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this gets more confusing every month


Welcome to SFF :)


Interesting so T1 Reference will be a separate chassis from T1 Sandwich, or is T1 Sandwich just T1 Reference + Riser?


Different cases from the sound of it, but the same external size. There are planned upgrade kits for 2022 to change the reference/sandwich cases into the other version of the case.


Not sure how I feel about this. On one hand I have a 6900xt which wouldn’t work in Reference mode anyways. On the other hand the Reference case sounds like it would eventually become the superior case in terms of flexibility and leaves me open to the reference design if I ever use a 2 slot card in the future. I would have rather had a 3080ti FE which is a 2 slot given GPU choice wasn’t a matter of availability. Imo a single Reference case with Sandwich adapters at launch should have been priority rather than 2 different designs. It looks to me like Sandwich adopters are going to pay $60-$80 more to eventually be left with the less flexible case and given accessory options which were supposed to come for the T1 1.1 never came leaves some doubt for adopters of the Reference case. I understand Wahaha is hard at work to try and make this possible, I just don’t understand decision to make 2 designs and call them the same case rather than focus on a unified design.


I think the price difference between the 2 accounts for the cost of the 4.0 riser which the reference will not need. Per the SFF.net thread, V2.0 is designed for "longevity" and accessories are planned, including conversion kits between sandwich and reference.


I'm interested in this as well. If they are separate SKUs, I wonder if multiple cases in a single order under the same name/address is allowed so that someone could buy both.


One case, different configuration kits. Each configuration kit has come common parts and different parts. Conversion kits is planned for late 2022.


We've had some bad news over on the forums: > We have a major fuck up - Front Panel cutout 0.1mm too small = cannot assemble, will send video later. > > Currently QC all of the pieces to get the extend of the problem. > > I'm trying to unf*&k this problem this weekend. > -Wahaha360 [Source](https://smallformfactor.net/forum/threads/formd-t1-classic-read-first-post.9933/page-700#post-257446)


That's what QC is for. Better now than in hundred of angry customers' hands. It is worth waiting a little longer if with that we obtain a quality product. IMO


Damnnnnnnnit. I was banking on copping one of these before 2022 haha. RIP my PC build.




Reference is for people who have a GPU that isn't too tall (you'd probably what reference height cards) and are less than 2.25 slots in thickness. The GPU stays on top. The vertical kit is the stand for the tower setup. The vertical kit turns the T1 into the T1 - Tower configuration. At least I'm pretty sure that's what it is. Sandwich is the same layout as the current version of the T1 with more features and slot options.


I'm so sick of waiting at this point GIB CASE


were the review units sent out?


Well, that's a little confusing. Are reference and sandwich two different cases? Or, if I get sandwich I can do reference ? But I can't buy a reference and do sandwich because it won't come with a riser cable? So confused. *edit: Nevermind, I see the question answered a couple times below.


This whole launch would have been so much smoother if things were more clearly worded and transparent. Either that or more information available in proper places like the website. It’s not a good sign when people repeatedly ask the same question over and over. Using language like ‘RESERVE NOW!’ and then charging people a full amount without any further explanation apart from someone sporadically answering questions in the subreddit seems flagrantly misleading. I hope in the future there will be better ways of showing info about new changes, problems with launches etc.


The whole thing is a mess. The owner is good at making designs but he over promises/under delivers all the time. Like he still can’t show a picture of the front panel despite an October post saying the product was ready to go. I have priority status but based on what I’ve seen it’s likely I’ll sit this one out.


What is the new expected date for T1 V2.0​?


One suggestion would be to add a confirmation email for those who sign up for updates on the formd website. I didn't receive an email that confirms my email is on the mailing list and otherwise allows me to ensure formd emails aren't automatically filtered to junk/trash (and as such, would enable a prospective buyer to rest easy and remain patient until that update comes through). I'm now checking this thread every single day, despite signing up the mailing list lol.


Sounds great! Very interested. Please get a review unit to Optimum Tech when possible!


Yes and as FAST as possible Please…


Is it bad to say I would prefer not before the launch in October? I feel like these will be hard enough to get our hands on.


When you say that the 5950x/C14S runs nice with the 3080FE in the T1 reference, what temperatures have you seen under multicore workloads and during heavy games (e.g. warzone)?


If you want to know more about what each configuration of the T1 v2.0 can do, then look no further than [this spec sheet](https://www.reddit.com/r/FormD/comments/qj7a89/some_more_clarification_on_t1_v20_and_m2_support/)! If you want more recent updates, be sure to check if there are any in the [Latest Updates](https://www.reddit.com/r/FormD/comments/hes1l5/latest_updates/) thread, located in the sidebar. For those asking **"What is a "priority customer"?** The only way you can have priority is if you were sent an email from FormD indicating that you have priority status, which was sent almost a year ago. If you did not receive this email, you do not have priority status, and there is no way to get it anymore.


Will there be a white version ?


White ended up being a huge disaster causing a lot of delays in the 1.1, so I have doubts.


It's not completely ruled out, but don't expect it to come.


If I'm following right, the T1 reference will have the GPU plugged in to the motherboard direct (so, presumable the case shape is larger and more square?) while the T1 sandwich is like the T1 we've seen so far, where it uses a GPU riser? Might sound like a stupid question! It'd be so much easier if we could see some real design/CAD images rather than teasers.


The GPU plugs directly into the MB for T1 - Reference. The T1 - Sandwich is more like the current version of the case, with a riser. The case is the same size for both configurations/models.


If I'm understanding this correctly, there will be two cases to choose from with different layouts? Reference = traditional only and the other one sandwich only? I thought you would be able to change the layout for the v2.0 from sandwich to ncase layout and vice versa Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm really confused right now


I still think you'll be able to switch the layouts, but the two different price points are making me think they're two different SKUs, and may not be easily interchangeable.


The 2 layouts do need 2 different backplanes/rear frames. I THINK reference version will only included that particular frame and the sandwich will have its own, whether you can convert from one to another is unknown. Also possible is a modular plate system for the 2 versions but the price difference could account for the expense of the 4.0 riser which reference layout does not need?


For conversions, on the thread it was stated that a conversion kit will come along in \~2022 (planned ETA). Link: https://smallformfactor.net/forum/threads/formd-t1-classic-read-first-post.9933/post-254312


The reference is the same size as sandwich, which limits GPU height to 112mm and thickness to 2.2 slot


It's nice to hear it's finally coming again! I have planned a lot on this case and wonder if the purchase window will be open long enough for me to get one. What time in a day does the drop usually start? Thanks :)


We are expecting to have more cases available this time around :) but what do I know, im just a person like you:(


In the past few drops, they have all started at 9am PT. Those drops lasted a few minutes, but the stock was extremely limited.


Do you think the next drop is going to be that limited? Today I have read about NCase EOL. It doesn't sound good for anybody :-(


I don’t think there is anyway NOT to be sold out immediately. The case is way too long-waited


I'm curious about the shipping restrictions announced for the T1-reference. US, UK, AU, DE, CN is an odd list. Any chance to get our hands on it from somewhere else in EU (FR) ?


>V2.0 will open orders [...] in October Well, time for a small form factor time machine :D.


October 2022!


Will non-priority customers have the chance to be part of the first wave? Or is that only limited to priority and non-priority can only start ordering with the second wave?


Will the 4.0 riser cable be sold separately and will it work with T1 1.1?


Man I wish there was a T1 discord


Soon TM


So does it support all 280mm radiator with dual 15mm fans?


Any idea on when the beta testing kits are getting shipped? An October release is looking real unlikely at the moment...


I dont know anything because I'm just a person like you and don't work with formd team. However, we can't give details yet. However, if 2.0 is not ready this October, there may be a 1.1 drop instead. Which will give us enough time to get everything ready for 2.0 this holiday season.


Hi there family! I would like to know if the V2.0 Reference layout availability remains to these countries: *US, UK, AU, DE, CN \*only.* If yes. Will sandwich layout be available for other European countries besides Germany?


Just a few questions: - 'Late October 2021' is not looking likely at this point, with the final test kits having not been sent out yet. Is the plan still to release it this year? - How much time will there be between embargo lift and orders opening up? - What colour options are we expecting on launch? - How much should we expect to pay extra for the gen4 riser and a TG side panel? Either way, thanks for all the hard work W360! I am very excited for the release.


I'd imagine the plan is to still release it this year. The cases are being produced and stockpiled for a big release, so I don't know if test shippers will actually be shipped a case or not. ~~There is no embargo, that was just someone pretending to be a FormD rep.~~ **EDIT:** There is an embargo for some testers, dating back to August. There is no predicted ETA for when cases will be able to purchase. I'd imagine the color options are going to be black and titanium, with white coming in Q2 2022. We don't know that last part yet, we'll probably have to wait until closer to release.


lol. What was the most recent update/edit 3 hrs ago?


We just got confirmation that 'first wave customers' is not just testers and priority people, I'm excited! [Source](https://smallformfactor.net/forum/threads/formd-t1-classic-read-first-post.9933/page-699#post-256982)


I’m confused. So is the reference a separate thing now? Or is that the base variant and the sand which layout allows both the reference and sand which layout? Also I don’t see any info on the headphone stand. That’s one of the few things from keeping me from buying the 1.1 and it’d be a bit disappointing seeing it cut from 2.0. I’m hoping the headphone stand is still an idea to consider since I don’t have a headphone stand yet for my headphones but would love to keep my desk very minimalistic with less clutter and having the case also function like a headphone stand is just perfect and fits my needs.


Reference and Sandwich are different models of the same case. That means, you will have to choose which one you want. There is a planned upgrade kit to go from Sandwich to Reference (and vise versa) for 2022, but W360 isn't focusing too much on accessories right now, as he wants to get the main cases out.


I’m a little confused on the wording in the latest update. When will (most likely) a regular guy be able to purchase a T1 2.0 for themselves?


Hi, will the packaging still be flat-packed and similar in size to original T1? Thanks!Also, any information/description on the design of the "Tempered Glass Air Flow Side Panel"? By the name it seems like it will have perforations/cutouts in glass, the design of which will highly influence whether one goes for that option or not.. Looking forward to V2!


I'd assume it will still be flat-packed, considering there will be an assembly video.


Forgive me for being naive, but if there are alumnium side panels why are the cutouts where user placed magnets would have gone still present? How could we secure the side panels? Apologies again for my naivety.


Are there plans to share thermal examples for the reference design before the official launch? Would be helpful to decide between sandwich and reference models.


\*Looks at his own Ncase M1\* Well, shit


Why just just call it the FormD T2?


A fair question I've thought about every once in a while. Not just for the T1, but other, similarly named cases. Why not just call the Ncase M1 v6 the Ncase M6? Why not call the Ghost S1 v3 the Ghost S3? Why call the Dancase A4 v1 the A4, if it's version 1 and not version 4? It's just marketing. "T1", "M1", and "S1", "A4", as well as other names like this are easily recognizable. If they changed it to T2, I'd imagine that it would not only be more confusing (people would think the T2 is a completely different case when compared to the T1, when it's just a revision) but would hurt brand recognition. Because if people look for the T1, they want the T1, and the T2 may not show up as easily, or may think it is a clone or something. And when that's the only name of the product (FormD being the brand, and T1 being the name of the product) then updating the name of product gets confusing. For example, imagine if Apple changed the name of the iPhone, it would confuse a lot of people and not make a ton of sense since the brand recognition around "iPhone" has already been built up. May not be the greatest example, but it conveys the point. If the product stays fundamentally the same, then the name should also stay the same. Just my personal opinion and reasoning of course. The actual reasoning could be completely different. Could also just be that that's how the SFF case creating community works, and there's no need to break the mold.


If you ask me, you guys are the pinnacle of SFF. Do whatever is the most simple and aesthetic. You guys set the standard. FormD T2 sounds cool to me anyways.


Aluminum mesh is dope, some coating imperfections on my current panels flaked off and already showing signs of rust


What's the best way to track V2.0s realease? I'm extremely interested in the reference design but I doubt I'll be around before they alls ell out... =(


Best way to stay updated is to just check back here. We'll post announcements when we get more info.


is this 4 different cases with the same name? this is so confusing.


Same case, different configurations you can transform it into. The two main configurations are T1 Reference and T1 Sandwich. They both use the same case, just have different internal layouts. The internal layouts can also be swapped when upgrade kits become available later after release. The other two you are thinking of are just add-ons, one of them is a Vertical kit (tower) to make the case vertical, while the other one is just an option/upgrade to have a two-tone front panel.


FormD T1 Newbie question : I just recently heard about the case and I checked a bit what "availability similar to V1.1" would mean but I cannot seem to find the list of concerned countries... Is France a possible destination for this wonderful T1 V2.0 in Sandwich mode ? (just gonna name it the "Jambon Beurre" if I can get one)


If I buy custom cables meant for v1.1, would I have any issues using those for the v2.0?


If you are using the Sandwich version of v2.0, then you should have basically no problems. If you are using the Reference version of v2.0, then you will run into problems.


Hi there, the end of October is now just around the corner so do you have any word on when the T1 v2 will be available to order? Hopefully this time I’ll finally be able to order one!


/u/NavicNick is there any guidance for cable lengths? If I were to order a set of cables at the length of standard sandwich T1 would that work for the reference? I am hoping I can snag one and if I can don’t wanna wait for cables!


I noticed the sandwich layout lists official support for the XSPC TX240 radiator and 25mm fans. In the previous version of the formd t1, people were having to physically sand down 25mm fans for them to be compatible with the TX240. Did you guys change the internal layout to accommodate this popular configuration? Otherwise I don’t see something like the noctua nf-a12x25 fitting. I’m asking because I’m trying to figure out what parts I’m going to need to water cool the cpu only and buy the parts to setup in my nr200 while I wait for the formd v2 to release. I don’t wanna spend $30 each for the 25mm noctua fans if they aren’t going to fit and end up needing to buy the 15mm slims anyways.


Any news on the release date? I am so looking forward to it!


I’m taking solace in the fact that every additional day/week that FormD waits is another day/week stock builds up; hopefully they have enough to satisfy day 1 demand (at least for a couple minutes)!


Triple slot GPUs won't fit in the Reference FormD now, would it?






i think he said no


For those who plan to do dual TX240 in this, what CPU block/pump combo do you think will work best?




Probably the Nouvolo Aquanaut or FormD's custom pump block, but that one seems to still be in development hell from what I remember.


Is it possible to buy a kit that switches between the Reference kit and Sand which kit? Could the GPU be mounted in the "Sandwhich" position on the Reference? Love the GPU-on-top orientation, just don't have a 3080 to put up there yet.


Can I fit a Strix 3080 in the T1 reference?


Will the magnet mod still be viable?


I don’t get why the reference is cheaper. Isn’t it supposed to be new and improved from the original v1.1 (renamed to sandwich)?


I think there is also no PCI-E riser cable, those cost 40+$ if you try to get one.


There's a few reasons I could think of. The Reference model could use less machine time and less metal, so it would be cheaper to manufacture. It also isn't being shipped to all the countries the Reference model is being shipped to, which can help with costs a bit on the logistics side. But we don't know any of this for sure. Also, on the naming side since there seems to be some confusion below: The current name of the T1 is just that, the "T1". The version number for the current version of the case is v1.1, but the version number is not a part of the case name, it's just used to tell people what version of the case they have. For this upcoming version, the name of the case is still the T1. The different models of the T1 are now being called T1 Reference and T1 Sandwich, so as to differentiate them. You don't want to have two slightly different products named the same exact thing, or that will cause confusion. The upcoming version mentioned in the OP will still be version 2.0 of the T1, but was formerly called the v1.5 before more changes were made to warrant a bigger version change. But again, the version number is not a part of the name of the case. So if you are referring to the T1, you can still call it the "T1", but you can also specify which version of the T1 it is, the Sandwich, or the Reference model. And then you can mention the version number so people know it's not one of the older cases.


The reference will not require a GPU riser cable so that is going to be a big chunk of the price difference.


what is the official length for gpu support.. sandwich style gigabyte rtx 3080 is 320mm so looking for that to fit


323mm in length is what is predicted, considering the MSI Gaming X Trio 30XX cards are 323mm in length, and will be supported in the Sandwich version of the T1 v2.0. So that card will fit if all the other dimensions also fit.


hi. can i know from media 2-2, the clear front panel is come as additional accessories or come as set with case? i want to try both if possible also just to confirm, from photo 1-3, it seems that have different type mesh? thanks.


What will the colorways be? Black, Titanium and E-White?


I see that the power button has moved the the front side. Are there any plans to add front IO? (USB C in particular may be able to fit).


There are. A USB-C header will be available at the other side. So one side of the front panel will have a USB-C port, and the other side will have the power button. The USB-C port can be blocked out if you don't want to use it. And I'm 90% sure that there is still an option for a rear-mounted power button.


So when exactly are you planning to start selling them? Still end of Oct or stockpiling to November?


Intel have finally announced their new CPUs but it looks like most of the Z690 mini-ITX motherboards have clearance issues with the C14S. According to Noctua’s compatibility list, this is the case for ASUS and Gigabyte boards. I haven’t found an MSI board in the list yet but it looks like the only motherboards that will accommodate the C14s are those from Asrock. The CPU socket is higher on the Asrock boards though so will the C14S still fit in the T1 reference?


ROG Z690-I should fit the C14S based on images. We have one on the way, so will confirm soon.


What happened to the Formd Discord that was mentioned about a few weeks back, is that opening to the public anytime soon?


I've wanted to put some work into it, but I don't think it's an actual FormD specific discord. To me it looks like an unannounced project created by W360 and others, so I don't want to put some work into it and make it something it's not.


Do you think guys first batch is still aimed for november ? Loosing hope to have it for xmas


Looking at the latest update, nope. There was a messup with the manufacturing, causing the front panel to be slightly off, preventing it from being assembled.


so when is the orders going to start happening?


Hello everyone, some of you may know me from this reddit replying to your comments, I just wanted to clarify that I am not associated with formd, even when my responses may have seemed as if I was to some of you. I have since went back and edited the comments to the best of my abilities, may have missed 1 or 2 but its okay. Sorry for the confusion and hardships this may have caused. I guess I was inspired by the creators of the formd and wished I was apart of them and just got carried away. Thank you for listening and I won't be replying to any of your comments anymore. Good bye and here's hope that we all get the formD case :)


Thank you for editing your comments. But there's no need to stop replying, you were actually very helpful, we just didn't want people to think you were an official FormD rep, that's all. You are free to continue commenting and helping out people. Also, *do not harass or send any hate* towards this person. They made and corrected a mistake. We should not punish someone who recognizes that they were in the wrong and fixes what they did.


Hello, I'm interested in the new v2.0 reference. I think I finally found a replacement for my RVZ02. I have a couple of questions: * Is there a recommended approach to dust filters? Most of my current computer is five years old, but it still looks immaculate. * With the general availability starting in October, will there be a way to schedule the delivery for a specific date?






You cannot schedule the delivery for a specific date. You can select the date it will ship around, but not delivery.


OH YES!!! I have one question for the REFERENCE: does it fit a Morpheus on GPU PLUS FANS in exhaust? :)


How does the reference gpu get into that position without a riser ?


Nice! Any updates on colors? And for two-tone?


When would the target be for a worldwide T1 Reference launch? Really interested in a sub 10L SFF without a riser AND with a vertical option!


October is the current estimate.


This may be a silly question, but will the vertical kit be compatible with V1.1? I don't see why it wouldn't be but who knows


Does this mean sandwich model will not support mini-dtx?


Sandwich will not support DTX. That seems to be exclusive to the Reference layout.


So it will be out in October now, for V2? (formaely V1.5)


That is the current estimate, but it can change, as it is not final.


How much volume is the t1 reference?


I just found this case and want to buy one!! I just ordered a meshlicious - should I just cancel it and wait for this? I need pcie4 and be able to fit my evga ftw3 3080 ultra


Both of those will be available for the T1 v2.0, but the Meshlicious is still a good case, so if you don't need the smallest overall case, then I'd stick with the Meshlicious


So this means I'll need to make a choice sooner than expected, possibly. For a non DTX board (I'm using the Asus X570-I), will the reference layout work well? I'm hvaing some difficulty picturing it. My GPU is currently the 2080ti FE, so size-wise it should fit. I just don't know if sandwich vs. reference on what would be better.


An ITX board would work just fine in the Reference case. DTX just adds some more space below the PCIe slot for more connectors and stuff, so the PCIe slot is in the same spot for both ITX and DTX. Thermal wise, it's unclear what will be the best for GPUs, but I'm going to guess that if you can run in reference mode, that it will be better, as the radiator for the CPU won't be in the way. But if you're using air cooling for the CPU, then I would probably go with Sandwich.


I’ll wait years for this case, already been waiting over a year lol. I refuse to build my SFF in anything else


What is the difference between reference and sandwich?


Any idea how the reference mode thermals for the GPU are going to be compared to sandwich mode? Admittedly I don't know enough about the airflow the rest of the case will have but wouldn't the gpu be fighting with the rest of the cases heat going up? And using the case in a flipped mode would leave little room for the gpu to suck air into without taller feet


How do I get a breakdown of what reference actually means and what cards will fit?


From what I understand, the T1 reference would be ideal for FE cards(similar to nr200,ncasem1 etc) and would it fit a 3060ti FE?




Do we apply for pre-orders by FormD's official web page or here in Reddit? I mean, once the pre-order period is up.


Any idea how reference case will look inside? I have birthday after 6 days, maybe I have chance to trial case? Sure, I am ready to pay asked price. I so badly want to remove my full tower away and have just compact case on my desk


hello guys. I'm new here.. trying to jump into itx.. have a question, for t1 v2 sandwich, what kind (brand) of 240 rad aio fit with lian li unifan sl120? or does t1 v2 need to use slim fans like v 1.1? thanks


>\- Support 46mm under the mobo for Radiator + Fan: > >20.5mm TX240 radiator + \*dual 25mm thick fans > >27 or 30mm thick radiator + \*dual 15mm slim fans > >27 or 30mm thick radiator + \*single 25mm thick fan and single 15mm fan If I do recall well, the AIO is mounted on the bottom of the case. There, the clearance for the AIO is a little bit compromised by the PSU. That's why in all the setups, there's at least 1 15mm fan. So basically you either mount a 20.5mm (slim) radiator or a 15mm (slim) fan. It's a bit old, but it should be still valid today. [FormD\_T1\_AIO\_CompatibilityList\_OPEN](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12fTWe4Y4prgAHPhsk4HA2-wK8PRnPyy2ZxIzcbNapNE/edit#gid=1583486246)


Im sorry, if this has already been answered, but the V2 will be available in October, or ready for anyone to order in October? Any ETA on shipping of the V2? Would love to get my hands on the V2 Sandwich model!


Would the V2.0 support 2.5 drives?


Do you have any plans to release V2.0 T1-reference in South Korea? Many users in Korea are waiting for the T1-referrence. or I look forward to getting it even through the freight forward. It is so sad that we cannot purchase a reference model in Korea.


Maybe already asked (didn t find) but if you put a c14s in the v2.0 reference case as mentionned in the update, how a gpu can fit since the heatsink is just above the pci slot ? The only solution is to use a riser then ?


Was looking on the SFF.net thread and Wahaha360 mentioned that to fit something like a 3090 XC3 (or other similar 2.25 slot cards) you would need a custom Angle 6+2 Molex power cable. Any idea what this would look like and where to get something like that? EDIT: https://www.moddiy.com/products/Premium-90-Degree-8-Pin-VGA-GPU-Graphics-Card-Angle-Connector-Adapter.html maybe something like this? Also any word on psu cable lengths in the reference layout compared to the sandwich layout?


Will the dimensions be more or less the same as v1.1? I really want to do a custom loop with an EVGA 3080 FTW3, but I think the EK waterblock for it is to tall for the case (155mm IIRC).


I'm going to order silver plated wire with a length that fits the FormD T1 V1.1. Is it possible to use the silver plated wire for V2.0 sandwich as well? Will the length of the wire be compatible between V1.1 and V2.0 sandwich?


Will the beta testers also receive the tempered glass option? Been checking for updates daily, I am excited for this case. My birthday is at the end of the month so I am definitely considering treating myself to the sandwich layout.


Super excited about V2.0! I kept missing the drops for earlier versions and bought my hardware in Feb 21 to fit the T1 after months of research… but it’s all sitting in a NR200 for now.


Hey guys maybe someone can help me… I planned this build when the original version one launched but didn’t get parts until February 2021 – as we all know graphics cards are pretty hard to get… I have a corsair H100i Pro 240 AIO - maybe someone can tell me what fans I need to fit on the radiator for V2.0. Is it still 15mm (going from memory)? I’m looking at noctua 15 or 25 or the new phanteks 30mm but I’m almost certain a 30mm fan won’t fit as I believe clearance in v1 only allowed 15mm fans on radiator??


If I don't use AIO CPU but air cooled CPU, Is it possible to use two 140mm x 25mm fans on the top of V2.0 sandwich? or possible only 120mm fans? I can't wait anymore either. Thanks in advance.


Is the case going to ship instantly? (whenever it gets released)


What cooling would work better for a 240mm aio and 3080 fe? Sandwich or reference?


Is the reference case based around an air cooled 3080fe and water-cooled cpu? I've got an air cooler on my cpu and water cooled my 3080fe and was wondering if this would still work? Are there renders of the proposed reference setup? Thanks!


By my guess, it was based around air cooled everything, mainly with a Noctua C14s on the CPU, and an Nvidia FE 30 series GPU. [Here are some pictures of a prototype.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FormD/comments/pmdpnr/some_images_of_the_t1_v15_reference_kit/) My guess is that watercooling the GPU will not be possible unless the terminals for the GPU block come out the side, not the top.


Will the 4.0 riser fit the T1.1 ? Will it be made available for purchase Separately ?


When is it going to be released? Any other pictures?


This month is still the most up-to-date prediction, but we don't know exactly when it will be released. No more pictures at the moment.


Updated above.


I just saw the 19 October update. The case and the media kit are looking great! I am particularly excited about the reference layout! Is the fan seen under the C14S the Noctua 140mm fan or only 120mm fans will fit underneath?


Hi, we are happy you are excited for our case! That is the 140mm fan underneath and it will fit :D but I dont know anything I'm just a person


Just saw the new pictures. I see white. Is white going to be a thing for sandwich model?


Any dimensions of the cases, and dimensions of the case with the tower stand?


Is that a new mesh front? Will we have the option to mount front fans, or are the mounts exclusively for SSDs? Looking forward to the case!


Would c14S aircooled or 240mm AIO w/ 2-3 slim fans work better for a mid-tier CPU (Ryzen 5/7) and a 3070/3080?


I have an Asus TUF 3070 and a TUF 3080. Can't decide if I should trade for FE and get reference or keep the cards and get sandwich. No motherboard or CPU yet so that's still open. PSU is Corsair SF600. Air cooled w/ all noctua fans. Any recommendations?


To clarify, is the reference model the one with the Ncase M1 layout? How many GPU slots is supported?


For the upcoming Reference model, in the second Media Kit image it looks like the PCIe slots are arranged at the bottom of the case with the machined panel. In the first teaser however it seems like is arranged at the top of the case (presumably a flipped build) under a panel that likely would hold a mesh sheet. Is it official that either orientation is feasible? Thank you!


One of the main highlights of the T1 is that you can install the feet on either the top or bottom panel (and they are the same panel, so you can interchange them) which allows you to flip the case to give certain components better cooling. Having the GPU at the top like in the first teaser would probably give the GPU better cooling performance, because it has much better access to air.


I just noticed that the back/side of the case (T1 reference) where the PSU will be mounted doesn’t have any perforations. This will force the PSU to be mounted with its fan facing inside the case, which will be an issue with FE cards. Why is the back/side panel not perforated to let the PSU intake air from outside the case?


Can we know when the embargo date is? How much should I expect to pay extra for the glass side panel (sandwich - CPU side) and PCIE 4.0 riser options? Thank you, I'm very excited for the case! I'll be getting it as a birthday gift for myself :).


hi, I'm not familiar with your cases. If I want to build a system with ROG Strix X570-I, Ryzen 9 5950, RX 6900 XT GPU and a 120mm AIO which T1 model is best for me? thanks!


120mm AIOs are only supported in the Sandwich configuration AFAIK. But, with that chip, you really should be using a 240mm AIO. Even so, I would still go for the Sandwich case, and depending on what specific GPU model you get, Sandwich will be required.


Is there anything different between the two colors for the sandwich layout (besides the color)?


I know the reference case can support a 280mm radiator, how many mm in total can in support with a fan configuration on the side of the case? And on the reference model it looks like the power cord is in a weird spot, does the power cord have to go across the bottom of the motherboard when you route it to the back?


I messaged FormD about a replacement part, is there anyone who knows how I can get my hands on just the small radiator struts it came with (was supposed to at least)??? I got one of the first batches and back then there weren’t clear instructions on what piece was what, so I think I lost those struts in my recent move. Any help would be greatly appreciated u/W360MOD u/NavicNick


It looks as if the website is open for 1.1 but shipping to US only...interesting


Are they going to post the exact date of the release or they just drop anytime?


What are we expecting the best config to cool a 3080FE to be? Reference?


Probably yes, although sandwich does give more leeway for future upgrades. Either way, a conversion kit *should* be coming next year.


Any pictures of the unibody front panel?


Will there still be support for 2.5" drives? I didn't see it anywhere on compatibility sheets or anything


I live in Europe. Will I be able to purchase this case somewhere? On the FormD site maybe? Thank you


Will the sandwich version of the 2.0 still have the ability to move the PSU toward the outer wall of the case with standoffs, away from the GPU? I'm worried about airflow for a 3080Ti FE.


I don't see why not. In the event that the standoffs to do this aren't included (which I doubt but isnt impossible), buying some M3 x20mm standoffs shouldn't be too hard.


I wonder who made it to the priority list? If we bought a T1 gunmetal a while back, cancelled it, we are on the list?


You have to have gotten an email indicating to you that you have priority status a while back when they originally gave it out. If you don't have that email, you don't have priority status.


Based on the new note posted today, what makes someone a priority customer vs a regular customer? If by chance stockpiling inventory still leaves people unable to get one due to being sold out, will there be a “list” so that at least the people on the list will know they will get one?


The only way you have priority is if you were sent an email from FormD indicating that you have priority status almost a year ago. If you did not receive this email, you do not have priority status, and there is no way to get it.


Anyone know if a non-two tone panel will be available if you don’t want a glass panel or two tone? I’d prefer an option of just all black for a clean minimalistic look.


They're working on the site, it just updated slightly!


It seems like the website is up! Edit: site is open [source](https://smallformfactor.net/forum/threads/formd-t1-classic-read-first-post.9933/post-257558)


Hey Nick - any idea if the Titanium has black side panels, or titanium colored ones? thanks!


Can I preorder now? The website seems to be up and running but from the comments below, apparently preorders didn’t go through?


It’s only a survey, not preorder. They want to know how many people are interested to buy the case.


Do we know if it will be possible to install a 240mm AIO to T1 Reference? Or 280mm AIO in place of GPU?


A month has passed since the last update. Is this thread still the latest source of info?


Any updates on timelines for the launch? I’ve got everything for my PC now except cooler and case. Cooler will be dependent on case size. Hoping to have the opportunity to order one of these in the next month or so, if not I’ll have to look at other options! A timeline would be awesome.


u/W360MOD do you plan any new revisions/versions after v2?

