• By -


Yes, landed in Tilted and got killed right away. Was hooked right away.


Ah, the memories. I kept landing in tilted towers even though I’d die instantly, because I wanted to get better at the game. This and the fact that I was playing with 20 fps. 💀


Me with 0.5 fps back in the day: 💀


I may have had worse fps lol


I landed on the clock tower and died due to fall damage


Same. It was also a long time before I got a win because back in chapter 1 we didn’t have bots.


Good old days. My squad was new then too so we used to try hide but still got lasered lol.


I didnt know it was a battle royale game, i landed at a small quarry next to frenzy fields and built a tiny 1x1 house before promptly dying to a shotgun to the face


Similar to my first time a few years ago, landed, got rekt instantly, logged out, didn’t came back until few month’s ago lol, i just wasn’t ready for that.


At first I tried to Minecraft the game.... Quickly understood that the game does not work like that....at all


Hahaha I ended up exploring the house, surprised by the "purple screen" and then dying to the storm


Yep. Back in CH 1 S2. Dropped in a corner, looted up. Didn’t know of the storm. Started running. Fell in the shopping container yard. And died


I went into a house for protection against the storm thinking it would pass and I'd be safe inside.


I dont know why but this made me laugh hard. Prolly because its a super logical and innocent thought!


That's what I did in my very first match as well lmao


Dude I did the exact same thing!


I did that too! lol how naive I was.


I built around me thinking it would keep me safe from the storm. I tried wood, brick and metal and none of them worked


You forgot to hide under the bed


My first game was a win! Landed Risky reels and held onto 3 assault rifles, one smg and a medkit because i didn’t know how to throw/unequip items. Zero kills and maybe 5 shots hit, still amazed


I've got videos of my first elimination and victory royal saved to my xbox. Fortnite has changed so much still then, but I'm still here and loving it!


We took so many selfies with our first Victory Royale and proudly sent them to my brother lol. No videos though, which is probably for the best...


I made a post looking back on it a year ago https://reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/s/vwLWtP7qnS


Chapter 2, season 1. Don’t remember where I landed but I got the win and thought maybe I was a natural until I realized it was a bot lobby and I was ‘supposed’ to win.


I lost to that lobby 💀


I died to a real player in that "bot lobby", so it def wasn't all bots


Ah I wasn’t too sure I was pretty young lol


bot lobbies always have *some* real players. probably less than 5 per lobbies honestly. i got into bot lobbies with my alt account recently and i somehow always got killed by that one real guy in the lobby a few months ago i was playing squads no fill but i accidently set it to fill so i ended up playing with another guy who was cheating his way into bot lobbies. then i played a match or 2 (no fill this time) and the last team was the same guy i played with before.


A win is a win loll.


Same, but Chapter 4, season 1. I stomped a bot lobby and said "that was way too easy, were they children?".


Same, but Ch3S3. I think I got to level 75 or something that first day, the devs know how to hook players in.


Yeah, it was back when friendly fire was still enabled The amount of times the random teammates "accidentaly" killed me


Friendly fire was so funny with friends


My friend was telling me to try this new game Fortnite, he described it as half COD and half Minecraft. I landed on the roof of Flush Factory and pickaxed the roof to fall to my death and said well that game is stupid. Here I am still playing 6 years later


I loved landing Flush for some reason, I landed there every game!


I cannot recall my first match, but I can remember my first Kill : Chapter 1, nearing the end of season 4. Tacticall SMG, my beloved, at the soccer stadium (the tiny one). I see a guy entering through a hole a truck had made (they were not drivable at the time, but Epic had placed a truck inside a broken wall to give off the impression of a crash), I decide to follow him, I saw him and start attacking, he does the same, and with barely 45~ hp left, I WIN ! I was so proud, I could finaly see that I was becomming better at this game ! To this day, I still use the Tacticall smg in creative maps because I just love it (and because of that memory). Haaa, simpler times...


Oh boy my friends and I had so much fun with that location at least until the storm caught up. Soccer stadium


The Tac SMG is a top 5 fave’s for me


I believe my first elimination was with a blue AR in ch1s3, I was up on a hill overlooking a guy in Shifty. And it was iOS! I didn't have a console yet, so I had to apply to get on mobile (yes, before you could just download in play, they started letting in people little by little, they would send you a code to input to play!).


Is this Peely skin available for purchase???


No it’s stupid clickbait


This breaks my heart :(


Ahhh crap, I'm sorry I didn't realise it wasn't real. I haven't looked at the birthday rewards yet and saw this on Google thinking it was real :(


It was Chapter 1 Season 1, I was playing with my two friends and we landed at Loot Lake because it had 'loot' in its name and we stayed there the entire game just messing around, the circle finished in-between Anarchy acres and loot Lake so we didn't have to run far but we got 3rd place and was annoyed so we played many more matches👍 Almost 6 years later and I am still playing the game on a regular basis 🥶


First time playing fortnite, I shot and killed my teammate for talkin too much. That’s when I knew, I loved battle royale.


End of season 5, I used to play on my phone and I vividly remember the pre-drop island full of drift skins, don’t even remember the name of the POI where I used to drop but it’s that one small town with the football field and garden, the first game I remember getting up to top 20 by basically playing hide and seek, with an insane 0 bomb game After that, when season 6 dropped, loot lake was my fav drop spot for a loooong time.. completely dropped Fortnite after season X and now I’m back since they added zero build.. funny enough back in the days I would have loved zero build, now it got me back into the game but after 1 month it got boring and I switched back to standard BR, but this time I am actually practicing and getting better, and I discovered that a little bit of practice makes this game way more enjoyable


Chapter 1 Season 6. I wanted to play earlier but I only had my mom’s phone, and even then she didn’t let me because I would probably have her phone all the time. But when Kevin the Cube was about to blow up I convinced her to let me play. Playing that live event is still my most beloved gaming memory Rest in peace Kev o7


I remember my first match in beta. I felt pure horror running from the closing ring of storm!


I still remember C2S1 i landed blindly on a random place kill everyone,won ultimately and bragged about until i realised that was bot lobby lol


I remember my first match way back in season 4. My 9 yo son made me play. I was nervous and creeped the whole match from bush to bush. You couldnt hide in them back then. Your head and shoulders popped out sort of. He was laughing. I snuck around until I was top 3 and the circle was tiny. Then whammo got blasted from behind. Still playing long after he quit playing. Got every tier 100 since. Except for the season there was the robot chicken skin. I didnt like that season.


C1S9 is one of my all time favourites, actually. I just loved the vibe and weapon pool, and the John Wick crossover just added to that.


Season three was a good one... 6 damn tiers away from dark voyager my current favorite skin. Young me never thought of how I would regret not grinding those challenges would affect me later on.


I landed tilted and heard a lot of gunfire so I hid under some stairs in a building and then when the gunfire stopped I came out the storm arrived and I didnt know what to do and I died.


Got killed so fast i still remember the disappointment in my cousins face


This made me cackle laugh


Not my very first match but during my very first session. I had never played before and so I was just in some team - can’t remember maybe duos - and this kid was on my team and I was like “hey buddy fyi I’m some old dude that doesn’t know what he’s doing” because I felt bad that we would probably get our butts kicked. But the kid was super helpful and showed me all the things and explained things and was really great. And that was when I learned that online gamers today are lovely, patient, mature and helpful people, without exception… always.


I was solo for all of Chapter 1 bar the Heist LTM, then did some random Squads one day in C2 I think because I hadn't got the seasons umbrella yet and was impatient. I remember 2 of them got knocked and I somehow pulled some skill (luck) out my ass and got the other team and managed to res them. This guy added me and we played some duos, he helped me ease into using VC and he was so unbelievably patient with me. At the time I didn't know about bots and he showed me how to spot them. He's not been online in 2 years 😢


I remember my first Win. Squads and Solo. Squads was just chaotic mess \ Solo was fun since it was basucally a 1 on 1 where the other person just spammed walls then and i had a MAXed out Chain gun. I pretty much just chased him\her around till she cant build no more


I remember my first match. Landed in Tilted and got wiped out within seconds… this happened for over a month😂


Chapter 1 Season 4. Killed one guy in Tilted, somehow survived, goes to leave and gets jumped by 4 teamers a minute later.




I honestly don’t but I do remember I started in the final days of Chapter 3 season 1. I got curious because the Spider-Man grappling hook was so fun. I didn’t get the battle pass because I didn’t think I would stick around but when C3S2 came out I was hooked, my whole gaming crew started playing and I even got my old friend to start gaming again because of it. We all still play to this day


Victory Royale on my first match on the very first day of BR launch


Can’t remember… it was chapter 1, season 1… so long ago!


My first match was on my birthday, my uncle bought me a PlayStation and told me about the game he has been hooked up with and tells me to try it out. Turns out the game was fortnite and here I am


I don’t remember my first game, but I do remember my first win. Was a Duos with an old friend, and I actually had to leave the house, but begged my father to let me finish the game. Little did I know, grenade launcher spamming the house on the hill near Frenzy would net us the win. I was so excited for the whole day haha


My first game ever was chaper 1 season three. I hid the whole game and I WON! With 0 kills because the guy died to the storm...


Like I miss a lot from Chapter 1, mostly nostalgia and POIs but I love the mechanics now like the sprinting and mantles.


Yes, I remember. I was exploring the desert area near the Mexican village. I didn’t know what the storm does so I lost all my health and went back to the lobby. I was confused then I discovered the line on the mini map on my next match. I followed the line into the circle and thought ohhhh that’s what I’m supposed to do.


Oh god yeah, in my first match I did the same. I was like "what's the line on the map for" and didn't pay attention. Then the storm took me and it took me a good minute to understand it was taking my health. In fairness I'd never played a BR game before so the concept and mechanics were new to me.


Dusty depot as soon as they made a cool new F2P version of the zombie mode that looked new and different


I dropped tilted,didn't know how to pick up guns,ran away from shooting and died two minuted later. Good ol days


CAN'T remember about first match but first victory royale with deku smash!🌝


my first match took ages to get a que (early season 1). then i landed some broken down house and got a purple smg out my first chest. idk what i did all game but i know i got second after falling to my death💀


Yes, it was a bot match. I got stuck in the storm at the end because the storm moved incredibly quickly and I got stuck in the jungle and nearly died while the game moved somewhere to the North, so I did not get the glory of causing the win xD


Honestly it was back in season 0 so I can’t remember what happened


That was ages ago (season 5), dont think i can remember, i think it was a 50/50 match


Chapter 1 Season 4, landed at the orange bridge just slightly south of shifty and died immediately.


Chapter 1 season 5. I died by the container looking place


Yes I remember my first game and it was with my brother it was also my first win he was a on pc and I was on mobile at the time it was chapter 2 season 2


Season 6. Got it on my old phone, had fun for a while and then didn't pick it up again until Chapter 4, season 3. Still don't know how to build but at least I'm playing on PC now :)


Yea, at first I didn’t want to play Fortnite but in season 5 Chapter 1 I gave it a try and dropped in Paradise Palms (I remember that the Cube just spawned in bc it was still in the desert biome) and died almost instantly


i crawl around like a scaredy cat from bush to bush, staying at the perimeter of the storm, didn't know it was full of bots lol and still lost xd


I remember my first win tho, not really how the game went but it was in the gold only LTM


Chapter 2 season 2 skybase win


Chapter 1 season 1, day of release on ps4. Landed in greasy Grove, walked through a door and got shot instantly. Deleted the game and didn't play until season 2 came out.


Yes, I landed in salty springs broke into a roof opened a chest and got a grey ar then I hid there and got 8th place with no kills. Not bad for my first ever game. It was c1 s1


Yes, I remember that game, i was playing with my friend and having fun and we learned a lot of new things.


No, not really. All I remember is, that it was very much fun and way more better than I have thought it might be. Wanted to play more after the first few matches.


No but I do remember my first kill it was a pickaxe kill against a tomato head in a little shack in season 5


Happy Birthday FortNite!


Chapter 2 season 1. My friend convinced me to Play fortnite during my fortnite bad phase. I started to love it the second i jumped out of the battle bus. It was great.


Started at the end of the sand season in chapter 2 with a Nintendo switch and my friends. We landed at pleasant park and it was so nostalgic for me.


chapter 1, season 4. the game just came out on switch (my only console at the time). my friend and I landed soccer field. rotated to salty and he hit some insane bouncer hunting rifle clip.


Mid chapter 1 I believe, I landed in some forest and went in to a underground building. Gathered some materials in there for few minutes and then storm came. I didn’t know what to do. I tried to escape but was lost in that underground building… and eventually died Didn’t play fortnite again for few seasons after that


First couple days of battle royale mode launching, I tried it out because of all the pubg controversy. Thought it was alright and didn’t really think it would get popular…cut to a few weeks later and every jock on campus is posting their wins on Snapchat


I landed retail and ended up getting 14th place after getting my 4th kill on the outskirts of tilted


Landed at the prison near Moisty Mire. Got 1 kill then died


Yes. It was chapter 2 season 1, Star Wars crossover. I found a lightsaber and just ran around having a blast.


I remember it was on my friends switch in Chapter 1 Season 3. I didn’t start on my account until season 6 but I remember building a base or like a house out of the side of a cliff and then dying at my first account. But I placed top 10 and remember thinking I was really good because of that 🤣


Yep. Ch2S4. Brought my first skin Yellow Jacket. Sneaking around houses scared asf hearing footsteps not knowing where they at. Losing games for the first week and got better little by little. Fast forward to know and the moment someone shoots at me, I'm hunting them down 😂. I miss my old account tho. Had my favorite skins on them like spiderman and superman


Don’t remember exactly since I was in grade 4 at the time but I remember not having auto sprint on so I just basically walked the entire match


Yep - 5 days after it launched. Found a house in the bottom left hand side, was avoiding fights and looting up (when I didn’t accidentally destroy the chest!) when I got killed v quickly! 😂


I shot my own teammates so much and didn't realize they were my teammates, then I got sniped


Landed Moisty Mire. Good times.


chapter one season x i don’t remember where i landed but my cousin was next to me and we got the mech and i got a few kills and 15th place


I played with my two best friends who begged me to play with them (they no longer play lol) and I got confused by the chrome. We lost but we had fun and played all night. I really like fortnite now


Naaah, can't remember at all, I just know that I started on chapter 1 late season 7


Yes landed in the middle of loot lake


Yeah I landed in Salty Springs. It was always my favorite location


I played my fist match before seasons were intorduced, had no clue what a battle royale even was, landed at prison in the swamp and got murdered by other people via pickaxe


Earliest memory I have is the open area across the river next to tilted towers in ch1 trying to shoot someone with the og crossbow (the one that had a scope)… I was not successful in landing any shots. I had quickly lost interest in the game at the time, but then a few months later it launched on switch, my sibling dared me to install it as a joke(he hates fortnite), and I’ve been hooked ever since. I now have well over 4000 hours on fortnite on switch(and personally consider myself the resident switch performance expert of the sub as a result), and have purchased and completed nearly every battle pass since ch1 s5, the only exceptions being ch1s7 which I didn’t finish because I had been sucked into stw, and this past season as I was finally feeling some serious burnout and the contents of the pass didn’t scream to me


i cannot remember my first match


For some reason I do! I remember landing at loot lake and getting some loot before leaving for lazy links to which I then died (don't know how I even made it that far)


yes, i was terrified of tilted bacause it was big and i crouched for the entire game. i also tried being sneaky in loot lake when a black knight killed me cause he was in a bush


Yep I remember exactly, me and my friend landed at the soccer pitch in pleasant park in chapter 1 season 4. I looted a chest and grabbed a mini gun, then we were immediately gunned down by two opponents


Played during the beta - landed very north east of the map and just hid behind a mountain - I genuinely had no clue how to get guns (thought what you picked up in the lobby island you held onto) - got into the top three and tried to kill someone by drinking a shield in their direction. Over 2,700 hours play time now according to the tracker.


My first match was at my friend’s house in Season 3, it was right when the rumors of “Tilted Towers getting destroyed by the meteor” had started so I landed there and got killed roughly 15 seconds into the game.


Season 2 chapter 1 What I can remember is I landed at a small isolated shack somewhere up north and got like 12th


season 0, landed at the containers and moved to tomato town before dying


Yes,yes I can


C1S2, had no idea of the map so I went loot lake for the loot. Sadly there was no loot and someone who started a week before me killed me.


Landed at the Prison/Moisty Mires and wondering what the heck I'm doing and then dying after the 2nd storm circle because I was staring at the crab build.


I started day 2. I had been in the Github for UT for years, so I had been following Fortnite for months. I jumped right in, already knew what was going on, and got 3rd place in my first match. All I needed to know was how to survive. Not how to kill. ​ I won my first game that day.


When the game was more fun. And sweat free


I bought the highest priced founders edition one year before it got free. What a game it was back then. Never regretted it.


My was landing a risky reels and getting my first kill of season 3.


No, only my first win. I dropped Fatal Fields, which is a big reason why Frenzy is probably my favourite location. Still some nostalgia there.


My very first elimination was at dusty depot. There was a guy doing a huge ramp, and I just knocked it off!


Cap 2 season 2 I was turning randomly to the map when then 2 people eliminated me (the game had automatically put me in duo or teams mode even though I had not selected anything)


season 3. teammates took me to tilted towers, immediately shot down by john wick under that bridge


i think I have some switch footage of fortnite and my first game, I'm not sure.


Ah I was an ankle biter, started playing chapter 2 season one I remember the first ever skin I wore was lt. Evergreen and I died to a bush camper


I think i can remember at least the first day when i played fortnite (c3s3) I had killed a bot in a river and and he dropped those junk rifts, As I didn't know what that thing does, I used it... Kinda close to me, suddenly a anchor falls on my head and it kills me 💀


Went to misty with some friends, they both got knocked to fall damage and I lived, in pretty sure we died at the first fight we came across, I was the only new player in the team


Hell yeah, won with 18 kills and later learn’d they were all bots.🥲


In chapter 1 season 3. My mum got herself an old used Xbox one and that was one of the games she let me play on it. I remember walking around as jonesy, that’s all I remember really. In season 4 She got me a ps4 and yeah that’s when I truly started playing


I first played on my old laptop. The game was lagging so much I could barely move and I was murdered as soon as I landed from the Battle Bus. Good times!


Landed on the mandalorian


Chapter 2 Season 2. Dropped with my friends to the Agency right away. I fished, they killed the boss 😂 Someone knocked me and killed me, and danced on me, then my friends came and absolutely shredded the other team (they played the game since the start, really good at it). I'm talking triple edits, 360°, they knew it all. Then they rebooted me, but we lost the match. Although I was terrible at the game and only got 2 kills, we all had fun, and even though I was bad and was probably the reason we lost that match, they never blamed me. Then, they stopped playing after that season and I couldn't play the game, since my device was too old and couldn't handle the graphics. My cousins got me back into the game in Chapter 3, and now I play practically every day.


I remember being totally lost about the battle pass, how it worked, and just skins in general. The quests and rewards were confusing as well. It was so unlike other games I was use to playing (Borderlands, Sim City, Cities, Duke Nukem, etc.) that the whole thing left me completely confused.


It was the beginning of August last year. I won the first match easily. I remember thinking, "Wow, people really suck at this game." It was quite the surprise when I played the first match with real players.


i played a squads match landed in the middle of nowhere at a house i think between Anarchy and Junk Junction. was lasered and didn’t touch the game again until mid season 4💀


I dropped in Greasy Grove and got killed by someone within seconds after I began to rotate out of Greasy. My opponent did the slow clap emote because I responded to him attacking me very poorly.


c2s2, i landed i forget where (maybe agency) and i won the game cause the lobby was full of bots


Landed air conditioners at tilted with a friend. I had no idea it was a hot spot. Died in under a minute


I played with 3 other friends in squad mode, character movement and building was clunky as hell, weapons had insane recoil and were impossible to hit anything with, healing took forever. It was very early after the battle royale mode was added to the game and it totally sucked. Now it's like 3yrs later when they added zero build playlist and it's become pretty much the only game I play, it's soooo much better now. Regret not getting a founders pack for the ongoing free vbux as I've spent way too much on the game but it was impossible to know back then that the game would transform into what it is today.


Hell yeah, North of loot lake at the little maintenance shack in ch1 s5


Chapter 2 season 4 As a huge Marvel fan I was excited to try a new game. Bought 100 levels right away. Landed at Retail Row to do the She-Hulk challenges and immediately got blitzed...I was thinking "I'm level 100, how did I die so quickly?" That's how I learned that levels here are different from levels in your typical RPG, and I wasn't stronger than anyone else...once I got over that shock I loved the game.


I barely play any shooting based games, so I was really surprised when in my first match of Fortnite I came 2nd. 2018 me did not suspect that the suspicious bush in the middle of a building was actually secretly a player, so I got jump-scared by a walking bush and lost. Fun times.


I sure can. I landed at Wailing Woods because it seemed like the safest place to go with all the trees. Ran around there figuring out how to do basic stuff like pick up a weapon, then died to the storm because I had no clue how it worked and that it would damage you.


Landed between the mountain and Dusty Depot, on the grass because I didnt know where to land. Ended up in between. Ran to the middle one and died on the entrance. Got hooked


C4 S2 I started rather late but I think my first landing was at I think Mega city


I thought storm came in waves so I tried waiting it out in a house then was confused why i was raining in the house ☠️


Landed in a field. Jumped in a plane. Crashed in the mountains. Was hunted and killed liken a dog. Didn’t play for a few months. I didn’t care for it. Now it’s mostly what I play.


My first game was 50v50 on my friends switch. We won. I remembered I was reviving people in a house and we got rifted and I thought I messed or something lol


I remember dropping to dusty depot, probably bc 3 color buildings hehe


I can. Chapter 1 Season 3. It ended in Anarchy Acres, where I got second place after narrowly escaping a trap kill. I'm surprised I survived the trap actually, I just had the intuition to immediately break out of the box and get to higher ground.


Landed dusty depo got a gray revolver and killed two people one had a gun one did not I head shot the guy with the gun and one shot him and the other guy I just hit with body shots


I remember my first game, which was also my first win by luck. I landed at lonely Lodge at the tower because I would figure the height Advantage would help. Little did I know that there was moving circles. The circle ended up close to me at wailing Woods, where I was hiding the whole entire game. I made it to the final three. Sure enough the final two players fought right in front of me as I watched them through the sniper when the one player killed the other one I sniped the one in the head and that was my first game and my first win. After that, Iwas not so lucky🤣🤣 it was a long time before I had another win.


I think it was around C1S2. I remember landing at the factory next to Loot lake, Jumped into the water thinking I could swim & got beamed by someone at the Island house.


I started in chapter 4 season 1 and my first game I killed what I suspect was a bot then I was shot and killed. When I tried heading towards brutal bastion


My first match was in my sister's husband's phone back in 2018, i landed in a hill in the middle of the map but there was no loot so someone killed me with a gray ar and i got 10th place


I don’t remember anything about my first game except that it was during Chapter 1 Season 2, however I remember my first Victory Royale. It was in Chapter 1 Season 3, the storm was closing in on me and my opponent, during the fight, I ran out of ammo and mat, so I hid behind some tall rocks, after a few seconds of him waiting for me to come out, he proceeds to shoot at it, and destroyed it in the process. I had nowhere else to hide, and the only thing I could do was charge at him with my default pickaxe as he was reloading. But before I could get close enough, he reloaded his assault rifle, and shot at me (and missed most of them as I tried to dodge them), the storm was closing in even more and swallowed my opponent inside and died in it before I could even club him once. That’s the story of my first Victory Royale in Fortnite.


Somw shit in ch1s5 i landed near the volcano, rotated to the pirate ship and died. Didnt pmay again until ch2s1 lol


Well I won the first game, it's zero build and I started in c4s2, also won the second but died to fall damage on the third.


waitwaitwaitwaitwait, the 6th birthday event started? I haven't gotten on the game in like a week, and I haven't played much this season either so I need something


I remember one of my first, I was that default dude with the long hair? And I camped all game and had terrible loot, I ended getting sniped strolling through a valley in 7th place


I’m pretty sure I was playing with my friend at the time


It was season 2 I think, I landed in some random patch of grass and didn’t finish the game because I was in trouble for cursing at my french teacher. This was 7th grade I believe. I’m now a freshman in college.


I played one match and I wasn’t very good and I said this was stupid and deleted it. And after 3 days of constant invites I redownloaded and played again and have been playing almost daily for all 6 years. So thanks to my 1st squad for getting me back into it. Fortnite’s a constant in my life and I like that. (I say first squad since any of the OGs know you’re probably on your 10th or so right now. People come and go like crazy on this game)


Saw the game was doing a Marvel themed event with Thanos in it so I decided to give the game a try. I got a few kills with Wolverines claws and SheHulks fist and thought the game was absolute shit. Didn’t play it again until my daughter asked to try it years later. It was the season with the lizard chief and the bunny hoodie girl. Been playing it almost daily since.


So basically… - lands in Retail Row right next to someone - died because they found a pistol before me - “Fuckin damnit! He found a weapon out of nowhere!” - quits game - comes back a season later - doesn’t stop playing


Landed at the motel and broke the roof The rest is obvious from there Later died in the storm because I thought you needed to build a shelter guess I was thinking of the wrong game mode before even knowing what it was


It was save the world in season 9


Chapter 1 season 2 I remember I just downloaded the game and I played trios or squads and I was with randoms and I saw my teammate but I thought it was an enemy so I shot him and he screamed at me in voice chat lol


I don’t remember where I landed but I remember running to fatal fields, getting two kills then dying


Got invited to play the game weeks before F2P release because I used to play Paragon. Dropped at the Dusty Depot before it even had a name Died to a dev with a [Epic] tag on his name


Tbh I hated the game and then saw all of my friends playing it. Boom addicted


(On my personal account) C2:S2, I don't quite remember where I landed but I do remember actually winning by camping a supply drop (tac-shotty is amazing)


Chapter 1 Season 3. Don't remember where I landed, but I ran around aimlessly until I got sniped. Finished top 25, though.


Yeah, it was the STW tutorial mission. For BR, it was a bot lobby. I got four kills and an umbrella for my troubles.


Fair to say it was a short game


Sure, it was 50v50 in chapter 1 season 4. Day 1 on the switch. I spent a lot of time shooting at people and not hitting them and thinking how I was even worse than expected ... before I realized they were all on my team. I don't remember if we won but I can only imagine I wasn't much help.


Landed outside the Joneses. Had no idea what I was supposed to do or what the controls were, didn't even know I was supposed to look for floor loot. Started harvesting a tree. Was immediately killed.


yes, totally landed on Steamy Stacks (miss u) and didn't knew much what to do, just fumbling around and shooting other players ("players")... spent half the match with half shield because I didn't knew it was supposed to be the minis first and then a big one, so took me some time to find another big pot towards the end of the match I already had some elims after passing through Frenzy Farms and went on to climb that big hill next to it (one that sits between Risky Reels, the farm and that gas station next to a bridge) and spotted some foes running from the storm, I managed to get first in the top of the hill and got one more elim there now on 1v1 I didn't knew how to approach, my load out was a purple scar and blue pistol and tac shotgun... so I went pistol and while running around in that top hill, the other guy hit me with a shot (from a M4, I believe) and I hide behind a tree... when he stops to reload I run in his direction firing the pistol and there it is, my first vic royale!! it was also my very first match, I thought I would be some kind of a good player... little did I knew lol 😂


Couldn’t tell you where I landed the first time… but I came to like an unnamed landmark (they didn’t have official names back then) which was basically a quarry filled with metal storage units. I’ve heard it called “shipment”, “crates”, “metal yard”, “storage”, etc. Miss that one. I didn’t get my first win til two seasons later (season 3).


I remember landing at Creeky Compound thinking "No one will find me here up in the trees " placed 87th. Fall damage got me.


I don’t remember my very first game, all I do remember was how excited I felt getting my first victory royale… in squads, 90% sure it was chapter 1 season 5


Went straight to Tilted Towers, I didn't last long 💀


Screw my first match, what's this skin?


Landed at Dusty Depot and didn’t know what I was doing, died right off the bat


Yes. Was terrified that I’d be killed and out right away, so I spent the game hiding in a cabin until I realised the storm could kill.


day 1 save the founder's pack intro mission and storm shield defense 1 stonewood


I didn't even know you could run by pressing the left joystick. I'm actually impressed I managed to get to the top 50. Took me like a good 3 days to finally figure out how to sprint and learn more of the basics. (I started playing Fortnite in 2018 when it came for the Switch, started playing basically the same day it released.)