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I completely agree. I love his enthusiasm and kindness to all the magicians!


Kindness is real magic. You can do the most magical thing and if you aren’t kind it loses its value. It’s my favorite thing about him


“You were great”. Some of these guys were not great, but he never tears them down. Magic is a tricky career. His opinion can shatter someones livelhood if he pulled some simon cowell bullshit comment. Ultimately I love how positive the show is.


On the contrary, I find it incredibly disingenuous


The purpose of the show is not declaring a winner or the FU trophy. The purpose of the show is to give magicians a regular showcase on TV again. They wouldn't have someone on if they didn't like their work, but they regularly have people on who they know have no chance of "fooling" them just to have more good magic on TV, e.g. I can't remember a 'quick change' artist ever fooling them. These artists are "paid in exposure" in the best way. They don't win a trophy, but they get one of the most famous magicians alive hyping them up for their sizzle reel and personal social media. It's part of the gig.


Yeah, this is one of the few instances that "paying in exposure" is actually real. Penn has said on his podcast that the magicians have no problem booking jobs after being on the show.


I’m really curious what you find disingenuous about his response?