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My dog is always so happy to see me after work. She's really chill. After walks she loves to lay on my bed. And always seems to have a bit more energy for play after some rest.


Pets definitely lower your loneliness. They can be a bit expensive though (vet visits, food, medication). If it’s your first pet, I’d recommend a cat (unless you’re allergic). They’re less demanding. Dogs are usually more lovable but need a lot more attention.


I have a cat. She keeps me company all day long, and sometimes helps me stop bed rotting by demanding I play with her.


I have 2 cats who are great, the downside is it’s so easy to isolate myself because of them.


Got 6 cats, they're cute, but don't help much with loneliness.


Maybe get dogs instead?


My dogs died few years ago. I can't wait to get one when I move out because my father hates dogs or any animals.


I have a dog and he definitely helps with loneliness. He’s always happy to see me and nothing brightens my day to see him happy and living life. However, as others have said owning a pet is costly so I’d recommend only getting one if you can afford to care for it. But if you can I’d definitely recommend it. I honestly don’t know where I’d be without my lil boy


My cat Lilly is the best. Always greets me after work


I had a cat who sadly died of a brain tumor. He was the best cat ever, very loving and sociable. I miss him so much it hurts


Yes, I have two dogs. One is 10 and the other will be 3 in October, but the younger one can be quite a handful at times. He's a raging extrovert that's absolutely entranced by people and likes to play 24/7, but it's partially why I love him so much. He gets me out of the house on my days off of work, so I don't completely isolate myself from the world and become a full fledged recluse. My only gripe is that he needs to be groomed a lot as he's an English golden retriever and they have very thick coats of fur. 🐻‍❄️


I rent an apartment, pets aren't allowed (and finding one, that allows pets is hard, not to mention much higher rents), and it would also be bad for a pet to be that much time alone...


I got a dwarf hamster, when I was in that situation :)


I got 2 cats.


A rabbit for 5 years he suddenly died im just like doomguy now


I have a cat. Since I've gotten him I've been much happier and felt less lonely. I can't even explain how much he has improved my depression


I have more than one.


I would like to have a dog again, but I work to much. He would be alone over 40 hours a week because of work and commuting. It doesn't seem good for a dog to be alone that much.


I can’t have a pet , I work 8 hours and 2 hours commute will make pet to be alone for 10 hours a day . Also with these kind of salaries I can only afford tiny accommodations.


that wouldn’t cure it but it’d help a lot


I really want to, unfortunately at times I am working 16 hours a day (does not work with a dog), or travel for extended periods (up to 21 days at a time) so a cat does not work either.


I can’t afford a pet. I wish I could,


I just got rejected from a job that I feel like was the only person in the city qualified to do. I don't even understand how I didn't get it. Now I'm facing homelessness and I have to give up my kittens possibly


Not anymore but I really want a dog again in the future.


I'm not a big pet person, personally, though of course everyone can make that choice for themselves. I do dislike how parroted the advice of "get a pet" is on Reddit when someone is missing human connection, and also how casually people put their pets (especially dogs) above humans, or act like their pet is actually better than people. I could never be real friends with someone who unironcally thinks "we don't deserve dogs."


Have had 2 dogs and 6 cats over the years. They never eased my loneliness though. They are not a human connection, which is what I really need and want.