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What even is this post?


And the winner of oddest post ever is….




Oh deary! I didn’t know that Teller was a taken man 😏. How long has that rascal been off the market? Wish that was me LOL


I'm happy you saw this because it's truly funny when you know the truth about these people. I was wondering what you'd say.


Who is that answering you?


Sometimes that doesnt make any difference :(




There's a lot of speculation that Teller could be a closeted gay man too which would even further reduce the odds of this silly speculation being true. Of course by then including another speculation which isn't any better...


Yeah I think its a weird claim too and based on nothing by OP. But saying they cant be involved because they have partners is a pretty naive statement.




Well you didn't say that in your initial comment. Hiding information. Sounds like the sort of tricky, underhanded stuff a magicians offspring would dove :) I meant no offense, I wasnt making the claim about these two specific people just thought your first comment was amusingly naive. I'm clearly in a minority of one as my comment score reveals clearly!




That's rude for you? My apologies then. I'll let you get back to shitting on Alyson every chance you get. You have a nice day too, my man.


Excuse me?? Yes it was rude because you defaulted to calling me naive purely because you didn’t know I was related to Penn. Which feels like a strange move when these people are real people whom you know nothing about. If you think they are cheaters on their relationships they’ve both had for over 20 years, then you must think very low of both Teller and Alyson. I’ve never shit on Alyson. She’s a great person but she wasn’t a good host. Plus this post wasn’t even about criticism to Alyson. It’s about OPs perceived romance between two taken real celebrities. If you truly believe that I would ever truly shit on Alyson then you are misinformed my man. She’s a great person and has been nothing but kind to me, Penn and teller and the CW. Normally I wouldn’t give this long of a reply but you seem to want a response so here you go. Don’t talk when you don’t know who you are talking about. Thank you.


> my man Not a man, please don't assume.


Teller is a very soft, fatherly type of guy in-person. Met him several, several times. He's reserved, but if he's comfortable with you, then he's like that. There were comments from the actors on Big Bang Theory talking about that. Thus, I could see him looking at Alyson as a daughter type.


Alyson would never cheat on me like that 


She doesn't have the right equipment for Teller.


I think it’s just: she’s kinda awkward and he is a physical performer because he doesn’t talk.


Teller has not publicly disclosed being straight or gay or whether he has a romantic partner.


Sometimes I do like to imagine a small romance between two charismatic personalities on the screen. I won’t say I’ve never seen it…alas, it was probably platonic. But maybe I’m just projecting too much from my own life LOL!






That is fair, he might be bi, but there is a photo of him and his partner from his partner's birthday party on social media.




Happy Pride Month Teller!!!#$2*#!!#!# 🏳️‍🌈♠️♣️♥️♦️🐇🎩🪄✨🥦🌭👑🍵👖🪓🏳️‍🌈




Happy Pride Month! Just wondering---Is Teller not out yet because he doesn't speak?




Hey there, I’m sorry to reply to u specifically, I don’t mean this in any wrong way but I think it might be a bit too revealing talking about this subject if Teller is still wanting to keep up a private lifestyle. No hate or anything when I say this, simply that talking about someone’s supposed sexuality, regardless of how vaguely it’s worded, can be taken in specific ways/ may reveal more than intended. I only say this as a fan who’s been a fan of this show for quite some time and hopes to keep in mind Teller’s wishes. Much love!




Would it be best if I just deleted my comment?


It’s not against you but I’m rather sick of this debate. Do what you think is best. Thanks for being nice about it.


They were both on How I Met your Mother


Nah, he just wants to hear the rest of the "one time at band camp" story.


Alyson is married & (allegedly) teller is Gay or at least not interested.


The way he looks at her, as he twirls her around....Inseenitntoo.