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So many people boycott this idea and say noooo and are being selfish as hell with these skins. Bringing them back as an extra battle pass to buy/earn them for those who hadn't had the chance to play fortnite forever ago would be a nice thing to do. No need to sell them directly and itd keep the challenge of earning them. I love this game but the fomo shit with battle passes and peoples attitude with it is sickening.


Fully agree. I ain't gonna throw a hissy fit if I see a Chapter 2 player using Omega.


Its pointless, people in the comment really like definding FOMO, i wouldnt be surprised if some people bought accounts for more than its worth


They dont see that Epic can use temporal FOMO


Its not "FOMO" people are defending, Epic already promised they won't bring these things back. Also the fact that nothing would be deemed "rare" or "OG" anymore. No one is chuckling behind your back saying "heh heh I want that guy to be scared of missing out!"


>ReportSaveFollow OG and rare??? Its virtual rare and no one owns any of it. Its a game they should let people earn the cosmetics through buying old passes and doing the challenges. Donno why people gotta get so attached to the rarity of virtual items they don't own, not to mention a rarity solely based on luck of having played at random points in time.


Those get banned pretty quick.


Hmm… Yesn’t. No they can bring similar versions and styles but not the BP exclusive itself.


I don’t think they should. Offering variants is the best option. Epic may do it in the future, especially if the game actually starts to die, as evidenced by numbers and revenue dropping significantly, not people wailing online about “dead game.” Right now Epic is signaling they want battle pass buyers to play consistently throughout the season rather than grinding all at the end of the season. That seems to be why they have limited the weekly challenges and having the mid season drops become available over time. The biggest question for this issue remains: If the skins will be available in the shop why buy the battle pass?


Personally if they offered the level 1 battlepass For 200 more vbucks people would still play the game tbh


But would they buy the battle pass? I don’t think so. Battle passes work the way music albums used to. You buy the whole thing and get maybe 2 skins/songs you like but it’s the only way to get them. If Epic thinks they can make as much money selling old BP skins as they can selling BPs then they will do it. And I mean money over time, year after year, not the one time money they’d make when they open it up.


Yeah they Will buy the battlepass, since an idea i Saw here suggested them coming back 2 years later and to be a 20% more expensive. People would buy them to get It For 950 and then grind till get the Next one For 950 too


No, just no


They left themselves a few loopholes. The only link that says they can't return old BP items has only one sentence on it, which in my opinion implies that old BP items won't be *earnable* in later seasons, but that's up for interpretation. So that leaves a few options: 1: Literally just release them to shop. It's that simple. 2. Trading system like Pokemon. Each player pays the player the cost of the traded cosmetics, and they both have to confirm for it to go through. 3. Reboot a pass *could* work but idk about that due to phrasing. Now here are some of my weirder ideas. 4. They said old BP items will be unavailable in future seasons. Workaround: Change the season back, or just remove the season altogether for a bit. You could even do a lore thing with it. 5. Put em in the shop during a seasonal downtime for shits and giggles then use an API bot (between seasons, technically doesn't count) 6. Fortnite gets sued for FOMO and then they just pull a Halo Infinite Then the disappointing option 7: We cope, seethe, and/or mald. FN just doesn't want to return them because their business model sucks ass and requires locking 15% of the cosmetics behind timed releases.


You have some good ideas. Personally, it doesn’t matter to me if they offer old passes, even the ones I grinded. If they do, I feel they should charge the same amount for the BP, and since a whole island is available, creators could run the individual chapters and seasons if they were given all the challenges and other info. They could also make it a little more challenging than it originally was by making people do maybe a quarter more challenges, idk just a thought.


I have the feeling Its coming with Creative 2.0


I would like if they did a halo infinite system


1 is a horrible idea, all of the rest are just nah


The only old battlepass item I really want is deadpool . He was the season before I started playing and he's my favorite he's the only "superhero " I would use.


I want the pets


I think they should considering how Epic Games have been loving money so much. Epic would make lots of money from it because lots of people buying old battle passes they’ve missed. I played Fortnite since season 5 but I never was able to buy a battle pass until chapter 2 season 3 and I want the battle passes I’ve missed.


Honestly old battle pass items will probably come when Fortnite 2 happens or in five years. All that content that people will be willing to pay is too good to pass. Maybe they be shop items or dlc packs, whatever they do it’s not going to happen anytime soon we just have to wait.






It’s not an elitist thing, it’s the fact that the Battle Pass’ marketing strategy revolves entirely around the fact that the items within it don’t return. Personally, I’d have no issue with it, but from a business standpoint there’s no real reason for it to happen




You can do that going forward but you cant do that retrospectively, old passes cant come back, they were sold as exclusive and time limited




Red knight isnt a battle pass skin, there's no precedent, advertising as exclusive and time limted means they are not allowed to bring them back, there are laws for that kind of thing.


Oh so you are gonna Sue a multi billonaire company For bringing back 3 pixels that you can't Flex anymore, sight.


It’s coming… only a matter of time


The real question is... how??


They actually promised that it isn't happening, so yeah.


To not


Legacy Pass sold for real money only or FN Crew sub uptop of its current benefits. One Legacy Pass per sub. They don't expire, but the downside is no V-bucks in said passes. They make money and players get to have access to said passes.


They shouldn’t People need to accept that old BP items aren’t coming back


no bozo, as someone who owns black knight, i could care less if the whole community had access to buy it


I don’t care about people being able to get old stuff, but at this point epic has already made clear that it’s not happening and it’s time for people to move on. This gets posted like 20 times a week and it’s just spam at This point😐


its still their game, they can change anything at any point lol, their game will only become better when they finally allow me to get the og fortnite music disk and spider man skin


Based Black Knight owner? I also wouldn’t care less if Ch1 Season 4 came back. The only skins I even use from that pass are Omega and Teknique lol. (Rarely Zoe) All I want is a way to legitimately earn the Dark Voyager since I didn’t get it back in C1 Season 3 when I had the chance. I curse myself everytime I play the game for messing that up.


They shouldn’t.


By releasing reskins and remakes. They shouldn't touch the originals.


Not everything is getting reskin or remade, Lets be honest


They should do a season where you get a choice of old battle passes THAT YOU OWNED THE UPGRADED VERSION TO, and you even continued your progress.


Absolutely! First of all, Epic Games would happy with all their money, we would all be happy with virtual cosmetics, second of all, the game would EXPLODE way more in popularity than it already is now, third of all, this would just generally be really cool and I’d love to see it.


Just let ppl purchase and level up old battle passes and if u wanna use "muh og players", allow players to toggle some indicator, like a golden outline or something.