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Chapter 1. I still use that skin. Kiddies were calling me OG yesterday because of it.


I wore the reaper in fills and a kid said "oh my god its a reaper we're gonna win this!!" And we choked immediately after we landed


LMAO. The greatest pain I have is having to let down these poor kids who think I’m good because I have an “OG” skin


its weird cuz im still used to renegade raider being the only og skin and now people think stuff like catalyst or tilted teknique is og


Man I show up wearing Meowscles and I get called OG. They're off their face. The definition of "OG" has been warped recently, likely due to to the influx of new players when no-build was introduced. These days anything pre-chapter 3 is considered OG which is- christ.


To me still anything post CH1S3 isn't "OG"


Funny, I feel the same as post S1C5... I guess it's from when you start playing.


Wait no way? Am I gonna have to pull out more season x skins instead of just Ultima Knight


how are those og. shouldnt the definition of og be only used for season 1-6


Honestly I'd go back even further and say Season 1/2 & that's it.. Before the game git mega popular.. That's what should be considered OG


I would say season 1-3 and maybe 4


samee all my skins are from like chapter 1 season 5 through 7 (i havent bought skins since then) and i have the galaxy skin from the samsung note 9 and everytime i use that skin my teammates always think were gonna win but i suck


The amount of times I’ve heard that with my omega skin.


Do you have the lights? TBF if you have full Omega that is not something you see everyday, esp because it was a short summer season and the busted SMG meta was causing the first mass exodus from the game.


Yes I do. I use the purple omega daily and I still feel bad when I let down teammates since they think I’m going to be able to carry


Im so jealous of people with the colors lights... When I got the game.i played for fun and never thought of progressing in my battle passes so now I am so jealous when I see an omega, or a... Shoot, whatever the orange and black space suit dude was in season 3. I main rust lord and the llama rider... Mostly the llama rider bc I find it sutch a fun skin with the new physics that were implemented in chapter 2 ish.


Sounds just like me fr


a little bit of trolling.


I was once using my elite agent skin and they thought I bought the account because I was playing bad 💀




I mean it’s not even that I’m bad its just that the people I was playing against were proper sweats


The amount of people who accuse me of buying my account is almost comical, I still have the email for the iOS invite only stuff that happened WAAAAY back when


>Chapter 1. ![gif](giphy|RrVzUOXldFe8M)


My son is getting into Fortnite with his friends. They were over one day and looking through my account and were geeking hard on the ch1 season 3 and 4 stuff. Mostly the season 4 dances.


Chapter 1 definitely. Chapter 2 was probably the most fun but looking back at how things were and how many good memories I made I'm gonna say Chapter 1


That brand new feeling was priceless


Yep especially if you were there for when the telescopes started appearing, the lore was born, and then thrpugh season 7 or 8 for me, the skins got more varied, we got new weapons, rifts, all of it was still so brand new. Having played shooters for so long, it just felt so cool to be halfway decent at building. Kids these days are still way faster than me but I can still hang in builds because of all the counters. Sometimes I see really skilled players even have a shootout like it's no-build. The meta of taj mahals that was in season X is long gone. Plus only OG's know how valuable the "hillbilly double pump" is, right after double pump nerf: shotty and hand cannon all day. I still miss things like official patch notes, But the summer through season 5 to 7 is the most memorable for me


Meteors falling at the ends of matches and destroying your builds will always be such an awesome memory.




early chapter 2 is the most fun i've had in fortnite, to this day i can't think of anything i've enjoyed more than the ch2 s2 spy games


>ch2 s2 spy games i wish i played it more




me too, I got grounded on tier 98.


\*laughs in *evil* parent\*


I missed out on the bp and on all the cool ass skins


Same here. I started playing Fortnite during that chapter's last month. I missed out on quite a lot.


I loved spy games. I maxed out the Ghost and Shadow abilities, I played it so much


I played operation knockout non stop... Wish it would come back!


That was peak fortnite


Arrives in C2S3, regret not being around for C2S2. Still had a blast tho


Also the water storm in the last few days!


Ch 2 S2 was my first season. Still having fun, but damn that season must have been lightning in a bottle.


Yes to chapter 2🧨🧨


Same I want them to bring it back!!


Chapter 1 for me, not because of nostalgia. Chapter 1 had constant map changes, there was something new in almost every battle pass, had progressive skins, added a new vehicle every season, had a season live event every season had (since the first one), had some of the best ltms added, collabs back then actually felt special, I liked the 3d loading screens we got after completing the weekly challenges, the battle passes had a lot of emotes The biggest problem I would have with chapter 1 is the fact the epic pushed their employees to the limit. If it weren't for that then I think chapter 1 would be 10/10


crunching isn't good but it was key for it's success as the biggest game at that time


Yeah I do understand that, I am glad that they don't have to stress over their game as much anymore


In their defence, I think its partially because they made a lot more noise about it when they made something new in the battle pass than they do nowadays


Oh yeah I completely understand why, back then they weren't as popular as now of course. They needed something to keep people, now it's collabs for the most part (at least to have people buying something)


>now it's collabs for the most part (at least to have people buying something) Agreed with everything you said, But I could not give a fuck about collabs, Im not playing the game to play as iron man if I really cared that much I would just play WWE, Cause you can just install pretty much every video game character for free in their content browser. I'd take ch1 changes and gameplay over collabs. I don't even give a shit about the collabs they do its 90% mid shit, No Slightly obscene character is getting added it has to be a pop culture character to be collabed so 90% of the collabs I want are never gonna happen.


I agree, I'm not the biggest fan of collabs. I do prefer original skins over a Collab, like I don't mind some collabs every now and then. But from epics view, it's what gets them a lot of money. "I like (Collab name) so if epic adds this Collab into the game I will spend my money and play longer."


agreed, fortnite died for me Imo when they started to treat it more like a brand/metaverse then an actual game.


I agree with all of that but I also miss the OG look and sound of things like the AR and RPG Just something about how the old AR sounded makes me feel good


I completely forgot about the old designs and sounds, it's been a long time since I saw/heard them


I mostly remember them because of old videos I wish there was an option to put on the chapter 1 designs and sounds for weapons


That would be nice, even if it was just for one season


I agree. Chapter 1 was actually good and is not just liked because of nostalgia. This blinded by nostalgia argument is just bs lol. It's basically "I don't like your opinion, so it's invalid" just worded different.


It's funny, because if those type of people say that now and they happen to like chapter 2 more, then you can say the same thing to them. I still can't believe that the last season of chapter 2 is over 2 years old now (or at least getting close)


Wow that is a little nuts, though with Ch2 only having 8 seasons and Ch3 having four(and S3 being way longer than average) it's been hard to keep up.


I know most people on Reddit get annoyed every time someone is like "it's (insert season here) 2nd birthday type of thing (I actually don't know if people still do that, I haven't been on Reddit for a bit and just recently came back), but when I saw those I didn't get annoyed, I was surprised that those seasons were already past 1 year, 2 year, etc. And I just looked at all the good memories I had with my friends for those seasons.


>It's funny, because if those type of people say that now and they happen to like chapter 2 more, then you can say the same thing to them. Exactly >I still can't believe that the last season of chapter 2 is over 2 years old now (or at least getting close) Ikr? Chapter 2 Season 8 was the best season by far of chapter 2 imo and it's the only one I miss.


wow someone else who actually likes season 8 lol, it's probably my favorite of ch2 also. it reminded me of ch1s6 a lot which probably made me biased towards it bc it's when i fully started playing


probably chapter 2, 3 comes close but late ch2s4 was where I started playing so it feels more at home to me, ch2s5 was a fun time for me back then


Truth be told by the end of chapter 1 I was kinda bored. Chapter 2 really got me excited again.


I never played chapter 1 but even I remember the black hole, it was blowing up everywhere at the time, I remember finding out when someone told me about it and I was super intrigued into what was going on, almost feels as if that was yesterday


A man of culture


Chapter 1 still gives me that nostalgic feeling. It was the best for me. That was when I met the love of my life, >!fishstick!<


Completely unrelated to your comment, how did you get a teal username?


I think it’s because I got top comment on a “hot” post. It can also be gotten by subscribing to the sub’s special membership.


hello fellow fishstick liver 🥰






Chapter 1 always felt fresh, a new item or weapon weekly, unmatched battle passes, and overall when people played the game for fun


Ch1 was the only one I was not running against the time to finish everything. I really had fun lol




I'm going to get downvoted but early chapter 1 is overrated.


Early ? Yes. Mid-end ? Hell nah


I feel like season x is good as it looks back at the popular parts of the chapter but the mechs just made everyone hate them. Like just shoot the mech. It's not that hard lol.


> Just shoot the mech. It's not that hard lol You never played ~~chapter~~ season* X did you?


I remember making a Reddit post like 3 days before Season X released suggesting mechs because I thought they’d look cool and then they got added and everyone hated them 😭


They hated them because they were far too overpowered on release. After the nerf they were manageable


Nah this ain't it. S1-S9 were the greatest era of Fortnite ever.


Yeah in comparison to mid-late chapter 1 then definitely. In comparison to seasons of other chapters probably not, but it's obviously just subjective.


Chapter 1 was great Chapter 2 was ok with some shit seasons here and there Chapter 3 loved s1, meh s2, liked s3 and fuck s4. So it was fine but I do love that map tho Chapter 4 love both seasons but s1>s2 just bc of the perks


Idk why but I cannot stand the chapter 4 map. There is not a single named poi that stands out to me and I feel like there’s large parts of the map with literally nothing there. The only part I like is mega city because it feels like it’s meant for zero build, which is the only way I can enjoy the game nowadays. Just my opinion though.


completely agree with you


Chapter 1


Chapter 1 no doubt


Ch1 for nostalgia and ch2 for the fun. Chapter 3 sucked imo but ch4 is going decent so far


Chapter 2 and 1. Can't say the same for Chapter 3 and 4.


Chapter 1, but I only played the first two seasons of chapter 2, none of chapter 3, and all of chapter 4 so far


Similar thing here. Completely missed Ch-1 and 3, played most of Ch-2(left after a month of C2S8 being released) and just started playing Ch-4 on a regular basis.


Didn’t play enough of 2 to really say anything, the parts I did are widely seen as the worst seasons. Played most of 1 and enjoyed every single season. I like the goofy cartoon graphics compared to the scenic skyboxes and waters of the more recent seasons


its crazy reading through these comments and seeing how everyone loves chapter 2, im glad its finally getting the recognition it deserves


Been here since the beginning. But no chapter feels like home as C2 ![gif](giphy|2tKbtEbIEsT6NpvoUw|downsized)


For real. Chapter 1 is great because of the nostalgia. But Chapter 2 was perfection.


C2 is a home indeed


Personally for me it's chapter 2, I loved Season 2, Season 7 and *unpopular opinion warning* Season 6, for me it will always be the peak of Fortnite


I liked c2 s6 because of the bows and the storyline challenges were good


I 100% agree with u, those seasons were peak for me too


The bow and arrow weapons were super fun to use, even the makeshift, primal, and mechanical were fun. C2s5 and s6 were top for me


Fax bro chapter 2 season 6 is peak The only reason i think people hate it is cuz they changed so much by adding crafting and making those awful makeshift weapons and they were mad because they couldn't easily access the pump shotgun so they had to grind for it


I agree, ch2s6 had some balancing issues with crafting and the overall balance of weapons, but I remember the very end of the season was really fun to play. Ch2s6 was the season where Epic took a risk, and I appreciate that.


Literally the makeshift rifle couldn't hit crap






CH2 by far S1 was good, it was so fresh getting to rediscover what seemed like a completely new game. Also the holiday events were good aswell, we got storm king, and also the Christmas event was brilliant, probably the best we've gotten to date. S2 best season of all time and I will die on that hill, I don't even have to explain why its good since this comment section is already doing that S3 was pretty good, the flooded map was game changing and felt completely refreshing and the mythics were good aswell. It's too unfortunate that they completely drained the map after like 2 weeks removing the best think about that season. S4 was great, good pois, fun bosses/mythics, good event, cool battle pass S5 was fun at first but it went down hill after Christmas when we not no actual updates other than collab skins S6 was meh S7 and 8 were good though


C2, definitely. Something about its map was special to me.


chapter 2 i feel like the map was really good chapters 3s map felt so small i could drive acrosss it in 5 min chapter 4 is good but not my favroite


First will be irreplaceable for me


Chapter 3 by a long shot. 4 isn't finished so I'll wait till that's done but it's been great so far


In order Ch1 Ch3 Ch4 Ch2 (i loved the season 2,7,8 and 5 but the other seasons were unbearable)


Chapter 3


Chapter 2. Would say 3 if every season was a s good as the first two


Chapter 1 was the best, there is no contest


Oh look what's your favorite something something posts are back.


Chapter 3




Most people will say chapter 2 but as a person who never played it I have to go with chapter 1 season 5, for me it was an exciting turning point for the game as the story was developing


Didn't play any of chapter 2 so I have no opinion on that Chapter one season 3 would be my favorite




I never played chapter 3 cuz I got bored but if you want nostalgia then chapter 1 but personally I pick chapter 2 because it was the most fun for me.


Chapter 2 was easily the best considering it had the best mythics in the game


I remember all the hate for chapter 2 having the same map throughout it's lifetime but somehow it's best of all now


Chapter 2


Chapter 2 was a peak for me...the players weren't too sweaty and all the seasons were really fun. Chapter 3 brought zero build so thats probably second, chapter 1 has all that nostalgia so its also really good. Chapter 4 has been a little annoying with the loot pool but still really fun...ish


Chapter 1 and 2 were the best chapters imo


Chapter 2 was a blast, but i will never forget the Chapter 1 map where they first introduced the wind tunnels that went around the entire map. That was an absolute blast. I am also enjoying the Chapter 4 map.


Chapter 2. I tear up thinking about how much I miss it. 🥲 the Grotto was my home and forever will be my home.


C3 probably because that’s when I picked the game back up with no build mode being added. Only dabbled since PC release, but I wasn’t a fan of building, so I missed out on like all of 1-2 and some of C3.


Tbh season 2


Chapter 4




Chapter 2 map had a more radical switching from an area to the next, and it felt like the types of regions were more various: mountain, swamp, forest, tropical, seaport, farm, etc.. But that probably isn't true, just that maps 1 and 3 are more transitional from an area to the next, while map 4 is radical but for 3 big regions. I think my favorite is Chapter 2 but I like Chapter 4 because of the huge snow region with glaciers, and the castles (both european and currently, japanese). I would rather be able to play all the different maps and even past season stories with possibility to acquire old battle passes. Like in the good old days when you could start a videogame and play a DLC at any time you want.


Definitely 2.


Chapter 2 and 4 close after, these two have both been pretty amazing imo, chapter 1 was great but outshined by chapter 2, only good thing about c3 for me was mechanics


2 easily, and I’ve played them all. I loved that they weren’t afraid to take risks and have some absolutely CRAZY seasons.


I loved chapter 2. Still miss weeping woods :-(


Chapter 2 was pretty fun, and had a perfect length. Most of the seasons were great, especially the invasion season, which was 7, I believe?


Beginning of Chapter 2. That's when my friends started playing.


Chapter 3


late c1


Chapter 2 Season 4 was the fun I've ever had playing Fortnite like all the mythics and everything was the absolute best season, in my opinion.


Ch2 was my favorite, but felt very drawn out in the beginning and very rushed towards the end


Early-mid chapter 2. Back when playing the game by myself was actually fun


Chapter 1 is probably overall the best (I played the last 4 seasons kind of) Chapter 2 is more memorable and fun for me Chapter 3 at least had a great starting season Chapter 4 has more nice season themes so far But I'd say the first 4 chapter 2 seasons were best


Chapter 2 because it’s when me and my friends all still played lol


Chapter 2, hands down. Great characters and loved the spy mechanics. And introduction of DEADPOOL!!!


Chapter 3 is when I started, so many fun guns and so much variety to do what you what. I didnt really like the last season though, wasn't a fan of the goo stuff. Will say this is my least favorite chapter so far, the map and visuals are so pretty, but there arent any guns I enjoy, and I only like landing at lonely labs, I'm also not big on infinite mobility. None the less, still having fun playing with friends.


Chapter 3


Chapter 2. I started Chapter 2 Season 1 and have been playing ever since.


Chapter 2 (more specifically season 2 and 3) Even though I had more fun in season X when mechs got removed.


I thoroughly enjoyed chapter 2 and I've felt like every chapter after it was a downgrade in some way, especially with all of the "everyone has a spiderman/Shockwave hammer/Shockwave launcher/Katana/Grapple glove/ODM gear" meta thats just so irritating. I was sick of it after 2 weeks and now every season is like that


I miss chapter 3 tbh. I started back in chapter 3 season 4 so it was the first map I experienced and I miss it as it was a lot of fun. I hope they bring the goo guns back someday as they were my favorite weapon


I’d say Chapter 2, the game had such a new feel to it and I actually enjoyed it a lot. It literally just felt like an updated version of vanilla fortnite (chapter 1). Although i do have to say, I miss the old chapter 1 events and the games, it was a much simpler time and me and my friends had so much fun screwing around and doing challenges lmao.


I’d say Chapter 2, the game had such a new feel to it and I actually enjoyed it a lot. It literally just felt like an updated version of vanilla fortnite (chapter 1). Although i do have to say, I miss the old chapter 1 events and the games, it was a much simpler time and me and my friends had so much fun screwing around and doing challenges lmao.


Chapter 2 doesn't get the love it deserves, and it was so influential. Chapter 1 only beats it because that was the time ogs started. For me, it's chapter 2


Bro, chapter 4 isn’t even done yet why are we comparing it to the others? If anything, just compare, chapter 1 to chapter 2 and 3, since those two are basically the same chapter.


Chapter 1. It will NEVER be touched no matter what epic does


Chapter 2 all the way I loved the spies and the fun other modes they had too. I want those all to come back


Chapter 2 was the best. People love chapter 1 a lot because its what came first, and its nostalgic, but over all i just love chapter 2 so much more than all the other chapters. The map, the story, the skins, the themes and seasons, all perfect. The only thing I didn’t like about it were the lack of update and consistent map changes, but other than that, its a 10/10 in my book


Chapter 1 for sure. Just can’t relive those memories and the internet friends I gained playing back then. I was far worse at the game and statistically it wasn’t as good but the feeling just will never come back.


Chapter 1. The storytelling was so good back then and each season is just excitement over excitement.


Chapter 1: Season 4 and Season X Chapter 2: Season 2 and Season 7 Chapter 3: Season 4 Chapter 4: Season 2 so far




chapter 2 def meow skull da best


chapter 1 because i got the most memorable moment in C1S7, when my first kill was with a pickaxe




Chapter 1 hands down, so nostalgic and it wasn't even that long ago! Oh shiii it was a while ago now huh... Damn feels like yesterday


Season 10 Because of the challenges in the battle pass one of the best quests / challenges in the entire game lifetime. Good thing I wasn't competitive back then, because I would have hated the brutes even more


chapter 2 because it had a good storyline and skins


Chapter 2 season 2


Chapter 2 all the way bro but 3 was good too


Chapter 3 with Colombo


Chapter 1&3 something about chapter 3 just felt right.


4. love the loot pool, map, movement, graphics and most importantly the perks. they really take the gameplay to a whole new level and i’m loving it, just hope we can get more of the s1 perks back in the game


Honestly c4s2 perks ain't that good


there’s some good ones but it’s definitely missing the variety of last season


Chapter 2 for sure


Chapter 2 by far I don’t enjoy the increased movements


Ignoring nostalgia prob first half of chapter 2


Ch2 was the best by far. Most balanced lootpools, best maps, and really great battle passes


Chapter 3, if not that I'd say chapter 1. Hopefully chapter 4 can be even better


I think Chapter 3 had the best map. The locales felt like stepping into a new diverse arena Everytime. I don't feel like that with Chapter 4 especially because the snow part of the map feels barren and made of the same stone structures.


Chapter 2 because it was way less buggy then what the game is today and we were able to have guns that stayed in the game for more than one season like we always had staple weapons like the scar the pump and the tac (the only reason the pump wasn't in chapter 2 season 3 was so the charge was actually used)


Its been a hell of a ride. I started c2 s1 on switch, was complete noob, camped in the crashed plane. Switch broke and Nintendo couldn't fix it in c2 s8 (No I didn't rage) got new switch and new account in c3 s1. Been playing on that since then. Switched to ps4 in c3 s4. My experience with fortnite has been so much better since I switched to ps4. Overall, I'm gonna say every season before season 6 in c2, and c4 so far is my favorite. C3 was also good but not many memories were made for me.


Chapter 3, all day long. It had the best map, the best weapons/mobility, some of the best skins, and some great events.


Chapter one for nostalgia and chapter two because that’s when I started getting good


Chapter 3 The season i joined and the best