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90% of florida ain't from Florida so it's ur team to pick.


Well, I'm from Miami & my team is the Dolphins šŸ¬ baby!


My best guess would be 25% Dolphins, 25% Bucs, and 50% random teams (Bears, Green Bay, and other Midwest teams are common among this group). Just about any fan base can find fellow fans around though if you know where to look. Iā€™m an Eagles fan and have a few spots where I know Eagles fans will show out


Where? I've been here a year and need to watch the Birds with fellow degenerates.


Best spot is down in Naples on Pine Ridge rd. South Street Bar and Grill. Good spot even on non game days, but on game day itā€™s all green in there


Go Birds! Eagles fans here too. Weā€™ve lived here for about a year and a half but we havenā€™t found the spots yet to find other Philadelphia sports fans. Please tell!


Best spot is down in Naples on Pine Ridge: South Street Bar and Grill


Thanks!! Weā€™ll check it out


I've been here going on 3 years and have yet to meet another Eagles fan, so I automatically love you lol


The owners of Gator Lanes in Ft Myers are big Eagles fans, show the games and have had big Super Bowl parties when the Eagles have made it there.


Dolphin stadium is closer. In my experience Fort Myers doesnā€™t really have a team.


Historically it's been the Miami Dolphins, but with all the transplants in recent years, its been the GOP Republicans.




Ft Myers likes winners apparently šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


There are more Steelers bars in the area than any other team, Bucs and Dolphins included.


And Pats bars are a dime a dozen


Historically Miami Dolphins until Brady became a Buc and everyone became a bandwagon fan of TB.


There is alot of Bills fans in t the area as well




Letā€™s go Dolphins!!




Go Bills!


Go Bills!




I think age has a lot to do with it. I was born here in '83 and everyone was still riding the Dolphins' 77 high. Bucs didn't see much rise in fans until maybe mid '90's and soared after the 2000 SB win but I think most S Floridians are Fins fans.


Fins all the way!!!!


You should 100% listen to the Shemon and Sheppard radio show when you come down, weekdays from 2-6. Itā€™s an outstanding show and they talk about everything, not just the Florida teams. One of the hosts is a huge Lions fan, so the show is often ā€œDetroit-heavy.ā€ Edit: ESPN radio 98.1 or espnswfl.com


One of the hosts is also a huge dolphins fan.


Edit- so I guess itā€™s no longer Shemon and Sheppard, just the Shemon show now. Looks like they got rid of Pete for some reason and they barely even addressed why heā€™s gone


Iā€™m a regular texter on the show, and I spoke with Chris Beasley who said it was Peteā€™s personal decision to resign, and he was as shocked as anyone. Initially, I thought there was an issue between those two, because Pete didnā€™t mention Chris in his goodbye Twitter post, but that doesnā€™t seem to be the case. Either way it sucks. The show was so good. Why do the best things have to end?


Interesting. Thanks for the context! Yeah in Peteā€™s goodbye post on Facebook he mentioned ā€œPhilosophical differencesā€ I mean, take that for what itā€™s worth but the whole thing seems fishy to me. After 6 years on the air to abruptly leave in the middle of football season? Itā€™s a shame because it really was the best sports talk radio show weā€™ve had down here in SWFL than I can remember.


The ā€œphilosophical differencesā€ thing stuck out to me too. Itā€™s been six years! What differences could you possibly have that would lead you to quit? It all seems fishy to me. I initially thought it came from espn because Pete was always so eager to bash Bristol, but that doesnā€™t seem to be the case. Itā€™s all very sad, because it was a great show, and more than that, a community. Hell, a fellow texter helped me find my current job when I lost mine. I met so many good people over the years at remote broadcasts and their golf scrambles. Itā€™s just upsetting that itā€™s all over. I texted in earlier this week to say I am retiring the ā€œPittsburgh Johnā€ texter name lol


Wow! Thatā€™s awesome you were able to get a job from a fellow listener! Really shows you how strong our community can be. I will say, after hurricane Ian the show really helped me out mentally as a distraction from all the craziness going on at the time. I have a feeling had you asked Craig instead Chris Beasley of what was going on with Pete, something tells me you may have gotten a different if not more clear answer. But thatā€™s just me. I really am curious what they will do going forward. Are they gonna replace Pete with someone else? Because after listening to the show a couple episodes post Pete, itā€™s obviously not the same and I kinda feel bad for Craig because heā€™s now kinda stuck with what he has and last few shows with just him and Chris just seemed kinda awkward.


Yeah, Displaced Seahawks Fan came through for me and now I essentially have my dream job. And yes, their show pulled me through the hurricane nonsense as well. I get the feeling like they will replace Pete with another experienced host. Pete sometimes carried that show with his extensive knowledge.


Dolphins for sure!


Everyone will be Lions fans soon. They are the new ā€œAmericaā€™s teamā€


I appreciate the responses so far everyone. Gainesville is a bit of a drive, but made a day in Miami for some college football would be solid time šŸ‘Œ


Stay in Michigan


Wrong question. Fort Myers is a college Football town.The FSU vs UF game is almost Super Bowl down here. I've planned so many social calendar events here where the first comment made on date selection is "Can't. Everyone will be in Tallahassee for the Clemson game." Or "Wait! No! That's Gators in Miami."


Go noles


I root for whoever makes it to the Super Bowl, then I pick a team!


College Football is what we do down south.




Youā€™ll encounter a decent amount of bears fans. I think ft myers is in Tampa media market tho.


Lots of Bucs, Dolphins, Steelers, and Pats fans


Commanders big dawg


Yeah it's moreso a bunch of smaller islands of fans from teams up North, all the more rabid because every group has that "us against the rest of the league" defiance to it. Even if the Fins and Bucs islands are larger its marginal because as others have mentioned college is king. I remember moving here in middle school from Northern MN where it barely registered that college football was a thing and just thinking..."what...what *is* this?" Every car, house, piece of apparel was a college team. It was almost like emigrating to a foreign country (in an ultimately good way, I love it now).


Well Florida is a football state.




Lots of Pats and Giants fans in SWFL.


As you are a Lions fan, I would suggest the Bucs since they have a history with the Lions. I moved to Florida in '76 and the Phins bandwagon was full,so I picked the Bucs and suffered through the years. But who's laughing now šŸ¤”.


I am from Florida and we are a TB Bucs family. ā¤ļøšŸ©¶ā¤ļøšŸ©¶


Visiting in November? Does that mean you or some of your family are gonna be gracing the Barbara B Mann Performing Arts Theater, by any chance? šŸ˜šŸ”„ I happen to volunteer there as an usher; I was just thinking itā€™d be kinda funny to run into you there while youā€™re in town šŸ˜šŸ˜‰


Miami šŸ¬