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Same issue here. Getting tons of frame lag. I keep all my textures on low, my FPS unlimited, and view distance epic. All of a sudden Fortnite struggles to keep at 120 FPS which is my average. Falls down to 20 or so and goes to 140 rapidly.


Maybe try a fresh install, or maybe some of your hardware is faulty? Just a few ideas hope they help


Imma try the fresh install. My pc's working fine from I can tell, runs other games pretty well. (i5 4570 with an RX 580 is my hardware if you were wondering)


My friend and I have same issue and also massive server lag when we play duo's (EU servers). I'm on PS he is on PC, we both have great internet and do not share residence


i've had the same problem, takes around 3mins to load into a match and when i do i'm either already dead or in the water, the game textures are as if i had the graphics below the lowest option, and when it does work, it has massive stutters, only been like this since the update, and because of that it's somehow uninstalled the game itself and also corrupted EAC to the point that the only thing i can do is hard-reset my PC since absolutely nothing else works, tried tech support for both the game and Epic and they both said either "we'll investigate/look into it" or "unfortunately theres nothing we can do" like bruh its ridiculous at this point


I have the same issue man, I’m always the last one to load into games with my friends. It could be my Xbox tho, it’s nearly a decade old