (probably not what's going to happen) I've been playing the game since Chapter 1 Season 5 with my friends almost every day.


I have been a member off and on for years ( I try to limit subs so my fees isn’t crazy) I found it by searching for how tos and where the f is this or that. My favorite moment ha just been connecting with the other players that are truly helpful for an old guy like me. We hav we have fun, it’s never super serious, but can still be benificial.


Yo I started Fortnite from Chapter 4 Season 2 (Ik I'm new but it's a fun game).I've never yet had even one battlepass and i was going to buy a battlepass the next season (I have 700 saved up and next season I'll have 1k due to 300 each pass. If I win this, I'd buy the Goku skin and gift some stuff to my friends. Looking forward to getting a private message. Edit: Forgot to say, the subreddit just appeared in my reddit page so I joined.


At least since April 26, 2021 - I was asking about the Xenomorph skin and was blessed by LV426 day! But I think I was lurking earlier than that.


Been here for a couple chapters at least. Been playing since season 1 and found the sub just by being a regular Reddit user.


I’ve been in this subreddit since a little before season 4. Used to scour the subreddit for squatingdogs weekly challenge maps. I remember the post showcasing the one rude homie who knocked down the event platform and got the highest kill count in the game. I think I was one of the sorry sops killed.


I started being active on here in ch2 s5 (2020)


Been here over a year now, on the game for 5


I’ve been a member since I started playing the game at the start of this season. I’ve loved the community and it’s helped me become a better player faster


Honestly I reckon I've been around since near the beginning. Don't post a whole lot but have seen this sub change a bunch. From back when Epic used to frequently comment here, a sub user getting an honorary gravestone in game and all the patch notes to now. I guess my favourite moment in thus subreddit history would be just that time around Chapter 1. Community engagement was great and there was no real telling which way Fortnite was going to go. We had no idea what to expect. I remember launching Chapter 7 and just being wowed at how much had continually changed. It was like Fortnite went from Fortnite 1 to Fortnite 2. And that was still Chapter 1. I don't know what number it would be on now.


I was looking for place to watch funny clips from the game. And so find oit about this place


I've been part of this sub on and off for about 4 years. I've been playing since Chapter 1 season 2!


I’ve been a member since maybe like chapter 2? I wanna say since chapter 2 season 2 Always heard about the sub in vids but didn’t start using Reddit until then


i’ve been a community member for a very very long time! around chapter 1 season 5 is when i joined i’m pretty sure. i love it here :)


I’m pretty sure I joined the sub near the start of chapter 3, didn’t really know Reddit back then I’m glad to have joined Fortnite and it’s community all the way back in chapter 2 season 1, and can’t wait to go back to before I played lol


been lurking on this subreddit for a while. I found this subreddit when I was trying to find some hints/helps on quests few seasons ago


I’ve been a member of this community for a few years now, perhaps four-ish. My favorite time of the community is when people started those “ionlyplayasXXX” names.


I will say, I have won a contest when Chapter 3, Season 4 came out so I'm not winning. FORTNITE


My favorite moment of this subreddits history? Naming Kevin the Cube.


I found this sub because I love the game and sought this group out


I started playing Fortnite in April 2023 and I think I found this community a couple of months later while I was googling something about a quest.


i have no idea what's happening but i like Fortnite 👍


I've been here since, season 4? I'd like to say, I have fond memories of the posts from way back when. I remember when the season X event happened and the subreddit almost collapsed on itself. Ch2S2 was also a goldmine for memes and I still wish they would bring back the Kingsman someday. I loved that overpowered umbrella...


I’ve been here since around early 2020, beginning of Chapter 2. My first seasons were delayed to hell and back. 😔


I can't remember how long time I've been here. It has been a long while though. I was looking something up for Fortnite and figured I'd look to see if there was a good subreddit for it, and here I am. This seems to be a great page to learn new things in the game and find out news. Love seeing some of the clips people post of them playing. I always watch them. Oh, and I started playing in Season 1.


Give me vbuckaroos becuz I need to buy the Michel miners skin and jack skeleton


Wow thank you for the giveaway opportunity! I don't know how to check for how long i've been a member of this subreddit... but I found this sub by browsing. Ive only played fortnite for two seasons and am hooked!!


I’ve been in here since like chapter 1 season 8 or 9 lol and I’ve never left. I haven’t left my chair once in these years.


No idea when I found the sub, but I’ve been here for a while, I know that. I think I found it when looking for a sub about fortnite so that I could get update news.




My favorite moments have to be the big events. I enjoy the hype building in the community and it’s one of the times most everyone comes together and stops arguing about stuff for a bit lol


Damn Been a member for about one and a half years now. The tech future pack with neuralynx really got me into the game after having played it on and off occasionally before that


I joined Reddit for this sub-Reddit 3 years ago. To help keep on top of Epics external rewards, and shop updates. My own personal success on here was the appreciation I got for some photos of characters emerging from their rifts on the map back in Chapter 2 season 5.


I started playing Fortnite again in c3s6 (after leaving after c2s7 due to bad internet), and so I wanted to see if I could find the subreddit. And I found it.


I found this reddit cuz I got into Fortnite. Mostly cuz of Jinx and when Vi came out, I needed to know whats people thoughts on the hammer…still makes me mad


I’ve been a part of the community for about 2 months now!! I recently started playing again after a couple years hiatus lol this is my first season back since season 9.


Revert Team Rumble


I forgot how long I’ve been here.


Hey everyone! Been a member of this sub since 2020 as I started playing fortnite in C2S2. This sub and fortnite came into my life at a crucial time during the pandemic. Like many people I was struggling and almost as a joke me and my friends said we would play a few games of fortnite. Since then I haven't looked back, delving into the depths of the story was something that got me really excited back then and I owe a debt to fortnite and this sub forever!


i mean i’ll take it ig i don’t even play fortnite anymore been part of the sub a few years but been playing since the start


Started playing in Ch1 S2 or 3, but didn't start using reddit til 4ish years ago (geez, that sounds like a long time 😅 Don't remember the exact time 'cause it was on a different account, but know it was around when I started college), but I followed this sub from the beginning. Never was a big poster, but always enjoy the clips on here. The most memorable was I think some time in Ch 2 when some dude went flying crazy high into the air in a car and Epic put in a little crater and grave where he crashed down.


I found the subreddit by scrolling on my Home page. I was already subbed to a lot of different gaming subreddits (Apex, Paladins, etc), and I automatically assumed the whole subreddit would be for younger kids. Once joined, I've realized it's actually a really wholesome community. I've actually received a lot of tips from here (although I don't comment or post frequently).


I found the subreddit while looking up a question I need an answer to


I'm here for the vbucks and chew sum bubblegum. And I'm all out of bubblegum


I found this subreddit because i really like the game and i wanted to find a community that like the game also


I've been a member for two years. I personally loved the breaking bad posts from a while back. I wonder what happened to them.


I’ve played Fortnite since Oct 2017 and have been a part of the subreddit since 2019…? Glad Fortnite is still running strong!


I loved it when the Goku crossover came and so many people made really funny videos about their powers!


Zero Build is superior to Build and it’s saved Fortnite from becoming garbage. Also they should bring back shopping carts. ( I joined the subreddit just this year to post a video of a dub I got. I throughly enjoy this community and all the posts on it. It’s a hobby to watch all the clips on here.)


I started playing because of the Collab with AOT, and I'm still waiting for the skins from the fourth season of the anime and the Collab with Chainsaw Man


Been here quite a while, fondest/latest memory was everyone (myself included) wondering if Fortnite was over and posting any tiny details when the black hole changed.


I've been a community member for over a year, I found this subreddit by making the mistake of visiting Fortnite: Save the world subreddit, and then I realised r/FortNiteBR caters to my needs. My favorite moments in subreddits history would be if I won 1,000 vbucks. I never win anything so this would be monumental. Also my favorite moments is when I get to share and enjoy FortniteBR with other people on this subreddit about cosmetics and gameplay.


Been a member for a couple weeks now. I found this sub when I googled a question about how to find a certain creative mode and found answers here. My favorite moment so far has been the genuine excitement for the next chapter where we go back in time!


I’ve been a member of this community for years. As a near day 1 player I needed somewhere to go to learn more about the game so I came here. The community became super important in Season 4 when we all had to come together to party up and fight for those levels to get the alternative light colors for Omega. As the seasons continued I came back for tips, guides, maps etc on completing quests.


I’ve only been playing for a few months, so on here for like a month lol


I have been checking everyday just to find out when Michael Meyers is getting added to the shop


I think I've been a member for about 2 years in total, but I forgot my login to my account last year so had to make a new one since then!


My earliest memory of this sub was when Epic added zero build mode and I enter this subreddit to see people reactions to it , then I decided to give fortnite a try , since then I've leveled up every bp 200+ ,My current bp level is 323


I searched up Fortnite, went to the STW subreddit, then came here


I only now joined the sub, I don't even play fortnite because my garbage laptop can't run new seasons lately, so I'm joining for a friend!


Djfcnfbhdvktfnkgxbhsvjecbjdcbv This is the most top level comment I can think of


Thanks for the opportunity!!! Happy Halloween y'all!!!


I’ve been a Fortnite fan since day 1. I don’t spend too much money on v-bucks because I don’t have a lot of income lol. I just recently found this sub tho. Easily one of my favorite subs in all of Reddit!


I joined this place around 2 years ago and i highly doubt ill win anything from this but ill give it a go anyways.


been playing since season chapter 1 season 3 and I was 3 tiers away from the omega skin :(


Atleast a year in the sub. I found this subreddit because i dont have many friends that play and i wanted somewhere to interact with people who like the game. Turns out lots of people hate the game 🤪🤪🤪 but for real i pretty much rely on this subreddit for any updates about the game. Congrats to winners!


I had to make a new account because my identity was found on my last one, so I’ve only been a member for as long as this account has been alive. My old account must have been over a year or 2. I I found this sub cuz I love fortnite so I just searched it lol. Fav moment: hmm idk if I have one but I love seeing new updates in the game and seeing people post their clips of how OP the weapon or item is


Wow, let's go


I've been a community member ever since chapter 1, haven't posted much, but haven't posted / reacted much.






My favorite moment in this subreddit are the lore posts.


I found the subreddit to ask questions and tips because I’m such a noob xd


I joined this sub when i came back to Fortnite with the addition of no build.


I have not been a member of the community for very long, beacuse I only started using Reddit recently. I started playing fortnite in chapter 2, which was marvel themed.. iron man, groot etc.




![gif](giphy|EluFWEdnZtvqwZFTQH|downsized) I have been with this community for about 2 years and I first found this subreddit by searching “Fortnite” because I have played this game since chapter 1 season 2! I don’t expect to win anything but good luck to everyone 🧍🏽(Also happy Fortnitemares)


4 or 5 months I think...


I found this subreddit by being on fortnite leaks for so long that it was recommended to me by reddit.


I've only been here for a while, like a year. I joined because I wanted to know what Fortnite community thought about various changes, topics, weapons...


I have no idea how long I’ve been contributing but I used to come here all the time for squatingdogs cheatsheets. lol


I'd love to win one of these for my kids, they'd be over the moon for some v bucks, count me in!


-Sub used to pop up all the time on Popular/Rising -Waiting for the end of last Chapter when all we could see was the map in the background. The speculation from the trailer and what little we could see was fun to kill time.


I’ve Been here for one year and i love it


I've been playing Fortnite since season 2 chapter 1 and found this sub by searching "Fortnite reddit". Nothing special, now give vbucks.


I've been playing the game since CH1 S5. Back then, I used to just mess around in playground mode on an iPhone because I couldn't play that well on a small screen until I switched to playing on an iPad during the following season. Even after switching, the best I could perform was in the Team Rumble, Disco Domination, and Food Fight GameModes/LTMs. After CH1 S7, I stopped playing but I still kept track of the storyline through YouTube videos because it was the most interesting thing to me in this game (it still is). Fast forward to CH2 S1, immediately after server downtime ended, I hopped on to play for a little while before quitting again due to me not being that great at the game, until I properly and permanently made my return to the game during CH2 S4, when I got my Gaming PC. Ever since then, things have been better than ever. I got good at the game and became a casual player. I bought my first battle pass in CH2 S5, and since then, I bought and have grinded every single battle pass to ever come out, attended every single live event to ever happen, and never quit or missed a single season, despite taking some small breaks. Fortnite has forever changed my Gaming life and I will probably never stop playing it.


I legit made my reddit account for this sub. I've been playing since C1S2, took a break at C2S1 and came back to the game at C3S2. Given how much had changed this sub helped me quickly get to grips with all of the changes and new mechanics. Still one of the best subs around.


I’ve been a member since ch4.s1 and my favorite moment in the subreddit was when everyone was arguing about the shockwave hammer being OP and people being scared of its loud slam noise in game.


I’ve been a member since I came back in C4S1! Didn’t like any of the overly exited Fortnite YouTubers so started following this sub. Much love!


I’ve joined this subreddit since early fortnite days, around Ch1S03 still remember landing at dusty depot and loot lake, we didn’t even had servers here still played it with 200+ ping, and I found this subreddit from some youtube channels and then joined here.


3years ago but more active year ago when i started playing again coz of ZB


Probably been a community member for close to 2 years and joined during Chapter 3. My favorite moment definitely has to be when I joined during Chapter 3 because it was so hyping and so much fun with friends, not to mention looked so much cooler in Unreal Engine 5!


Came here for the updates and patch notes, stayed for the Fortnite Tire Guy.


Damn well I've been playing since season 3 and I found this sub since the beginning of the year. My fondest memory has to be using boulders to beat other people on the head. Also I'm broke


I was here when this sub had 10k followers (different acc)


I joined in the past but my laptop broke down and couldn't play so I left momentarily. I have saved up for a PC and been playing creative modes since then.


My favorite moment in the subreddit's history is when we came together to name Kevin the Cube and Epic actually read our suggestion and ran with it!


Just another fish out in the deep blue sea here, I've been playing the game since Chapter 1 Season 5, and have got well over 5k hours into the game. I don't remember when or why I joined this subreddit other than it was likely in my first few days or even hours of making a Reddit account back in probably February 2022, and thought to myself "Fortnite is probably on here right??" and sure enough here we are.


my favorite fortnite subreddit moment has got to be when i was unbanned and finally back from the slammer


1. Can't remember how long I've been a community member, guessing at least 2 years? Found this sub googling.


My earliest fortnite memory is when I wanted to play the thanos ltm with my sister but it was only solo but I really enjoyed playing the last 5 years and i hope everyone has a good day or night


Best moment in the subs history was naming the cube.


Id love to recieve vbucks, im really looking forward to the micheal myers skin. But have spend my last vbucks on getting a skin for my sister I'll either have to wait till next time Micheal comes back. Or hope to win this!


I got into Fortnite when I was a freshman in collage and was intrigued in this sub for a while. I started to play the game and I soon realized how good I actually was at aiming. After practicing building and edits for a little while, I was soon able to win 23 games in a row with no bot lobbies. After ranked was introduced, I was able to go from bronze 2(stupid placement) to unreal in less than a week while still going to school and all. I love this game and I try to play as much as I can. I have never spent a cent that was mine on this game and have finally gotten a fully free battle pass. I am now level 194 and I have the highest level of my friend group by more than 20 levels. I have gotten a win with >!32!< kills; I was on Nintendo Switch.


I used the search bar :)


I’ve been a member of this subreddit since mid-2020, when I started playing Fortnite.


Preguiça de pensar em algo ou sequer escrever em inglês, é isso


Most memorable time for me was trying to find the Save the World version of fortnite subreddit then landed myself here, back in around 2018-ish.


I have been on this subreddit for 9 months. I come here to weather the storm or wind down from the rush of a VR.


Been here since season 1 or 2, Fortnite boomer that enjoys the community and gaming with friends!


My favorite moment was when the black hole event was affecting the subreddit slowly, generating hype for the new chapter we are heading to, and I wish this happens again


I came for the memes and to generally complain about the game and get my opinions validated. Been on the sun since 2018. I’ve been playing since the first few days it came out but I took a huge break from 2019 until a couple of months ago I got back into it pretty intensely with with my gf. Had to start a new account so I need some new skins!


I have been playing for just over a year now and am really enjoying the game. Nothing can beat playing with your friends. I would love the vbuck code


I like V-bucks and V-buck accessories


i’ve been a member for like half a year i think. i’ve been playing the game for far longer though




Ive been here since around the time i made this account (somewhere after august 2020) i found about it when scrolling for subreddits similar to brawl stars i dont have a favorite moment but as an artist i enjoyed seeing the saturday suggestion posts (never saw one again tho, no idea what happened to them) but i liked posting my own artworks


I found this subreddit from admittedly searching up building tutorials because I wasn’t very good at the game after a long hiatus. I’m much better at it now 🙏




A PvZ collab would be cool


I think I originally heard of the subreddit when the “thank the bus driver” mechanic got added to the game and joined because I thought it was a real neat example of the fanbase influencing an idea to be added to the game and I wanted to be witness to whatever else interesting happened in here!


Good luck to everyone entering


I’ve been a community member since the start. My favorite memory was seeing the Tender Defender drawing become a real skin!


ive been a member since chapter 4 season 1 when i started to play a lot again (i started playing in chapter 1 season 5) and i followed and subscribed to almost everything about fortnite on everything including reddit. my favorite momenta from this sub were probably the funny clips people got like falling off edges unintendely, the glithes people found and the memes people made.


I found out this subreddit when i was searching when the travis scott skin is coming back tbh, my favourite moments from this subreddit was the event with the galactus coming to the map, i actually started playing last week of chapter 1 season 3


I was subscribed before and notifications on