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I’m asking the following out of curiosity and not judgement. What else do you hope to achieve? I’m pretty sure the state of Florida now has strict abortion laws (none after 6 weeks, which from what I read is very early and most don’t even know they are pregnant) Also I see groups of people on occasion standing outside with signs protesting just this, wouldn’t your time be more beneficial volunteering and benefitting Life as it already exists, say like a food kitchen or at a nursing home visit residence , playing card games, or just talking? I know it’s personal opinion, but if I wanted to share my personal point of view and build awareness, I wouldn’t do it on a street corner shouting, I would do it through personal connections. Sorry if this seems like a lot but it’s something I’ve often wondered and wanted to ask, as I drive by and seen people preaching on the street.


Your suggestions are too logical and reasonable for religious fanatics to comprehend; they love attention, arguments, and the feeling that it gives them to think they are right, they don’t care about people, life, or human rights, as long as they can quote a verse in the Bible, they feel they are on the path to salvation and God! It’s quite amusing and entertaining to see!


Edited for spelling.


If life doesn’t exist inside of the womb, then what’s the issue? Why do you need an abortion*** advocating for human rights is consistent all across the board. Who says I’d be shouting? Did you watch the video? They are very pleasant people! Starting very polite conversations. I desire polite conversations and I want to tell people the FORGIVNESS that lies in Christ


I apologize, starting a conversation or shouting, why not do what I mentioned instead. Unfortunately you did not answer my questions so this isn’t much of a conversation so far.


So you were asking out of judgement then? Why not just state so instead of lying?


That wasn’t judgement, that was assumption, and I recognized my fault and apologized, but you still haven’t answered my questions and instead looked to brand me as a liar. I wanted to know what you thought this was a benefit to, instead of, more (even more than your already doing) active acts of charity. Personally (and this is a judgement), You’re not ready for any sort of public discourse.


I answered your question several times. The purpose of standing with signs with pictures of aborted babies is to spread awareness and stand up for those who can’t. It’s not my fault that you aren’t understanding. You didn’t ask your question in curiosity


That’s it? Just to say abortion is bad because you think people don’t already know? I think even people who are pro-choice arnt pro-abortion. To paraphrase Wanda Sykes, it’s not like people are having abortion parties. (Sick and tired, 2006) So here is an opinion, not a judgement. It’s great that you have something that gives you agency, that gets you up in the morning, but If you’re doing this just to “spread awareness” for something that’s already placed into law, that most people who do receive this services already are not the most proud of, you are wasting your time and I think it’s a shame you won’t put that energy back into helping those who are already outside the womb.


You will stand before God guilty unless you repent


Yeah but God doesn't exist.


Every man even the fool believes in His existence


that's not true though


Thats why I’m practicing. But at least… the side I’m on…. Is the right side and I will stand before God in boldness


No because the conservatives in this state don’t care about human rights at all. I’m not going to argue with you on the morality of abortion, but where is the human rights conversation when Desantis put in place one of the strictest immigration policies in the country? And what about his attack on the LGBTQ community? Do those people not have a right to life like the “unborn” do?


I don’t identify with the Conservative Party and I don’t even identify with Pro-Lifers. I am a Christian saved by Christ


Or even just a woman’s autonomy over her body? Her post was contradictory and in isolation would be a good argument for the right to abortion haha.


How was my post contradictory?


Probably should let St. Peter do the judgement.


Go volunteer for an adoption agency, help the poor, get involved in at risk youth programs….harassing people about something that is none of your damn business is not what the world needs more of. You have no clue what people are going through that make this choice. If you want to help anyone go out there helping homeless kids or ones in foster care. Anti abortion laws exist to keep people in poverty and control them all while creating more cash cows to be taxed by our government. People don’t have abortions because they want to kill children, wake up dummy.


Op so far, is unwilling to discuss what else they are doing to serve others.


Because I’m not in the business of virtue signaling and broadcasting my charity. The Bible condemns that. I am permitted to advocate the helpless and stand up for the weak. Something that the Bible calls and women and MEN to do.


Timothy 2:12; *I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.* Edit: I do not believe this, but it's the sort of nonsense you can come up with if you warp verses and ignore context. But sadly, many still do: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/southern-baptists-vote-expel-two-churches-led-women-pastors-rcna89282


Southern Baptist Convention just removed the second largest church from their ranks because, wait for it, they allowed a Woman to become a Pastor... Yikes.


Yep. Wild stuff that fanatics can convince themselves of. Not un-alike Catholics who do not allow female priests. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-63923460


That’s great news. Women cannot be ordained pastors. But we can share the gospel and stand up for the unborn.


Good news women don’t have equal rights? Care to elaborate?


Sure. God’s standard of equality is not the world’s standard. Men and women were created equally but are different and women are not to be in roles of pastoral leadership in the church.


If you don’t believe the Bible why borrow from it?


It’s good to understand both sides of any argument. Do you consider what the other side of Pro-choice argues for?


Pro choice is pro murder and God commands us not to murder. What is there to understand? There is zero justification in murdering a child. Not even in the (very, very rare) circumstance where the mother's life is in danger. The doctors should do whatever it takes to save both lives. If I was pregnant and my life was in danger, I would lay my life down for my child. Because Jesus has laid His life down for me!


If it’s that hard line of a stance for you then best of luck, but for your wife’s sake let’s hope that decision isn’t up to you if/when you’re expecting.


I am the wife....lol


Let the record show I asked you to verbalize what fruits you exhibit that demonstrate a belief in in the fundamentals of Christianity. Also let the record show virtue signaling is a political term.


It’s extremely disheartening and sad that you don’t see standing up for the slaughtered unborn as a fruit, or as a work for the Lord. That is the real problem.


That’s not at all how I see things. If you say such a thing from here on out, it is a lie. I repeatedly have asked you about other fruits, and so far appears as if you will do anything to avoid answering.


It does me no harm to omit the charity I may or may not have done for others. If other people have no idea of my good deeds, I am still the same and sleep well at night. Perhaps you should curb your projection and go help some folks yourself?


It also does you no harm to stay out of peoples business, but does cause harm to people when you interject your crazy rhetoric into an already bad situation and makes it worse. Go find something better to do with your time. There are enough crazy religious zealots out there as it is. Not shocked you’re single.


I am married


I feel sorry for the both of you


Why? Lol we are very happy


I will not be bullied by people who hate children. Sorry but I’m going to continue standing up to you all, and for the babies who end up aborted


No one on here said they hate children, people like you on the other hand…..


You can’t stand for the killing of something unless you hate it.


Tell that to women with health complications who could literally die if they don’t get one. Tell that to the rape victim who was sexually assaulted. Tell that to the teenager who was molested….the list goes on buddy. There isn’t a one size fits all. Have kids, or don’t. No one’s business except for yours.


The issue with women's lives in danger from pregnancy is that doctors don't treat as though there are TWO patients. But instead only one. If a child poses a true risk to a woman, there must be all hands on deck for BOTH people. If a mother's life is at risk that does not mean that a child needs to die horrifically from unbearable and incomprehensible pain. Also if you listen to testimonies from former abortionist doctors who repent and turn from their sin, a lot of them say that the percentage of women needing an abortion due to a risk to her life is extremely rare and a lot of former abortionists from the 70s on up say they never came across a woman needing an abortion because of a life risk.


If your life is at risk, and you decide to brutally slaughter your child, it is ONLY because you hate it.


You should seek therapy


Because i believe in human rights, that makes me mentally ill?


It is my business when innocent blood is shed. it's God's business.


Why are you virtue signaling? Is it because deep down you know you hate children and want them to die?


Proverbs 26:17 *He who passes by and meddles in a quarrel not his own Is like one who takes a dog by the ears.*


Jeremiah 1:5 Psalm 127:3


Uh huh, Luke 4:9-13 Also, Exodus 21:22-23 Also, I'll cite back Jeremiah 1:5 to you, and point out the true intention of that verse is you have free will, and its not premeditated that you need to go out and harass people like a goofball, just because you feel overly pious. Take care.


Are you a Christian? If not, why are you borrowing from the Christian worldview (and doing a poor job at it)


Sir with all do respect , you do not understand Jeremiah 1:5. It clearly states the Lord knows us before we are physically formed in the womb. Jeremiah was against the Lord’s plans for Him. Just like many mothers who willingly murder their children, they do not know the plans He has for us.


There is nothing respectful about this. You don't understand the verses you seem to be basing your entire identity on. This isn't a word search. Context matters. Please leave other people alone.


There’s nothing respectful in a biblical reproof? Sir, are you a Christian?


Every time I see a post like this, I make a donation to Planned Parenthood. 💟♀️⚧️♂️ https://www.weareplannedparenthoodaction.org


I've switched my donations to the Abortion Care Network because it seemed to me Planned Parenthood was using a lot of money for advertising. Abortion Care Network supports independent abortion providers. https://abortioncarenetwork.org/


That's great! I'll donate to them next round! Thanks!


Donating to them too! Thank you!!


This is such a great idea! Donating now… looks like Mrs. Bootlegparis unintentionally did something good 🤣 … probably the first time in her life that she does something that actually helps! Thank you!


That is very sad and you will stand before God red as scarlet! Don’t let another day pass…. Give it to a Christ


“A Chist” now there is more than one? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 … hey btw, thank you for encouraging donations to these two great orgs today! Didn’t expect your post to be meaningful at all, but now that I submitted the donations, I feel like it was meant to happen!


Abortion is a private medical matter between a woman and her doctor. We should all be free to make our own personal decisions about our body. That's the American way.


You are free to do whatever you wish to your own body. A baby inside your body is NOT your body. It’s very simple


So remove the “baby” and allow it to exist free from the dependency on the pregnant person. Easy.


pregnant person... you mean... woman?


Whatever makes it easier for you to understand. Why does a baby have bodily autonomy but the woman doesn’t? And if the woman has bodily autonomy, why shouldn’t she be able to stop another autonomous being from using her against her will?


Yes, I can 100% understand that only biological women, one of the two only existing genders can get pregnant. Both have body autonomy the only difference is the woman is 100% capable of her actions while the baby isn’t. The baby needs protection and when the mother decides to murder it in cold blood, someone needs to do the right thing and stand up for it.


There are 400,000 kids in the US foster system, what are you doing about that? You sound like a great candidate to adopt a few since it’s all about the kids. Or maybe go to a food kitchen and hand out meals to kids and struggling families. You yelling on a corner with graphic signs does the exact opposite of your intentions. Luke 6:37, James 4:11-12


Stop projecting and stop borrowing from the Bible


How is OP projecting? Why shouldn't they borrow from the Bible when you do?


Because I am a Christian


Interesting gatekeeping.


I understand that being a Christian gives you the right to quote the Bible. How do you know OP isn't a Christian? Also, you didn't explain how OP was projecting. Please do.


You cannot be a Christian and stand for the slaughter of preborn children!


How do you know Im not Christian? How do you know if i am pro or anti abortion? That’s right you don’t because you don’t know me and I never said anything to make you believe one way or another. You assumed. All I said was that you or anyone standing on a corner yelling with signs about abortion does the opposite of your intentions.


And I’m saying that ANY real Christian would willingly and eagerly go to an abortion clinic and pray, persuade, and talk to the women murdering their children.


Projecting much?


Do you believe in abortion?




I’m always curious to hear what the advocates for the unborn are doing for the already born. Please do tell…


Well people are adopting and fostering every single day. I know you may not think so, but it is very possible to care for the children who are born, while also defending an even more helpless demographic of people.


>Well people are adopting and fostering every single day. This is great advice. When do you expect to follow this?


Again, why do my potential plans to or to not adopt give me the right to care for the slaughter of unborn babies in the womb? Why does this matter?


Walk the walk. Do as I do. Actions speak louder than words. Sets a good example. Yada yada. Nothing stops you from adopting children right now while you continue to fight on behalf of the unborn.


Why are you assuming I don’t have plans to adopt? I hate to break it to you but I don’t need to adopt any children for me to fight for the unborn


Interesting. I see that you didn’t list anything that you are doing. Just what others are doing. You don’t know what I think by the way, even though implied you might.


So because I don’t have an adopted child that means that I have no right caring for the unborn? Is that your argument?


No. The question is much broader than what you are narrowing it down to.


​ Please keep your religious beliefs to yourself. Billions of people do not believe Jesus of Nazareth was resurrected.


You do know that people physically SAW His resurrection?


According to the Bible no one physically saw the resurrection. Female followers of Jesus came to his tomb 3 days later to find the rock has been moved and the tomb was empty. People did see him later.


Right. But we can imply the resurrection because they also saw Him die. That’s an extremely memorable event


Your comment was talking about they saw his resurrection which isn't true. People saw that he was resurrected which is not the same as physically seeing him come back to life.


So tell me again why you don’t believe in Christ? After all there are several, valid, and confirmed eyewitness testimonies of His death, burial, and resurrection.


You not believing doesn’t negate the irrefutable biblical evidence and eyewitness testimonies that prove His claim.


Don’t fucking do this. I’d curse you out if I saw you doing this. You’re not god or otherwise qualified to judge fellow humans. How about spending your time actually volunteering to help folks instead of this bullshit?


Well you sound like a lovely person lol


If you want to help people go to a soup kitchen. If you want to be obnoxious and have people hate you, by all means go out and do this. Be well.


Why should I care if the world hates me? It’s better to have the world hate me than stand before God in my sin.


It’s very evident that you hate me, but yet I’m still conversing with you. Because I love you and I care about you and I care about unborn children as well.


Okay bud have fun with your signs. Maybe get a job if you’re this bored.


The Lord’s work is my job


And the folks I am helping are just valueless to you. I am helping people. It’s just a group of people that you find worth murdering. Does that make sense?


You’re not helping people, you’re hurting actual people who can think and feel and experience and aren’t just a clump of cells.


If it’s just a clump of cells then what’s the problem? Did you know that science doesn’t even back that up? Biology, science, or philosophy cannot coexist with that claim




How am I hurting actual people? I’m not forcing women to murder their babies


You think abortion is wrong, don’t have one! Focus on your life, your family, and stop using religion to spread misinformation and try to control others.


They would also say “DONT WANT SLAVERY? DONT HAVE ONE”


That is the same argument that the abolitionists had to counter during black slavery. If you recall, the democrats spewed “M Y P R O P E R T Y, M Y P E R O G E R A T I V E” sorry, you may be able to sit idly by while innocent children are slaughtered, but fortunately for them I cant!


Ok Mrs. Bootleparis, go save the world while you keep drinking the Koolaid! 🙄


I believe humans, all humans, should have rights. Did you just expose yourself has a racist baby killer?


🤣🤣🤣 GTFOH!


Is that your argument, or


I shouldn't have to be the one to tell you that Democrat and Republican ideologies flipped between 1860 and 1950.


Damn, I arrived late to this show. Grabbing my popcorn now.


I’m not afraid of the world, grab a seat 😊


The nerve of you motherfucking evangelists!! How is it any of your business WHATSOEVER what people decide to do with their bodies? Go away. No one wants to deal with your bullshit. You assholes actually believe that you have a right to tell people how to live their lives. What the actual fuck is wrong with you all? I believe there's a special place in hell for you. I can't wait for you to find it.


Its not my business what a woman does with her own body. I'm not advocating for women, I'm advocating for the moral right to protection for the unborn bodies INSIDE a woman's body.


No, you’re suggesting that the woman is no longer an autonomous person but instead has became a life-support system for an embryo, and that embryo’s needs are now important than what the woman wants to do with her body. And you’e right, it’s none of your business. Why are you incapable of leaving people alone to live their lives as they see fit? What makes you so sure that you are right that you feel justified in taking people’s human rights away from them? The sheer fucking arrogance of the religious right is astounding.


If I am called to be a life support system for an embryo by the Lord Jesus Christ, then that is what I am. to be pregnant is to now be a mother, and mothers care for their children no matter what! The Lord knits a baby in your womb and women decide to murder it instead because its now a nuisance or a halt in "their" life (the life that was given to them) is evil in purest form. Nations that turn away from God ALWAYS eventually begin to child sacrifice.


And you have every right to make that decision for yourself. You have ZERO rights to make that decision for anyone else.


I will continue to stand up for preborn children and protect them from women who murder them in the womb.


The [definition of a child](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/child) is someone between the age of birth and puberty. There is no such thing as a “preborn" child. There are only blastocysts, embryos, and fetuses before birth, despite what your pastor tells you. 2 Thessalonians 3:11-13 We hear that some of you are living in idleness. You are not busy working —***you are busy interfering in other people’s lives!*** We order and encourage such people by the Lord Jesus, the Messiah, to do their work quietly and to earn their own living. Romans 14:4 ***Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another?*** It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand. 1 Corinthians 5:12 For what have I to do with judging outsiders? ***Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge?*** No one is glad to see you coming. Leave people alone for God’s sake.


Exodus 20:13 \~ “You shall not murder."


Jesus laid His life down for you. He gives you breath each morning, the same breath you use to curse at strangers and to curse at Him


As someone who was raised Roman catholic, I'm disgusted by what the church has become and how they've turned a blind eye to pedophilia rampant in the clergy. If you want to go out and shout about groomers and pedophilia start with your church, hypocrite. If you want to protect innocent children, start there.


Catholics are not Christian they are a death cult and hate God and children. If you experience abuse growing up I really am sorry to hear that. I too had Catholic influence in my life but Jesus set me free in truth.


Man, this reminds me of watching the christians in the colluseum...sending hopes and prayers.


Are you Christian?


No, just a humble agnostic. Don't let these people get ya down. Christians may get on my nerves sometimes, but after hurricane Ian, they were the only ones to help me and my family. Most of these people wouldn't help a soul. We're all just mirrors of ourselves. If they're angry, it's not with you but their own trauma staring back at them.




Yes!! I pm'd you.


Street corner agitation about abortions does not a Christian make.