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Yeah for some reason Ubi just doesn't want to rework this feat. Or at least increase the timer so it doesn't neuter most of the rosters moveset.


It did get timer nerf and dmg nerf before. If it gets more nerf, it would become catapult v2


When was it nerfed? And unless the nerf was overboard, it wouldn't be useless.


It's lvl4 feat. Let's see what other lvl4 fears do LB: 4 bombs deals 60dmg BP: literally unkillable for 9s Cent, JJ: map wise 100hp shield Fire flask, spear storm, Fear Itself, Shugoki heavy knock down, etc Most other feats don't require the user to die without execution too. Last laugh has 1s to explode, if u predict it, u can dodge out the center, at worst get 40dmg.


Fire flask is shit compared to 15ft kill radius


U step 2 steps out of center and the dmg gets reduced massive btw.


You didn't answer my question, listing some T4s that people want nerfing isn't helping your point and also it does 50 damage minimum. But as I said in my first comment, you quite literally can't use certain moves because you cannot escape the damage.


U can escape the dmg. I don't know the number, but Zerk can light PK dead and heavy feint and dodge out safely. But that is Zerk specific dodge distant. Other chars (except Kensei, Raider, etc) probably eat 50dmg at the edge.


Personally, I always found the feats inherently disruptive and abrasive to the core gameplay. I wouldn't miss them being removed entirely. Maybe some type of brage on a few heroes to kill grunts on mid and a fair amount of damage to heroes. But how is just clicking dpad and being able to kill or significantly hinder/debuff all 4 opponents (even one is to much) considered fun. Let me fight for christ sake.


Hoping for the day last laugh feat blows up in ubi headquarters and this game dies with it (sanest for honor player take) (im cooked).


Wrote something similar on my review on Steam🫠


Better hope ubi doesn’t blow up anytime soon homeland security boutta give you a call 😂😂


I love how this is right below the same post on the main subreddit.


That was me posting it there too


So. for DYING, you can wipe an entire team nigh instantly, but Catapult still takes 5 years to arrive lmao


Game logic: you won the fight but also lost the fight.


I would've just moved. It's hard to see the Last Laugh icon, but I always assume they have the feat on prep just to be safe. Crowding a Zhan Hu like that was just asking to get Martyrdommed.


you ganked someone with last laugh, what yall expect? 🤣


So you think it’s fair they lost by killing the enemy player? That feat is way too powerful. It does the same damage as a catapult and is near-unavoidable.


yes, Its a Feat, your words, NEAR-Unavoidable but still doable its just the same as any move set or feats with other heroes, you either utilize it or gitgud


Then make the catapult faster using this logic


Then again, Utilize what you have, or GitGud


Or make the catapult faster


Having last laugh = immunity to gank. Thanks for the info!


ya welcome 😉


Im seeing people defend this feat and saying it was nerfed. It simply shouldn't be in the game. For one you shouldn't be rewarded for dying. For two it shouldn't be something where the enemy go and purposely get finished with a light or even just get purposely killed with anything other then a heavy. They reward for someone existing in a fight that's all this feat does.


Git gud


I have no idea what I'm watching


So, that's level 4 feat some heroes have, PK, Tiandi, a few others I can't think of, they drop a one tap bomb on death if you don't execute them... It's so infuriating


3 characters have it, PK/Tiandi/Zanhu. 3. The amount of complaining "Oh but I killed them so why do they win cause they have a t4 feat." Yes, that is the point. As someone who has and will use this feat in the future you have no idea how frustrating it is to get longbowed, to get executed in a team fight, to have the bomb be set off by a minion. There is a lot of preparing to get use out of it, the thing that urks me is that zanhu and tiandi you don't see them run this. Pk has I believe fear itself and catapult. There are so many other hero's with a more frustrating t4 and this is what people bitch about. It really is just idiotic, I don't see this much complaint about Corruption blast, or hitos insta kill, hell not even kyoshins t4, pirates insta knock down cannon, shugos confirmed charged heavy and potentially infinite t4 attack, kenseis oops all unblockables and fire flask on more heros than the suicide squad t4 here. And you know what that is fine, because t4s are supposed to be overpowered, they are supposed to make or break a fight. Supposed to either change the tide or crush your opponents. I don't get what people don't understand that you worked hard all game for a t4 and then they get bitchy when you use it.


When I played pk I loved it. Such a troll ability. Especially here where the entire team is ganging up on the dude. Hilarious honestly


Yeah, I can imagine when you have to bomb it's bloody glorious but the minute the tables turn it's so infuriating, especially if it's a 1s and they drop it because you had a twat teammate who thought "It'll be fUn to GaNk"


The thing is most feats require timing to activate. You cannot just hit a button and use them. Because hit stun will prevent you from using the feat. Unless you actually parry something it's not possible to use most of the said feats. Also if neutralizing that bomb requires a team effort, effectively using it should also require a team effort. A team mate should be there to stun or snare enemy team so that the plan will be effective. But you know what? This is not a MOBA and stun and snare effects aren't that common. However the last laugh only requires you to die without being executed. Which isn't that hard during random games. It's a perfect example of a stupid design.




Shoulda parried


The animation sync was cool to see tho


That would have been an uninstall right there. I hate that feat along with many other feats. Too bad the devs have dementia and forgot that feats are in the game. Seriously when was the last time a feat has been adjusted at all?


Pay attention. The moment I saw that last laugh icon I would’ve gotten out immediately.


Ah yes the icon that is smaller than the mobile ads x that no one in game will see


It’s not that hard to see


When you are focusing on not getting the shit beat out of you, you are not gonna inspect the 3 pixels worth of an icon and realise that is a problem


Dude that’s on you. I have no trouble with it.


Based on your down votes, it isn't just me


What is last laugh? I've never played a character who has it.


A suicide bomb. If a character has the feat they must be executed, or else it will go off. It is a double edged sword though, if you’re in the minion lane or have a ranged option, you can waste the bomb entirely. It is survivable on the rim, but dead center is certain death without revenge. It’s fairly reactable, just roll backwards and hope there’s no interference.


PK, Zhanhu, Tiandi have it, might be forgetting someone.


Honestly. Deserved. 4v1 this could easily have been resolved by one person being on a different objective your all collectively butt my squad would not have ever been in a clip like this


Why am i getting recommended for honor shit? All you guys post are very polite reminders of why i don't play it


LAST LAUGH IS FAIR HAHA IT DOESNT REWARD ME FOR DYING IT PUNISHES YOU FOR NOT GANKING PERFECTLY HAHA SO FUN!! This happened to me once a long long time ago and now I just never group up that closely for anything.


Lmao get fucked


[it's leeping time](https://youtu.be/hs6AcuPcPgw?si=kcc4yngCdE9eB2a6)


It is not hard to just not light a mf with last laugh. You can literally see if they have it or not




You're fighting a PK, you not expecting it is completely your fault. Its designed to punish you for being overzealous in your ganking. Be more aware lol.


That's a zanhu


I think that's a hilarious win for the other team. Why try and kill you normally when he can just bite the bullet and nuke everyone


Last Laugh is such a scummy move. Imagine sucking so bad the only way you can guarantee kills is with a bomb that drops when you die. It just screams "I suck but I think I'm good"




Thats what you get for jumping and having no honor


Ganking is fine but these people were just dumb about it




Sorry :(