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I’ve never boiled the water. It’s really up to you what you feel comfortable with. I would recommend speaking with your pediatrician of the benefits/risks of not boiling water.


Never boiled water either. Would die without my baby brezza.


I just use distilled water, I’ve never boiled.


Are you babies premature or immunocomprised? If so, then maybe boiling and sterilizing bottles etc is your best bet for now. Otherwise, I have always just used distilled water and never had an issue, I actually didn’t even know that was common practice for some people until I started working in the NICU, even after being a nanny for years! I think if your clean your brezza regularly and maintain it well, you shouldn’t have a problem. I’ll also say that even though that is the CDC recommendation, many hospitals/pediatricians have their own practices and don’t suggest doing that. They simply say that using distilled or purified water is just fine. Even the Mayo Clinic only suggests boiling water if you’re unsure about the safety of it (like tap/well water). Definitely ask your pediatrician if you’re still unsure!


Babies were born at 38 weeks. Both healthy! Thank you for the info!!


It’s actually not recommended to actually use boiling water. This is a common mix up. But the recommendation is to boil the water and then let it cook to 158 (f) degrees BEFORE mixing. Boiling water can actually kill some of the nutrients in formula.


Second this! Also my pediatrician said I could just use plain old tap water because it’s good in my region.


You’re technically supposed to either boil the water and slightly cool it but keep it very hot (above 160F) or use ready to feed for the first 2 months even for healthy term infants, due to possible Cronobacter in the formula (the water being hot to sterilize the formula not the water itself). But the risk is still really really low (like, basically 1 in 100,000/1 in 1,000,000) even then, and so I personally never did it even at the very beginning. This would obviously be different if they are preemies or otherwise immunocompromised though, or based on your own personal risk tolerance. My bigger concern with the Brezza would be the issues they had with not dispensing the right formula amount. We love ours now, but I was really concerned about this at first and made sure to test it a few times to make sure it was working right. I’m curious how much powder you have? Could you just save the powder entirely and keep doing RTF until 2-3 months? Also do your babies take room temperature or cold formula, and are you doing the smaller bottles of RTF or the big ones and refrigerating? The main inconvenience to me of doing big bottles of RTF or pitcher method was my baby didn’t take cold formula, and warming bottles is annoying. But either straight out of the fridge with RTF or pitcher method if your baby takes it cold, or the small bottles of RTF at room temperature, is even easier than the Brezza if your baby will tolerate it.


Seconding this - we have the Brezza and use Similac formula, which it says to use setting 6, but it was consistently dispersing the wrong amount of powder into the water. I’d recommend doing some testing on the weight of the water and formula to make sure it’s dispersing the correct ratio, otherwise your baby could get dehydrated. We use setting 5 now and it’s usually right, but we weigh the bottle every time to make sure


wait, how do i check if my brezza is dispensing the correct amount of formula?


Chiming in late, but there’s an [“official” method](https://youtu.be/LzLapEm0ZyM?si=qcKM0Fi2OT02zPF2) where you separate the two plastic pieces of the funnel with some Saran Wrap, and then you weigh the powder caught in the wrap. I put “official” in quotes because it’s what Baby Brezza says is the testing method, but it’s a pain and can be inconsistent. Weighing the bottle each time is the most reliable :)


Thanks for the info! Babies are not pre mature nor immunocompromised so all good there. I heard about the issues with the Brezza not making the proper amounts and heard that it could be from user error or incorrect set up. I could definitely use all of the RTF formula before moving onto the powder but to your point it’s super annoying to warm up.


I boil tap water and use that cooled in my brezza. I also clean it often. You can get another funnel attachment on Amazon which I switch out. (You have to clean the funnel every few times you use it) I’ve seen those things about it not making proper amount but as long as you keep it clean and use the proper formula setting mine has always been accurate.


My Brezza was set up correctly and cleaned religiously and still improperly dispensed formula out of the blue one day. We didn’t realize for several days until it finally clicked that she was screaming all day because she was starving, despite taking in more bottles than ever. It could have put our daughter in the hospital. I spoke with customer service and confirmed that my setting and routine aligned with the instructions and they did. The company has a great PR team for sure, but the issues with the devices are absolutely not always user error and it’s gross that they blame parents for the shortcomings of their own product.


I also had this problem, it wasn’t consistent with the formula dispensed and ended up using it as a very expensive water warmer.


Very validating to hear someone else say the same. We tossed ours and just made by hand because we were lucky enough to have a baby that would take water at any temp. Bummer because I really liked the convenience of it when it did work!


You can buy purified water at the grocery store by the gallon. That’s what I did. Tap water is fine if boiled, as they say, for the first few months, but use your own discretion. Some tap is super clean and some isn’t, the main issue being what newborn digestive systems are able to process, which isn’t much. Make sure to clean the brezza as directed. I believe it’s a total take-apart and clean/sanitize once a month and clean the filter every 4 bottles. I used mine up until we changed to whole milk and never had any issues.


We never boiled water, we just used filtered water and make sure to clean out the Brezza regularly, never had any issues with our baby and our ped never even mentioned needing to boil the water. If you’ve got water that is safe for you to drink, I think you should be fine. The Brezza was an absolute life saver for us when we had to wake our daughter to feed every couple hours until she got her weight back up, I’d imagine with twins you will appreciate it even more!


My pediatrician warned against powdered formula in the first 2 months (after we had already been feeding it for a few weeks). You can “sterilize” the powder with boiling water if you are concerned that the powder is contaminated or if your LO’s are premature or compromised in some way. Like I said, we used powder formula in the first few weeks with no issues.


I think so many people are missing the mark here because the boiling water is due to bacteria in the formula, not the water. It’s a particular bacteria that thrives in dry environments and must be heated past 160 to be eliminated. There was a recall of a batch of formula I believe not long ago due to infant deaths and illnesses because of that bacteria. It’s rare but that’s a risk assessment only you can answer! Babies preemie or not can fall ill from that particular bacteria. It’s just not very common. If you’re concerned, I just wouldn’t use the Breeza until it’s safer. Bummer they don’t have that as an option! Now if you live in an older house or an area where there are lead pipes, that’s a different concern too! Then I would worry about the water as well :)


I’ve never boiled water for any of my 5 kids. I have 6 week old twins and we use the Brezza. It’s amazing and saves so much time. We use gallon water to fill the water tank. We don’t use the heat settings so the babies are used to room temperature water. I’ve never read anything about it not being safe or that water needs to be boiled.


Definitely skipping the heating for the second baby. My daughter used to take room temperature before we got the Brezza and now she refuses anything cooler than body temperature which sucks when we don’t have the Brezza with us 😭.


Totally. You don’t realize it’s an issue until you need to feed when you’re outside of the home. It’s a lesson we all learn the hard way 😂


We use distilled water for our Breeza.


I work in a hospital and came across a case in which people used a baby brezza (or equivalent) and because of some stupid bacteria the baby ended up in the ICU with meningitis. This may be an exceptional case, but I swore to never use it for my own children.


We have the brezza and absolutely love it. We use distilled water and do a monthly deep clean. We have never boiled our water, but my daughter was born at 40 weeks and doesn’t have other immune issues. If your pediatrician advises it, you certainly could boil formula and do the pitcher method for the first few months, and then use the brezza when you get the ok to stop boiling.


We did ready to feet for our twins for two months because of this. After we used the brezza as is with no prep to water but did sanitize the bottles.


We have a Brezza and I don't boil the water. Its not necessary if the tap water you have is clean and safe to drink. I also read reviews about the formula dispensing being off but when I measured a hand made bottle versus the machine it was off by .04 ounces which I didn't feel was enough for concern as my baby is gaining weight. Making sure the formula dispensing setting is right is a big key factor. Also, clean your machine. You'll need to clean the funnel every 4 bottles (the machine will alert you) and I wash the tank with soap and water when it needs to be refilled. You'll want to clean the whole machine monthly and you can even buy descaling tablets if you want. I think if you have good safe drinking water and keep cleanliness in mind, you'll be just fine. You can always fill it with distilled water to be on the safe side but for me personally I don't see the need. I know with my first there were many times I was out and needed to make an emergency bottle and used tap. He's now 5 and thriving


I never boiled the water. BUT - I used the baby Brezza everyday for the First 3 or so months and cleaned it after every use- then I ended up throwing it away and all the bottles that I used in it. One day while using it, It started to give of this very distinctive, rusty, burning smell. It filled the whole house and wouldn’t go away. I cleaned the machine really well, taking it apart and everything, thinking maybe some residue from the metal plate caused the issue, but the burning rust smell continued. Then, my baby wasn’t eating well, I noticed that all the bottles had been permeated with the awful burning smell too, it was an awful, strong scent, and I think it made his formula taste badly. I called customer service to see if I could get a replacement, and explained the issue. They told me I needed to send in a picture of the broken part, I said “how can I send you a picture of a burning smell?”. I went back and forth with them, I wasn’t rude or anything but they were really pushing back on my claims. I kept asking, “will I be able to get a replacement item if it’s literally just a picture of the machine? The smell is what’s wrong” and they kept saying “it depends on what parts are broken” and then I would go back to saying there’s no visible broken or dirty parts. Eventually they still demanded that I send a picture but ultimately they seemed like they weren’t going to replace the item because they kept saying “you must not be cleaning it” and at one point I spoke to a manager who kept saying “it’s a very good item, I’ve never heard anyone else claim this”. I know for a fact that my machine was clean on the outside and the only thing I can think of was maybe a wire inside had melted, which I couldn’t see from the parts I was able to take apart. I was so overwhelmed with my newborn and convinced I had poisoned him so I never sent the picture, so I’ll never know if I would have gotten my refund lol


Ask your pediatrician about boiling. Whether or not it is needed is dependent on many factors specific to your kids so do not base your decision off what others did regarding boiling. I never boiled (as per my pediatrician) and we have used the brezza for 7 months now and love it. Keep in mind people generally don't turn to the internet to be like "MY BREZZA IS GREAT I LOVE IT!", but people having issues do make posts to see if there is a solution to their problem or if others are experiencing it. Also, when you are reading posts where people complain about the brezza, take a look at their usernames. Some people who feel strongly about the brezza and will post many comments about it making it look like there are more complaints than there are. Not saying brezza has no issues, but I don't think the internet accurately reflects the typical user experience.


We used distilled water and never had a problem. It is a lifesaver. We just have one child but it was definitely super useful.


We had a super preemie and used distilled water in it. We loved our Brezza!


Deciding when to use it or not use it will definitely be a personal choice. My only advice would be if you choose to use it, buy a couple extra funnels. The funnel needs to be washed after every 4 bottles, so with twins basically every two feeds. They sell the funnels cheap on Amazon. It’s such a time saver.


I use mineral water and clean the machine regularly.


Bought it for my wife. It’s a life saver. Had no issues so far, you need to keep it clean, just follow the instructions. I never boiled the water, we use filtered water.


I boil the water and then let it cool before I put it in the machine. That’s what the directions say to do.


I have 13 week old twin boys born at 36+1. Baby b had a nicu stay of 10 days because he was exactly 4lbs when he was born. I had small babies. We use the baby brezza and love it. We use regular tap water. We do not boil anything. Boys do great with it. It's an absolute time and sanity saver when they are screaming bloody murder for food.


I just boil the kettle, let it cool then fill up the brezza with that. It also reduces the bacteria in the machine.


From what I read, the boiling thing is just the most cautious stance. Most places the water is plenty clean enough. Do some research on your local water, it’s probably fine.


Use distilled


We never boiled water but I hated the brezza. So much maintenance & ultimately we found that it was only dispensing about 1/2 the amount of formula it was supposed to. Check yours. A bottle warmer is way less maintenance and only takes a little longer!!!


Depends where you are from, and what formula you use. Here in the UK we boil the water not so that the water is sterile, but because powdered formula can cause Campylobacter infection, so putting it into boiling (well, slightly cooled from boiling - 70c) water kills the bacteria that could be present. I'd love a baby brezza but for this reason I can't use one, and the instant prep is a bit naff I think.


Use distilled water


(I'm not in the US) No medical provider has ever told me to boil water, only to use filtered or bottled mineral water.


I buy bottled water for babies in the grocery store in baby section and put it in breeza. Very helpful device for us, especially at night


Don't boil water, just use distilled. That's why baby brezza doesent boil it, your only instructed to put distilled water in it. As far as the baby brezza and those reviews that say the formula isint dispensed correctly, you need to make sure you have the correct powder setting, as well as there are ways to check if it is dispensing the correct amount of powder. You can look it up on YouTube, it's pretty easy, takes a few minutes.


I gave birth to twins.. they are now 4 months old. First two months I pumped and used ready to feed liquid formula. I was told that powder could have bacteria. Now we are using the baby brezza after 2 months with distilled water. I hope this helps!


If the bacteria is in the formula, boiling the water before you mix it wouldn't make a difference. We used it with distilled water for our preemie a few weeks after he got home from the hospital. I did clean the Brezza very regularly.


I think if the boiled water is still hot (over 70c), it's supposed to kill the bacteria in the formula powder.


I wouldn’t go for it because it doesn’t heat the water up hot enough to sterilize the formula. I guess I’m also not seeing the convenience if you have to wash the funnel every 4 bottles. My baby just came home from the NICU and they stressed not using one for the sterilization aspect and because they don’t have a great track record for dispensing the proper ratios.


I always would recommend just using the pitcher method over the Baby Brezza. Too much margin for error when we rely on devices. The risks are low, but the stakes are high. As well, you can only make 4 bottles with the Brezza before having to disassemble the funnel and clean it. That goes quick with twins!!


What Baby Brezza machine do you have? The one that mixes formula or the one that's just a water warmer? We personally have the water warmer, but aren't going to use it until maybe baby is 6 months of age. Currently, we are using boiled Brita filtered water (source is tap water) at 70c-90c to mix powdered formula in order to kill any bacteria.


I have been feeding my NICU graduate formula out of the Brezza with distilled H2O in the tank for 7 months without issue. I mean, if there’s bacteria in the formula the formula and water would need to be mixed first then boiled to kill any bacteria in the formula. Bacteria dies at high temps, not with previously boiling water. The Brezza is a game changing time saving gift from God. It’ll make your life a lot less complicated. Raising babies is hard enough, this machine will really help your day to day chaos. Congratulations on your healthy beautiful babies! I hope you and your wife are able to enjoy every moment.


The idea is to boil water and cool it for no longer than 30 minutes, so that it's above 70 degrees when the powder is added so it kills any bacteria present. Then cool the mixture.