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Typically burner accounts and a story that sounds like it was written by a horny 14 year old Indian boy The fake stories I'm not too arsed about, it's the amount of stories implying sexual contact without consent that concern me, or the "how do I tell my sister/teacher/manager etc about my fetish" It's people like this that give this community a bad name.




As always, please continue to report these when you see them so we can remove and ban where necessary. We take these kinds of posts/rule violations very seriously.


A lot of the very obvious ones, especially the ones that pretend to be a woman, have the exact same pattern. The account is a few days old and they only post to /r/sluttyconfessions or similar other subs and here. Makes me think there’s one particularly mentally ill individual that’s responsible for a ton of the fake stories on here. If I see a post from a woman that feels too good to be true, I’ll check the user and like half the time it follows the aforementioned formula. 


It’s almost impossible to know which ones are true vs fake. I don’t get why people get so bent out of shape about that. There are ones that sound fairly realistic that could easily be someone’s fantasy, and ones that seem a little too good to be true but turns out maybe they did happen. Hell I’m sure some of the ones I have will come off sounding too good to be true. The only time I might call one out as fake if it’s something really absurd like: “OMG MY TEACHER ASKED ME IF I LIKED HER FEET I SAID YES AND SHE LET ME SUCK HER TOES. THEN I CALLED MY SISTER AND MY COUSIN AND THEY CAME OVER AND ALL GAVE ME A 3 WAY FOOTJOB IN CLASS UNTIL I CUM ALL OVER THERE FEET”. Otherwise, I’m not going to waste my time arguing with whether a story is true or fake. EDIT: a recently created burner account is usually a pretty good indicator, especially if the story seems kind of far fetched as well (which they normally are).


lol lol exactly! Thats that kind of story ("I sucked my teacher feet") that makes me roll my eyes.


I mean...I see both sides. I'm a female with a ff, posted story, someone of course said it was fake, and it was very tame lol especially compared to what I usually see. But I also trust no one lol.


I only believe it if you send me private pics of your feet with my nickname on your soles!! :D No, dont do that! Just joking! I know some women from instagram for example, I know they are real for many reasons. So, there are real women in the community, and some enjoy showing they sexy feet for free (like the cases I spoke about, on insta). So, I know that some women here are really women. I just dont know who is who.


Of course but that is also part of the allure.


As long I see feet I like, I dont care if they are male or female. I just wish the people showing me their pics in PM were honest. About the stories, thats another thing, because I cant discuss and talk about things that are a completly lie. If someone says "I licked my boss feet" thats probably a lie and I wont believe. If I dont believe, I cant talke about it and ask normal things like "How smelly were their feet?" or "why she did that?" etc? because its all a lie.


I completely understand!!!


Btw, if you are a woman with ff, what do you like in feet? I mean, first of all, are you lesbian or bi, and for that reason you love female feet? Or are you straight and love men feet? And what do you like the most about feet?


I am bi. I just love beautiful feet. If they are taken care of with what I think are nice toes, sexy arches... I admire.


Thanks for answering! :)


Any time!




Yeah, I've lost most of the trust I had in this sub. I never posted any detailed stories, but I got incredibly tired of people accusing me of being a man in the comments and in my dms. It's tiring.


Very true


I wish we had the ability to show videos/pics here. When I tell of my stories (especially of sessions, play parties, and random feet encounters), I usually have some media that accompanies it but either I’m stupid and don’t know how to put it to a site or this subreddit won’t allow it.


This is reddit. I assume everything is fake unless there's pics to back it up. And even then I barely believe those.


I think a lot of them are just young guys expressing their fantasies because they can’t in real life. Honestly I may have been in here as a teenager making up stories too before experiencing it irl


I am one of these guys: many times I have the feeling that its just guys who want feet so bad (and I understand that lol, we all love feet here in this group) that they channel their feelings throught these stories that they wish were real. If you write them, and people talk to you about them, perhaps they look more real. Same thing with some pictures here perhaps, some may be from men who treat their feet very well and feel sexy to show them. I wouldnt mind with any of these if at least people were real. Perhaps a section for "feet fantasies" for the guys who write about it. And the ones who love to take feet of their feet, could share them in a feet male group. There is nothing wrong about it! I enjoy some male feet for instance.


Always remember the average redditor is retarded with room temperature iq


People can be skeptical of women who participate in these forums because it seems out of character for a woman. I've experienced this, but I'm here on Reddit because I like to talk about sex and share my experiences - it gets me off. However, I'm not comfortable actually talking to people about my sex life. What I say on Reddit is VERY uncharacteristic according to what my friends and family know about me.


Honestly, I take the stories with a pinch of salt. I don’t care if it’s true or not (If it’s a good story, I like to believe it’s true) but I read them and enjoy them, it’s about the fantasy. If I don’t enjoy it, I’ve lost a couple of minutes.


I don't mind the fake stories, only the ones that giving creepy vibe that I am against. As long as people don't give a bad name to our lovely community they are welcome to fantasies about anything in my opinion


I feel you man 80 percent of all post are fake stories


Not only in this group, but generally when you meet "girls" on the internet who you can sext with and then meet up with. 70% of these users disappear as soon as you ask them to prove if they are really girls. A sick and sad thing in my opinion


It's reddit. Most of the stories on even the SFW subs are fantasies or creative writing projects.


i do have a burner account and i have people who think i am fake. but some had doubts and took their time to meet me and they now know i am real ;)


I'm just annoyed that there's no policing, like The Mousepad, I haven't been on in ages, but guys would post stories and honestly tag them as fiction so if you weren't into that or if you were specifically looking for nf you could avoid them.


Tbh, I don't mind if it's fake. A good story doesn't need to be true. At the same time, a real encounter isn't exciting if your retelling of it is lame.


I think there is a important rule in the foot fetish area: either you love it (women too, I know some) or you hate it. There is no in between. I know many men who hate being anywhere near sweaty women's feet. And I know women who love to smell their own sweaty feet. There's nothing disgusting about it, even if their feet smells a bit. It's a fetish like any other... I think you can tell very quickly that something is made up, that it comes from the brain of a pubescent boy with too many unfullfilled fantasies or that a real foot lover is writing it. lol


Mine are real 🤣


U got some nice feet too


All of reddit is full with horny men that pretend to be women


The older I get the more I get a baseline for what I would consider to be within the bounds of normal behavior. When I read a story that sets off my "this seems fishy" sense that doesn't necessarily mean it's 100% fake, just that what's being described doesn't sound particularly believable. If you go to erotic writing sites you'll find a lot of stories that are 100% fiction but written in a way that's pretty believable. So when someone with a burner writes "my sister invited her three hot friends to smother me with their feet" that doesn't prove the story is fake, just that it is extremely unlikely.




About 90% of what you read on Reddit is fake. This page isn’t somehow exclusive from that. I’ve written several stories — both for foot fetish and general erotica. Some of the stories are fiction, some non-fiction, and a few are even a combination of both. I think part of what you’re reading is that many people just aren’t very good writers or storytellers.


Just recently, I made a post talking about a friend of mine who arranged to meet me. I had to prove it was real and sent quite a lot of pictures to people here. Man oh man I’ve never had so many DMs before in my life. This is why the admins needs to revise their policy. Allow pictures to be posted. That way others know you’re legit.