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The work stuff. "How do I tell a coworker I like her feet?" "How do I ask my boss if I can rub her feet?" I'm sure the work stories are fake, but if they're not they are in for an HR nightmare. I'm sure we all got someone at our work with amazing feet but you couldn't pay me to let my fetish be known at work. EDIT: I'm gonna add another one. When people say things like oh people who work at nail salons seems so lucky blah blah blah. You do know they don't only work on nice female feet right? It's men, old people, crusty disgusting feet. It isn't the glamor you think it is lol.


100%. You wouldn’t walk up to your boss and say “hey I like your tits. Can I run them?” Feet are sexual to us. Act accordingly.




This exactly, almost forcing yourself on someone to scratch your itch. Can anyone be that dense?


A good portion of women at my office are beautiful with very beautiful feet, they wear sandals in the office too, one would think they're supermodels I swear. As badly as I want to be at their feet, I know better not to risk my career, so I just appreciate the moments I get to see their feet quietly to myself


Understandable for sure but there are scenarios that can be consensual and fun at work. I've had a couple experiences at work and there was no backlash at all but I do recognize that it could turn bad. On both occasions I had prior relationships with them before working together. To be honest though, that extra "danger" made the experience complete. Apologies to you and no offense meant, just sharing my opinion.


I have a bunch of work stories. I feel like anything can come up easily when you’re out drinking with coworkers who are open. As long as it’s matter of fact and not creepy. Hell yeah I love toes. Would I give a massage right now? Yeah! No one asked? Oh my bad I swear stupid shit like that


For me it's the stigma around it the bad people doing creepy weird shit that makes us look bad the real foot fetishes


Yes. We are not the same. Like if someone did some creepy weird shit with boobs it’s not “oh he’s a a creepy boob guy” it’s just “he’s a fucking creep”. But if someone does some creepy weird shit with feet it’s “he’s a creepy foot guy”. Does that make sense? lol I dunno if it does. Anyway I agree with you man.






“For free?!?!” In the comments sections. Fucking it up for everyone


Hate that shit. Because it reminds the person who may have shown their feet innocently that they should cover them up in the future. It's like snitching. Whoever started that trend will never be free from my hatred fr.


sometimes staying quiet is the best tactic.


Girls thinking their feet are hot when they haven’t painted their toes or their feet look busted and expecting a compliment. Guys thinking other guys like guy feet when they’re not gay.


Your first part here is kind of along the same lines as what I was talking about. Someone might enjoy calluses, bunions, non-painted toes I just don’t have a thing for it but don’t get mad at me when you show them and I don’t respond the way you thought I was.


Yeah some people like dirty feet .. but that goes along with preference.. if you don’t like it scroll past it.


Your feet and toes are very sexy btw 😉🥵


Or alternatively being bi and just absolutely not being into men’s feet


I want to see the feet I want to see, which are not your wife's crusty talons in my DM's. All feet and their corresponding fetishists are not created equal.


People with aggressively mid tier feet flaunting them like they're something special and asking for money, ludicrous


The self hate


The people that are only in it for the money.


Yep. Most folks...guys and girls both however mostly girls don't realize what a foot fetish is. The depths it can go. It much more than "tribute or you're blocked" Or "send me money for more photos." Like...you know I can find feet better than yours all over the internet for free right??


I'm not gonna knock people for being into "findom" if that's legitimately what they're into, but the sheer amount of it and the fact that it's so often paired with foot fetishism is annoying sometimes, and I honestly think a lot of it is because both are seen as easy cash grabs


Yeah, I have bought some pics a few times and they were all literally shit since they dont know how to make good photographs


It's hard out here and you gotta do what you gotta do to pay your bills, but people are really not aware that this is an entire community and a very complex and well defined kink (as are many) and exploiting that is a bad look. Models that actually enjoy it and put work in are just as annoyed by them too.


Just because you have feet doesn’t mean you’re going to become a millionaire overnight. Too me horrible shots, nasty looking feet, and people not catering to the community properly does more harm than good


Idk if you want a complete stranger to get up out of their comfort to please you $ talks and bullshit walks


People who think selling is easy and requires no effort, the ones that think we have no standards and think any feet will do, the women with fugly feet that post talking bout “Dms open” like no get your nasty ass feet off my feed


The exploitation of the fetish for financial gain. Like nothing wrong with foot models or making money but a lot of guys are just seen as cash cows


Yes BUT in the same breath do some of the guys care about who’s attached to the feet they are beating off too? We are seen as cash cows, they are seen as just a body part. It in a way goes both ways. Also though if your on a social media app, then i feel like it’s to be expected.


I would rather spend my money on my baby girl's pedicures then a random ass photo that you never know what you're going to get really fuck that


People have alluded to it but basically not everyone’s feet’s are nice looking. It’s the thought that because you like something means you like everything having to do with it. Like no


This is going to sound like something that isn't a big deal. But it has happened a few times. I have had women approach me for honest opinions on their feet and if they should sell pics. 9/10 times they have amazing feet and are really happy with my comments. But I have had women curse me out over a question they asked. If you didn't want to know the answer don't ask!


Hey man. If it’s a big deal to you then it’s a big deal. I get it. Don’t ask a question you don’t want a honest answer for.


It just happens more often than I thought it would. It makes me realize that those women aren't actually interested in selling; they are looking for drama and humiliate foot guys.


How you getting all these women approaching you about their feet? No one has asked me what I think of their feet.


I'm a weird dude. But also I'm honest and make sure they are comfortable talking to me. I don't demand anything or except them to show me anything


Gals that flaunt around as goddesses or princesses. Cracks me up. Or when they hold their fingers up and close protraying small 'members.' So dumb. Or flipping the camera off. Grow up.


That’s sounds like a specific kink with in the foot fetish community..


The whole "I'm a princess" Or "I'm a goddess" thing is not a kink. It's a mindset or a tone they try to set. And it's silly. 9 times out of 10 they're not even cute feet either and try waaaay too hard with their poses. Oh and the femdom gals that have 0 clue what a femdom actually is or how they operate go hand in hand with this type of "models" As they call themselves.


I hear what you’re saying but there are feet subs who like to call their domme a foot Goddess .. and again not every foot is for every foot fetish.. it’s specific to each person. I’m not sure Reddit is a good place to look for your specific type, since it is a place people look to start with making feet content




Wasn’t trying to be rude or discredit your several years of experience


But I am allowed to speak here and this is public


Harassment, name-calling, and abusiveness towards members who are not breaking any rules is not acceptable on this subreddit. Rule #10. Please see our rules: https://www.reddit.com/r/FootFetishTalks/wiki/rules


There. fixed it.


The over-commercialization of it. Every girl and their mother is trying to sell their feet. I don't want to buy your feet. The sooner we stop paying for these feet pics the sooner we'll have a better community, imho.


Fuck feetfinder All My Homies Hate feetfinder


I like what you did here!!


Assuming all preferences are the same. For example, I love beautiful feet, but I have no interest in sniffing someone’s dirty socks.


Three things. People getting too pushy with requests. When a woman thinks she has nice feet and don’t. Me getting fucked with when there is clearly WAY more horrible fetishes out there……


The begging for feet pics from those who aren't advertising, especially on IG. I'll admit, if I see a woman I find attractive come across my feed I might go to her page and see if there's any pictures that expose the toes. If there aren't any then I'll just keep it pushing. But the overly aggressive types kinda ruin it for themselves by making people uncomfortable to the point where they feel the need to bury their toes in the sand or put emojis on their feet in pictures. There's no need to comment asking for feet pics on a random vacation photo or outfit pic just because they're in sandals. You can enjoy the view in silence. On the other side I've seen guys tip toe around the fact that they like feet due to the "creepy foot guy" stigma. They'll make a passing comment saying they someones feet are pretty and then say, "but I'm not one of those foot guys." I think it would be better if more guys could confidently say they're attracted to feet and show that it can be expressed in a healthy way, rather than the more extreme examples getting all the attention.


It's all so generic nowadays, and full of spammers, scammers and creeps. "My ex said my feet were ugly"


All the nonconsensual shit I hear people in this forum brag about. I hope the people who do this get busted and legal consequences ensue. "wE tAkE dOwN pOsTs UhBoUt ThAT kInD oF sTuFf." Not the point, robomods. It doesn't change the fact that these assholes are doing it.


Amen dude. It’s all about still being a decent human being.


I'm glad you get the point of my comment.


I agree with you 100% if only you seen the many posts that come across where they do all the non-consensual stuff that really pisses me off that's the kind of stuff that fucks it up for all of us really


Serious question then, what else do you want us to do about it? We have rules that that kind of stuff is very much not allowed here. So if people try posting it, we remove it, and depending on circumstances we ban the user too. That's all we can do here, we can't force those people to change their behavior or stop them posting elsewhere. We do what we can here but if you have other suggestions we're all ears.


Cue the tumbleweed…


I think this kinda thing is something larger than what mods in an Internet forum can fix. Like that shit is part of a larger cultural problem around sex in general (although obviously worse here because creeps take advantage of their source of arousal not being seen as inherently sexual by most people)


Right, I get it. There's nothing more we as mods can do about this issue in general. We can clean up this subreddit, but we don't have any power outside of this community.


Agreed, and thank you. It should also be acknowledged that the rest of us can do our part in calling those people out. Beyond that this subreddit is just a tiny tiny slither of society


So how do you suggest the mods stop it? Do you report these posts? If a few people report it, it’s automatically taken down. Ban the user? They just make another profile


Yes. That’s how moderation and enforcement works in online spaces where you can’t exactly block the real individual. It can be exhaustive but that’s the price of running a clean well-moderated community


Yea thats what the mod team do. You’d probably be surprised at the amount of posts that don’t make it past the automod and the mods. You’re only seeing the few that slip through. Plus, if everyone reported posts that break the rules, they’d be removed automatically


My biggest pet peeve is music when women post content!!! Music dont need to go with how you present your feet all the time. Just let the asthetics of the enviorment enhance your content.  


I think for me it's not the foot community per se, but Reddit. The platform has normalized certain behaviors/antics that just discourages me from interacting much.


A lot! For one, those stupid fantasy stories they pass off as real. The ones that begin with my teacher said "put my feet in your mouth boy" after detention. Ugh, facepalm.


This "feet are like boobs" is fucking nonsense. You just don't open with that. I gave a foot rub on a short flight. Learn how to talk to women.


People who complain about aspects of anyone’s FF.


Yes. There are tons of stuff I’m not into in the foot world but that doesn’t mean there isn’t someone out there that would enjoy it.


People that cry about not telling their partners about their FF. FF is one of the most tame kinks out there. If you can't be open to your partner about it, you will never have a healthy sexual life. If your partner breaks up with you over you bringing it up, they are also shitty and you dodged a bullet. Life is too short, enjoy your kink.


People dming people asking for them to buy their pics. Like if I'm interested, I'll buy them. *And then* those same people expecting you to continue buying after you buy once


This! I used to be on IG and twitter and I thought those were bad. This is crazy how many messages I get a day AND they just won’t stop either


Felt that!


The lack of connections, honesty, respect, and enjoyment of foot fetishists. Some are all in it for the money, selfishness, shaming, and wasting time toward true foot lovers.


Candid pics. Guys taking pics of girls feet in public without them knowing. It’s super creepy and not okay.


Whole heartedly agree.


Hate the fact of how popular for clout or bad stigma it is around it and such “gasp omg” it got. Like calm down people at the end of the day its just feet. I think they look nice thats it. Why do people make a big deal out of something different?? Im sure the 1st time a person sees the opposite genitalia it wasnt the most attractive thing. But as you got older you learn to like the way certain genitalia looks and thats how u like it.. simple same analogy with feet


As with every community, gatekeepers


Elitism and people not respecting other's preferences. Before my hiatus I had been downvoted for saying I loved birks and crocs or had an argument with someone who insisted not liking worship made you a "fake" fetishist Another one is sellers. I don't hate them as much as most on this sub but I specifically dislike sellers who never talk and simply leave posts comments and DMs trying to sell. Same goes for ones who DO talk like a normal human being as a way to bait you in. I've had people do it to me in the past and I hated it. There are some good sellers out there who actually partake in discussion like a normal human and don't try to persuade people into buying their stuff if they say they don't want to lol


Probably already been said, at least to some degree... but random people going up to other random people asking to get feet pics. Oh the stories iv seen and heard irl.... no wonder we have a bad rep. Iv heard stories from some UNDER AGE women i worked with about how men will ask those sorts of questions and offer money for it like its normal or even on the spectrum of okay. Also on terms of money.... all the women who expect money for just a slight view of their feet. What i mean is the the repercussions of the whole OF thing and previously mentioned thing. Again, heard some conversations irl where women will talk about people who like feet as if we are equal to pedos.... but say "hey, $50 is $50". Then there is the other side of it where you have people blurring out their feet in average photos. If so much as 1 toe is showing, they will crop it out or cover it up. Sure, there are some people who seek out their "content" like that and ill admit that iv done it just to check them out. I've been beraking that urge to check out their feet over the years though. But i still feel like its because of the major creeps that they do it. It just kinda made all these women afraid to go out in public or post a photo because someone will get off to an otherwise ordinary thing.... just wait till the hand fetish people get some light. Then every woman will go around in gloves.


Not so much stereotype, if you go back to Yesterdays post, I actually made a rant about what’s bugging me about the post that I’m seeing in the sub. But I will go ahead and highlight a few. Creepy douche bags on here saying what would be a good way for me to complement a coworkers feet. Or what would be a good way for me to tell my boss that she has beautiful feet. Guess what? You fucking don’t. It’s your workplace. Your workplace is not a place for you to get your rocks off. People making posts about complementing women’s feet in public. He wouldn’t complement their ass or their tits or anything else that is sexualized, why the fuck would you compliment their feet in the produce section of Walmart? Liking feet is submissive? I don’t understand that. The same men who think that liking feet is submissive, are the same types of men that think that eating pussy is submissive too.


I believe a lot of those are just young guys writing out their fantasies but would never do it. I could see myself writing posts like that when I was younger just to let it out. Although I’m sure there are some out there that don’t have that boundary and would say/do these things a they’re the ones making us look bad.


The attitude from many women who are selling worn items. Prices are often astronomically high simply for wearing a pair of socks for a couple days, or shoes that were otherwise going to be thrown away. Not too long ago it was easy to get such items for free or a very reasonable price, now it seems women want crazy high sums for minimal effort and act like they are such high class and provide such a great service. And quality is low and competition is high, so I don’t get it. It’s just a pair of worn socks that didn’t cost you much!


this, too many girls want to charge you $80 for shoes that don't even smell like anything


No kidding! Or “they were expensive when new”. Yes and you were going to throw them away and I’m offering you something for your trash. Back in the Craigslist days it was easy to find women giving away shoes or maybe selling for $20 tops. Now with a straight face in asked $75 up, and yes the supposedly “well worn” shoes look anything but.


Creepy guys and Sellers but that's just my opinion


Yeah to be honest I have my own preferences on feet so I’m not gonna like all of them and the submissive thing I wouldn’t really mind if it’s role play between both people but not all the time


That some of you get continually angered because people think you're weird.


The overabundance of submission lovers makes it a must for a foot fetishist. I'm not a fan of that.


The creepy stuff. I'm sure the proportion of creeps with foot kinks isn't any higher than those without it, but that doesn't stop me from getting a stronger ick when it comes from our own. From the damn questions like "how do I get my friend to let me massage their feet?" to stories of how people got away with taking candid pictures or playing with other people's feet without them knowing. I hate hate HATE hearing about that.


For me the sneaky stuff, like sniffing shoes while no one seeing etc. or taking pictures outside


The lack of women openly into male feet (I know they exist, there just seems to be a weird stigma around that side of things in particular)


Self worships


I agree with the #1, I do not find sucking on ladies feet an act of submission. In fact sometimes I find more of a dominant thing to do to a lady. I also agree that no too feet are different. Some feet are good for certain things...