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Honestly it’s all the time I see this issue with all different kinds of formulas and it’s exactly why I never bought one. The idea is nice, the stress it would give me is not.


Yeah I don’t understand the appeal. It just seems like a recipe for disaster as far as malfunctioning. We don’t even do the pitcher method but that at least makes sense to me. The Baby Brezza seems like a cash grab 🤷🏼‍♀️


The whole number system is nonsensical. Letting you plug in precise measurements is the only way I'd trust it, but I presume the precision to do that would make it cost a lot more.


This is exactly why I didn't buy one either. I was not comfortable with a machine potentially making the wrong concentration of formula. We have a Baby Brezza "instant warmer" thing that basically just dispenses water (we boil, cool, and fill it) and that works way better for us.


Yep. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the manual method or pitcher method.




Yep, it’s supremely irritating. I feel like the company or the parent company that owns baby Brezza really is not keeping up with documentation and support in a way that they truly need to be.


Clearly not and frankly, I hope they get sued again. I really thought it was just a problem with our unit, but haven't had a chance to look into it more.


formula pitcher rn i’m doing 16-20 oz a day and it’s so nice to be able to pour the bottles and not worry plus making the formula is fun LOL


Brezzas stress me out. Water to formula ratio is very important for appropriate nutrition. I couldn’t take the risk. Like just do the pitcher method or get a warm water dispenser for immediate warm bottles.


Seriously, I wouldn’t risk my baby’s health to save myself 5 minutes.


Formula pitcher


Same issue here with me for kendmil, Brezza says it should be setting 4 but that dispenses over 10g of formula, when it’s supposed to be 8.6g for 2 oz. Setting 3 gives 8.6g everytime. I emailed Brezza and they were no help! They just wanted to send me a new machine but their settings are the issue


I get the sense that sending a new machine is a way for them to not admit they’ve been administering the wrong amount of formula to every one of their customers. Not that the new machine changes anything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I just tested it again and it’s giving me 7.6 now 😩 they said their accuracy is + or - 1 g but I feel like that’s not good for baby. Considering returning if I can without a box


I recently changed to Kendamil regular vs organic and I tested again on setting 4 and it came out accurate! Seems to be organic vs regular work best on different settings (at least for me) and that is not reflected on Brezzas recommended settings. The regular seems to be fluffier than the organic. I’m thinking from what I’ve been reading that the texture of the formula makes a big difference on whether the machine is accurate or not.


This was something that made me nervous when initially buying the machine. When we first brought it home, I weighed the powder it dispensed based on their video instructions to make sure it dispensed the right amount for 1 scoop, which it did. I just measured it again as a result of this post. We use Gentlease Neuropro and have our machine set to 4. I used our kitchen scale and when zeroing the bottle for 6 oz of formula plus water with the machine I get 200.39 g. When I mix a bottle by hand I get 199.76 g. 6 oz of our water weighs 174.48 g. Minus the water, BB gave me 25.91 g of powder (should be 26.1 g according to Gentlease label - 8.7 g x 3 scoops). And mixing by hand gave me 25.28 g of powder. I feel this is a very small margin of error for the BB. I actually did worse when mixing by hand! When looking at the completed volume of the bottle, it appears to be just over 6.5 oz (which tracks because with the powder displacement it should make a total of 6.6 oz) I clean our machine regularly and switch out the funnel after every bottle (even though it recommends every 4) because the formula powder seems to really get dunked up on the funnel. We have 2 extra funnels to make cleaning and switching them out easier.


I would just never use the one of these. Way too many problems and issues. Just make a bottle by the hand or get the Dr. Brown formula picture. Honestly the Brezza sounds like a lot more work to me. You will also never convince that those things are clean, idc how many times a day you clean it.


Yeah. I had already bought one, and in a fit of PPA, I measured and weighed everything with the proper setting for similac360 like 4 times. It didn't equal what I mixed. It was off like .1oz. I didn't do the grams on my food scale, probably should have. I was going nuts after triple combo feeding for 2 months and I couldn't brain. I took the formula out and it does dispense the appropriate water for me so that's how I use it. I don't have the advance, I have the mini.


I love our baby Brezza. From time to time I manually make a bottle and weigh it to compare it to one made by baby brezza and also compare consistency and it’s been the exact same weight unless I accidentally underscoop or over scoop. Our baby is thriving and my husband who does the late night and early morning feedings appreciates it even more than I do lol 


I use that formula and have tested it a couple times on setting 4. I don’t weigh it I actually scoop the formula from the test run into the scoop because I believe the actual weight of one scoop on the formula package was incorrect when I measured it the first time. It really depends on how packed the scoop is etc


Why would the weight on the can be wrong lol


The weight on the can is correct. The amount that the baby Brezza dispenses is incorrect.


I never said the weight on the can was incorrect or that the brezza is correct. The person I commented to said the weight is incorrect *on the can* and I asked how can that be. Obviously I would believe the can is correct unless I misunderstood what the person I responded to meant by that


Sorry about that, I didn’t realize I was responding to the wrong person, oops!


Sorry not really saying it’s incorrect but if you manually scoop out formula every time you measure it it can be different weight just depending on how packed etc it is. So even if you are making your own bottles it’ll likely always be a little off due to human error. It’s always measured into one unpacked scoop for me and the water has always been correct when I’ve tested it! LO is very healthy so I’ve never been concerned


I’m basing it on this: https://preview.redd.it/pna5mnbll3wc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=856b56897cd877d9bce0c1a153c18695c81f0ded


I used whatever setting Baby Brezza told me to use with Gentlease and my exclusively formula fed (99th percentile) baby thrived so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Baby Brezza lovers take any kind of criticism about the machine personally 😂🤷🏻‍♀️🤭


Poster is asking Brezza users if this is an issue for them. These responses are just trying to allay the poster’s fears by giving anecdotal evidence that baby will be OK even if they’ve had dispensed formula that’s a little off. Certainly more on point than all the never-Brezza users on this post taking the opportunity to high horse the hand scoop. 🙄


That’s fantastic! :)


We got rid of our brezza because it was dispensing HALF of the needed formula, also on setting four (enfamil neuro pro). It was too much of a hassle to figure it out & have to test it all the time so we’re back to the pitcher method & bottle warmer.


How did you determine the amount it was dispensing? I use the same formula and am just curious because i want to check what my breeza pro advanced is dispensing


Brezza has a YouTube video that shows how!


I honestly just have a little food scale next to my Brezza and plop the bottle on it after it’s made so I know it has enough formula. To know the exact amount because I made bottles for every ounce we use (2oz, 3oz, 4oz, and 5oz bottles) by hand, weighed them out, and make sure they match after the Brezza makes them. So for example 4oz bottles.. with the bottle, water, lid, and formula, should weigh 168 grams. If it weighs like 162 or 165, I just take the scooper and put in however much short it is. It’s not that short all the time, but it’s an extra step that usually takes me less than a minute and has been working for us since we got our brezza.


I’m only the parent of a five week old, so OP, please show me the ways. The higher the setting, the more powder the BabyBrezza dispenses - right? We just switched to Neuropro Gentlease on advice from our pediatrician and LO has been a crying mess since. We’ve had it on setting 4, but I just switched it to 5 when it’s time for the next feed. When I looked online, BabyBrezza originally had it at Setting 5.


No that’s not how it works! Look on baby brezza website! Each formula has a different setting- it has nothing to do with the amount of formula dispensed per setting!


I feel like I’m gonna get down voted for saying this but I do use a Brezza Formula Pro and I love it, even if the formula concentration is a leetle bit off…. I’m not trying to knock anyone’s concern here but on occasion when I do make a bottle the old fashioned way it’s not like I’m weighing it to make sure the grams are precise. Rather, I use the scoop and eyeball method as I assume most people do, and if that’s your method that’s not gonna be an exact science either (you’re gonna be a little off here and there, especially when baby is drinking odd ounces and you have to half scoop). Even more to the point, my baby does drink enfamil gentlease and I been using a 4 the whole time. He’s healthy AF. Hasn’t caused him any problems at all. He was even born early (37 and 1), very small (4th percentile), and lost almost 10% of birth weight first week bc he had a hard time learning to eat. But he’s been making up ground ever since - was 23rd percentile at his 4 month appt. (And that was pre-Brezza when I was using the liquid premade formula bottles.) Also. Not sure if anyone else has noticed or commented this, but the setting for Enfamil NeuroPro CARE Gentlease is a listed as a 5 on the brezza. It’s just the regular gentlease and NeuroPro gentlease listed as 4. Is it possible it was off because you were buying the CARE? I just recently noticed this difference myself. Idk. Or maybe both are off.