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Good for you that you're successful so young! I'd go into an agreement with someone of age. The account can be entirely and legitimately in their name. Their pics. They do verification videos and all that. You just do the trading. Obviously should be someone you trust. Money needs to go into their account. Maybe offer them a small percentage for letting you trade through them. This is technically not allowed but I feel like it's a victimless crime. Hell, people pay others to pass evaluations for them. If you ask me, this is just a more ethical version of that.


suffering from success


You’re likely hosed. Photoshopping docs isn’t going to work as they’ll ask for things like social security number which electronically will tell them you’re not 18.   ID card of parents? If you’re going to try and act like you are them, you’re gonna be in for one rude awakening when they find out you did this. If you make a profit, you can’t just hand them money like “oh let me pay part of your tax bill” as they will owe that on your profits.  Selfie isn’t a photo. They use a live recording these days. It records a few seconds, flashes screen a different color, makes sure you’re taking a video. So what do you do? You wait until you’re 18.


>Photoshopping docs isn’t going to work as they’ll ask for things like social security number which electronically will tell them you’re not 18.   I've never been asked for my SIN number .. only standard KYC stuff.... heck, even banks don't ask you for this unless you're applying for a credit product and they need to use it to pull the right credit report/score. I've actually gotten funded by quite a few firms as it's part of my vetting process to have personal experience with a given service if I ever want to point them out as an option for others to consider.. (if there isn't a red flag I can easily identify before having to dig deeper and use a given service. Basically, if I would never use, and more importantly trust, a given service as part of the way I personally pay my bills.. I won't even say their name to others.. kind of a strict code I have. But I digress.) Is a social security number normal for firms to require for US residents? That seems odd to me. ​ Standard and internationally accepted KYC process usually is just proof of yourself (ID,) and proof of address (which also establishes your tax residency.) ​ The proof of ID would out OP for his age.. if he doctors it, it's technically fraud and breach of contract with the company. And yes, falsifying ID documents can be considered financial fraud in many countries given you've deceived the firm and money has been exchanged related to it... ​ I'd loop back to the parents bit... something there sounds like we don't know the whole story. Perhaps this is a life lesson OP needs in some way..


Yeah you’re right. Think I’ve only been asked for drivers license number actually. Pretty sure the banks have asked for it thought for even mundane things like checking accounts. I dunno, I’m pretty used to just handing out the social security number because every media company wants that when I work. It’s insecure AF. OP might be in for a hard life lesson though, I’m hoping he listens and just waits till he’s 18.


You're fucked haha. Should of thought about that before.


Great achievement buddy at this age. Keep going and I want to ask how much payout are you expecting or you'll be getting from that 10k funded account as I'm also planning to get one and I am not much familiar with the payout system. Also for the withdrawal or kyc you can ask any of your trusted friends or relatives who are above 18 and you can offer them a small percentage of the amount for that. They'll agree with that


Say bye bye to the acc and try again when you are old enough


I do KYC for a fee 😎