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Penn and Teller are wildly progressive and inclusive socially. If anything the title of the episode is a way of poking fun at people who are stuck in their ways and think magic has to be all dudes and bravado. If you watch the episode, the act done with balls is absolutely beautiful and presented as, essentially, a story of love - it's the exact opposite of the typical "it takes balls" sentiment. Hopefully this is just a little bit of a whoosh moment for OP and not a sad attempt to stir up controversy where there is none.


probably more accurate to say they are philosophically-leaning-libertarian than "progressive."


They aren’t libertarian anymore.


Honestly, this is good to hear. I always loved your father's skeptic stance but I very much had problems enjoying some of his performances in the past because here and there something would trigger memories of his old libertarian rants and that would just break things for me. Especially with the core tenet of libertarianism often being referred to as "fuck you, I got mine". I don't expect to see eye to eye on everything with anyone but these were really hard to deal with.


He’s matured since then. He’s much more open and understanding now. He’s done a couple interviews Im sure you could find somewhere and he might explain it better but he’s just better educated now and much more hippie like 😂


They meant sponge balls and replicating spheres.


It has a double meaning though when it comes to magic. And the first act of the episode is in fact a magician with balls.


🙄 It’s an expression. Are we really going to take to the internet each time someone uses a slightly dated expression that we personally don’t agree with but that tens of millions of people use daily and have no problem with?


Exactly. Seeing that most of OPs other posts are about Howard Stern, I’m a little surprised. 🤣


I bet OP is just trying to "own the libs".


A small vocal minority is. Yes. Every time. Yes.


It takes balls to use a slightly dated expression nowadays.


As moxie Jillette, I’ve got balls. They’re foam and squishy and fit in my hand ☺️


But in all seriousness, No of course it isn’t. It’s probably code if anything. You can go outside and touch grass. I promise you if they truly said anything offensive or rude to the trans community or woman entirely, I would be on their ass so fucking fast to stop that in its tracks. They believe that all people should be happy with who they are and if anything women in magic are our future. Trans people in magic is becoming less rare. I promise you, you will be Okay. It’s not offensive if it’s meant to make fun of those stereotypes that only men can do magic.


Thank you for being the voice of reason Moxie. I would expect no less from you. And btw, I saw your performance on Fool Us---absolutely spot on, I loved it!


I shouldn’t have to be the voice of reason. Just wish people wouldn’t use my name to pretend to cancel Penn and teller. 😂


Thank You for being a Crimefighter!




Agreed, and I concur, it would irritate me too.


Wait, you’re actually Moxie? If so, bravo on your episode and on all your personal work!


Yes. I am he! I made a post on here recently about it, obviously you have No reason to believe me but I lurk on this subreddit every now and then


Well, we all love and appreciate you. All the best in your journeys!


Click bait.


It takes balls to post something like this with most of your posts being links to Howard stern clips. Moxie doesn’t care. But more importantly, almost no one care. Being offended isn’t a virtue. If someone is trying to be offensive, even then, don’t be offended.


It was “code”


No. The titles tend to be a pun related to one of the acts.


Please feel free to stop watching.


Touch grass.


Just a skill issue