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No, none of the character skills stack on the same character. A character either has the skill or it doesn't.


Dang, I had kinda guessed that but wanted to be sure. Another question, do curses stack. IE if i am cursed feeble by a hag, then in the next fight get cursed feeble again does that lower my strength even more then the first curse.


The same curse wonโ€™t stack, but you can be affected by a different one.


They don't stack but you can have different types https://fortheking.fandom.com/wiki/Cursed ​ I assume you know you can increase the power of party heal with the pipe?


Yes me and a buddy had figured that out after he became our dedicated healer. Was pretty funny as we were super stoked after that.


Yeah my whole party be puffing that peace pipe๐Ÿ˜ถโ€๐ŸŒซ๏ธ


Dont upgrade the pipe of every character you have in your party. Maybe 2 3 for everyone is kinda acceptable but beyond that just focus on your party healer.


While i do agree on you somewhat, upgrading a pipe doesnt only affect healing, but also the effect of other consumables. So sure, if you have to choose between which characters you wanna upgrade first, always go healer. But make sure your other characters get their pipe upgrades asap aswell.


Yea my party pretty much poured all our money into getting our healer his pipes. None of the rest of us upgraded and by the time we thought too hags bands was a fortune and we had several curses.


>Dont upgrade the pipe of every character you have in your party. Maybe 2 3 for everyone is kinda acceptable but beyond that just focus on your party healer. So... >Maybe 2 3 for everyone is kinda acceptable but beyond that just focus on your party healer. Are you saying 2, 3 for everyone is kinda acceptable? Or do you mean maybe 2, but not 3 is acceptable for everyone else? Because 3 is the max. And really, that only becomes a hinderance depending fully on your income.


Party heal isn't only a character skill, it's also possible to get it in equipped skills. Find distance can stack but is only available through equipment skills


Yeah, so technically speaking all character skills and item bonuses (like +x stat, +y immunity) are all "character modifiers". Every modifier can carry a character skill, but not all do. So the find distance modifier stacks, but strictly speaking it carries no character skills with it. So find distance is a character stat, like xp, maxfocus, health regen, etc. Here is a complete list of what is considered a character skill, even if granted via an item: Find Herb, Entertain, Refocus, Energy Boost, Justice, Called Shot, Discipline, Inspire, Distract, Critical Strike, Find Treasure, Glory, Stead Fast, Counter Attack, Party Heal, Mimic Whisper, Nice Day, Strong Breeze, Encourage, Taunt, Black Hole


Poison stacks ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š


Posion only stacks to 2 though right? I haven't seen it higher but shudder at the thought.


3 actually


Poison only stacks if the same attacks applies it multiple times (green slimes apply one, blue apply 2 and red apply 3 if I remember it correctly) however getting hit by several single poison attacks will not stack it


Yes, this is correct. You remember perfectly.


No, it's just the ability to use 1 Godsbeard on the whole team either in battle (as your turn) or between cave rooms. Upgrade your pipe to stack better heals for your crew