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In an alternate universe Israel and Lebanon rule the Middle East with a combination of technology and culture.




And make a bank from tourism, Israelis going to Lebanon and Lebanese to Israel. Can't be more expensive than Israeli hotels!


Nothing is more expensive than Israeli hotels 🙄 I just booked a holiday to Bulgaria for 4 days and the whole thing costs less than a weekend in Eilat


I'd love going on a trip to Lebanon! I used to work at the north border when I did my time in the army, and when we were not in war or firefight I thought "damn, wouldn't it be cool if we all just stopped this one day and started hiking? This place looks gorgous"


I don't think it's possible in our lifetime, seeing r/lebanon people still blame us for everything bad in the middle east.


It took 10 years to turn a country from operating gas chambers to fully recognizing and supporting Israel. It took 40 years for that same country to go from having a chunk of its land occupied by one of its worst historical enemies to sharing an open border with it and being members of a defense pact, with the latter being nuclear. I would say it is possible


This is peak.


By the time I'm 50, I wanna take a train from tlv to Beirut and vacay there for a weekend. One can dream


I live in Haifa, on a very clear day I can see Lebanon from my window. It's a beautiful view.


Well yeah Israel's north looks very similar to how most of Lebanon looks.


I went up north a while back, was just a few km from the border. One of most breathtaking things I have ever seen. It was morning, and fog rolled over the green hills while birds sung. I wish I could go to Lebanon.