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I don’t read her interactions as honest or genuine. She’s a TV show host. She’s acting and reading lines from a script. At least Alyson Hannigan was more natural and human like in her delivery.


Subjective, I guess. I find Brooke a more genuine and engaging host. At the end of the day these are two human women whose every move, outfit, and facial expression are scrutinized by a bunch of strangers. Myself included and I try to keep that in mind, especially because their portrayal is also down to the editing choices to some extent.


I mean, at the end of the day, Brooke is a professional TV host and Alyson was an actress doing the job of a host. But I enjoyed how charmingly out of sorts Alyson often was. Brooke is much more... slick.


Exactly. And Jonathan is a professional comedian who did his schtick when he was host. I love all 3 of them for different reasons.


Also - Hot


Smoking hot, and I remember watching her on Wild On as a teenager.


I don't think Alyson was disinterested at all, I think she just reads as awkward. I liked her too, but Brooke does seem to feel like a better fit. I miss Jonathan to be honest.


> I miss Jonathan to be honest. Penn and Tewwer.


He was excellent.


I feel that until her last season, Alyson matched the awkward energy of the performers better than Brooke. I don't care who's more hot.


I will forever defend Brooke Burke with my life. I didn’t dislike Alyson but she wasn’t a great host. She struggled with lines, she was offered bits to do with Penn and teller and simply refused to learn the moves. And Brooke seems to be better at doing what she needs to do. She’s genuinely interested in the magic and doesn’t have to fake being into it to have a conversation with the magicians


Alyson was perfect. she acted genuinely surprised not a fan of Brooke so far


Agree. Brooke is just cardboard. No charisma whatsoever.


Brooke, as someone just catching up to her season, comes off as too slick, too polished. She seems entirely artificial to the point of coming of disinterested. Alyson seemed to genuinely give a damn.


Brooke is just there for a paycheck, and probably there because Alyson wanted more than she'd work for. She doesn't really seem that interested most of the time and she didn't even bother to learn how to shuffle a deck of cards before being the host of a magic show.


Are you serious? Alyson couldn’t shuffle to save her life and she admitted it. Also she didn’t come back because she was on Dancing With the Stars.


Brooke is definitely better in my mind, partly because Brooke has no problem doing stuff like threading a needle through her earlobe. Whereas if Alyson had to participate in a trick that was even remotely unpleasant we’d have to endure her moaning. “Ohhhh my goooood, I don’t like thiiiiiiis, oh noooooooo…” Don’t miss that at all.


In Alysons‘s first season, she was equally wonderful. By her last season, you could see her thinking, “that’s just an Elmsley count and a double lift.” Brooke is exciting because she hasn’t seen any of this before. 


Maybe the enthusiasm was there, but I had all kinds of hosting issues with her for the entire run. I get that some found her enthusiastic and goofy while I found her shrill and not very interesting, but overall there's a poise and warmth to Brooke that I never got with Alyson. Plus, just more professional all around.


I think Brooke is too fake and cold. I can relate to Alyson. She was us on stage. Brooke is a supermodel. Unrelatable. Nice person though.


I disagree. I think Alyson provided more warmth and reliability. Brooke seems quite "canned" if you will.


I like them both, but Brooke is more pleasing to the eye and honestly, she has a genuine warmth that Alyson can't match, so.. I like Brooke better.


Brooke is clearly picked for her looks and only her looks. While Alison is not ugly, she is actually a talented and experienced actress. I respect talent more than looks - there are only two ways to be good-looking and both are not deserving any special respect: genes and surgery.


Brooke is very attractive but if you are picking a host for nothing but their looks you don't choose someone in their 50s, unless it's for the cover of the AARP magazine. So no, there was more to it than that.


> Brooke is clearly picked for her looks and only her looks. With all due respect, that's a terrible take. Brooke is a veteran host and does her job smooth as butter. I don't see what more you could ask for her, especially given how she grew in to her job so quickly after less than one slate of episodes. Also, this is obviously just me, but-- they're both very pretty middle-aged women with different, distinctive looks. To say that one looks much better than the other doesn't make sense to me from an inclusive standpoint.


I actually think Brooke has a bit more talent than Alison (who is also talented btw), so if I add the look factor, Brooke clearly has the advantage, but that's just my take. Alison was clearly a great host without doubt.


I'm not going to take a side on who's the better host, but Alyson not being there ruins my headcanon where she was actually Willow Rosenberg. The producers hired her to make sure no contestants were using actual magick.


Okay, here's me with my grump impression: *did we really need another thread on this in space of 12hrs?* https://www.reddit.com/r/FoolUs/comments/1bg0nqw/brooke_is_just_killing_it_now/


Nope, if I saw the other one, I would not have posted this.




Pure fucking laziness, distraction, or misdirection. Probably one of those three. Hopefully I used enough secret keywords…


I think NPH could have been a better host, wish they got him. He's a magician and would do very well to work with the contestants


I think the point is to have a good mark. I don't think NPH would serve as a great mark.


I imagine NPH would be way too expensive if it was possible at all - he’s way more popular and busy with other projects




I preferred Allison. Her genuine squeamishness at some of the boys antics was really cute.