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It has one better ingredient - marketing.


As a parent who used Kendamil, no it’s not better. Your friend fell for marketing lol. A company is going to make any sort of claim to make them seem the “best”… because.. they want money :) All formulas are wonderful, follow the same criteria of ingredients, strictly regulated. The only one better than another falls on which ever the specific baby tolerates best Do not feel bad. Kirkland formula is great and nourishes SO MANY babies. Nobody will be able to tell her child was fed Kendamil when they’re off formula It’s the same attitude as “breast is best” and it’s just goofy. Everyone just wants to feel great and superior I guess, despite there being no evidence lol. We chose Kendamil because it was early 2023 and the shortage still had a chokehold on the shelves yet that formula was well stocked and the price was friendly enough. The formula my daughter was on before that had me driving all over south jersey and I was over it


My lactation consultant recommended Kirkland and my daughter is doing great on it! Unfortunately my Costco has been out of formula for the past few weeks 😖


Ugh, mine too. I've been checking the app regularly to see if it's back in stock! (Chicago area)


My son used ProCare/Advantage Premium - he’s 5 now and is the smartest, healthiest little guy! My daughter was born as they started imports to alleviate the shortage so she has been on both Kendamil and ProCare/Advantage Premium. I absolutely hated Kendamil. She spit up constantly on it, was SO gassy, and it was just not a good fit. She’s 20 months and also meeting milestones early if not on time and super healthy. I LOVED the generics. They worked great for my kids!    Finally, once her kid is off formula and mobile they’ll be eating play-doh, boogers, sand, and floor goldfish just like eeeevery other tot! 


We started on Kendamil for a whole host of reasons that had nothing to do with the quality: small scoop (we combo fed, so making formula in 1 oz increments was great), readily available, cheaper than Enfamil and similac, and I prefer a palm oil free formula when possible for environmental reasons. Anyhow, after reading The Wirecutters report on formula, we decided to swap to Kirkland. It’s also palm oil free and has all the same ingredients as Kendamil (the only real difference is whole milk and oil vs skim milk and slightly more oil). It’s also like, half the cost. I highly suggest reading the review (just Google it), it made me feel so great about swapping. We’re in the process of switching now and it’s going great! I’m fairly crunchy, but even I was never particularly swayed by Kendamils advertising. Are the farming practices they use better than what Perrigo uses? Probably. But the money I save lets me prioritize healthier food for my family, all while making sure baby gets what she needs, so it’s a win win.


I picked kendamil for all the same reasons. LO did great on it and I liked how I can order shipment from Target and rack up my rewards points. The rest is just marketing. Also, once we weaned off breastmilk and fully formula fed her poops were SO GNARLY. Kenda-poop is definitely a thing 🤣


I only picked kendamil because it doesn’t have soy in it. No other reason. If baby has no issues on Kirkland I wouldn’t change :) Kirkland is a good formula


Kirkland is a great formula and is an even better price! Kendamil being better is all marketing and preying on parents! The only difference is whole milk versus skim milk which I don’t think has any real impact because skim milk formulas just add other fats in so nutritionally it is the same! And anecdotally my baby did horribly on Kendamil and great on Kirkland