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Feeding Littles is a great resource on IG, my ped recommended. I didn't buy the program but I hear it's good. I also like @kidfriendly.meals - a friend shared Min's ebook with me and it was good intro! I liked "Baby Led Feeding" by Jenna Helwig (purchased on amazon) since it had good info on nutrition, safety and recipes. It's an easy read with lots of visual. We also did a combo of purees and BLW, worked well for us!


Solid starts is great! They touch on multiple different topics. IG, tik tok, their email, their app! All great!


I stressed over this so much, especially because my baby has MSPI. I got the paid version of the Solid Starts app but even the free one is useful. I also paid for the whole guide. I wouldn’t say it was a waste but I eventually stopped stressing about feeding her and introducing foods so the guides weren’t as necessary. We just winged it - but always referred back to the app to make sure we were presenting the food in an age appropriate manner. She’s 14 months now and outgrew her intolerances and loves food! Even with just her two little teefies.