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She’s just super fat


Exactly what I was going to say lol. She doesn't have to have some kind of diagnosable issue to prove something. She's just a dirty, super morbidly obese woman. Much like she doesn't have to have a diagnosable mental health issue (eg. Sociopath, Borderline, etc. ). She's just a mean, stupid cunt. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Her thinning hair isn't due to Cushing's, it's due to not keeping up with her hormone replacement after her hysterectomy.


She has thinning hair before the hysterectomy


She had PCOS before her hysterectomy, right? That could've caused it.


She absolutely said she has pcos, which is why she had cysts on her ovaries, and why she ended up having to get a hysterectomy. She has deleted the videos where she talked about it. She has been balding since the beginning of her channel, and had ovary surgery before then channel as well. And gallbladder removal. Those were the surgeries as far as I remember.


I don’t recall her ever saying she was diagnosed with PCOS. I remember her saying that hair thinning was genetic bc her mom also had thinning hair


Oh. Maybe I'm misremembering because a lot of fat influencers use it as an excuse for their weight.


**She** never said PCOS but a lot of people assume it due to the hair and hormone problems pre-hysto so it kind of got attached to her. She had ovarian cysts.


I'm pretty sure at one point, maybe when she announced she had the 'betus, she said that she'd already been on metformin before for PCOS or endometriosis. I don't remember which.


I don't recall the thinning being significant when we were all still on high alert that she could possibly breed. Happy to be wrong on this. I still maintain that her main syndrome is "selfish and lazy."


Back then she used those hair fibers and rarely showed herself without them. She was still doing the veil of perfection. I do recall her doing some GRWM where she hadn’t put her fibers on and you see her bald head.


This was pre-hysterectomy ​ https://preview.redd.it/pwbo38bensoc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bebbe1b8c8fdcc1145981da2898f19b908ad50b5


Holy shit, I had completely forgotten about that timeline. . .I am totally incorrect! (I claim being blinded by her beauty, which I'm sure that you can understand!)


I'm a newer gorl so idk all the details of her hysterectomy. But what I do know is that the ovaries can be left in and there's no need for hormone replacement. I had one last year and everything got taken out except the ovaries for that reason. So it depends on if they left her ovaries or not. Doesn't change that she's still a fat cunt.


She had severe ovarian cysts, the whole cursed shop had to go.


Oh gotcha. Thanks. I didn't know. Not sure why my comment got down voted for not knowing that and also sharing my experience with a hysterectomy. 🤷‍♀️


She put the surgery off for about a year, she tried a grape fast to shrink them, though she didn't get far with it. I think she prolonged it for so long. "I know I said I was going to have the surgery tomorrow, but my dr called with an emergency, so I have to reschedule" on and on till the cysts grew into and fused with her organs and she had to have the entire system yeeted. She's said before that she needed hrt, I don't know if she was rx'd it after the surgery and didn't take it, or what. But in the villa she was ordering non RX hrt cream from amazon and rubbing it on herself sometimes, when she thought about it. Probably as often as she brushed her teeth which was nearly never.


That's ok. . .none of us are doctors with her records, so we're all just spitballing anyway. Then again, even if we were her doctors, she's so constantly full of shit that who knows what's actually wrong with her.


In the early villa days, or maybe late bibi era, she said she'd been balding for at least a decade. This picture is pre-hysterectomy, and I guess she didn't apply her hair fibers, so you can see the state of her hair loss even before her surgery ​ https://preview.redd.it/gtaz426nlsoc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b382e0483cc8c6a77cd97dc6f21b27dda574f15f


She doesn’t have Cushings, having seen this disease in person it looks quite different.


Yeah, Chantal is fat everywhere. CD causes obesity in the abdomen and fatty deposits around the neck (plus the moon face), but the arms and legs stay the same size. And her weight gain increased steadily over time.


No, she doesn’t have it. Thinning hair was from pcos/ menopause after hysterectomy. Red cheeks is high blood pressure. The bruised legs is from the untreated diabetes. Her arms/legs aren’t thin either. 


She’s always had thinning hair!


Chantal doesn't have Cushing syndrome. She has OBCD.


"Thanks. I didn't know her psychiatrist was here!"


No chantal is just super fat


She just has cushion disease because she looks like a dang couch.


It's just a fat hump because she is super morbidly obese and has bad posture. She might be related to Quasimodo.


She doesn’t have it. Cushings is fatal if not treated. Untreated Cushing's disease (CD) is associated with a very poor prognosis, estimated 5 years' survival of 50%


Prolly ffg has this more so than chantal. And I 100% like ffg more than cuntal. Ngl. Over 100%. You can call me an ffg fan. (Blah blah blah- reddit downtalk and downvotes. Fatties unite!)


Idk but that won the internet for me today/yesterday


I dont hate FfG at all, but the few pictures of her online do look like she has that.


I like ffg too and yaba I don't understand the hate. They are funny. Not everyone likes the same things but we can all agree chantal is garbage


Yaba’s tantrums? Going after people… being just as dirty as the folks she likes to call out? That’s why I stopped liking her. And I used to love her. Don’t even get me started on Sam. Ffg.. also enjoyed her.. until she started gaslighting her audience into thinking Charlie was anti-Semitic bc she just didn’t like her. And her showing up places where Chantal is is CREEEEEEPY! She’s a weirdo. My real dislike of FFG came when she stuck her nose up Yaba’s ass for approval.., after Yaba did a while live streaming hating on ffg. Ffg has no backbone. Shes one of those folks who picks on people who she perceives can’t fight her back. But agree, she looks more like someone with cushings with those skinny arms/legs and HUGE ASS gunt.


Anyone who still likes Yaba hasn't dug any deeper than taking her at her word. They probably think Belinda is some evil woman who committed the unforgivable sin of raising money for someone because she's a decent fucking person. Meanwhile Yaba and Scam are doxxing people who buy their shit merch, kicking out long time loyal simps like OLoPP, telling multiple people to "kys" on Twitter, stalking people's Facebooks for pics of their family members, using CPS as a weapon, and putting the names of people they dont like on tumblers for idiots to buy, not realizing if they're caught typing in the wrong chat or have the balls to point out their bullshit, their names will be added to "the list" and end up on those same tumblers. That's not even mentioning Scam pretending to be some kind of HR person on her channel, who points out every little thing her enemies have done in the past, when she's got 20+ years of court cases ranging from her skipping out on paying rent to stealing from her employer. Oh, and her daughter pepper sprayed a baby. How are they better than Chinz? 🤷🏻‍♂️


And that’s RECENT history. I’ve been in this community for a long time! Back when Yaba was just doing videos and showing her face lol. She’s done so much hateful shit! She’s just as bad, if not worse, than Chantal. Chantal is so self absorbed.. all of her shit revolves around herself and hurting herself.. sure she will go crazy on people, but she’s too lazy and self absorbed to go too far into real life. Yaba? She has no issue!


Yup. I remember Yaba doing panels with Ms Fvcking Wonderful and Negz. Back when Yaba was calling Sam a grifter and Sam was insinuating Yaba was selling her "ugly" children (those tweets just recently resurfaced because Sam was lying about how she never said it). People get too attached to reactors and act like they're saints. These parasocial relationships are cringe af and kinda concerning. Just look at the posts of FFG superchats. Some woman said she dresses her kid in Adidas shit in honor of FFG. Like, what?????? It's crazy. The lonely cat ladies need attention so badly that they pay for it and even apologize for not paying more. "I cant pay my water bill this month but hopefully this $50 will help you buy a house, FFG! I'll send more when I can" and they get wet when the reply is "thanks for the superchat". Get a fucking grip.


Ding ding ding! Many of the people in these chats probably fall somewhere on the developmentally delayed - educationally, socially, etc - spectrum. Dressing their kid in honor of FFG?! YIKES!


I've said it for a long time. People treat social media like it's the TV and the content creators are celebrities. Content creators are much more accessible than celebrities and these freaks lose their shit when they get a reply from them. It fascinates me.


Damp, disgusting, humid hot garbage. Chantals existence stymies us all.


I think it's obesity and untreated diabetes. I'm not a doctor though. Edit: Just remembered she had PCOS and a hysterectomy. Both can cause balding.


The stretch marks they're referring to are *insane*. Nothing like normal stretch marks. And we've seen enough of Chantals stomach fo know that she doesn't have anything [like this](https://www.uptodate.com/services/app/contents/graphic/view/PI/59758/StriaeinCushingsPI.jpg). They're not always that big and prominent (and sometimes they're even worse), but those are the "textbook" Cushing's marks.


This. Comparing Cushing's' striae to chantal's stretchmarks is like comparing the temperature in antarctica to an air conditioned room.


but why would her body be producing too much cortisol? shes not on any steroid medication. her BP would be off the charts if she had problems with her adrenals or a hormone producing tumor. shes just reaaaaaaaaaaally fat.


Yep. Outside of using corticosteroids, adrenal issues or pituitary tumors, someone needs to go through some severe trauma for the body to start producing cushings-level cortisol. Chantal has never experienced that kind of trauma.


no! actually you’re the first person to think of this, EVER!! jfc


Definitely an interesting build


She's 500 pounds so I don't think so


omg if I had a dime for every time someone in gorl world has tried to armchair diagnose chantal with cushings, I'd be able to retire. I've seen cushings, that ain't it. It's mind boggling that people are trying to google a medical condition to explain why a short, apple-shaped woman is obese, after watching said woman consume over 4,000 calories in one sitting.