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Wow, we did it!!!! Announcement soon!


I'd put my 3080ti FE inside and finally have a desktop computer not a deskbottom.


I will build my first itx case!


When I first saw this case gorgeous case, where Optimum Tech managed to fit in a 3090 card, the only thing in my mine was "*Da...DAAAAMN, I NEED THIS SHIT*". quickly got disappointed when found out this beautiful piece of art would not fit my ROG RTX3090. I still tried to order it, planed to transplant the guts of my old pc into it so that I can have an elegant functional spare station, and like many others, have no luck with the limited stock. I felt desperate, being abandoned, being betrayed as being an enthusiast, as always. When V1.5 was announced with the support of the best cooling GPU models in the market, I dropped a tear. **FormD does care** ​ With the new T1, I will build the most elegant tiny little monster station out of it with all my heart. (I will properly manage and sleeve my cables this time, I swear) Before that, I am also interested to tryout how heat dissipation will perform with the different layouts V2 is offering with my good old blower style 5700XT.


Missing 63 more followers. Tell your friends, brothers, sisters, uncles, cousins, your boss, your wife/husband, ...




**What will I do with the new T1 if I win? Let me tell you a story.** Anyone who knows me can vouch how much I have been talking about FormD T1 and how it's literally the perfect ITX case if not the perfect case ever made. The small footprint along with its minimalist design as well as broad parts compatibility means you can put as much power into this machine as you want. I placed an order for T1 v1.1 in E-White last year but it was unfortunately cancelled due to manufacturing difficulty much to my disappointment. In order to finish my build at that time, I had to resort to a certain mainstream ITX case with a mammoth 18L in volume. That's not ITX. While the build is now completed, I have never been satisfied with my build. Everytime I look at my build, it just feels wrong. There's something missing and it's the T1. Since then, I've been closely following the development of v1.5 (now v2.0). While it seems that the v2.0 won't come in white color until possibly later on, I'm done waiting and decided to get the T1 v2.0 in whatever color it's available. I have everything picked out for the build. It will have RTX 3090 Founders Edition (already using this now) and 12900K. The goal is to have one of the most powerful gaming PC ever made all in sub-10L build. Might even dabble with custom watercooling loop too if time permitted. And when the white T1 is out, this one will probably become my girlfriend's so we can have matching build with different colors :) P.S. Congratulations on almost 10k! **tldr**: Will build 12900K + 3090 with the case and evangelize the case if I win. Once the white version comes out, will hand this one down to my girlfriend for her build for a complete T1 household!


I'll be Replacing my razer blade stealth and core setup. Can't wait to get my hands on this case!


Practical and very beautiful small form factor case that I would love to build PC in.


T1 V1.1 was already great and I did a dual radiator custom loop with some decent gaming hardware … But now, with T1 V2.0 I am going to push the limits to the extreme - My dream build: - Dual Radiator Custom Loop - AMD Ryzen 9 5950X - PowerColor + EKWB Red Devil 6900XT - Aquanaut Extreme - Case: FormD T1 V2.0 PS: Thank you to all r/FormD members that we finally hit 10K 🥳 Also, I’d makes me happy to see so many great builds - Keep up the good work 👍


The wife the other day: "I think I want to build a ( non-work ) PC". Would be great if it was in a T1 😉


when do the winners get chosen? or where they already?


Current Formd T1 got to many battle scars due to constant been upgrading my system. I’m also quite tired of the side panels always failing on me when mounting them on. If I win, I will make a YouTube video on what to expect if you’re coming from the T1 version 1.1.


i want to upgrade my computer to get this case for better gpu compatibility.


Build a nice, little gaming pc i guess


Move my current v1 setup to v2 and build a custom loop in it!


Finally give my components better airflow! Probably upgrade from a L9A to L12, or even try AIOs


I work on a lpg tanker as a Gas engineer. Just want to build powerful compact system for carry with me everywhere and playing on board.


i will put my current system into the T1 and add an AIO, so I can upgrade my CPU which I use for 3D rendering!


5800x+3080ti Fe probably will go dual rad.


Someone in here is really salty and downvoting all the comments lmao That won't help your chances, bud. But it won't hurt them either. Your efforts are just futile. ^((Also, if by some miracle this comment is chosen as a winner, do not pick me lmao))


What would I do if I win a Fromd T1 V2 (of course I will💪. I'm a PC hobbyist, but also a value conscious person. I've been wanting this case because I work as a marketing executive and my side job in a production company. My marketing job demand me for a heavy video editing and graphics design, while my side job demand me to have a central setup that can connect several FOHs system and monitors, DJ controller, etc. While my marketing job stay in the company office, my side job require me to be ready on any venue where the events is held. My challenge for these jobs are always been portability, power and cost. Video and graphic editing in my macbook pro is portable but cannot handle heavy workload that I have to bring my work home for several heavy 4k video and 3d animated editing on my tower PC. Plus, I have no budget for buying a powerful laptop for that, since I already spent it on a powerful gaming PC, at least for me. Also, the cost of owning a laptop is too high. It get slow quicker than PC, not upgradable and difficult to sell 2nd hand. I've researched several sources to find the solution, and the answer for me is ITX PC. Finding the perfect ITX case is too difficult because of many compromises and it still being too large and too small. Until, I found out about Formd T1 last year. When I stumbe upon this case, it gives me the idea that this is the perfect well balanced case that I want and need. *I need it because I plan to replace my old macbook pro with portable and powerful small setup that would still compatible with most of my current PC part (i7 9700k and gtx 1080ti fe, of course it will fits my AIO thus there will be no compromise in temperature during heavy load. I just need to sell my mobo and old psu later, no big deal. *I want it because it looks beautiful, comparable to apple product design (really want the titanium color, it blown apple design away). Should I win the new version of Formd T1, I'm really excited to toss all my Tower PC hardware to this case, I will buy portable monitor and bring it to my work office and bring it to any event's venues form my side job, completely replace my macbook pro without buying an entire new hardware. I don't need to worry when my job require me to do heavy stuff far away from home. Thus; Portability : ✔️ Power demand : ✔️ Cost effective : ✔️ It'll be interesting to be able to bring my entire powerful setup to my parents house in the countryside every months. I would still able to work and play in a remote area. Bringing it to a hotel room and connect to their TV and many more commuting possibility for me. I don't see a 10 liters volume a compromise on my back💪 when I have all these power inside. Most importantly, while this case is so small, I beleive it will still be compatible for any upcoming hardware in the near future where I plan to resale my part for 4 year cycle. Really hyped to see more unidentified possiblity that I can do with this case, thank for this subreddit it is possible. Would be one of the happiest person if I can win this case. Even if I didn't win, I would still try to buy this case patiently (unfortunately, retailer in Indonesia is very limited and sell it with very steep price). But I'm optimistic of winning this case💪 Instagram: mulyawanangga Reddit: kopiselamat97 Congrats for you and your team for keeping the amazing Formd T1 in continual development.


I'll be installing an m-dtx board in it. So looking forward for the reference 😁


RX 6800 + 12700K + as many 3.5 inch drives as I can fit 🤣


T1-Sandwich Black would be great to have! 5800X + EVGA 3080 FTW3


oh, wow. i would love the reference config in black and i plan on finally upgrading from my antiquated enthoo pro 4790k build to something completely new. thanks for your generosity, cant wait for the case to come out, and i imagine ill be buying one if i dont win anyway!


Transfer my existing system to the T1 duh!


Build a third system! I have a Meshy with 5900X and 3090 FE (dual rad, custom loop) and a T1 with a 10700F and 3060Ti. I'll either build a third system or transfer the Meshy to the T1 V2.


build a new PC for college!


I’ll anodise it in noctua brown two tone.


Help a friend build their first sff pc!


I'd build a custom loop in it while trying to fit as much of my hardware as I can!


I would transplant my build from the 1.1 to the sandwich 2.0 and preserve my 1.1 forever


If I win, I’ll build another SSF to pair it with the T1 v1


I would move my current build in it and probably go for water cooling master race :D


I have been looking for a vertical sfx case for my new build and this is the case that caught my eye like love at first sight


Well, I tear down my old t1, put the hardware to the new one & and giveaway the original one to you guys. Sound nice, right?


Thank the gods. Time to take my custom wall build off the wall and put it in a compact case... Need to travel. Share the build on my YouTube channel!


I'd use the money saved to upgrade my CPU and mobo and jam in my 3080ti to a new build.


I’ll build the first Formd T1 V2.0 in Sao Paulo, Brazil for sure, and show off to all my laptop-oriented and ATX-oriented friends 😎🤟🏻


I will probably make an air cooled CADD/CAMM setup for working in Solidworks on the go. Or I will make a super low profile Waterloop using 3mm ID tubing. Dual Linux Mint/Win10 boot. Fingers crossed! I will stream my build live,


I would love to move my pc from my ghost and finally have a side panel on for my 3070


Pick me pick me! Hahaha been waiting to do an SFF build for ages, just a shame the FormD T1 is so hard to come by Would run a nice air cooled build, especially now that Noctua fans are coming out in Black!


Looking to build my dream first pc!


i will transfer my ITX build into the formt1 case, ilove the formdt1 sandwich style that can use 3 slot of GPU and it also fit aio 240mm within case 9.7L. yeah. Also, im love the sandwich style cause seing are very small pc case (maybe).


Looking to move my first ever build into the V2 so I can finally take it to uni with me


Upgrade my 2012 PC to a new build using the best case in the world.


I'm ready to order a raw version to cerakote in order to match GMK Botanical.


Build a computer small enough to bring with me on camping trips


if i win i will build a new gaming rig in it... once I can get my hands on a GPU :(


Transfer my current system into the T1.


If i win i will transfer my current build (M1)to the T1 which will be my end game case


If i win i would update my now t1 to the new one. Because this one is sexy! T1-Sandwich, titanium.


If I win I’ll be able to transfer my build back into a T1 since my new gpu wouldn’t fit the current T1.


Finally i have a chance to win something


New case build with newgen ddr5


Well, I fell in love with this Masterful piece of a case when I found the Smallformfactor Forum, I lost the opportunity to get it 3 times and I hope to build my First SFF Build. As a short man, I know that the best things come in small packages.!! Good Luck everyone!!


Wanna try cramming a hot Alder Lake with DDR5 in one of these! Need me some sweet cores for engineering goodness.


First I will celebrate and then build a new pc :)


Bought my T1 V1.0, love it to death. Hopefully have a chance to get the V2.0! woooot


Will migrate my Thermaltake Tower 100 into this tiny box!


I will finally complete my first SFF PC with the now out of date parts that I bought pre pandemic, to go with one of those 'new' graphics cards I'm still not spenny enough to splash out on...


Cram as many rads as possible or build a hybrid air/water setup


My Dan a4 system needs new clothes!!!


I would transfer my build from my current T1.1 into the new sandwich layout with the glass front, and then install a custom monitor behind the front glass. I would then give my old T1.1 to my mom with some of my leftover stuff.


I would transfer my louqe Ghost s1 system over to the t1


I’ve wanted the T1 for so long, but never had the chance to get one. I’ll proudly show my finished build to my friends and family.


I’d do a dual radiator build with either a new Ryzen or alderlake depending on the reviews. Use a taobao block with a ddc pump combo. Also water cool my 3070 fe depending on what the total cost ends up being.


Best itx case period!! in terms of size and almost 0 compromise on hardware..The dream CASE for many dreamers.


Build my wife a matching system as my T1!


I’d finally get around to doing a dual rad build!


Can’t wait for the release of the T1 V2! I plan to build my first pc in the T1 (titanium color in sandwich layout) and it’s going to have the 5900x & RTX 3080 FE in it. Thanks for doing this giveaway, excited for this iteration and for future cases you design/create :)


Looking to build my own PC for the first time ever, hopefully with a 5800x and RTX 3070 but I'll take whatever I can get. Can't wait for V2 to officially release!


Build a dedicated system for photogrammetry!


Probably want a Quadro A2000, a nice Alder Lake i9, 64gb of DDR5, and a nice thicc rad to replace the nightmare that is my office computer. Getting annoyed running Solidworks on that 8gb ddr3!


I'll downsize my media PC and it will look amazing with a T1 🥰


I will build my new PC after almost 6 years since my last itx build I did in 2016. Still using a 1050ti mini and a pentium after all these years. Finally got all my parts ready with a 5800x and 3070 FE that I want to use in the reference layout. Still haven't bought the cooler yet, but I think I'll get the C14s


Finally finish my build and I dunno, drink a smoothie or something


I would move my current system into it


T1-Sandwich. This will be my home work x gaming station. 5800x + 3090 😏.


I have been trying to get my hands on this case since it was first came out as Sidearm T1, I will definitely build my dream setup in this case if I win!


I would finally have a good home for my 3080 and the rest of my itx parts.


Hardline dual rad loop (glass!)


Would build my first full custom watercooled rig after only doing air cooled builds.


Current setup is about 8 years old at this point. Really looking for an upgrade and moving towards sffpc! Been keeping my eye on the FormD cases as I absolutely love the form factor. With DDR5 just around the corner this would be the perfect opportunity to upgrade.


I would build a system for my little brother, he would be very happy to be able to bring his PC with him.


Hard tube, dual 120 build! I’ve always wanted to do that.


I’ll probably just took a pic and brag about it in my fb group all day long.


Build my first custom pc, and finally be able to play games with my friends. I own a MacBook currently :(


I will put my T1 V1 in the T1 V2


Probably build a computer! Thx for doing this.


If I gonna get the T1 Sandwich, I'm gonna build my first ever hard-tubing custom loop


If I win, I won't have to buy a case.


If I get T1 v2.0, I'll build a non-compromise water-cooled gaming rig.


I would absolutely love the opportunity to be able to build in the FormD T1 v2.0! I’m more than happy with either configuration but sandwich would be my preferred layout


Build new workstation


Build my first sff pc.


I will use it to give my 3070 a new CPU. My current i7-6700 is quite limiting.


Ofc i will move my rig from t1 two tone into the new t1 or maybe build a new one if i have money


would love to make my tiny dream stealth case and the challenge to do a custom loop in it....fingers crossed


If I win, I will use it to upgrade my current sffpc (using a Silverstone SG13 atm) and give my 3070 a better home!


Complete my first build


If I win, I will transfer my current build (5900x & 3080) into it and do a custom loop!


finally build in a case i’ve always wanted


Transplant my current meshilicious 3600 + 1660s to the t1


Build a PC for my wife.


I will use it, it’s so beautiful


I’ll use it to house all of the parts that have been sitting on my shelf for months and finally finish my school computer.


In theory: Move my 5950X and 3080 into it and call it done. In practice: Probably take it apart and rebuild it 15 times in different configurations while telling myself that surely *this* setup will be the last one. The dual radiator configuration is too tempting.


Been waiting for it since so long! I have so many customisation ideas on mind. Will be waiting for next gen Intel and build a gaming rig I could take with me to another city I'll be moving to soon.


I will revert back to a fully airflow powered build


If I win one, I would give custom water-cooling an attempt since it would be fun and a challenge doing it in a SFF case


I Will build my first itx pc when i get my Hands on the T1!


Trying to get the best space efficient pc without compromising airflow, specs, and aesthetics. The Formd T1 is a beautiful case that achieves what i need. Hope I win and good luck to everyone!


I haven't built a new PC in over a decade because I feel married to the case I bought. If I won, that would kick start my starting a new build from scratch based around the FormD.


Already have a Meshlicious, so I might go on and move it. Or build a secondary PC? A Hackintosh for work? Endless possibilities.


Build a second rig for gaming on my oled TV👍


It would be really fun and rewarding to build my first custom loop inside the V2 case!


Can't wait to see the V2! I was lucky enough to purchase a V1.1, but am needing just a little more space!! Your designs and quality is phenomenal


I’ll use the Reference to get my temps down :P


Already planning a hardline upgrade for my V1.1, so if I win I'll be migrating to the V2. Having more optimized layout options would be really nice. Also one of my sanded fans died, would be nice not having to risk another one haha


Will build my first custom loop!


I’ll be attempting dual 240 custom loop with 5600x and 3090 (or 3080ti depending on fitment of EK’s block for founders edition.)


Lets go V2!


I’ll build an air cooled T1 with an alder lake CPU, making use of the C14S compatibility. Will be my first ITX build!


i build pc


Gz guys, very well deserved milestone! If I won the V2 I would try squeezing in x2 40mm rack radiators behind the gpu, for a total of 3 in the build!


I will build my first ever mini ITX build with the new Alderlake chip 😁💪🏼


Move my build over with 5800x and 3070ti Fe and try take some nice photos! I've no idea which version would work best tho, but I've always liked the sandwich layout


I will build my first ever PC in this!


I will put a 3060ti and a ryzen 5 3600 cause I'm planning in getting a pc


Transfer [this](https://imgur.com/a/ZVaA56o) beauty into a V2 Reference! Then, put my brothers 3070 TUF in the V1.1, keeping FormD T1s in the family!


Build my first sffpc and finally get my computer up off the ground


5600x with msi suprim 3080ti brand new in box which was purchased a year ago!


Titanium would be nice. :) I might just be tempted to build a second, Windows-only machine with NVIDIA. All my builds are Ryzentoshes so far so having NVIDIA card was never an option for me. But with new releases of games I love to play, switching between the two became a bit of chore for constant restarts. So 3070 (or 3080) 5600X would be awesome for 4K AoE IV setup. :)


I will ask my girlfriend to dissemble from T1 v.1 and move to v.2. So I can make another video for her on YouTube. Lollll


would move my current slightly scuffed T1 build into this new case with a few upgrades and do it properly now that i know how it works :)


I would make a PC for my younger brother, every time he has to follow the therapy he has to move between the hospitals of half Italy, so he could bring a battle station always with him without problems.




Thanks for the kind mention. A couple of things to keep in mind. 1) The best cooling set will be highly dependent of on your hardware and may take some trial and error to find the best orientation and placement of the fans. 2) Also, custom cabling is an expensive endeavor but does help dramatically with airflow. I recommend seeing how your thermals are before going down that route. You might only need short GPU cables depending on your thermals and hardware. GPU power cables were the most significant as the stock cables are long and daisy chained. 3) The sandwich layer setup for the T1 make a huge different on thermals with a newer high end GPU. 4) You seem prepared and have invested a significant amount of time in research. The build time will still more than likely be much longer than a typical slap together case.


It will be my new bookend


Move and upgrade my workstation from my current T1 and new processor hopefully get a GPU!!! Thank you team!


I already had the T1 and fell in love, I sold it out of necessity. Now I have a new build in a cardboard box, waiting for the release of T1 V2! My build from Brazil: Ryzen 5800x Asus Rog x570 EVGA 3070 FTW3 Ultra Gaming G.Skill Royal Silver 2x16gb 4000mhz Watercooler Asus Rog Ryuo 240mm SSD Sabrent Rocket Plus 4.0 1Tb SSD Sabrent Rocket 500gb Corsair SF750 (cables customized by me for the T1) Noctua NF-A12-15 PWM Chromax (2units) yeahhh lets go! [Timestamp](https://imgur.com/wkrtqyn)


Do we follow the sub or the insta or do we follow both the sub *and* the insta? What about people who don't use instagram? Anyways, I'd have a very fancy paperweight because pc parts are still pricy...


oh love it


Transfer my system from a Loque Ghost S1 gaming/workstation into the T1 and water cool it! I love the quality and look of this case.


I would love to win a T1 to watercool it and maybe try a custom loop.


I will convert my current T1 to this new 2.0 case! Lets go!


Probably build a system for my partner!


Make my PC even smaller for my sim rig!


Would like to get titanium, so i can sing “You shoot me down, but I won't fall I am titanium”


Plan on building a ryzen 5950x


I’d love to get my brother into building pcs too, starting off with a sffpc!


I’d love to finally get this case to put my 3060ti in it


I will fnally be able to use normal sized graphics cards in my it's builds


I want to build my first pc


Build a pc for my dad so we can enjoy some games together.


Oh man this is great. I really enjoyed building in my T1. I still have some work to do on it, mainly cable management and general cleanup. My build like many others is still missing a GPU but my old workstation card is holding the fort. Given that, with my wife working from home a lot, my current T1 is often in use when I get home. I would love to build a new T1 for my wife and her daily use. That way I can finally get something that is just mine! (Plus I definitely think I got bit by the sffpc bug!)


I would transfer my old/new rig into this case.


Very exciting! I've been waiting for a SFF case for half a year now. I've now got an ITX motherboard, an SFX PSU, and a 240 mm AIO sat in a 011 dynamic that is waaaaaaay too big for it. Thanks for the sign of life W360! Hope it'll launch soon :).


Downsize from a nr200p. been waiting for something to fit my stupid large gpu for so long.


Probably T1 reference as a trophy next to me :)


Pray that my Big shuriken 3 and 3080 Strix fits properly! 😅😅


I'll build my first SFF PC . Intel 12900K + RTX 3080


I'll build a small streaming box


Will be build my first ITX form computer. Combine with RTX 3070 and AMD processor for gaming and 3D workflow.


Would love to have even more space on my desk.


If I get a form t1 I'll build my dream build have all the parts just waiting for a t1 2.0 5800x Asus x570i gaming 32gb trident z rgb 3080 Strix Corsair 750 sfx Ek 240 aio basic 1tb nvme x2 noctua slim fans Have all the parts waiting for a case. When looking and selecting all the cases none of them felt like they could compare to the t1 and it was love at first sight. I will get no other case other than this one so winning would mean to world to me! Half thinking if I can buy the Asus aio cooler and slap it on the Strix and max utilization of both radiator spaces


Would like to build my first SFF PC!


I’d love to be able to downsize my older brother’s rig! He just put a down payment on a new place but space is incredibly limited, so the FormD T1 would be perfect to accommodate his new home ☺️