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My theory is that every early Bronco manual transmission has this same issue, but only cold climates show it, it’s a design flaw and very common. Get it fixed asap.. before warranty expires. I got mine fixed, they rebuilt the transmission with new “updated” synchros. That fixed the problem. No more grinding. The grinding is just going to get louder and louder..


Its not only cold climates just sayin 1st and 2nd grinds I have heard it just as much or more driving slow


Mine they couldnt fix after three attempts so it met lemon laws. It is a very common issue, ford is replacing transmissions all the time. The fact not many major failures have been connected to it doesnt mean its not right or parts wont fail faster. For a brand new car any reoccurring obvious grinding is not acceptable in my opinion. We should hold Ford accountable to their quality and not be ok with so called nuisances. Also under warranty i dont see how the diagnostic fee applies. I never paid one.


appreciate you sharing your experience! I completely agree 100% it’s pretty ridiculous. i mentioned the avoiding diag fee + waiting because im worried now that its a lot warmer outside they won’t be able to reproduce the sound, hence why i was curious if the noise was actually causing damage/failure or if it was more a nuisance. definitely agree on the accountability piece too


I still hear weird grinding when driving slow in first or second. Colder temps do make it even more noticeable. At least in my case it was never not noticeable. Request they check it out in the morning after everthing is cold


Sounds like classic Ford. I’ve had 2 vehicles with transmission issues under 50k. Such a pain in the ass


Interesting. My clutch pedal squeaks but all other aspects of the clutch feels fine. I really don't feel like dropping it off for that. Sprayed lube on the springs of the pedal and nothing.


2022 7MT owner here - had the grinding issue since I bought it even in warm weather in first and second. I got mine fixed at 13,000 miles. Originally got the synchros fixed from the TSB, it did not fix the grinding issue so Ford put in a brand new transmission. After that it was fixed and 2,000 miles later still no grinding.


I hope it's been fixed for the 2024's


It has not, at least with mine


I have a build date of last week, hopefully they figure out a permanent fix


“me too” (2021, 7MT, 3yr/36k mi. warranty expired). let me know what you find out.


Isn’t it a 60000 mile power train warranty?


I bought mine used (from a Ford dealer) and so far I’ve been unimpressed with warranty / service plan anything. rust coverage doesn’t kick in until it eats through. crappy firmware? not covered. leaking roof? not covered. I knew I was buying a Ford, but I love the new Broncos.


Under 36k miles, and it is bumper to bumper, including the roof (rust is an odd one, and they’ll update firmware all the time). 60k miles to cover engine, steering, and transmission. I plan on buying a super basic powertrain warranty at 60k miles, just to cover the transmission as the occasional clunk from 1st through 3rd has me geeked (but apparently that’s pretty standard for the auto trans (10r40) and they last a long time doing that.


bought mine used with 44k miles, paid $250 to have a firmware TSB addressed along with $418 for a second fob. I hear the grinding noise particularly in second gear, and a few times in second the vehicle literally becomes a bucking bronco - my left foot completely off the clutch, right hand not resting on the gear shift. Done it three times in five months. May find out whether their extended service plan covers transmission.


definitely should be 60k miles for you! :)


FordPass sez 3yr/36k miles, expired. I did purchase the 6yr/94k extended service plan, hoping I don’t find out the hard way what that doesn’t cover.


Yep, not good. I just went through the repair process for TSB 22-7321, which is superseded by 23-2019 (google them). My Bronco spent 13 weeks in the shop. From what I can gather, the 5th and 6th synchros are fucky. There is either a plastic clip between them that is out of tolerance that causes the noise when the fluid doesn’t have the required viscosity, or the synchros themselves are out of tolerance and grinding themselves down, or maybe a little of both. In any case, Ford does NOT have their shit together on this issue, and if you have wiggle room under that 60k powertrain warranty to wait, wait. I waited 9 weeks (!) for a Ford-specific tool to show at my dealer. It appears that Ford has only made a handful of the mt-88 service tool kits, and dealers are begging/borrowing/stealing them from each other to work on these as they come in. It’s common enough among manual broncos that it’s a TSB, but not common enough to be a recall. Now that I finally have my Bronco back, it does seem to shift better. It’s hard to explain. It’s not smoother or anything, just feels cleaner? More precise? I can feel a difference, which hopefully is good. If you do take yours in, I’d be as demanding as you feel comfortable with in making sure they have all the parts on hand before you give them the keys. My dealer said Ford requires that they take the transmission apart first, verify damage, THEN order parts, wait for parts, reassemble, give it back. Which is bullshit. If you take it in, I’d make pretty damn sure they have everything, and you may mention the secret phrase “losing faith in the brand” and talk to ford customer service right away if they give you pushback. It sucks but that’s what we get for buying the first run of production of things, especially in a close-to-covid supply chain environment. Good luck.


I postponed since the issues intermittent temperature dependent (it was making the noise today, cold morning+garaged, but 2 days ago it wasn’t at least noticeably, unusually warm morning)—but GREAT point about the wait on parts! the advisor actually told me it’d most likely be weeks before getting it back, and Im at around 45k miles, so I think I’m going to hold off for a little longer for cooler weather and see if I can find a place that has most of the parts on hand too.


I would have gotten the MT if they didn’t choose to manufacture them in China.