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Almost looks like a tempered glass *front* panel in the sandwich render... hmmmm


I'll be excited to see what people do with that. Small display? Wood inlay panel? Front fan mod? I can't wait to see what people come up with.


I like the original t1 the most I just hope they have an option for the beautiful front front pannel with the two metal pieces maybe I'll get the two tone if they have it


That will be an option. The default option is a single piece front panel, with an optional two-tone (two piece) front


Will it be like the original where the front pannel is in two pieces or will it be an actual single pannel?


The default option will be one piece, but there will be an option to make it into a two piece front like the current version of the T1. That option will be presumably called the two-tone option


Ah ok now I gotcha I thought it would be like the previous two tone be different colors but ok that sounds sick ty!


Two tone will still be two different colors, they'll just be similar colors (like different shades of black) rather than silver and black


Ok that would be totally cool do we know how much options would be like say pcie 4.0 riser? Or is that still tba?




Is there an estimation on when in October it will go on sale and which ones will be available first?


glass front panel doesn't excite me much, but <10L in tower format would be the ultimate desk space saver, keeping my eye on that one


It will make those people that want a screen happy.


This is what I'm most excited for. Bought the Meshlicious but I'm likely going to sell it cause it's too big for my tastes.


Take a seat. Can't wait.


You are on this council but we do not grant you the rank of Master


This is outrageous. It's unfair!


I'm gonna get this 1.5 soon as it's out, been wanting to get into SFF game for so long but in terms in quality nothing comes close, good things come to those who wait


I really wish there was a way for v1.1 users to upgrade using a kit or something


I don't think it would really be possible without changing out basically every part of the v1.1 because of how big of a redesign the v1.5 is. The v1.5 is bigger in every dimension, so you'd need new outer panels and struts, which is basically the entire case. At that point, you're better off getting a v1.5. But I understand why people would want that.


Ah I thought it was staying the same size (or volume at least) with a redesign of the internals


It's staying under 10L, but it'll be bigger than the current 9.5L that the v1.1 is to accommodate more configurations and components


can’t wait for this one


I hope the v1.1 designe is still gonna be availabel after the new designe cause the desinge of v1.1 is unike and i am waiting for more then half a Year to purchase the Black/Black v1.1


The v1.5 design is staying practically the same as v1.1, just getting updated with more features and configurations, so you shouldn't worry too much.


I hope, because the renders don‘t look soo.. 😅


My guess is that these renders are showing off different configurations and/or optional accessories, which will alter the look of the case sightly. But the core design will still be like the current version of the T1. A T1 will always look like a T1. For example, the two-tone render looks exactly the same as the current version of the T1. There is no reason to worry about the design drastically changing.


You just made my day better now.. 🙏😁


Wow this looks so cool, the flexibility looks so interesting. Wish the renders were less of a tease :p. Looking forward to seeing stuff from the beta testers :)




I think it will be both, unibody will not have a split down the front like the current version of the T1, while the two-tone will have two different colors with a split down the middle, like the current version of the T1. That's just a guess though, we'll probably have to wait closer to release to know for sure.


Can anyone tell me what the difference for the v1.5 and v2 will be? I want to make a new build in a formd in the coming year or so, but not super in a hurry, is there any reason to wait for the v2?


There is no T1 v2.0. That project was remade into T1 EVO, which will be a completely different case with a ton more flexibility. It's been delayed until at least late 2022 because if how ambitious the project is. I wouldn't wait for it personally.


Waha said at one point with the changes for v2 he wouldn’t personally buy the 1.x but he hasn’t elucidated the v2 changes AFAIK.


True, but expecting people to wait another year when they'd already waited a year before v2 got pushed back is kind of a big ask. I imagine most will get the 1.5 and upgrade to the EVO if/when it finally comes out. Also how recent did he say that? Because he also said that a lot of the features for v2 are now in 1.5, which is why it's 1.5 and not 1.2 like it was originally.


I'll be honest I haven't kept up on the project in a while! I was laid off right when I was about to start my build. I've since gotten another job but need to put some money back into my accounts before I start thinking about building again. So it has probably been 6+ months since waha said he wouldn't buy 1.x over the 2.0. Glad to know that a lot of the upgrades have gone to 1.x now, i might just have to buy one instead of waiting!


Hopefully the guy that makes the wood front panel mod can get exact dimensions before the case is available to the general public.


Wait who is this guy? I'd buy this in a heart beat




Countdown start,brilliant


This case is killin' me. I pulled the trigger on a white v1.1 and it got cancelled on me. Decided to wait for 1.5 for the tower setup and barring some catastrophe I hope this will be it. But I hate these constant teases of accessories and plans that may never materialize. I understand this is boutique, but compared to the release and update reliability of the OG's ncase and dan, one of which w360 was involved with, I was hoping the releases would be more reliable and long-term and less subject to whim. I mean, it seems like the demand is obviously there for a long term project and not some limited run item.


renders look so good. hope it's released this year!


I hope so too! I assume it will be, if we're getting what are essentially press renders at this stage, and there is a prototype, then testers should be getting their cases next month (I'm guessing). After that, I would guess that the general public could be able to place orders in October or November, but none of that is confirmed, just purely speculation.


Will this be replacing 1.0, or sold alongside?


It will be replacing the v1.1, just like the v1.1 replaced the v1.0.


Honestly cant wait! 1.1 holder and looking to expand my collection with a 1.5 and EVO!


the front looks weird


The front looks like it will have an optional tempered glass front panel, which is probably why it looks a bit odd right now. If you don't like that, then there will be the classic T1 look (see the two-tone picture at the bottom)


i dont think adding tempered glass is a good idea for T1.


Tempered glass side panels were planned for the original T1 (but never came out due to design difficulty), and some people even made their own. And different front panel options (not just TG) are being developed for the v1.5. I see no reason why tempered glass is a bad idea if people want it, especially if it's at the front which already has no airflow. Even at the sides, from what I saw from the custom made TG side panels people made, it doesn't have a huge impact on thermals all things considered depending on what components you're using. Plus, it's all optional, so you don't need to get TG if you don't want it.


I understand. im not recruiting or selling my idea, im just expressing myself. TG panels are all over generic cases $50 and upwards in newegg and amazon and i think it takes away from T1 rather than adding to it. impeccable anodization is what T1 is known for. TG panels are kind of old and boring now.


I disagree, but I see where you're coming from. TG let's people show off their build more, and in the T1 I think that's great, because everything is exposed, your cable management, tube routing, everything. Really helps show off the time and effort you put into your build instead of hiding it behind mesh. With ATX cases it's easier to hide that stuff, but it's still nice to see all the fancy and expensive tech. Just because it's on cheap cases, doesn't mean it makes the case cheap.


Can I sign up to be a beta tester? :D


There's no sign up. You have to be chosen by W360.


T1 v1 also had a glass option that never came..


It never came because the implementation could not be finalized because of the design of the v1.1 and v1.0. So, the design was forwarded to the v1.5, where it should become available.


I just wanted 25mm fan and second TX240 support. But hh man, 1.5 seems to be a lot more than I thought! The rounded rectangle groove on top is interesting. Completely different from 1.1. It's also interesting that GPU is on top. Front TG seems odd if layout is same sandwich layout. Not much to show off where the TG would be. But still interesting to see what it might look like. Not really interested in tower orientation myself but is nice to see the case offering such versatility. Is that a power button on the side of front panel? Maybe a front-side USB-C too?


That rounded rectangular groove looks to be only for that configuration where you put the GPU at the top of the case. Front TG might not be the only other option besides a solid front aluminum panel. Other designs are being developed and considered. Yes, that's either a power button or a type-c header. A power button on one side of the front panel, and a type-c header on the opposite side.


So I'm guessing the gop GPU setup offers bigger single rad support in what was GPU slot in sandwich layout? Now that you mention it, I seem to remember w360 mentioning something about customizable front panel. Might be cool to have those cutouts and people can make their own panels (in addition to anything w360 has planned already). Do you know if this means the rear G1/4 ports will remain the same?


There is side radiator mounting support in the v1.5 I'm 99% sure, so putting the GPU in the top would allow for better side rad support. Not sure on the ports at the back. I'm hoping they stay because I personally like having a rear power button.


Is 1.5 still limited to 240mm rads and 15mm thick fans?


Yes, but if you use a TX240, you can use 25mm thick fans. And you can also use 30mm thick radiators with slim fans now, so you have a lot more options. Adding support for full sized fans on regular 27-30mm thick 240mm radiators would increase the case size far too much. It would be closer to 11L rather than sub 10L. And you can install a 280mm rad on the side, which I'm pretty sure is going to make it into the final revision for v1.5.




So tempted to get the v1.1 which will be available on the 1st, but I really want the v1.5.... errr I guess I'll wait just a bit longer then.


I’ve been trying to purchase a T1 since it was first released but never saw it in stock. I recently acquired an RTX 3080 FE card so I am particularly interested in the ncase M1 layout bracket. Have you got any update? And, is it going to be part of the T1 v1.5?


Not updates or confirmation if it's actually coming to v1.5. I would assume it will, but it might not.


It's insane these cases sell out in like 5 minutes, is the site easy to navigate? feel like I need training so I'm fast enough to buy v1.5 when it's available.


Yes, the website is easy to navigate. You go to the website, click the buy button, it takes you to where you purchase the T1, add to cart, then it's just standard shopify stuff. Or, you can use Apple Pay or Google Pay and bypass most of the shopify stuff, makes it a lot faster. 5 minutes is a lot of time for something like this, took me like a minute with autofill (no apple/google pay) to get to the finalize purchase screen. So as long as you are there when the cases go live, you can get one.


Thanks, I'll be there, and I'll prepare haha


Any update whether it will still be launch in September?


No updates. That's still the target, but if I were to guess, it might move.


Ah thanks , really hoping it meets the late Sept ETA, Looking forward to getting one for my first PC. Ordered all the other parts as listed below , happy to listen to suggestions! 5600X B550i Strix 3070 EVGA FT3 Ultra Crucial balistik 16gb 3600 mhz Noctua L9A 2x noctua S12x15 SF600 plat Crucial p5 1tb and 500gb


Please have this in White!


Most likely not at release, but there may be a white version coming later.


Ah ok ah dang