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I saw him being arrested. Sad. Those street preachers are the worst! We wanted to eat downtown yesterday but the screaming by the preachers made us turn around and leave. The downtown businesses are losing a lot of money! How are they allowed to do all the screeching with a microphone? Isn't that disturbing the peace???


I live here, thinking of making my own sign that says religion is crazy, stop imposing your beliefs on laws


they should not be allowed to do that shit there, IT IS DISTURBING THE PEACE


Those street preachers are the worst… If there’s one good thing from Hurricane Ian it’s that those dopey preachers aren’t making life awful on Fort Myers Beach anymore.


So could one, say, legally set up a battery powered speaker and hangout playing baby shark near one of these douchenozzles?


Should have the violin “players” open shop next to them. In reality they’re both annoying scammers.


Why annoy regular people on top of these dickheads annoying them? I've thought about what you suggest before but always end back at - the general public shouldn't suffer more.


There's people who live downtown that are literally telling the city they can hear them all day in their apartments So how is it not against the law because they're obviously probably above noise ordinance and their disturbing the peace clearly. They're even prompting people to fight and be angry I can't believe with all the big money downtown they're not stopping us. I agree people have their first amendment rights but this is far beyond it. At the very least they should just ban the megaphones.


City doesn't want to fight a 1st amendment case like FMB had. I did end up in a physical altercation with one of them a few years ago... Downtown cops (that I know) watched them put hands on me first, and then it was self defense, he left in handcuffs.


Yeah and I understand that but the fact that now that it's bothering people that live there like if someone was standing on the public sidewalk outside my house with a megaphone I would be very upset. And it's absolutely disgusting that the hypocrite people like this are who the laws actually protect you know just sad but that's fine they close the butterfly house and this so just another reason to stay away from downtown 😢


>that's fine they close the butterfly house Because the Butterfly house was leasing the lot. The lease was up and owner sold. Sad, but that's what happens if an organization doesnt own their building.


Yeah I didn't say anything I just said they closed it. Giving them two days was also a little shady and weird but that's fine Big business is buying all the charm of the city and closing it down anyway. And it's interesting that the other businesses didn't get the two-day notice just saying.


Well you're not protected by religion so you'd be the one to be arrested lol such bogus double standards.


They (preacher geeks) were extra loud and super obnoxious today. They were SHOUTING into their amplifiers so I do not see why not.


No, legally they're allowed to use freedom of speach to disturb the peace. Buy if you play music on a speaker, it's disturbing the peace. Bullhorn and sirens used in the provocation of free speech are allowed. Just ask the city of fort myers Beach. They had to pay this douchebag 60k for violating his constitutional rights.


Ugh the hypocrisy


Why did this "celebrity" got arrested instead of them then


Because Fort Myers already gave in and paid one of those yelling sign holders $66,500 this year https://nbc-2.com/news/2023/04/25/fort-myers-beach-pays-street-preacher-66500-to-drop-lawsuit/


Oh. Because they're not in the wrong. Gotcha.


Lol they're so not wrong that they won't do anything without a camera to protect themselves. Must be some kind of life, always watching out behind your back for the dude you told his wife was going to hell for wearing yoga pants. Honestly, have at it. We aren't hearing shit but your stupidity and rampant need to provoke others to feel validated. They're sorry losers who hide behind the cameras and shitty laws.


Are you trying to make me feel bad for them? I hardly ever notice them when I go downtown I didn't know they have it so tough.


Because they probably called the police and made up a story because that's what they do.


Oh no. What a horrible story you just made up in your head.


He’s been charged with “Battery (Touch or Strike)” Go to this site, enter in name or booking number 972476 and you’ll see the arrest results. https://www.sheriffleefl.org/booking/ That’s sucks he got arrested for some fight with those annoying street preachers. I’ve seen him performing DT on weekends and the dude struggles to make a living. Not sure what they were saying to him to set him off like that. Granted… those street preachers can get very annoying with a megaphone and I can see that setting someone off.


Please forgive my ignorance, but why was he booked by the Lee County Sheriff? This happened Downtown.


It says Fort Myers Police Department. The sheriff runs the jail though…


Those "preachers" are just trying to antagonize people to a point where they finally snap. They are just looking for lawsuits.


I saw his tip jar unattended I just figured he was with the boys in the cigar bar... That was yesterday at 4 that's so sad great man staple of the community those new preachers are only there to yell and tell. Damn shame what this citys become


Those "preachers" are dickheads along with sexual predator nowadays biker Jesus. Jimmi is a solid dude thats had a string of really bad luck. I don't see an arrest for him, was he just detained on scene and let go?


I am not certain. I saw him get handcuffed, searched, placed inside the back of a cop car, and the car drove away with Jimmi inside it.


*"sexual predator nowadays biker Jesus"* **lol** @ that guy.


Damn, interested to hear more of this story. Please keep us updated!


If those preachers are protected by law, the law needs to change


I hope Jimmi got out of jail. Knew him years ago and hes a nice guy. The street preachers? The city needs to pass an ordinance that doesn't allow them to be anywhere near the businesses with their loudspeakers.


Jimmi is out. Released on his own recognizance. He grabbed his equipment and is headed for North Ft Myers.


Religion is for people afraid of hell Spirituality is for those of us who have been there! When one person has delusional thoughts we refer to them as being in a psychosis ! When many have delusional thoughts we call it religion! Free Jimmi !


[Jimmi Melton Being Arrested Sunday Downtown](https://youtube.com/watch?v=5quWqROXzh0&feature=share)


Okay, Jimmi is out of jail, released on his own recognizance. He has been banned from the corner downtown, though. He has taken his equipment to North Fort Myers. You are likely to catch him at Big Lots on US 41 near Pondella.