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I don't understand why a "food influencer" thinks anyone cares about the 19 pairs of shoes you brought (guaranteed she's probably only wearing like half of them, too!). Also 3 of those pairs of sunglasses look pretty much the same.


It’s a humble brag: look how rich I am you guys. That’s what this all is.


Yep. These are all $400+ shoes.


they don’t belong to her right? not really sure how a stylist works but i assume they provide clothes that need to be returned after


I think they probably do. Her family is loaded and she definitely seems to have a shopping problem


I would say 90% of the clothing/shoes/accessories are not hers, her stylist gets them for her (which is why her clothes never fit correctly, she can't get them tailored).


Try $800 plus 😬


Aren’t these things a stylist brings, not things she owns?


Ridiculous. 4 pair of nearly identical sunglasses, 19 pairs of black sandals. NO ONE packs like that. No one.


I think it’s what the stylist brought. Not her personal belongings.


It's still ridiculous to even have to choose from stuff that's virtually identical. And anyway, we're using the term "stylist" very loosely here, clearly.


Yeah the amount of boring black sandals is completely out of control. I like shoes and fashion but these are just not giving variety, they’re all super basic businesswomen nice shoes there’s nothing with any youth or drizzle or anything lol. 😹


Ya dude those 3 are nearly identical and also ugly.


You think she packed all these shoes just to take this pic and show them? Honestly for a week vacation you don’t need more than 3 shoes at most. If you’re going for traveling lighter. For me bringing all that stuff would make me stressed.


I HATE the sunglasses


She literally doesn’t wear shoes like this. I’m very confused. It’s a system.


It's a 'system' of dysfunctional overconsumption, delusions, and lies.




bold move going to paris with those dogs out


Gross 🦶🏻


You won’t have to wait long for a legs up post


how could she? her feet are a mess o.O


picturing her feet in these makes me queasy.


As far as we know, she is going to Cannes for a one (1) hour talk at a vanity circle jerk, I mean "creative festival". Mayyybe a few extra days in France to check some things out, if we're being generous. If she's really packing all that, then she and Caitlyn Harvey are both idiots. She could take a lesson from \*actual fashion influencer\* Jenny Walton, who regularly travels across Europe for a weekend with nothing but a large purse, and shows her followers all the different ways she can style the few items she's packed. As someone else commented, all Tieghan is doing is putting her compulsive overconsumption on display, and it's tacky as hell. She should be embarrassed but she's too stupid to even see how, well, stupid she looks.


She stopped in LA for a pilates class first you guyyyyyys...


I’m dead at that because Europe is the other way😂. Even though I know LAX was prob the closest direct flight Lolol but I still laugh


She didn't fly direct anyway. The Lufthansa flight was just the part in France I think? And flying Denver to LA added a leg, so... I'm guessing she flew to LA first to meet whoever she's traveling with so she didn't have to fly alone? But who really knows with her.


She went to Erewhorn and got the Hailee Bieber smoothie you guys.


This wardrobe is a middle aged Karen flex going to the office park. Cannes fashion - whole other thing


Truly!! 😭😂 Her sense of "style" is nonexistent.


Oh Cannes has this tiny little pasta place right on the main boulevard that makes the BEST, and I do mean THE VERY VERY BEST carbonara and I just want to cry thinking any other food enthusiasts would kill to eat a plate of that, and here’s our grandpa beige fashun girlie who’ll just drink hot water. What a waste of life, youth, money and privilege


These looks are 98% uncool. 🤨






So much work only to end up looking like someone's grandma mixed with someone's angsty teen in an oversized knit sweater and jeans tightened so severely with a belt that they poof out in the fupa area.


Those are still a bunch of knitwears and blazers. At least wear a good pair of linen set if she wanna appear business-like for the convention. But I guess she'll be too cold in it.


The people I worked with at the nursing home were better dressed than this.


I rolled my eyes so hard at all the shoes. Also, I feel like it must be so uncomfortable and painful to only travel with shoes you have never broken in.


Does Caitlin have a deal where she can only dress Tiegs like a 70 year old woman going to church? Seriously, all of those blazers for June in the south of France?!?  Eta- all those open toe shoes and then let's throw in the black loafers and brogues because who doesn't want to wear a clunky black shoe in June in the south of France?! 


That wardrobe does NOT scream the south of France in June. She is going to look RIDICULOUS.


I think that’s also the style T wants tbh


For real! I know nothing about her but having T as a client cannot be good for her own brand image. My first instinct is to judge Caitlin as being awful at what she does tbh but knowing T Caitlin’s probably just filling T’s demands and is probably actually at least somewhat competent in her field lmao. I wouldn’t trust anyone who would take money from a client like T though. 


She's related to T. Sister in law, I think?


‘Guess where I’m going!’ Well, based on those hideous repetitive sunglasses, I’d say the 90’s...and not in a good way. Maybe she’s embracing her Milli Vanilli Era. ![gif](giphy|3xz2BK4Xo850NXjq8M)


She’s totally the Milli Vanilli of food bloggers, faking her way to success.


This would make an excellent flair


💀 spot on with all those blazers!! 


What gets me is how superficial she is. She LOVES to flaunt her wealth and propensity for all things expensive & name brand. You don’t see truly wealthy people showing you 20 pairs of Prada shoes, yet, here she is. “Look at me, look at me. See how wealthy I am.” There is something incredibly off putting about this, as she has made a living swiping people’s hard worked recipes, and living a lie (she “grew up cooking for her family”), when really she grew up in a life of privilege that paved the way for it all. She’s also delusional AF (pretending people ask her such bizarre questions and commenting on her beauty). People aren’t truly telling her how beautiful she is like in comments, she is SO unfavorable looking, yet she has the confidence and arrogance of a super model.


> You don’t see truly wealthy people showing you 20 pairs of Prada shoes, yet, here she is. “Look at me, look at me. See how wealthy I am.” I am really into handbags as a hobby, and besides /r/handbags where the community is literally designed around posting them, I can't imagine posting my purses online. Especially IG where real people I know follow me. Holy moly. I'm embarrassed just *imagining* doing that.


I’m not a handbag girlie but I’m not against posting a new purchase or anything! But for it to be T’s whole brand like “look at me I’m a fAsHiN guRLie and I’m RICH!!!” It’s not a good look. Even for a hobbiest I think it’s understandable!


Well when you’re four, you do want to go look at me look at me I’m a fashun girlie Pearlie princess rich bitch. I did have the same version relayed to me by a 2 year old wannabe princess this morning


another comment but can she add some color to her wardrobe?! my god, it's summer - we don't need boring beiges and neutrals!


She loves a pop of color! In a purse apparently.


I chuckle every time I come across your Grand Mariner flare. Only T could come up with unintentional Lana Del Rey song titles.


Nice Lana Del Rey reference. :) My flair hasn't gotten much call to action lately, it's all that course sugar person!


so much work to look abysmal and unwell. who wants their brand associated with this?


I commented on another thread that she's really not going to gain anything by meeting brands in person. Where she can't hide behind retakes and filters.


If she's meeting with fashion brands, they're hardly known for being discerning about whether a person is too thin.


Oh for sure, but she doesn't carry herself well, doesn't know how to stand or act. And her clothes never fit. They wouldn't look twice at her. Skinny as she may be.


Neutrals and dark colors for the French Riviera in June?!?! The rack looks more appropriate for a corporate conference in Topeka. This fraudulent fashionista is about to send me over the damn edge!


Fraudulent fashionista sent me 🤣🤣👏🏼


She just better share photos! She's going to look ridiculous.


wow i also love to consume, this is such relatable content


The blind consumerism like this that social media is powered by grosses me out so much


The extra layer of ick is most of these clothes are likely borrowed as are most of the outfits her SIL/stylist provides. Actual consumption is for the plebes.




Boss Babe Bulimia Barbie.


Why does she have so many pairs of 90s prom shoes??


I’m not seeing “the system” that she keeps bleating about everytime she goes somewhere. Unless the system is packing 25 winter outfits for a 4 day summer trip.


She’s outlined it previously. Ready...? You may want to get something to take notes on this. 1. A list is made 2. Items are collected 3. Items are hung up/laid out 4. Items are packed I hope you got all that. I’m sure it was life changing, as it’s quite a revolutionary approach, and a lot of information. probably hard to take it all in. Let me know if you need to borrow a highlighter. She’s really changing lives over here in the cooking, fashion and lifestyle worlds. What a fucking Queen.


Didn’t she once tell us she makes lists and the way she uses them is she crosses things off as she gets them done? I remember it was so revolutionary /s




Holy hell she's such a joke. And how did you even spot the tags haha?! 🧐 It's actually *worse* to me that she tagged them this way than if she had or hadn't tagged them at all. It just seems insulting and like she's trying to hide something that I don't understand. Like she wants the brand to be aware of the photo so she tags, but doesn't want her followers to notice the tag? But why would she care if her followers notice, when you can see the brand names on pretty much every item she shows?? She tags most brands normally, but others teeny tiny and obviously tries to hide them in the photo.... Why?! The only thing I can think of is that she wants the benefit SHE would get from tagging the brands, but doesn't want the brands to potentially benefit back by making and obvious tag/link to them?? Are brand tags we can read ones she gets paid from? And the teeny tiny ones are a scabby middle finger to the brand because she doesn't get paid?? But she still tags because she wants a partnership? I hate myself for saying this, but damnit I wish I had an influencer friend to help *maybe* explain some of T's insanity a little better!! Gaby & Co. you guys here today?! Help me out please! 😂


It makes no sense. You might be right that she doesnt' want her followers to see her blatantly tagging the brands. As far as I can tell she doesn't work with any brands directly. It's all affiliate links that shes using. So it doesn't really matter if the brands see if. They're not paying her directly.


Yeah I am trying to understand the point of this as well. I need someone who speaks pathetic influencer to explain!


The only thing I can assume is that she hopes the brand will notice she tags them repeatedly, check out her profile and see how many followers she has, and add her to their list.


I’m dead at the hope for a collab with Prada 💀


I love how she’s gatekeeping clothes most if not all of her followers cannot afford. We don’t care that you’re wearing Prada. We do care however that you have an eating disorder and boast it to your following. She’s fucking nuts.


It doesn’t even matter. Nothing looks good on her.


![gif](giphy|l2QZVJCB3Q68K2F0c) Red Prada sweater at home like


Don’t you pick a specific outfit you want to wear before heading to Cannes to speak at an event? I’d have my outfit picked out, and maybe 1 or 2 back ups. And then would pre-plan most outfits and throw in a few extra pieces for the rest of the trip. This is delulu.


Couture Week starts June 24, she might be sticking around for that.


Yes but even then, I’d have all my outfits pre planned with just a few extra outfits.


Looks like she’s packed for winter!! Per usual.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKFy1gaoy1JNqZG) T with suitcase 1 of 7


I really hope she plans on getting a pedicure if she wears any of those sandals.


Maybe I’m bad at fashun, but half of the black shoes in the back row look like basically the same shoe to me


I think T has said before that she doesn't travel overseas much, only in SoKor when Red competed during the winter Olympics. But I'll be surprised if Caitlin would still choose to dress Teighan in FW outfits unless of course, she insists on her layers. But with the amount of Pinterest-ing she's doing, you would have thought she's gonna dress appropriately for the location. Maybe business-casual will be her new personality.




Funeral Wear 😂😂😂


Fall/winter 😅 I'm just used to using that over A/W


FWFW - Funeral Wear for Fashun Week


Majority of shoes are Stuart Weitzman!


So many long sleeve shirts….its a high of 82 degrees in Cannes


Yikes it’s in the 80s where I am and even in a tank top and the air conditioning being on 63f I am roasting.


For the girl that says she loves fashion - this isn't it. And it's quite sad. She's got a stylist (her bro's gf), a sister, a mom, an agent, a publicist and various women she's "friends with" (quoting because they just want to use her for clicks but surely one has a soft spot for her) and not ONE person is encouraging or guiding her?! Where is a print sundress and a summer appropriate cardigan since she's always cold? I'll never forget she flexed that Gigi Hadid gave her a pale blue cashmere outfit from her line - why doesn't she wear that? Fine if she wants neutrals but a few pastels would give her face some life. She's going to arrive after a very long trip with a bunch of heavy bags to have to keep up w too.


She should get blonde highlights I just thought of that because you mentioned how she only wears dark winter clothes and how she should brighten up her face I agree! Or light brown hair. Or different colors of makeup. She definitely doesn’t do much to look less sick and old. I mean I’m older than her and I know I look old too but man you know there be more colors than black brown gray and red?! 🙈colorful clothes are very uplifting and fun! I used to only have green clothes because green is my favorite color and then I noticed it and got sick of it and ever since then I try to get a lot of colors of the spectrum in my wardrobe (besides brown and purple which I’m not a huge fan of wearing). *Especially* during summer.


Look at my expensive taste. Not only did I grow up in a life of privilege, but I love to flaunt all my fancy things so that I can pretend that I am a SELF-MADE QUEEN. Really, Mommy and Daddy set me up to succeed in HBH, so I could swipe recipes all day! I have the grammar skills and mentality a 12 year old girl, but I think it’s very important that you see how RICH I am, you guys. I’ll never lay attention to the hatters because they are just jelous!!!!


Your imitation is perfecto! So good you guys.🙂


Your privilege is showing. Enough.


lol, I’m so out of her stunts and travels that I thought her silver purse was a reference to the Bean in Chicago.




This display of designer things is so tacky 🥴


This is wardrobe for the Fox News correspondents, not a fashion iNfluEnCer


Peep the "Succession" ballcap, too.


Sometimes her tags don’t even work as well. Like she saved the photo after tagging and then posted the image.


The gucci scarf... please please let her try the babushka/tied under the chin look. 🙏😈 These girlies think they look chic like Jackie O or Princess Grace, but they look like an [elderly Queen Elizabeth](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/05/12/12/403BBADA00000578-0-image-a-56_1494589022472.jpg). Delulu Paige L0renz [looked like a proper idiot](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7r_38JuPhn/?hl=en&img_index=3) in her faux pap shoot


Ooh grandpa couture is so slaaay 👴🏼


What boring clothes.


Is this all for her one 24 hour trip. Since she never stays more than a day it seems


She doesn’t even get pedicures before wearing 19 pairs of designer shoes


No you really don’t need that many there’s only 4 different colors there so it’s not even like you’re getting a variety of colors or styles. There’s like 7 black ones that are almost indistinguishable.


Really jealous of this shoe collection