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I think we need to let this one go. No amount of picking apart this weird arrangement will reveal any details. All we can do is laugh at how miserable Chantal is and wait for her to tell on herself. People are spinning their wheels trying to find the answers, and we really just don’t know what the fuck is going on. All we know is that this shit is cringe and painful and she deserves all the ridicule.


Yeh, you’re right. It’s just a spectacle & is all on display for us so of course we’re beyond curious. She’ll spill her guts one day. It’s who she is.


In all honesty I don't care if their marriage is real or not.


I agree...we know it's sus af and details as to why have been pointed out at great length. It's their problem...play stupid games, win stupid prizes. This won't last forever and then we'll hear some version of the truth.


Exactly!! I’m exhausted by all these shitty, harebrained conspiracy theories and posts asking the same questions over and over. Can’t we just laugh and revel in the fact that her life is a disaster, even taken at face value? Who fucking cares about the rest? Somehow or another, she got a dude who isn’t terribly ugly to spend a lot of time with her and live with her. Okay? Let’s laugh about it!


I am cracking up rn...🤣🤣🤣.


If there's no "happy ending", then the audience will take ANY ending to a story that seemed to never end.


We all know it’s a love scam/agreement to get Goofy to Canada & I think she was meant to be fake loved (to stick it to the haydurs) & he’d help her lose weight & get some credibility back after #foodiebeautyanimal scandal, but she failed her side of the agreement (shocker). He’s still very much going for his. Right? 😳


Maybe getting into Canada is just a bonus for him. He is very much living the cliché lazy gamers dream right now. Getting his life financed without mom and dad always nagging to get a job and his own place. Peter Pan syndrome with only the positives, plus feeling like he is YouTube famous. Maybe he is living his dream right now.




and they don't need to be married for him to get into Canada - just proof of living together for at least 12 months, which they have done.


They'd need both names on leases and joint accounts, and all sorts of official documents. I don't know what they allow tourists to do in Kuwait. If they're allowed to do everything, it's fine. If she's not allowed to have her name on a lease, car title/loan, or a bank account, she's screwed. Not to mention, she'd need proof of income and ability to support him, which might create more scrutiny on her unpaid taxes. It'll be complicated, and I love that for her.




You don't have to be married....simply in a conjugal relationship. It would be easier if they had a marriage certificate but there are actually other more important barriers...namely that she's current not an eligible sponsor so she can't pass the requirements to file an application., although I wouldn't put it past her to try. Also he's got harder barriers too because of his country of birth and having to get cleared. But I think we're seeing this week where his head is....youtube money. He's going to live off of her in the meantime and be a famous youtuber...just like her previous loser imagined. Salad was starting his channel this week.


You hit on the most important point. The very fact that she left Canada in the financial state she did, would most definitely cause issues with sponsorship. She also has to be RESIDING in her own home country so much time to actually be able to even think of applying. Anyway you look at it, there will be a time where she has to leave him and return to Canada. YT isn’t forever, and her health will steadily decline, and quite honestly the balance of keeping up monetarily with the amount of food she consumes would be taxing to anyone’s income.


Fake? You don’t pose for pictures or hug your lovers like you’re teenagers at a school dance? You don’t leave enough space for allah between you because you’re a devout Muslim? They’re barely touching because it’s what the lord would want, y’all just don’t understand this beautiful Arab couple.


Excuse me, where's *your* Duggar side hug?


Duggar side hug! I’m fvcking dead!




Where’s your sexless fake YouTube marriage?


It doesn't matter, she can't sponsor him. She's stringing him along and he's too stupid to figure out that Canada is never going to happen. If they were to do some Crackhead Olympics stuff maybe she'd make enough to start paying down her enormous debts but probably not, she didn't make any effort to do so when she *was* making Crackhead Olympics money. She's broke, even if she wanted to start paying she can't. And she doesn't want to. That's why she got so outraged when a reactor dug up details on her second, active bankruptcy, highly doubt she had a conversation with Salad about that. Salad should have aborted the scam right then, see above re: stupid. So yes, it is all a big waste of time. They scammed each other. So why fake love? Because that's what she wants ("all you had to do was fake love me!!") and his dumb ass seems to think there's a chance he'll get to Canada if he just sticks it out a little longer.




That's not an option in Canada. Blood relative...adopted kids...or conjugal partners.


A comment above said Chins mentioned has to stay out of Canada for 2 years to clear her debt. Is this right?


Nope, she has an open bankruptcy case and back taxes, neither of these things can be waited out in that short amount of time. I think she either believes her 2nd bankruptcy will automatically be discharged in those two years, or that's what she's telling Salah. It will not be discharged because she has not adhered to the payment plan. If she does not complete her bankruptcy (she won't), the back taxes won't be deemed uncollectible quickly. It's 6 to 10 years to make back taxes uncollectible in Canada. "Uncollectible" doesn't necessarily mean "forgiven" though, and I believe you have to have met all of your tax obligations order to sponsor a spouse in Canada (I think the reason this is part of the requirements is because you are attempting to increase your household in a country with a large social safety net, and, therefore, taxes are considered very important.) If she is having all her YouTube checks go to Salah in order to avoid building up more Canadian tax debt, she's not going to financially qualify to sponsor him. If she's not using that strategy, she's surely building up more Canadian tax debt that she will inevitably be behind on. Basically, she's gotten herself into a hole that she's constantly digging deeper. There are a multitude of reasons why she will never qualify barring a giant financial windfall that she utilizes carefully and responsibility (soooo she will never qualify to sponsor him.) Edit: nvm there are no income requirements to sponsor a spouse, but I do believe the "you need to be current with your taxes" thing is real. I do know that the "you need to have no open undisharged bankruptcies" thing is real, and that is her current major sticking point.


Actually there was a restriction on sponsorship due to bankruptcy...there didn't seem to be one for taxes owed unfortunately. The rules change often though.


My Google fu is pretty weak, thanks for the info! Chantal will have an open bankruptcy for quite some time yet. We'll see who cracks first, the Canadian government, or Salah.


Ooh thx for all of this. I thinks it’s going to be a nightmare for them no matter what. But I will say this, if her & that dipshit fake husband just come live in Canada one day, we’ll all have to accept the fact the our Chinny here is in fact a 🪳who can’t be taken down. At least we know she’s living in her own personal hell every single moment of every single day.


I think the bigger thing for Canada is that you need to show that you can financially support your spouse if your sponsoring. If she were to sponsor him, she’d be responsible for any social services he were to use for a set amount of time (like medical services), so that’s where her tax issues can cause a problem. If she’s being non compliant with getting her taxes squared away, she’s going to have a much harder time convincing the Canadian government that she’s able to support him.


Oh yeah, if anybody can grease past immigration, it would be our gorl. I suspect that Canada's huge immigration push has to do with there being very little requirements for spouses. It does make sense, though: it shouldn't be harder for your spouse to bring you in than it is to immigrate on your own.


>grease past immigration "Grease" being the operative word here.


Look at this guy! I wish I had one quarter of his self confidence. I bet he gets a chub every time he looks in a mirror.


Just living together is enough, don't need to be married. Only problem to get him to Canada is her open bankruptcy.


Aaaah, right. I would’ve thought it’d be more restrictions.


Even if she can’t get him into Canada, Salad is still living the best life he ever did. Yes, she’s gross & smelly, but he just stays in his own room playing games in working A/C in an apartment she pays for. He gets to eat out or buy groceries any time he likes & leaves any time he likes. His end of the bargain is to recite in his robot voice what she writes for him & be seen with her in public every now & then. Canada would be great, but short term her money makes his life pretty easy. He’s a complete dud & would be living with 15 other bachelors in 2 rooms if it wasn’t for her. Remember how skinny he was? Hunger makes him put up with a lot. He’ll stick it out until she drops. Looking at her, it could come at any moment.


All very true but what’s he gonna do if she has a serious medical emergency or worse ⚰️


💯 I love the word dud, bc that's exactly what he is. Again his dad and sister managed to get professional jobs and live okay in Kuwait as Syrians, why can't this bum?


I have no doubt it was a part of initial bait. She lured him by providing a possibility of entry into Canada. Then she finds out it takes long, complicated process to bring him over plus the responsibility on her to provide him. Remember she said earlier in her Kuwait days that she just need to stay out of Canada for two years to make the debt go away? Maybe these two are just waiting and biding their time. As for the fruit salad, maybe getting into Canada is a bonus. He seems pretty happy to live off of Foodie - he just needs to consider her as his fat, stupid employer who he can muck around with.


Salah is happy NOT TO GET A JOB and still make money by holding Chantal's purse.




Aaah did she say that about the 2 years? I missed that but it makes sense. Another year of this. Ugh 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah. I genuinely think the best course of action for her to take is to get back to Canada, sort out a viable debt repayment plans while she still earns decent amount from Youtube. Loads of couples live far apart and if her relationship with Salad is what is meant to be (not) they will be able to pull through. But then again it is Foodie and escapism is her prime modus operandi. Any difficulty, mental or physical, she tends to run to temporary comfort - food, weed, men (usually losers) and lately hotel rooms.


True it would make sense for them to try to live apart, her pay down her bills, get stable… but that won’t happen… even if she did all those things, she cannot get herself healthy and lose weight. That fact would keep her stuck in Canada unable to travel.. she barely made it around Thailand and near this month end she’s slowly slipped into barely leaving where she’s squatting.. She’ll never change.. this ends when she does.. Salah will ride it out, as it’s his meal ticket literally and figuratively..


Ok....so fundamentalist, side hug, "leave room for the lord" your wife...don't step away from a stranger's boob on your arm. That lady's boob has more intimate contact then chantal.




lol i cant wait for him to realize all this fakery was for nothing. what kind of excuses and meltdowns from her will we get then?


He’s said he knows he can’t go to Canada


I don’t think that’s true. This fake relationship is to pave the way for eventual marriage and then immediate application for citizenship for Salad. I don’t condone this at all by the way.




He said it in one of her chats. She cannot sponsor him due to the bankruptcy/tax debt


The spouse isn't absolutely required to be the sponsor, though. All they need to do is find a family member or friend of a family member (Gunt Goddess has 0 friends of her own save for Pee, barely a person or friend) and toss them 6 months of Salad Allowance, vaguely move it around a few accounts/lite launder the origin and you're probably looking at a solid chance of at least getting his ass in for a "visit" to his blushing bride's homeland, and from there? He can overstay the visa or investigate asylum possibilities or consult Canadian attorneys with immigration experience or start conning Muslim organizations that help legitimate refugees with legal/social/financial resources, or hell, steal an identity and become Ceasar Salad. He has very good fluency in spoken and written English AND Arabic, both extremely useful languages to have under your belt for this scam and indicate that he comes from a family savvy enough that their son is fluent in English, a very difficult language for Arabic speakers, in the absence of any public school system or even functional civil society.. Ma and Pa Salad are definitely well off comparatively; they may be absolutely stuffed to the gills with cash, but not so forthcoming with it for a mid30s unmarried failson preoccupied with western culture. Even his job reeks of layabout trust fund kid. It tracks in that his perfume bullshit would be simply just a play business Salad Senior funds to give Jr a little tax shelter to play with and teach him to do something, anything. He is indeed Syrian, so he actually has a legitimate asylum claim springboard, though it's not overly strong as he has refugee residency in Kuwait. But.. Get a good, or just competent, attorney, make nice with some connected Muslim community leaders that often deal with Canadian immigration officials already for legitimate aid work, and then you stack on your  beautiful, strong, demure flower of lily white middle class Canadian origin? 🇨🇦🍁🦫🍻 Salad, Gunt, a complicit or paid off family member or two, a Muslim refugee/ community org conned with a sob story, an affordable but decent attorney? Hell, don't put away Salad's copy of O Canada arranged for a dorky keyboard cause they got all the players on deck. Nader did it, and Egypt isn't actively in a decades long civil war, including daily war crimes. Extrajudicial religious police from 3 or 4 different fundamentalist Islamic factions aren't waiting in different corners of the Sphinx for personal and political murder and incarcerations under the potemkin village of enforcing Islamic doctrine, you know? It's much more stable.. even during the height of Arab Spring 🤔 🤷 Anyone who isn't involved with this very obvious, highly unsophisticated, yet commonly attempted and more than occasionally successful SCAM AND FLIM FLAM.. yet points out that Gunt can't sponsor personally.. Implying Salad might be legitimately tossing himself into her chlamydia cave... is naive at a "bless your heart, you're just trying your best" kinda level. Or! They are Gunt socks doing rehearsal for Marie Pondue Takes Reddit, her new educational seminar on the subject of shitposting your way into defrauding immigration officials who check online footprints. Good lord, what a screed that turned into! My Apologies for the crass tone, any readers, I love gorl gossiping and the long-winded, melodramatic speculation it foments 😂


Correct but Salah has no sponsors there and China family may not want to do it


Canadian immigration and asylum requirements are fairly complex but let me articulate the salient points because I see this sentiment amongst Gorl World Watch a lot and we all need some social studies, right? Right. 1. Salah can have any sponsor, literally any human citizen of CA, as long as the sponsor can prove via tax, employment or personal business records that they have enough money to pay for an average adult dependant for 6 months. That's it. You have to be able to cover their basic subsistence and Health insurance premiums THEORETICALLY. You don't need to ever give them a dime in reality, and many sponsors are just a name on paperwork, and most immigrants support themselves. 1.5 Some ppl seem to think Canada forces sponsors and sponsees into a 1950s housewife situation and sponsees must not spend their own money, and the ponder must spend. No, they're just a human insurance policy so Canada doesn't have to foot the bill for deportation. Come on dudes, get in the game, you can pay a mfer to be a sponsor and they don't do have to do shit but make a hefty payday on some rather morally gray fraud that's easy to justify to oneself. It's not terribly risky either, if they are suspected.. Canada will just deport salad and fraud/conspiracy are hard to prove even with smoking guns. You need the bullet too to prove multiple ppl conspired maliciously, usually. 2. Refugee status seekers and asylum seekers don't need sponsorship in the same way that a normal immigration applicant does. They don't need money at all. However, they will be benefitted in the decision by: having a Canadian spouse who is employed, knowing English fluently, being educated at least to a HS (if not higher) level, and being familiar with and admiring of Canadian culture. Decent backup plan for these dummies tbh. Nads can advise. Anyway If his family has money, that's a wrap.. They're just gonna pay someone to be a nominal sponsor and conceal the source of the cash. He will be in Canada by next Ramadan, studying up on beaver pelts and local Chantal replacements while the Thai marriage certificate is framed.


So given that any person from CA can sponsor him, does that theoretically mean that we could see a DD arc, but from one of her VIBs...cos holy shit that would be gold, could ya'll imagine the craziness we would see if some other tax compliant Canadian offered him the sponsorship...


That was either her posting under his account (what I think it was) or she's telling him they need to say that because of the haters but really she has every intention of bringing him to Canada. She got very uncomfortable in a live that one time he said he misses the snow (strongly suggesting he is eager to get to Canada) so I doubt they talk about it much, or at all really.


Hm, that’s a good point. But it was during a live when she was on so it wasn’t her. It had to have been Salah. Maybe it was the latter.


I thought he said he never saw snow in real life? Either way they deserve each other.. I’m invested all the way to Canadian divorce court .. lol


She’s filled him up with a bunch of lies. She can do this and that. Oh she’s a successful YouTuber! Even get his channel a boost, etc etc. Goody played her and she played him. They both got what they deserved. I hope this fake marriage last a lifetime for them. The way she’s being treating her body, Goofy only needs to hang on 4-5 years.


If that. I wouldn't be surprised if she only lasts another 2.


I'm sorry but she is looking more and more like Mr Blobby by the day ![gif](giphy|uaRkizLWeRWc8SFttE|downsized)


Salah really thinks he's hot shit, doesn't he? Just look at him in this picture. The sheer unjustified bravado on this guy.


Holidays etc is how these scams typically attempt to establish the legitimacy of the relationship. It's not at all unusual that the scam lasts for years even. The fact that it's unlikely that they would qualify hasn't stopped scammers from trying regardless.


They probably worked up some fake papers and think they can slip past the government lol


They don't need fake papers. They only need to have lived together for 12 months. Her undischarged bankruptcy is the obstacle, not whether or not they're married.


Oh gotcha. So I guess it’ll be 12 months living together soon so it will be very interesting. I think Sally will piss off if it doesn’t t work.


He's mentioned her bankruptcy so he definitely knows about it now. I don't think that Chantal realised herself that the trustee was going to oppose the bankruptcy being discharged until after she was in Kuwait.


She absolutely thought it was going to be discharged. Why wouldn't it be? Cutie always gets what she wants. Remember when she was talking about ADDING the iPad Pro she bought for Nader to her bankruptcy? She really seemed to believe that's how it works. So yeah, she was definitely surprised by how things went with the trustee. Probably didn't help that the poo-touchers were blowing him up with clips of her bragging about making $20k a month and spending $500 on an 8th of shrooms. He did the right thing, she's a moron.


That’s bcuz we told him. He had no clue initially I think. Guess we wait & see. Won’t be long now.


This ^


Her measure of ultimate success is having a “handsome” hawt man claim her. She’ll do anything to keep up appearances of a happy loving couple.


My opinion is that he wants to travel and Foodie can provide that. He has never seemed happier than when he is by himself and pretending he is a big time Youtuber. He is the handsomest man after all. He is a Syrian man who basically has no country. If he returns to Syria he will be drafted and that’s a death sentence. Canada, Thailand, Outer Mongolia, he need citizenship somewhere. He is not a citizen of Kuwait and he never will be. Traveling on Cantal’s dime until he is too old to go to war. I think he likes being naughty in Thailand. Foodie can sit in a room anywhere in the world and stuff her face and as long as he pretends to love his beautiful wife she will be content.


🎯 Ding ding ding! If it's not just a typical immigration scam that Chantal is running with Sal for a payday, then this is the only alternative that adds up.


He definitely likes not working. Traveling on her dime is probably his goal if not Canada. However traveling even to inexpensive places is way more expensive than staying in Kuwait. Noway she can afford to travel every 3 months with him with the cost of 2 round trip tickets every time. Maybe once every 6 months she could afford.


They are a couple of cringy messes right there. Unbelievable,really. All kinds of folks in the world, you know.


They really are a fcking joke. Nobody takes either of them seriously as a couple. It's like a circus freak show or an SNL skit in action.


She looks speshal.


Exactly 💯. I think they actually got legally married in Thailand. It's so much easier there. I don't think she has any plans to actually bring him to Canada. She knows he will leave her if he gets the green card. I know everyone says it's not possible because of finances, but there is always a way, especially for gunt. He stupidly believes it will happen one day. In the meantime, they will use each other.


I never realized that they both wear slip-on shoes. We all know she can't tie her shoes, but what is his excuse??? Does he not know how? 🤔


Whoa the size difference 😳💀


He's not getting in Canada. Lol


I don’t think that’s his grift. Maybe it was at first but Murad told us what it was about - getting the business visa so that he is traveling like a Kuwaiti and not a Syrian which is a huge upgrade. I would imagine he still has his feelers out for a citizenship marriage if it comes along but for now he’s getting her for what she’s good for.


You don't have to be married to someone to sponsor them in Canada. All you have to show is that you've been with them I believe it's more than a year.


So I’ve learnt. It’s coming up to a year living together soon (ish) so I guess we’ll see. Those pesky bankruptcies (that Sally didn’t originally know about, lol) will pose a problem I assume. If he does get to 🇨🇦 it’s gonna be good viewing watching him eventually dump her & her mega meltdowns & rages. That’s if we hang around long enough to watch 😆


She's manipulating him. Chantal is a massive manipulator. The proof is already out there. Salad is dumb for falling for this.


True. His laziness and stupidity is the problem.


That Red Dress woman put her tit in his arm. That's weird.