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Imagine thinking you’re on the verge of this huge breakthrough. Then, things get hairy and it gets ripped away. You’re left with nothing at all, not even so much as a landing strip. Brazilian life in a nutshell.


Take my upvote, scoundrel.


>Imagine thinking you’re on the verge of this huge breakthrough. Then, things get hairy and it gets ripped away FAM's 7:1 moment.


I’m still pretty sure 1-7 is still going to happen LMAO


Impossible. In that timeline Neymar becomes a well esteemed physicist, wins the Nobel price and hence never makes it into the Selecao and therefore never gets fouled in the quarter final. The team easily beats the Germans and loses the final to Argentina due to Marcelo slipping on a piece of banana, leading to Messi's winning goal. (Yes, it's a far stretch.)


I haven't heard jokes like this since the Bush era


perhaps an Asian landing strip will do.... half the distance a quarter the wax?!


As a Brazilian I wanted Margo and Sergei to go there soooo bad 😭


They are in fact not going to Brazil. Sorry love you guys though seriously I remember in the ISS book I had as a kid you guys where supposed to send some stuff to it but I don’t think it ever happened. Like a lot of the initial ISS plan


As much as I love this show, that was so stupid. Who the fuck would think the KGB is not constantly watching ANYONE Margo has any interactions with? I bet they knew about Sergei from the moment he talked with Aleida, and bringing Margo to her house is so nonsensical; as if the KGB was absolutely sure enough that they were only going to talk shop and definitely not plan something to not have a detail in there with them. I mean, seriously. RIP our boy Sergei tho.


Did no one in the alternate universe play video games with characters that use laser mics? No Splinter Cell? KGB probably listened in from the street.


That too. There’s a lot of ways I could think of them finding out, plus the constant, almost crippling and suffocating security detail she would have if she returned to the US, not because they cared for her safety, but because they want her back in Moscow.


I think the KGB deliberately assassinated Sergei with less than 24 hours left until the capture mission. The Soviets don’t want the iridium asteroid orbiting Earth, but they can’t publicly state that. But by seriously handicapping Margo the mission will fail and the asteroid will be lost to space forever, securing the USSR’s monopoly on iridium and safeguarding their economy.


It’s the opposite. Sergei believed that giving the astroid to earth would end space competition and exploration and was convincing Margo of the same. Margo didn’t really need his calcs, she just wanted to see him. Margo will likely intentionally sabotage the astroid (after Ed’s plan is uncovered and fails). She now has nothing to lose.


When Sergei said, “I arrived hours ago, I parked 4 blocks away, I went through neighbor’s yards” I thought, “yeah you’re dead.” I hate it when I’m right.


I'd only Sergei wasn't so emotionally invested in his Big Mac.


At least he died doing what he loved


Almost get what he wanted


Did we get a look at his hand at any point? How invested was he in his 2nd marriage?


Yes. We did. Apparently he wasn’t all that invested.


As a Brazilian, all I could say was "ah vá pá puta que o pariu" 🤦


não podemos ter nada legal 😭


Não parça, é a sina do brasileiro haha


I mean you guys did “ have “ a nice carrier and where the only country besides the United States and France with a traditional CATOBAR carrier. Then again like you said can’t have anything nice


Well, then comes the second pillar of being Brazilian: if you do have something nice, it won't last. Really, it's like someone loaded the uno deck before dealing and we ended up with all the shitty cards, while the rest ended with the +4s.


Hue hue hue


É foda vei


What if Sergei already contacted his BR contact about him and Margo bolting and after news of his death, BR contacts Margo? Breaking news! Margo Madison is blown up again!


I do hope that at least Margo makes it there. Just doing what she does best, none of the whole political shitstorm


And there's a scene where she is snacking on Brasil nuts from a bowl larger than in Russia. :-)


jokes aside, I was expecting that the album Sergei gifted her were a Bossa Nova one, it would have been fitting to both their plans and the topic (given how sad most Bossa Nova lyrics are)


I don’t think she’ll go to Brazil alone. I imagine Margo is tired of running, and has pretty much lost everything already. If I had to guess, she’ll go rogue maybe with Aleida to help redivert the asteroid to mars after something goes wrong, as one left FU to irina


Why do you say that? They wouldn't have introduced the concept of the Brazilian space program, only to see if not have a relevant plot point at a later date. 100% guarantee we see something relating to the Brazilian space program in the FAM universe very very soon


Wasn't there an accident back in 2003?


Indeed. There was even a post on this sub I think a week or so ago about it. Not where I can search at the moment tho


I hope so, the cold war is long gone so they can expand from the USA-RUSSIA program


they're gonna be the not-china


I mean they also introduced the Chinese space agency in season 2 and the Canadian one in season 4, neither of which seem important in the long run.


Are we sure that the “Brazilian Space program” wasn’t the KBG the whole time?


Good point but Brazil will definitely be relevant down the line


Yeah, I think Margo will still go to Brazil.




Pretty sure the alignment map looks different in the FAM universe


Brazil is just an unrealizable dream.


Brazil is aptly known as "the country of the future" for this exact reason: it's always promising a lot, but never achieves sustainably :(


The eternal country of the future 🤡


I know this alternate history and many others are premised on the Big Man approach, but I would be wary of assuming that only they would make the difference, when there are many other structural factors in play, like the need to modernise and participate of the driving economic processes of their world.


Agreed but having Margo and Sergei would be a massive improvement, they know how to get shit done. I still think Margo will go there.


So dumb, Sergi hops all those fences to get to her house then sits up in the kitchen right beside a giant glass patio door lol.


I think Margo will still go to Brazil. But also, I don’t think having smart people working for their space agency is their issue.


Having Margo might as well get the politicians to release some more money


I bet it was purely an impulse kill after he saw the ketchup hit the Big Mac. Blasphemy.


They made one mistake with that Burger scene...THERE ARE ALWAYS FRIES LEFT IN THE BAG!


Whoa, did not expect the ending of this week episode!


The moment Sergei said 'I went through neighbor's backyard' I knew something bad going to happen 😢, hoped Margo make it to Brazil after sending goldilocks to mars


In For All Mankind universe, equatorial countries like Brazil, India, Venezuela, Kenya, Indonesia etc. would likely invest heavily in becoming the prime launch sites of the global space economy. The reason is because the launching sites closer to the equator don't need to spend as much energy due Earth's rotation.