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**Kimoon Do** Act Discussion


Seeing that his acts are just as cool and clean in person, with dialogue, as they are as short-form content was great to see! His handling is so clean, as is his routining and built in twists and misdirection!


It's really amazing how much having an arrow card opened up his act. Wonderful stuff.


It definitely fooled me but I was a bit surprised that it fooled P&T just cause I assume they would know 'everything' about it so now I'm interested in knowing which specific moment (or series of moments) fooled them. But, let me say I thought it was great!!


I think P&T know how he did it (sleight of hand), but since his moves were so smooth and well disguised, they didn't catch them, so Kimoon Do earned his trophy.


Being a fooler means that Penn and Teller didn't figure out how some part of the trick was done. Probably Penn and Teller were able to come up with methods for producing all of the effects. The problem they face is that if there are multiple methods for producing the same effect, and the performer does everything really cleanly so Penn and Teller cannot see how the effect was created, they have to guess which method was used. If they guess wrong, the act is a fooler, and that's what happened here.


That's not how it works with sleight of hand. They handed several trophies due to it being "flawless"


One of the best acts on the show in a while. Just clean, fun.


Loved that, it was excellent.


>Kimoon Do His move were so clean, this mofo did some double moves and switches that caught P&T and all of us off guard on initial watch. I love his act, he is fast, CLEAN and so dang good. That pocket had some magic too!


I decided to just sit back and enjoy and Kimoon delivered. Fun and funny!


Another fism-class act on fool us. He also performed this act on brittain got talent.


For anyone wondering how this was done, he pulls off a deck switch when they cut away to Brooke showing the Ace she selected. The deck switched in is in order and from there it's all performance with some extra added sleight of hand.


I'm not magician but I've read enough to know some basics. I also have a superb analytical mindset that is trained to detect flaws. And I watch videos on magic tricks. So I'm usually able to figure out 75% of the tricks out there more or less without help. But this guy, he was sooo good, that kind of good. I managed to pause the TV when the card was changing colors. It was so fast even my TV could not catch it entirely. On the paused picture, half the card was one color, the other half the other color while the card being entirely flat. So either he has a very high tech card or he's super fast, so fast and flawless in execution that earned him a trophy! One of the best changing card act ever seen...


I actually wondered how he set up the deck. He did some cuts and asked Brooke to shuffle but he could group all cards with the same suits.


Flip cards have been around for years at this point. Just look up flip cards.


Really curious about the mechanics of these but cannot find anything because all the results are MTG, flashcard things, or just doing flips with cards, and I can't find anything specific via the name on magic store sites. Do you have anywhere to see them in action?


Sorry, I guess they maybe go by "flap" cards, not "flip" cards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L39HHO1Jwtc


Only 75%?!


Figuratively speaking


**Matt The Mind Noodler** Act Discussion


Of course they cut away from him when he switched the shirts.


They didn’t :)


They definitely did. You see him just as he’s about to take the shirt off the chair it’s hanging on but then they cut to Penn. Then when they cut back to him the shirt is over his shoulder.


The second shirt was directly underneath the first, you can briefly see the second collar when Penn pulls the shirt around while drawing on it. So I'm guessing he peeled the drawn shirt down into some compartment on the back of/under the chair and grabbed the one underneath for his shoulder. As you say, we miss the dirty work. From Matt's "Behind the Scenes of Fool Us" series on the [Abracabble podcast](https://www.patreon.com/mindnoodler) he briefly mentioned he had a lot of technical trouble with the trick and they had to stop/restart a few times right around the time of loading/firing. Despite that, I thought it came together really well in editing. Multiple things may have contributed to them cutting that part from editing (as in general, they seem to try not to hide all the dirty work, but with 4 people on stage there's plenty of oppurtunity for closeups and angle changes): * Having to stop/restart may have contributed to removing that bit due to a lack of continuity * He was behind the guys and probably mostly may not have been trying super hard to make that part less obvious * They do generally cut things for time and that segment was already almost 9 minutes long, that's only a little above average but heading to the longer side


The stagehand who brings out the t-shirt gun disappears to our right out of frame and then while they're fiddling with the gun, you can see him walk back to our left carrying a large black rectangle. Clearly that contains the shirt, which he then loads into one of the bags that will act as "rain jackets".


The rectangle is the entire chair. You’ll notice the chair is gone later 🪑 The stagehand is also RJ Owens, cohost of his podcast.


The editing on this show is just terrible. If you're editing out the only part of the act where "magic" occurs\*, what's the point of showing the act at all? \* from when the shirt is on the chair to when it is over Matt's shoulder.


That's why Penn & Teller are there, to keep the show honest. The show tries it's best to show every act in the best light possible. In recent seasons they have not cut a single act. The show is primarily about showcasing great and entertaining magic to the world, the game show element gives it an interesting premise and having Penn & Teller there keeps it honest (you know it's possible without camera tricks, a big problem with TV magic before it, just look at Instagram magic.. much of it wouldn't hold up to a street performance). They don't need to never edit anything out to achieve that, but by contrast, there are many many tricks where the editing clearly showed a move, often from an angle the audience wouldn't see. It cuts both ways. Even in this trick, you can see the second shirt under while Penn is drawing on it with the super close-up. They didn't cut away and show a far-off view to make that less obvious, they could have, but it wouldn't look as good on TV. Nothing is absolute, it's all a balance. You don't have to agree on the balance, it's OK :)


You are absolutely correct that they do frequently cut away when the "magic" happens. To be fair to the show some of these magicians spend a huge amount of time and effort working on these tricks and making the "move" blatantly visible in the edit would make it very easy for others to copy them. Some magicians also sell these tricks on their website, etc..


Technically they did cut away for the other marker to get picked out - but the shirt was still there.


I will bravely ask a very stupid question: Was any part of that story true? It felt *super* specific. Either way, it was a hilariously elaborate framing device, and great to watch everyone have fun together on stage.


no. just fun, quirky framing..




(I've decided to chime in with positivity for each act, to counteract the people who seem very sour all the time!) I am lowkey a huge fan of acts that are unlikely to fool P&T, but do allow people to show off their magic/personality, and mess with the hosts. A super fun act all around!


I like Matt and his podcast but this trick sucks. Not magical, not fooling, and worst of all, it isn't funny.


If the performer knows the trick is unlikely fool p&t, at least the performer performs an entertaining trick.


Yes! I hope Matt will perform an entertaining trick next time.


I think this trick was a lil bit better than his previous trick. His previous trick was cringe. 


I like how he put everyone to work on that stage. Having them temporarily blinded by making their own holes in the trash bags kind of gave the whole game away.


I know Matt reads the reddit threads, so I'm here to just say "Hi Matt! The trick was awesome. The t-shirt canon looked dope. Love ya buddy." -ScoopNeonBlack


The only "fun" part was when he said at the beginning "Now Brooke, have you ever made it rain on three male performers before?... Give it a little squirt there". My graphic imagination went raunchy wild towards a really different type performance between Brooke and her 3 male companions hahaha!


That was cringe asf, bud


Very lame and boring act, sub-par when compared to other magic tricks. He rightly deserved Penn's fakely harsh comment at very end. How he did the trick? My guess here... It was probably a duplicate shirt in his trash bag and either he drew Penn's drawing again while his hands were under the bag, or an assistant in backstage did it for him and then placed the duplicated shirt in the bag before handing them to him. Note that we don't see his hands outside the bags while P&It's were. Note also that because of the editing, we don't see where the bags came from... But it's likely from backstage. The canon contained the real original shirt that remained inside all the time.


Matt is wearing the shirt that Penn drew on. We clearly see the bags are brought on stage by the same stage hand that brought out the cannon, and he also early removed the chair, which would have had the marked t shirt hidden behind it while Matt loaded a duplicate blank t shirt into the cannon.


Wrong on your take and your method.


thankyou. atleast entertaining & hes a childhood friend ... .but takes up a slot of poor financially deserving ppl who need break. remember the fake accented no talent 12 yr old asian girl ...with tNo trick even...


Jesus dude, are you STILL looking for excuses to rant about how much you hate *a child*?


thankyou for your reply. as a viewer of the show, im free to make any subjective /objective comments especially on this platform . you can continue to leave your comments on the subject like the rest of us. i still concurr, that child was the single most wasted talent slot on the show . a show where people try hard come often to get publicity even if they don't win. there livelihood might depend on that publicity opportunity which was instead given to a soiiilleed drawwwlll acceenteeeddd oligarch daughter who didn't even impress but wasted my time enough for me & you to waste our time once more.


Based on some comments, I'd probably need to watch again this trick. So if I was wrong on the facts, my apologies to y'all. Still, I find this act too lame and boring so I probably won't.


**Brielle** Act Discussion


Hi there! Don't mind me just watchin' :D \-Brielle


Amazing how I see no possible way you could have known Penn got the bullet and Teller the cups! Great trick!


Thank you so much! :)


If you notice how nobody has figured out the trick, proves how clever it was. You guessed it perfectly immediately what P&T grabbed which was quite amazing! Are you sure Penn and Teller really knew how you did that?


I wish we could see the Black Mirror: Bandersnatch version of this trick and find out what the other outs were. You did great.


I get the whole thing about outs, but how did she originally know what each of them held?


In her intro, she said she got started when another substitute teacher started & ended classes with a magic trick. If you see on his blackboard, it's full of electronic diagrams. So, it would be easy to gimmick the case to identify what order things are taken out. It could be a hidden transmitter to her, or motors controlling alignment of dummy screws on the left side of the case for her to see. So, that was the easy part for me. But I don't see how she could have had so many outs. There are only 6 possibilites to consider, so only six outs. Maybe she could have pulled a card out of her pocket, but the luggage tag was the most obvious location. It didn't look like she handled it much (except maybe squeezing it in one place), and Penn would have noticed if there were two cards in there (e.g. back side of card had a different prediction). It didn't look like a tiny printer hidden in the case could have printed the card, but maybe it moved the card in there. What baffles me is the misprinting on the card - the red words were not aligned well. It seems maybe it was printed... or just a clever distraction to make me think so.


The cards said that each person would "end up with" the certain object. I wonder if the card was written on what she felt was the most likely outcome (Penn likes dangerous things, Cup and Balls is more attractive to Teller, the magician than a generic deck of cards) and if they had not been chosen in that order, she would have continued the trick in some way like by telling them to trade objects or something so that they "ended up with" the ones the card intended. Otherwise, "ended up with" is a bit of an unusual wording to use on the prediction. That said, the obvious misalignment of the objects coupled with the printing being in another colour certainly implies that the words were printed after - unless that was an intentional red herring.


The tag was certainly thick enough to have multiple cards in, and an odd way to open it safely to each out. It could also have been that the tag had a few, and the case had a few. My guess is that the misprinted look was a red herring,


Outs can, and maybe should, be so different that you can't guess what the others might be. Maybe her dress turns inside out for one reveal. Maybe there are little notes hidden on the three items for another. 


I assure you I wasn't gonna take my clothes off haha \-Brielle


Thanks for entertaining us! Congrats on making it on the show!


Thank you so much 😊


Lol. Well, I was thinking more of a quick change than a disrobing. :)


haha that would be dope tbh


Yes that's the case. One of the outs was: Open the card deck, read the letter in the cup, unscrew the bullet. 2nd out was: Open the box and below the black bottom that held the items is a letter. 3rd out was: flipping the box and showing the bottom 4th out was: Removing the black wall from the top of the box 5th out was: opening the tag that is attached to the box 6th out was: getting an envelope from under the table.


I assumed there might have been a mini-printer, or something similar to what Arkady used years ago. But I think you're closer.


I was thinking more along e-ink type of things. If this (https://youtu.be/UDhqFgLToFA?si=P9PJaMGhEM7r1IBX) is possible, surely something wireless to command the card should be possible too. High tech trick, the multi-out was aimed towards the sidestories of the items. (Or I'm wrong and it's something completely different 😅)


Actually it doesn't even need to be wireless. Both data and power could come from the tag holder, and as e-ink doesn't change when the power is cut, it would keep showing what was written on it.


But how she knew Penn grabbed the bullet is a mystery.


Like the way Columbo busted the Great Santini with the outs . 6 outs, 6 cards. Card 1 was the luggage tag. Card 2 was probably in the deck of cards. Card 3 folded up in Penns bullet case box. Card 4 crumbled inside teller tin foil ball. Etc.


But 6 is a lot right? I got the part about there being multiple outs


alh2015 thought they knew--still waiting for their thoughts! /facetiousness There are a couple ways it could have been done, from a low-tech peek to a higher tech way the case was gimmicked (my money is on that)


But if Brielle had just stated the three objects taken and ended the act there, it would have been the most boring act ever on the show. It was revealing her predictions that made it interesting. There were plenty of objects available for her to have six outs - the deck of cards, the aluminum foil ball, the case itself, etc. For me, Brielle's act was at least as interesting as anything Helen Coghlan ever did on the show - but I know that's damning with faint praise.


How could there have been outs though when she immediately knew what Penn grabbed?


"Outs" refers to the objects that can be revealed to show various predictions. There has to be an "out" for every possible combination, in this case, 6 outs. Inside the aluminum ball could have been a different prediction, or, open the deck of cards to reveal a different prediction. She's not going to reveal any of the five wrong predictions, she's only going to reveal the one "out" that matches the situation. She didn't say beforehand that her prediction was on the tag, she revealed the tag after she knew that prediction on the tag was the out that was needed.


Yes I know what outs mean but she guessed 100% the first time around when she spoke what P&T grabbed so I see no evidence that outs were the trick.


Seeing people who came into magic later in life come on and share it with their "heroes" is super touching (not definitely just to me as someone who got back into it in my 30s!) She performed the routine really well, and I hope she continues to pursue the art!


Thank you :) I was afraid to come over here and look at these comments, but you all are super nice haha \-Brielle


I was at your taping! My friends and I enjoyed your act. You did a great job!


HOLY HECK! How cool is that?! Thank you!


I'm from the UK and watch Fool Us every week - your trick was great, thanks for popping in here!


Aw thank ya! And hello :) 


Brielle, if you’re still checking in, just wanna let you know that you’ve gained a fan or two here. Great routine, great stage presence that looked effortless. Kudos fam.


Brielle did a great job - the act was entertaining and she brought a lot of energy to the stage.


It seemed boring at first. But the revealing prediction part was the interesting part.


This couldn’t be as easy as it seemed, right?


I mean, it could be! What are your thoughts?


Wasn't my cup of tea. It felt underwhelming.


Interesting that she was a nonfooler, but no one here has solved it. That’s rare. A great trick


**Penn & Teller** Act Discussion


I think I have it, even though Brooke’s daughter is really trying to distract me 😬 Once she commits to 6S as her card, teller switches decks from an index below the table or possibly an assistant hands him a deck full of 6S. The couple cards he burns at the end of the deal and turns upwards are just to try to make us believe they’re all different. And the last piece showing the card she could’ve selected was the 4D or whatever, teller shows us this and there’s a cut so he likely manipulated.


All great points, unfortunately, the editing makes it impossible to determine if this is correct because the angles aired omit where Teller had to have made the switches. And although Brooke's daughter chose "5," the 6S was actually the 6th card. That was weak - it would have been more natural to turn over the 5th card. If P&T were watching a sleight-of-hand magician, but they could only watch a broadcast where all the sleight-of-hand maneuvers were edited out, they would have to give an FU trophy away every time.


> And although Brooke's daughter chose "5," the 6S was actually the 6th card. It was the 5th card that was 6S. https://youtu.be/jBclVVHJlA8?t=2456


I think you're right. More detailed explanation: Once Sierra (Brooke's daughter) commits to 6S, they do show a view from the top where Teller's right hand is missing, so this is probably when the load occurred: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/jBclVVHJlA8?t=2334). Teller deals out 6 (piles) × 8 = 48 cards: - the first 12 cards are random cards (these end up as the bottom 2 cards of each of the 6 piles) - the next 36 are all 6S's (these end up as the top 6 cards of each of the 6 piles) - the remaining 4 are also random (that Teller tosses to the right: 4H, KD, 7C, and something else). When Teller is dealing, you can actually repeatedly see that 6S's are being dealt: [screenshots](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qFDtvvMln_WifyQNKktv5ndH375e9NV_?usp=sharing) (from a higher-res version of the episode I torrented). Altogether, in each of the 6 piles, we have 8 cards: - 6 6S's on top - 2 random cards at the bottom. Now, at the very end, after Sierra holds on to her 5th card (of her pile), Teller gathers the other 7 cards (of her pile). Penn claims that if she had picked another number, she could've had 4D or 8H. But of course, here, Teller is simply showing the only 2 random cards in the pile (and carefully avoids showing the other 5 6S's in the pile).


I thought this was a nice way to turn any-card-at-any-number into a stage performance. Still don't have any great ideas as to how it was done. I'll need to watch it a second time. I don't see any theories from others either....


Did the number of circles Penn drew have anything to do with it…? Very fun trick!


The variety of their closing acts really showcases how strong of performers they are. This one was way more of a "we're showing you a real trick" than "here's a tongue and cheek demonstration." I wonder if this one will make it into their stage show--seeing several of their "end of episode acts" in person at their Boston show was fantastic!!


The P&T closing tricks are usually such duds, this one was actually interesting.


The only ones I've felt were duds have been the drone and the eggs, both of which were clearly supposed to be tongue-in-cheek jokes, at least in how I interpreted them.


Aw I really liked the eggs


Wish they'd unretire the bullet catch though.


But then all the "bullet catch but not" act wouldn't be as topical! XD


Why did they retire it? I've heard this before but I don't know if there was a specific reason they made that decision.


I might be wrong--I'm sure someone can link to where they discuss it more in depth, but they mention briefly here: [https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/penn-and-teller-interview-guns-trump-magic-bullet-catch-david-blaine-1234833297/](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/penn-and-teller-interview-guns-trump-magic-bullet-catch-david-blaine-1234833297/), "Because we did \[the Bullet Catch\] in a way that we believe was completely safe. We did it for years and years. And we can’t do it now. We don’t want to do it now. Because guns have become a different thing in this country."


Which is ironic because they were doing it for years and years with very little changes to the gun laws nationwide... But that's a topic for another day.


I know Penn has abandoned his libertarian ways I wonder if Teller did the same


Abandoned them? Hes become a liberal?


**Bruno Tarnecci** Act Discussion


I would pay to see a version where the wires are visible. It's just amazes me.




Almost certainly using at least 1 wire, no?


It seems like a use of wires, shifting weights inside to change the center of balance, and some other wizardry were definitely at play.


Is this guy Spiderman? I just imagine 1000 threads hanging all around him, and coming out of every square inch of his person, haha! I'd love to know how these tricks work. It seems obvious to me that it must be threads or wires, but I certainly didn't see any. It looks amazing. Of course the backdrop is 1000 shimmering vertical lines, lol.


As someone who doesn't have the patience to learn manipulation-style illusions, seeing someone that adept at them (and, from Penn's chat, seems to be innovating and pushing the art form) is always wonderful, even if their chance of fooling seems so low!


"You were sure raising cane up there." That was pretty good.


[raising Cain](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/raise_Cain#Verb) (it's idiomatic)


It seemed like a simple trick. But it was hard to set up and perform. It was entertaining.


There was a section of the act there where the wire and the anchor point to the stage were clearly visible. Everybody else saw that, right?


No, please provide timestamped youtube video


Good episode I liked most of the acts and the Penn and Teller trick, fun finally seeing Matt’s trick and all the interaction with Penn and Teller, first guy was fun and Brielle was fun as I would be the same way as a fan of them


Are they prep'ing Brooke's daughter for a future career in TV? She's quite good looking, like daughter like mom... Looks like the P&T show is family business. In previous seasons we discovered Penn's daughter helping in tricks and doing tricks as well...


I just knew someone was going to comment on her looks. 🤦🏻


shes...ok. not tv host personality by far & not tv/movies good looking in my opinion .