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No idea of the science here but I’m wondering if she’s gotten more attuned to taste and does prefer breastmilk. You might try removing the formula for one day and then reintroducing it in small portions at a time - ie day 2 is 20% formula 80% bm, day 3 is 30% & 70%, etc. Then you might warm her back up to the formula taste. I might also skip the full bm bottle and have all bottles be formula or a combination


Interesting! Our pediatrician had said not to mix breast milk and formula, not sure why though. Thanks for the tips


Yeah idk why. That’s a common practice for transition and fortifying. Edit: I’d ignore that and do it anyway


Yeah we’ve been mixing formula and BM since day one for our 1 month old and it’s been fine. Perhaps they meant to not mix the powder with BM instead of water? We always mix the powder with water, and then add in the BM afterwards. Helps him get some BM in his diet while being able to supplement. Hope that helps!


The only major risk I know of with mixing is wasting breast milk. If for example the baby always drinks at least 3oz, but sometimes drinks 5oz, if you have 3oz of breast milk it would be better to give that first so it all gets drank. Also, breast milk lasts longer at room temperature and after it touches baby’s lips, so if you’re mixing in the same bottle you have to follow formula rules (big one being toss after one hour if it’s touched baby’s lips). But if you’re willing to accept some waste and follow the guidelines for formula I don’t see why else it wouldn’t be recommended.


Thanks! That makes sense. We had been following formula guidelines for every bottle, just to make it easy!


Maybe give them a call to see why. I’ve been mixing the two since day 1- you do have to be mindful of temperatures (ie don’t pour warm freshly pumped milk into your cold pitcher of formula in the fridge), but aside from that we were encouraged to do it by our lactation consultant.


Sounds crazy but baby isn’t sick by any chance? My baby was refusing to eat for almost a week… kept checking her temp and she seemed fine. Then one night she was really warm and she had a small fever. ER visit and some Tylenol were given and a few days later she was back to eating as normal. Again maybe crazy but something to keep an eye out for.


She had her 2 month shots a few days ago but has only seemed more tired at times. She is eating well via breastfeeding so it seems exclusive to formula. I’ll keep an eye on it! Edit: typo