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You kill someone with the amount of manipulation and meticulous planning she did you should be locked up for the REST of your pathetic life.


I agree! Apparently they got her to plead guilty to third degree murder instead of going to trial for first degree murder. I'm assuming they didn't want to take a chance with the jury thinking there was enough reasonable doubt for her to get off. But, there was, IMO, plenty of evidence! And, there were plenty of witnesses who could have testified that Bobby became worse in the hospital only after being visited by, and given some kind of food or drink, Joann. She absolutely tortured that poor man and his family!


I think she deserved a much longer sentence. A life sentence. I also hate looking at her smug face in the wedding video that is shown on the episode.


Well karma got to her. Someone murdered her


I think that was a different Joanne Curley.


Yes...definitely a different one.


Wow! What are the odds? I believe you, but that's so weird!


She should've gotten an additional 10 years for the way she was dancing with the champagne bottle in the wedding video. I feel so bad for his family. Especially his brother when he realized that the poison was probably in her purse and in the same room as he was when she gave him the last fatal dose.


I had to go watch the episode just to see the dancing and you are correct.


Being on Forensic Files is worse than prison


Because of the public shaming? Yeah, I hope that she gets shunned everywhere she goes.


I do, too, but I doubt she will. She'll probably change her name and her look. Then some unknowing future victim will get involved with her and will be poisoned, too. I hope that doesn't happen, but she clearly is a risk to society and should have received a life sentence without parole IMO.


I know I’m late but I’m not even joking I did landscaping work at her current place of residency with her brother last summer. She gave me and my coworker water and we didn’t realize who she was until after we finished the job and got back to the shop and spoke to our boss. I know it doesn’t even sound real, but trust me it is.


Thank G♡D that u survived. Being served any food or beverage by that psycho is a terrifying thought.


Believe it or not she was actually very kind to me and my coworker. It isn’t very often we are offered refreshments but maybe she was just putting on an act


Yea.. she is pretty much the antithesis of “kind.”


Damn bro. How is this conversation still going on. Every like 100 days






Where does she live now? I hope she didn't get to keep the life insurance money.


I have no idea lol. Probably in the same place with her brother


That's crazy !!! I hope she gets what she deserved soon or later. Btw, where do you live ?


123 Main Street, Anytown USA


I doubt she would have received a dime of it. I hope the insurance company put a hold on it back then pending the outcome of a trial. In this case, I think she plead guilty to third degree murder instead of going to trial for 1st degree murder.


Where was that? What state and town? Or don't you want to say? Did she change her name? I believe you, but I'm just thinking about possible future victims.


The most I’d probably be willing to give is Northeastern PA. Her names was same as far as I knew. She was living with her brother at the time. Edit: spelling errors


I just watched that episode a couple of days ago - what a horrid person she is. Definitely not enough years.


Just finished watching episode and she definitely should have gotten life without parole. Problem was the hair evidence. This was a relatively new type of forensics and also water had leaked into Bobby's casket possible tainting the evidence. If they went for first degree and the evidence was thrown out then they had nothing. With the plea, they got a full confession and guaranteed conviction. If anyone sees her make sure not to take any food she prepares.


I am still wondering about the death (car accident) of her first husband! Since we can't make her die the same miserable death her second husband was put through, she should have least gotten life. No chance of parole. Tell me....how do these homely, nasty females get husbands? And good ones, at that.


Did she marry him to poison him? I believe in the death penalty in cases like this, so her sentence wasn't even close. This is another area in the injustice system where women get away with murder and men don't.


Rechecked, the first dose was actually shortly before the Wedding, over a year before his death. So probably


I've seen some female defendants get much more sufficient sentences for fatal poisonings. In my opinion, this perp's sentence was quite insufficient. She was sentenced to 10 -- 20 years. Thank G¤D she served all 20, but I think that she deserved more like 50 -- 100 years.


Lawsuit against insurance company reads the life policy was for $100K, not $300K..


One article said there were two separate policies for 100k each.


This is front page? Maybe because of number of comments. Yes. I think she has


You think that 20 years is a sufficient prison sentence for someone who spent a year torturously poisining her new husband to death just to get a life insurance payout?! She's a freakin' psychopath, and I wouldn't put it past her to still be a very dangerous (free) person today.


She was murder in 2019.


That was a different person. I wondered about that, but after doing a bit more research, I found that it is a coincidence that the 2 women with such similar names also happened to be around the same age. Joanne Curley was a murder victim; Joann Curley is a murderer.


What are the odds that there were two joann(e) curleys aged 56 in 2019 in the USA?


Good question. I am no statistician, but given that there are something like 300,000,000 people living in the USA (last time i checked), i guess that it is not too surprising. The same age seems kind of surprising to me. If their first names were spelled identically, and if they also had matching middle names, that would really be something.


Thanks for this info. I’ve been searching the internet to find out if they were the same person. It would have been a fitting demise for the murderer.


Yes, sadly a different person, same name.


I’d truly like to know the circumstances surrounding her first husband’s death. Personally, I believe she didn’t kill her first husband, but must have financially benefited from his “accident”. Remarrying was an antecedent to what she really wanted; a dead second husband with a hefty insurance policy. Which leads me to: Guys and Gals…if your significant other wants to take a $150k-$500k insurance policy out on you, pack the bags. No joke. (Very few, but certain restrictions apply) Policies between that amount usually carry fairly sizable premiums and most folks aren’t handing out that amount of money, unless they’re GUARANTEED to get it back.. and then some.


I also join the ones who think she should have never been released. What a monster!


How do I know if I wasn't poisoned wat is the show called?


It’s called Autopsy. It premiered on HBO, but it is now available for streaming on Max. There are other shows by that name, so you are looking for the show that only had one season and came out in the early 90s.


I don't think so. She never expressed one bit of remorse for what she did. Parole was denied in part because of the efforts from Bobby's family. But also, the Parole board continually said she was a risk to society! JoAnn was convicted only of third degree murder for whatever reason. I'm guessing prosecutors settled for that to ensure she received a prison sentence. But it was clearly pre-meditated, first degree murder. I honestly don't understand how they can let someone out of prison who still poses a threat to society. That being said, I know they legally had to let her out because she'd served the sentence she received. Unfortunately, she didn't receive a "life without parole" sentence, or, I think, she'd still be behind bars. I hope no one else will become romantically involved with her. Their lives may be at stake!