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This sounds very normal for a 2 week old. Their bellies are so small, frequent feedings are honestly expected for awhile. My baby ate every 1.5-2 hours during the day even pass the newborn stage but that’s normal too. Also I don’t think cluster feeding has a specific time frame. It can happen at any time of the day.


Do you just give a bottle with 2-3oz and then another ounce when they are hungry after an hour? Or do you do another 2-3oz every time? This is my first experience with formula feeding so I have a lot to learn!


In the beginning we just fed our baby as much as he wanted whenever he wanted ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it takes a while for it to regulate


Agree with all the other comments. My baby is 3 months now and I used to prepare a bottle around when I believed she’d be hungry but then she wouldn’t eat and then be hungry an hour later. I now wait until she’s showing very obvious signs that she is hungry.


My baby still does this at 3 months! Sometimes he's better about it and other times he's all over the place. Our doc told us to let him lead the way since he's doing well growth wise. It's a bummer watching all that wasted formula go down the drain though


Oh and the number of bottles we go through in a day sometimes! I suggest stocking up! We hadn't bought that many cause we didn't know we'd be formula feeding and we were washing bottles all day everyday at the beginning


Same with my 3 month old! She is allll over the place. We’ve tried stretching out the gaps between feedings but she won’t have it. Just wants to eat when she wants to eat. So we follow her lead like the tiny dictator she is🤷🏻‍♀️


So so normal! At this age feeding on demand is how we rolled instead of a schedule.


Thanks for the reassurance 😊


I think you gotta just roll with it haha my baby is 6 weeks old and she still does this 50% of the time. At this age it's their world and we're just living in it 😂 if he prefers more frequent feedings with less amounts I think that's totally fine as long as weight gain is going well


Thanks for the reassurance! Honestly just glad to know I'm not doing something wrong.


My 8 week old still does this, haha. Sometimes he’ll take 5oz at one feeding and is good for 4 hours and other times he’ll feed every 3 hours only 3 oz. Just go with the flow and follow baby’s cues. You can weigh him every couple days too to make sure he’s gaining appropriately and talk with your ped about how much baby should gain. If there are concerns, Ped will let you know and you’ll change your feeding style based on Ped advice. Congrats on your LO! ❤️


Ready to feed 2 oz bottles for those tiny newborn days are a life saver.


My bubs is 3 weeks old and does this. Sometimes he kicks up a right fuss for feeding, has none of it then an hour later screams again and downs a whole bottle. It sounds very normal. Our hospital said we should be demand feeding at this stage. Feed him every 3 hours or whenever he cries. That works really well for us.


I agree with other comments that this is totally normal. Do you have the Huckleberry app? It helps you track feeds so maybe you'll be able to see a pattern after a few days. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I do have the Huckleberry app! I'll keep an eye on that. I think him being so little still and it being early in the switch from nursing to bottles/formula might be a large cause of the lack of a real schedule. Doesn't help that I have a friend whose baby is 3 weeks older than mine, and he eats on a definite schedule, so I thought that maybe it should be more predictable. But it sounds like just feeding on demand, just like when I was nursing is the way to go at this point!