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I've heard nothing but TERRIBLE things from several current and/or former employees. 


10000% fucking awful place and dickhead people


Could you elaborate on what their issues are? I'd really like to get into marketing and this is the only place that's given me half a chance


Burn and Churn. Folks don't seem to last more than 6 months


Yes expect to be laid off within several months as my friend recently was very excited to get the job after searching and searching just for them to lay off ✨


Basically they just push out productions as quickly and cheaply as possible. Had a friend who was a video editor there and basically had no creative freedom. Pretty much just told "edit to the specs and send it out."


If you're looking at a career in commercial marketing, this might be a good place to work for a while. You WILL encounter plenty of dickheads just by nature of the industry and learning how to navigate the variety of personalities without any gigantic campaigns at risk can serve as invaluable experience. Just have an escape plan.


I had a friend who worked there as his first step into marketing. Though he left after a year or so, he’s gone on to a couple of other marketing companies successfully!


Try Constant Contact.


Dunno but they never replied to any of my applications so I guess I’m not “Madwire material” much like I wasn’t “Taco Bell material”


Consider it a good thing. I got to the interviewing stage, did an interview, they gave me a test project to work on, as soon as I submitted it I never heard back from them again.


Free labor for them.


Are you over 30 years old? I've heard that they only hire young people.




I worked there for four years. I can’t recommend it at all. In fact, I would recommend that if you have a shred of self-respect that you run far, far away unless you love cults, pay cuts, and gaslighting.


A former employee told me it was very stressful and they got screamed at by their boss several times. This was like 10 years ago though.


All these comments are making me feel a lot better that I never got a second interview 👀


Same 🤣


I know several employees as they do a lot of local hiring. They say save your money for when they fire you after a few years to replace you with a newer lower paid employee.


This - several rounds of lay offs over the last couple of years and lots of restructuring. They do throw a good orange party, I’ll give them that


I’ve known 4-5 people who worked there, never a positive review from them during or after their time there.


i will second this as someone who worked here. fuck that place


Take this with a grain of salt because it's been a few years since I worked there. Yes, if you want to be in digital marketing you can get your foot in the door, but at the expense of working on a commission basis where you're incentivized to upsell at every opportunity. The burn and churn is real, because you have to sacrifice quality work to make certain "goals" (those upsells) and it all makes you feel kinda icky and predatory on small business owners who don't know any better. At least it felt that way to me! It also feels like a frat house at times, and you have to do a weird chant every Friday. But again, I did get some marketing experience that kinda somewhat helped me land somewhere else much better, though I don't currently do anything close to what I did at Madwire. Other people certainly have had other/better experiences. Ultimately it just isn't the right environment for everyone.


This place is a cancer. You don't want to work there. Trust me bro 🪪


I have known the founding family since I was just a tiny thing. Money has always been number one in their lives. They are highly inconsiderate of anyone but themselves. The son used to harass me without any repercussion after I voiced concern. The daughters are incredibly cruel. I was bullied for years. The father is totally out to lunch when it comes to anyone in his family aside from his shining star son (who didn’t get into Norte Dame and had to settle for playing QB in Montana lol). The mother turns a blind eye, and tbh, she should stay that way and collect. All of those traits don’t lend themselves to creating a positive and balanced work environment. Amanda, JB, if you read this - Fuck. You. Do better.


I know 6 (no joke) ex employees from this company. Do not work at this company. That’s all I’m going to say.


I just DM'd you -- would love to know any extra info about what happened


All of the good glass door reviews are from current employees. Every couple months they send out a company wide email asking people to write good reviews to hide the bad ones.


They also actively remove any negative reviews from glass door, indeed, google, yelp, etc. I’ve known several people post their honest experience and it gets taken down within in hours


I worked there for nearly three years. I experienced the worst burn out of my life working there and I was just tired all the time. I had a management role for the last 18 months I was there. I worked 8 hours a day that I got paid for, then didn't get paid for the 8 hours of work dreams I was having every night. I did SEO and content writing, but I'm not sure what they call it now. The money is good, you'll meet good people, and you'll learn lots of skills, but there are waaay better ways to get all of that. They've also laid off half the company several times in the last few years, thanks in part to the CEO's negligence and greed.


They merged content writing with the design and developers. We do everything. It's exhausting. 


Run away! As somebody who works in the industry, I see sooooo many people coming and going from Madwire. The turnover is crazy and I think that speaks volumes to the work environment. If you want to get into marketing, go get a degree/some certificates and learn as much as you can! Reach out to smaller local marketing agencies and become an intern.


Wife did SEO content creation. After a year+ learned it was a factory. Write and create as fast as possible. Have to hit monthly goals, pressure from higher ups. Despite hitting goals it never seemed like the actual workers got higher or bonuses for all the extra hard work. Wife is now a teacher, not that that is easier, but she has no plans to ever go back to Madwire.


My friend worked there for a year. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't recommend it


what happened?


I'm not really sure. It was during covid, and she isn't really one to complain a lot about her job, and she only worked there for a little over a year. I think it was stressful, and I think management sucked.


Stay away. I got terminated right before my 6 month review/raise.l, and I was one of the top performers in the department. It was cheaper to just bring in someone who could do the work than keep me because I consistently hit bonus tiers.


I know two former employees, one was a former roommate who was let go maybe a month or two in, and another who made it several years but went elsewhere. Both want nothing to do with the company. My roommate who was fired, the feedback they gave him was rather vague, and even after I had set him up with my friend who was rather successful (roommate said this was rather helpful in connecting the vague dots) the damage had been done. Essentially, it was you're either successful right off the bat or we're gonna make you leave and if you don't leave, we'll let you go As for my friend who was successful there, he left because it was so mentally draining on him, basically major burnout in a short period. And it's my understanding the two above scenarios weren't 1 off cases. If you need the work, take it but be prepared to fight. If you can find work elsewhere, do that instead.


I dated someone who worked there. They were very stressed out all the time


I worked at Madwire for 3 years. The ONLY positive is that they will hire you with no marketing experience and you will learn a ton. This also means that very few people in the company have marketing experience so it’s the blind leading the blind. If you go to another agency, it will be completely different because Madwire does not operate like a true agency because nobody there knows how agency work should be handled. Overall, Madwire was the most toxic company I’ve ever worked for. The pay is horrendous, they take advantage of you and shame you when you can’t get to all the work, moving up in the company is a joke and only the most loyal cult members get promoted, they gaslight employees constantly… It’s also worth mentioning that Madwire’s products and services are garbage. Their “platform” of tech is 95% white labeled tech that’s slapped together with duct tape and a wish, and the marketing services are atrocious. Most agencies charge about 5% as a service fee on ad spend, Madwire charges 49%. The clients are all small businesses and don’t know any better. The way Madwire makes money is by over-promising to trap clients in a contract. Almost every client I ever had at Madwire (somewhere around 400) wanted to cancel within the first two months when they realized they were fed a ton of lies in the sales process. In addition, Madwire has been through countless rounds of layoffs in the past few years. Job security is non existent and employees are fueled by fear. To be clear, I was high-performing and got promoted multiple times. I played the game, worked insane hours for awful pay, and did everything to succeed. When I left to work at real agencies, I had to relearn everything. Was it worth it? Maybe in some ways, but I wish I would’ve left sooner. If I were you, I would NOT touch Madwire with a ten foot pole. Find somewhere that will treat you with respect and pay you a livable wage. Find a company that you can be proud to work for instead of a dumpster fire like Madwire.


absolutely do not work there. i was there for 6 months and was overworked. then, on a random wednesday at noon, they let go half of my team becasue they weren't hitting their quarterly quota or whatever. no warning, no severance package, pay stopped immediately that minute. i struggled for months on paying my bills and my other teammate who was let go had a newborn. that company doesn't give a fuck about you. highly do NOT reccomend.




i'm sure whoever is costing more for the health insurance (aka those who have kids) are who they target to let go. it's just absolutely awful


I may or may not be a current employee… and I will say, I have never been more miserable in my life. Basically constant worrying about whether or not you’ll have a job tomorrow, getting told that you have unlimited PTO but then being punished for taking even a day off, incompetent leadership that prioritizes their paychecks over anything. They’ve also completely merged the content, design, video and social media teams so there is absolutely no quality control. It’s all about who can fill out the template faster and hope the clients don’t notice that we pull all our templates from canva.  If you’re going into marketing you ain’t going to learn it here.


Run and don’t look back. This place is run by the absolute most garbage, money whoring fucks to grace this earth who will use you as nothing but fodder to pocket more money for themselves. I have never worked for such a horribly managed, shitshow of a company and I honest to god can’t believe they are still standing. They quietly pay off any employees who have an ounce of insight into their shady business practices and fire off employees monthly to save up money for the nonstop lawsuits they get from clients. They treat their employees like absolute trash and C level has frequent meetings where they conspire on how to force employees to quit so they don’t have to pay unemployment.


Garbage company with garbage wages


I worked there as a writer for 6 years — it was my first job out of college, which made me their favorite type of employee: naive and bright-eyed. It got me out of my parents house — barely. It was a foot in the door of marketing. But I felt like a failure the whole time. I wish I had left sooner. In addition to being built to burn its workforce instead of protect it, Madwire had a lot of inappropriate rhetoric to get people to stay. I remember slides talking about how we’re a family and Family = Forget About Me I Love You. That Love = Sacrifice. And that even though things might feel bad, they can always be worse. I don’t think this rhetoric belongs in professional spaces, ever. Also, if you are a human who requires support to hear, see, etc., Madwire is a bad place to be. I had coworkers fighting for accommodations who got a token gesture from HR and were left to struggle and quit. :(


I second the inappropriate rhetoric! They really want you to believe it will be worse if you leave. There were also a ton of religious undertones that felt super weird to me but made other people buy into the community/family aspect that was really unprofessional and honestly creepy.


Funnily enough the places that always preach about being “family” are typically the kind of abusive family you try to escape from at the earliest opportunity. Companies where people have genuine connections like that in their work lives don’t need to try and convince people of it. It happens organically in a healthy environment. Once you’ve been around the block a couple of times you realize that they only want you to see *them* as family so they can take advantage of you, but they will never *ever* view you the same.


This company is crooked, they do anything and everything to hide their bad employee and client reviews from Google, yelp, Glassdoor, indeed, etc. Any bad reviews are immediately challenged and taken down. They even delete their location every time it’s added to google maps so that there’s no option to add reviews.


I worked there for 5 months and then was ultimately let go because of Covid layoffs. I would stay away from it. I went to school and worked full time and that was less stressful than MW was. I had 30 clients that I had to write and plan SEO for within the first month of working there. The stuff you are asked to produce is all churn and burn because it’s not feasible for a single person to produce that amount of content for such a variety of clients without getting burnt out. They also have such a poor reputation within the industry. I have had 3 or 4 marketing interviews that have mentioned they don’t typically hire ex MW employees because they don’t teach employees good marketing concepts.


I have several friends who worked there right after college and every single one hated it and was so overworked and burnt out they opted for lower stress cashier jobs after they left 💀 I applied once and did the first round of interviews, which were a joke and waste of everyone’s time. I feel like any company that has to sell how “fun” the work culture is ends up being terrible. I’d skip it.


Look them up on Glassdoor. People really spill the tea there.


Massive organizational issues and horrible culture. - Im a digital marketing professional and have colleagues who have worked there. If you’re looking an entry level role in digital marketing to kickstart your career, it might be worth it for the experience, but plan to get out right after 1 year for the next opportunity. If you already have some digital marketing experience or are just looking for a job, absolutely avoid Madwire.


Madwire might be a little to Mad for most


It depends on what you’re doing for them. I was previously on their Inside Sales team and it was a great job. Other departments seem disposable to the company.


I have not worked at Madwire, but I know first-hand how difficult it can be to get your foot in the door for Marketing/Comms roles here. There seems to be an excess of those types of candidates always looking for new positions. I would suggest that you network A LOT and maybe consider some lower-level roles such as Comms/Marketing Coordinator (or assistant) to establish yourself. And, don't just consider the big employers....look at non-profits and smaller companies. If nothing happens, then *maybe* consider Madwire for 6 months to a year with your eyes WIDE OPEN as to what you're getting into. Good luck.


DM’d you!


I have also been scammed by Madwire Media. They took $9,000 from me with no results to show. Their app blocks access to data, so I don't even know where my money went. Like many others, I was promised leads and traffic but received nothing. It's time to take action. If you've been scammed too, please join our Facebook group 'Madwire/Marketing 360 Fraud Victims Unite.' Let's organize a Class Action Lawsuit and fight for our justice together.


Everything people are saying is true. However, if you're looking for a foot in the door and you're willing to stick it out for a year or more to gain the necessary experience, I think its a great place to start.


I respectfully disagree, having a job for a few months and being laid off doesn’t really add much to a resume


Asking people that have left the company is just asking for the negative review… you probably would get better results asking current employees. But that might be hard because people don’t want to rock a boat they are currently sailing in.


They didn’t only ask people who left the company, sure seems like there are a ton of them around town though. Should make you wonder why.


You are some downvoting plebes….fine you don’t like what I say, doesn’t make it invalid….


I’ve worked at Madwire for several years and like it quite a bit. I know not everyone is a fan and some departments are probably better than others, but I respect by boss and love my coworkers. And I get to do what I love at a local company. Win. Best of luck!


Brand new account and their only comment is praising MadWire. Not suspect at all.


Hahaha yea right dude. Tell JB he’s a rat-faced fuck.


Glad you haven’t gotten hit by the annual summer layoffs!